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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Aug 1950, p. 2

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4984 SIZES 12-20 So smnart! So simp-le!t -his new slîirtwaister lias an upsfanding little Chinese collar, oufstanding pockets, winged cuifs. You need an import- ant fashion like f bis-for important events. Sew if now! i Pattern 4984 sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 takes 4 Vyads. 35-isi. This Pattern, easy f0 use, simple tc, sew, is fested for fit. Hlas com- ipliete illustrated instructions, Scnd TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coinîs (sfomnPs ca'snof be acepted) for flis pattern fi) Box 1, 123 Eigliteenth St., New Toronto, Onrt. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Walking On Water Toke a look at flic surface tsf a Ipond on a bot surmmcr's day and watafel fli inseets moving on ifs surface. SOme of tbemi, like tbe "lwiirligig bcctles," arcessw niming, but ofliers-flie 50 called "Pond- skaters" for example are actually walking on. avafer. If flic sun Lis hi ning bliriglîfly youj will suec on flic bottomn of tIse pond( a number of littIc shado-s. Ea,;ch of fliese corresponds fo flch oo of a "ponid-skater."' It is Sur- rounded liy a narrow briglit halo âf liglit. Can tliese isscets walk on wfr ansd how- do w-cexploin flicbaui fuI liffle shadon s arnd licirated ant halocs? Science te cils usflat flic surface layer of every* liquid belsaves as if if werc a vr thin strefcied clas- fic skin-tliaf is,ý an elastic skin under tension. Surface Skin This is the kcy f0 flic powver whicli certain insects possess of walking on o afer. A vcry thin sfrctcbcd bor izonfal sîet of ruiber can sliow flic le- liavior of tlic "surface slidn" of any liquid.« Imagine s mouse f0 be walking on' if. Tlie ruliber wil! sag uuîder flic feet of the, mouse. In a simlar way flch srfc skin" of wataer sags under fic feetcý of a "poisd-skater." In fact a f'Iiny liollow- or dinîple is moin itbe surface under ecd foot, anid ftîs sagging enahies flic wiglf offflic insect te lic suppcrtcd.' No Wet Feet The ilsecf's feet are ssiciî flat tlicy are uiot "w-tfed" by water. If fbcy avere ftc watcr would sprcad over fliern. Tlie feet w-ould go flirougli fli surface layer and jwalkissg on if avould lic impossible. "Wetfinig" of wataer catis-b ecx- plaincd when a duck, dives. Beads or globules of wafer cao lbc seen running off its back and hcad, lie-. cause fisc nature of flic feafliers prevents thessi leing "weffed." On flicoflier band a biackbird dippeil in avater would comne out aitîsifs feathers soakeil. 4Thec sagginrg offlie "surface skin" under ani sc' foot also accouints jfor flchae esof lîiifon flic bof- tom of tise pond(. The..sag cue a tinly curve in tlie surface ski0i round flic feeit and thus ecurve acfs like a lngatlier- ing flic liglit anid concenfrtafing if on icheiottom of flic pond in circles. The dn portion in flic nid- di e of fllc circle Nic heshadon o the foot. If your w;ife de.;cribeil yOu as -a man of rare giits, just wbsf w-ou!] she mean? 1 isîg; cansinig assd 1 nti, ihave donc a little rcadiing-tIhaf is over and above flic popers and Imaga- zincs tliaf couse f0 fihe îhousse-and Os ýerfiow osîfo tables, chairs ai-d clîestcrfield. I uever tan i eep our rcadiuîg matenial sus order.I1liave liccu trying f0, read Louis Brom- field's books-"Pleasant V alley" and "Malabar Fanm." Andaxhseus 1 say 'trying" tisat is nio reflection onuîtise au! lion quite flic opposite, If wos dii w ay. J1lirouglif home "liaa arus" ,fren i ikar osfcnsibiv fo rcad if -t si.but vissu f1had rend abot 'ciipages Parntuer get liold' of if. When lie ias thirougli if ivas t'mc for th book f0 go lack. Becazise if w-os nexv I ceuld not get if reneo'ed. Se I brougit liack "Pleasosit Voll- ey" instsead an-d ans balfwaa; frougli if. Bofli books are 'tooiieaty fo I unry -over, Read carefully a lot caisbclIearnf from ILouis Brons- fieid's w-iffiig, liofl as regards farniing and life in ,gessenal. His phiosopliy is pneffy good. Mr. Brom-field'ý pet subIject la soul consservation. He thsike ta sQil colis crs afion-or flic iack ,of 11t-hag a muicisgreater efetupon, fting, andsie flwsfare.of a peo'ple, tisanis i gesieraily realiscd. Lacis of soul consservafion is aircad. flireaf-, ing 'flic aorls's food supply, Mr. Bronmfieldl clainîs tîscir neyer lias heen a avorld surplus of food but ain ays a scarcity--uneven distri- litiosi is tise only factor mnakisîg ssînpiss ini tome counfries. Seau'- cify is iikcly f0 Increase uiess still more is donc f prevenit furtlier soul erusieus, wheu, L. B. contens, is miainly thei resuît of poor farmiîîg - that is, formera takiuig alliey cois ouf of flic soi ai-id puttsnig risof- ing bock. This practise dates liack te flic cariy sefflemrent days in tfli United States wavie lcfertile land w~as cleancd indiscrimniiitciy and cnoppcd so iuufenseiy fIat iii tw-o or flîrce generafiouss fli top soul 'vas w-orn ouf. Thelienfarniers movcd furfler w-est, took up more virgin lansd aind cousfinued fleic roccîs of soil erosion. FHe iikens these crIy imîmigrants f0 "a piague of, locuste niovinig across flic cnîef-h rOiain exc'eptions ieing tflic Pennsy vania Dufel w-ho seffilcd on flic iand alîdcnriclicd if by fleir good farininig. Evcstually agriculturists jreAli- sed fIat soinefhing w-ashapng f0 whîat had liecîs fliir good earfli. No loniger w-as if producîing flic houistiful crdts fo w'liidb fliy prev- iousiy lsad licen accnstomcd, An in- tensive rescacli programme w-as that t'r.cs t pa1 ~ are niot the only sinners. ci.rrîcd out anul as a resuit, to cnty-. five years ago, a mov,,,emdent vas started to systemrize farming, recla- iani the impoverished llanO and stop further sou erosion. But vsNhat has heen done is, apparcotiy stili not eriougli and Mr. Bromf'ield conteîAs tliai uniess wasteful faring met:ph- cds are changedthr ilve- ually lic a shiorfage of foodJ in theý U- S. A., He admits thait sucl i acn dition sou-nds fantastie but he i, do remninds his readers tliat a fcwv gencratlons ago such a thý,ory oýas id o fantastie to tlic peýople of lIndia and China. Yet now, liifheicpeople in thse countries live their lives out witiiouf ever having liad eniougl f0 cat. Soul erosion flot only meians p'oor financi al returns for the farnier but the lmss of minerais in the soul aiso affects the heaitli of a nation, silice if is inmpossible for any man 10 lie better flian tise food hie cats. incidcntal1y Louis Bromfi"id's the- c:y for worid distribution of food, is mucli the sainie as thlat of Cana- oa's H. H. Hannani. "1Pleasant Valley" lias oue cliap- ter dcvoied entitciy f0thfli bilding of "Tlie Big Houise" and 'vas quite amsusing. Every member of tlie fain- ily -,as given tlic priviiege of lecor- a1 ing his or lier on n rooni. Tastes evere vastly diffet cnt so flic resuif vsas unijsuai, to say the ieast. In one respect ail roonis werc, alike- ivindows so low thaf anyone couid sit in a cliair or lic in lied ai-d stili look ouftfict indeTliat would suit nie. Our wiiidoxes are higli set and I aiways wisli I could low- er them about a foot. But back te soul erosioni. In lis books Louis Bromfield is referring rnainlv f0 flic Uniitcd States, lit trucli of telat liec ays i-s coually truc of Canada. From our own cex- ltriesice on flic prairie ave know on- ly f00 aveu flic effeet of sou erosion. Xsnci of tihe prairie land should sucvcr bave iseen farnicd at ail. ViTe also have a samiple rigît înar liere. Ta'-vo years ago flic Departmnît of Highwaays made a icav piece of ioad past cour place. Tliey gof "fi" froni a nearliy hilI. Steanis siovels scoopcd up flic good earsli, trucks cairriedi i aw-ay tintil tise 'l" w-as laver tisan tise road. !Noîv that pieci. of landl is like a deserf flic anlisoil is gone, in places fliere is notiiing growing, noteen, a iveed. Yef fliaf picce of landi, i governmcnf property-and rio doulit there are oflier snch paf ches. The goverfimient spends thousands of dollarns ini cons- servation propaganda wýouldn't it lic more f0 tise point f ivn aprac,- tical demronstration onret1in ISSUE 32 - 1950 j» ~ f E 1/2 CUP Cocoa 1/2 Teaspoon Sait 1 Teaspoon Soda i Cup Miik Y4 Teaspooci Cream of Tartar 45/a TeaspoosiaVaaillst 2 Eggs,Unbeatcn bowl unfil 290 strokes (about 112 Minutes). SerapO lents over bowl and spoon off en flirouglbouf entire id vanill, psIixing. Add usibeafen eggs and beat 250 tien beýat sfrokes. Bake ianfavo 9-inch greascil layer- cake pans in moderafe oven (350' F.) 30 to 40 minutes. Frost wifb your favounite boilcil frosting. FREt: .fsne Ashley's Tesfed Recipes S -Send postcard to Home Services Departosent CC22, The Canada -s' Starch Comspaay Limited, P.O. Box 129, Moutreal. And the REIE s LASTING Nobody lcnows thse cause of rheumna- tieîn but we do know there's one thing to ease thse pain . it's INSTANTINE. And when you taIse INsTANimxx thse relief is proloniged because TNSTANTINE Contains flot one, but threc proven medical ingredients. These fhrce ingredients work together to bring yuu not only fat relief but more prolonged relief. Take INSTANTINL for fast headache relief too . . . or for the- pains of' neurifis or neuraigia andl the aches and pains thaf often accompany a coid. Get Instanttns ioday i, ' and always '~e~ keep it handy 12-o le ii,25e Upside down to prevent peeking. Quc- Stop ifch i, of bites, heat rashs, eceuna, hives, pimple, scaes, scbies, athlete s foot and othier exterlly caused stin'troubles, PRe ouCkcting, sooh ,antiseptie ,D. .OD PRESCRPTION.Greaseless, stainless, itele stops or your 0100ey back. Your druggist stocks D. MDO. PRESCRIPTION. ISSUE 32 - 1950

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