Park Sched-ale y - ercantsvs rookied day - Maple- Grove vs Orono av- Orono Band Concert. 'ay -Mchtsvs ,Crooked esdy- Kirhy -vs Juniors. emi-Finials of the Town Softball League biy onie of the hest softhall ever played iin thse park this as witniessed oni Wedneslday wvien the Junîiors and Kirby thce first- of the semi-ifial vns. It -was triyon-e's gamne -ar-t t6 ise finish, aiid thus heid deai of Suspense for thesup- of each team. The final beîng fiaished, it was found 1 Juniors lield a one rua lend e Kinby boys. This gives thie unosa on-e gamne lead ix 1tise hest of- three series. TIe Mrhat wo-re ix' the sem'i-~finals with Ctrýoked( Creek willi pla teir i.rt gamîe intise park on Intermnediate Softhall Team Thse OronioLintermediate softhall team are stil! plaiying exhibition ganes in preparation for their bye into the, Onltarlo ecl-timpjonship play- offs.' On, Tuesday eývening in an ex- h'ibition grme they tine the Un- ioni team) fromn Bowmnanville, whiclh is leadîing isîow eng.Iue inameswon, hy a score of 18 to 6. Watch for the anucmn of this team's stnrt ix the Ontarlo playdowvns. Orono iGirls Fade Out Witb Newton- ville Providing the Shadow 1Thse Orono girls lost the deciding gamie in the semi-(finas of the girls plnysowns on Friday night when Newtonville came through with a motdecisive i over our local 'uine Tp until this time each of theseJ tennis had -won twc, and lost tWO, J 1which mado FrMiday's gamne the de- ciding factor in who -would proceed into the final. A -Vt no twe -)n Friday nîglit wals itaet that r-onio might win for this teani eouldl not gain the lead frýom the Newtonville girls. This ends the Orono girls play- ing in the league. for the 1950 series. CARDS 0F THANKS I wish to express ,m-y sincere thanks- to my nuany fiends, neigzh hors and relatives for alil the many kindnesses -nhown nme digmyîlil- ness while at home and in thse hos- pltal. Thaniks fk:r cards, gifts, flowv- ers anid help on t'ise farm. A very special thaniks to thse Best boys andi Dr. McKenzie.-Harold Dean. I would lîk e tq take this opportun- îty of tankingl my mnany kind frienids and neig-hbours, also ileather Re- bekah Lodge No.ü 334, the W. A. of Leskard and thse W. I. of Or-ono for! their man)y càirds and fiowers; also my doctors arid nurses for their kind attention to me during my recent stay in Oshaýwa General Hospital.- Mrs. Leroy Hamilton. jiole drives OFFICE GLOSED Dr. McKenzie 'wilI be, away fromn his- office on holidays commencing -tay, Aug-ust 5th. NOTICE The office 7of'U R.Waddeli K.C. ini Orono will be ose om July 30 to August 15, lusive b-28-c. DECORATION SERVICE Decoration ser-ule ll be held at McRee's Cemeei on'u y, Aug- uàt 6th. Servi jithJfchurch at 3.00 p.m. LOST A whitp-faced Hereford bull, stray- ed from Lot 7, on. 8. Enr- tag nuni- ber, 361814T5. Anyone knowig of the whercahouts of this aniiimal con- tact W. Cathcnrt, Phone Orono,- 6 r 2. C.-28-P. NOTICE We are no in i a position to Vacuum yrour Furnace or Spece ileaters. IIARRY E. LYCETT Orono, Ontario 28 OOLUMN8 WANTED TO BUY Dead or crippIed stock, renoved free of charge. One h-our ser-vice. Highast picsfoýr old hr ,Mr gilî Fur Farmil. CîColleetBow- manville 2679. WREATHS FOR SALE I arn now in a positi*on, to supply artificial wreaths at differenit prices. Tliey rnay be seýen at tthe horne of H. 1 rosecott's, or 0. W. Kniapp's, phome 62 r 1, Orono. ,Ap 29-P DECORATORS Painting and Decorating INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Guaranteed Satisfactioný Phono For Free Estimates Absolutely No Obligation HIORACE YORK Phono Orono 'ê7 r 7 FOR SALE rye. C. Payne, Phone Clnrke home the facts! Chevrolet is FIRST... * and Finest. at Lowest Cost!. F4CT No. 1 ,ý,îRT .. anti Fnst ... for THRiLLS AND TH7RIFT Ye.Chevroler brings you tLe combina- t-on of thrili ls ad trsf t .wirh its highîy- îmioroed Wrd's Chamipion Valv--e-in-Head en -n ' ou get mre rruil-fiashing action at ~~h get-way ad ar iway speed. You g-tmetrift1-dthaksto a nircarburetor and Largeýr exast ave.And tradjiional Chevrfoier eedaiiy FRCT No, 2 F~RST , - . anti F~nest AIL-ROUND SAFETY AT LOWEST COST Corne in... get ail the farts about Chevrolet. Canada's best seller . .. Caniada's best buy ..and you'll want to own a new Chevrolet! You'll experience its extra-value in every phase of Chevrolet road-actio n. in its fleet and frugal Valve- in-Head performance... in its finer driving and rid- ing ease... in the enviable -view afforded by its curved windshield with Panoramic Visibiity.. and in its greater ail-round safety-protection. You'll know i1t's the best buy the minute you take the key and start the, smooth-running Valve-in-HeIad Engine; and, incidentally, one key fits everything, from thïe ignition Iock to the big, capacious luggage coin- partment. If you wish you can lock glove and luggage compartments and remove the key without locking the ignition. Corne in - today! LetChevrolet drive home these facts to your own complete satisfaction! And you'll be quick to agree that Chevrolet is. first and finest at lowest Cost! .for Chevroet isthe ony lowprîced car ffin Uthi Ie-d sJyprec n:()Cv Corn ~n.. xamne te Lade...Convince yourself Cheïroler FIRST. FACT- No. 3 FIRST... and Finest . . . for STYLING AND COMFORT, ~AT LOW EST COST Chevrolet's 'exclusive Style-Star Bodies by Fisher, wîth tasteful two-tone interiors, bring you extra-wide form-fitting seaits - extra- generous head, leg and elbow rooni - extra value in eve'ry detail of styling and corafort in this ion gest and heaviest of ail low-priced cars! FACT N..4 FIRST... and Finest. . for 'DRIVING AND RIDING EASE AT LOWEST COST 0f al l ow-priced cars only Chevrolet'offers you the superlative riding smoothness, rond. steadiness and driving ense of Centre-Point Design. Centre-Point Steering, Centre-Point Seating, Low Centre, of Gramity and Centre- Point kear Suspension ail add up to n ride you'll cail a drenm! and Finet... at Lowest Cost! C-850B Outarlo MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIA'N and SURGEON Office Houri 2100 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.u. Sunday-s and Wednesdays by appoinituient only PHONE 47r1 - E)RONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN ai-d SURGEON Address: South Main St. Office Houri: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.:; 6.30 to 8.00 P.nL. Sundays andi Holiday. by .Appointment PHONE,74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence -C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD. BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phonea: Office 825 Renideno. 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and. Valuator Conducta Auction Sales el al uBîz 1 ad at reasonable rates. Communicate with hlm at P.u Perry, Ontario, or se. hl@ Cierb. A., E. Morton, ut Orono, for data, JACK REID Orono's Liceinse4 Auctioneer and -VaIï-tor Specialize in Farm and Furniture, Sales Consuit me for termi and dates LIFE IN5URANCE Pension Plans; Educationai Policesin; Protection and Savings Plans fot Children and Adults; Mortgage In-- surance Plans. F.A. LYCETT ORONO, Ont,. Phone 20 r I& The RUTTER GRANITE COhPANT Phone 501 P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gr avemtarkers, STAFFORD BROS MWonumental Works Phono Whitb'y 552 i 318 Dundas'St., E., Whitby FINE QUALITY 1 MONUMENTS AN1? MARKERS Let us ereet a handsorne, dig- nified monument ovor the rest- ing place of your loved onos. It's not expensive. And seeing this last tribute will give you enidless comifort ORON0 Furniture Hospital, Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought and Sold See our lino of Drapery Material Kitchen Unit. made to order C- F. Duncan Phono 79-16 - ORONO We will ho pieased to pick up dead or crippied farm animais a nd lpay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service telephono collect Brookin 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Adelaide 3636. GORDQN YOUNG Ld v. y- A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ROY W. NICHOLS