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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Aug 1950, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY 'TIMES TIIURSDAY, AUGUST 10thi, 1950. BASEBALL The0r noW eeA l T me In the playoff s Kendal hardball' The Oronoply Wheekly Timetani i thorized aS Second CRaSs Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Newcastle Par~k, this Thursdây even- vertising Rates on request Subscription $1.50 _____________ lished every Thursday morning at the Times officeRe lE at R. A. Forrester, PublisherRe lE t e Establis1hed January, 1937. MORTGAGE MONEY If you need* a first mortgage Io'an on your home, farm or Restrictions business property, I have funds available for this-purpose. Speculation is rife as to the possible curtailment the current or r alarm will place upon domaestic goods. The same thing aPppkies If you have funds which yen f,))dals. lrady w, prciva raualýïsein the pice of would like te put ont at, the ly necessities. Cothing le, thé one exemption per'haPs, and even worrndsuggest thatenofetme e the purchaser must pay a good deal more than in the years kow. ugstta ultm ýor ta the ýgreat war. Waetier we have a ight toualod the coin. AIJTOMOBILE INSURANCE -ts of this day and ýage îs another question. On your car the insurance Cali The goo<tiesand good ting.a èommon ta Canada and the be with any one of a niumber S. A. are not general the wo'ld over, -we are tald. Moreover, of companies. If you wish tei -ne of tie EuroPean and easten nations are laying out more for save a substantial part of this r and defence schemes than we ourselves. donsequently, these yearly cost you may insure opeare going -along witha lower standard of livng than that of through me~ office with the rl on bitteoltigàti nvra stebgyo o-Lumbermen's. Mutual Casualty oiwa. Aouttheonl .tiin tht i unveral s te bgey~ ~Co., one of the largest in, the le war, and it is welI to ipicture the ather f ellbw watcbsng nanx- business, which pays back isy the prspedt of harder imes ah"ad Does the whole thirfg ec eracs iiedo ïe sense ? 0'hviously, it does not. Noble and insipâring though 15% of yonr previons year's' soundis, our reference ta "'fxeedom from want, freedom fron jPreMium. 1 am the exclusive r"~ iss an .mntyplatitude umIess these thngs actually' cone t'O I-agent in this area. Righ 'have at home we have a fine p,.ubUic and continuation 1I , and \whuie thle teaching staffs 'are wisely <andi adeqtuately -Main- d, our yo-Lng people can receive the aduaion, which wîll fit Ifor the world heyond. Once againi, wt adsnîonish them te make nosit of thair schools at nîl times. The dollar that looks so in- g now is nio match for the 'reward 'laVer on, while the cultural- ns wili imean aven more. For the first ýtin-ie lin any years, telephone rates have been ý":adviced. We cno question the necessty -of such a rise la the Sace of simiklar higlier rates in other fields.- Withimatarials and waga ipncesgrdunlyboostin'g, dt was understandeble that thIs particular Cor-modiluy wo)uIldsooner or later ha costing us more. Possibly we have grown soa accustomed Vo the telephone as bo accept it as a mat- ter of course rather than a moon. Locally speaking We have a good cevcand editorially, we could take !the opportunity of saying a goîo)d word for- those at the own, exclian'ge who keep the systeni eunn fficien';tly.. IV is wveII in a rural setting of party linas if subscribers will islizthe -work af the switcliboard operators, and recalil hat ~seigdelays la putting through a cal are not due Vo laxity inso- :fas the opeators are conceined. Tovivsit the "central" office is taý realiza this fact. 'Poo many peopla are prone ta became un- ipatient about conditions lover wieh the operator has no contrai. IFarsonaiiy, wve airways enjoy the 'pleasant salutation "Ooo.tV is ai guarantea tfhat the torwn is stili on the map, and a promise that bonnectian can re'adily haestqiablishaed wth the worId beyond if need be. Tbat suail service is going ta cost us more LI accardance with' e-rranit trends in pnices ail along Vhe line, and in any case we would not wis'h t) be wtihout the telephone. Lin-es have been sav ed in emergencies through Viae agency of ïffie phonie, yet the business and social advantages forin its general values as farý as the rank and file of peoplie are concernaed. A-frank perusal of nomay of the other conforts of life wouid find the "phone" tain leadîng place if hngs were being categoried la, order of a- eep ted ment. Try keeping saine of ithese fncts la, mid should tie neatsericebill appear a ittle iigh, or if the service from the ex- cane dues not always meet with your approval. You wouldprob- aly expec(t nmore money were you nctualiy keaping the uines func- ~tionng yorself Phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Oroe, Ontario It's Net gA Complet. Lss g Not whe: yoLh insurance.g gAfew n id ards youg froi ýsuch Io . Startt o-day! , gCaîl ns! f SESI g N. F. PORTERg ORONO, Ont.g O THE GEORGE WHITE g g Dise type, g 00 SILO -F 1ILLER g 0 g0 0 ca proccss more tons cf g g silage faster and with è> 0 9 power than any other of the g 0 eading makes., SPECIAL BLOWERg 0 Design makes possible the 9 clog-free elevation of silage g g ai speeds as low ai 450 g r.p.m. (Many fillers require 0 ashigh as 1000r. . g LOWE E T G SPEEDS G Save fu an ower.0 o And also wear and tear G en oper tangp arts, and 0 inceasesafety of machine. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane would like to, take this opportunity to thank thtose friends who so kinffly. volun- têered to drive us to Peterboro. Hos- pital Vo viisit Sam during his illness there. This thougi)tful ac.1 was very mucli appreciated y1vi e family. The friands w1ý dro e their cars were Mr. G. Cars M WJ. Rid deli, Mr. N. Pote MI.I Tamblyn, Mrs. C. Billings, rE. Blewett an d again Mr. G. Carson. (also 'aur own boys), not forgetting Sam's loyal friend Dr. McNeil, who brouglit him home from hospital, very proud of IN MEMORIAM WALTE~R - In lovi.ng mernary -of William J. Walter, who Aaesed away August 7th,1,944.ho We have onL é r m ory dear fther,% To reemmib o wloleleife through, But tihe swee swil linger forerver As we treas re he image Lof you. J-Vera, iazel and Grandchildren. >Orono Net To See Playoff ln Football The Oruno foo*tali tenm which l'ast year ent6red into ithe finals against Courtilce, are this year out of the playoffs entirely. The winning of the remaining gaines in the league would not entitle them to a playoff posi- tion. On iSaturday night last the, local football ein wae ta- have played So- lina, however this goine had Vo be con'ceded as ttoo few of the local players turned up for the gaine. However, cSme ithis Saturday the Orono football team are to play hosts to ZDon. Girls Softball Now in thec Finals Both the entries filom Orono and Gouitice have now been put out of the semi-finals and the series has now entared inito the final piayoffs. The tennis ini this làasit phase are Nawcas- tlie and Nawtonville. Iast Tuesday thase teaams met in Newcastle where that eam took the first gaine by a score of 7 to 4, This Frdlay night will see these itwo tenins clash again in Newtonvîlle, -and if a third gaine is nacessary, it will ba played la Newcastle on Wednesdiay eveming. Town Lengue Semi Finals The Orono Juniors and ;the Kîrby eûtry hava coanpleted their semi-1 final playdowns with 'the young jun- ors coming out. the victors. On Wad- nesday niglit the Juniors celânhed a place in theplayoffs when they de- feated the Kirby Flyers for the sec- ond ime in the basttwo out of three series. The Juniors were the league leaders, and are ready ta imake a chaapionship year .for theniselves. This tewn nWilî meet the winners of the Croked Craek and Orono Mer- chants series. The firsit game of the semii-finals between Crooked Craek and the Orono Marchants went Vo the Crook- ed iCreak entry. This gaina waE piayed in Orono Park on Friday evening. On Tuasday niglit the Mar- chants travelled Vo Crooked Craek whare hs sarieýs- became a lititle in- volved. At the andi of ýseven innings of hall it was apparent that it was a tie, slO it was decided to play an ex- tra tiwo, making nina innings al told. WiVth tha coniplation of the nine innings Croo'ked CTeek lield the most nunber of rune, and thus ware antitlad to continua ta the finals. Hlowevar, a dispute stnr.ted with the possihility ýthat the Marchants were ahead t the and of tha seventh, and it was thought that an error had been made in the score card. As no de- cision could ha made on this matter, it was dacided Vo raplay this gaine in Orono hs coming Friday nîght. Crooked Craek has before this gaine ai ona game iea'd over thie Orono 'Mar- chants, and ino dou<bt the locals will do everyithing in their power Vo win this hack. oBETTER, MORE UNIFORM G Ontario Amateur SofVball Play.downs G SLGE .U.. 0Ç The recenatly organized Orouo la- Feed roliers under pressure f gare set close to knives, prio- Viding a short firm grip, PARK ST. g S Large beater toiler, in con. junction with the steel feede,-UIE CUC o web with upturned edge, steelUIDC RH slats, gathers tha feed and FORCES IT THROUGH GA Revereu.d g g wjîh ne effort on the part of LA .Esae the eperater. A. B. lstoe g George White "Disc Type"0 SILO FILLER can be pur. o cIsased under the FARM g S UNDAY, AUG. l3th g IMPROVEMENT LOANS .1 /ICT. g G ~1.00 a.m-Servi1ce.Shoi g g g~2.00& p.m-Lýesknrd Service. g Oro o EletriC 3.00 p.m.-Kiýby Service. g Phn r1 rono lecg Rev. A. E. Eustnce in charge Phn 5r ,Ooo ftesevcs ATTENTIO7N The Orono Women's institute will hold its regulT meeting on Priday, Atigustt 18th, at 2.301 p.m., at the home of Mrs. J. D. Brown an Mrs. Ed. Mililson. A set f lectur S will be presented by of 1 heiembers on "The Story 0 f Y r A These lectutres were comp4 d by the Shoe Manufacturers Asso i *4on of Can.- ada, to enlighten ying mothers on the care of children's feet. Come and bring your friends. WANTED TO BUY Dead or crippled stock, removed free of charge. One, hour service. Rlighest pricc for old horses.-Mar- gili Fur Farma. Cail Colect-Bow- nanville 2679. TO WHOM IT MAY ÇON RN No credÈ is to b*kJako'lM Shewcyk. Signed VIc&refeweytk J a-20 P. DECORATORS Painting and Decorating INTERTOR & EXTERIOR Guaranteed Satisfaction Phone For Free Estimates Absolntely No Obligation HIORACE YORK Phone Orono 77 r 7î FOR SALE Seed rye. C. Paynie, Phone Clarke FOR SALE A moder netb ujet, )onde finis)h wfith reTVrm. E/celent codidtion. $.0.. ply\A Mm. Don Dunkan, Pone \r6, Orono. ram29-c. NOTICE We are noW in, a position to Viacuum your Furnace or Spn.ce Heaters. HARRY E. LYCETT Orono, Ontario BUY WITH CONFIDENCE -AT- Art's Car Market Main Location 175 King St. W, Bowmanville, Qnt. Bett DIS on ~W CARS We Buy, 1lafde ini very good Y11EýD CARS Low down payments and easy terms can be arranged to suit your budget. SEE US AT ONCE Phone 2148, Bowmanville termediate "C" softball teain which lias been playing a number of exhi- biâtoa games, at thie park, are to enter inro Ithe Onrtario playdowns this icom- ing Wednesday evening açt Or-ono Park. The opposition for the locals at this game will be the entrýy £rom East itlbýy,,amd It iýs ta ibe the hast two, out of a three sies. The boys ask your support in this venture !n- Vo the Ontario playdow,ýns, and that mou ha present this coming Wednes- day -evening. Sports Prograni Thuisday, AugusïtlO-ota, Boxvmanville COF vs O9rono Inter- mediates. - Fni-day, August il - Softball, Crooked ýCreek vs Orono Marchants. Saturday. August 12 - Football, Ziýon vs Oron'o. At Dusk, m'oving pictures. Sùndny, Augusit, lth - Band Coný cert, Port Hope Bia-nd. Wednesday, August 16 - Tatermîe- diâta "C" On<taio Playdoavns, East Whltby vs Oriono. Orono Electrie Ph.ý 55 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt sud Guaranteed Repairs te ail makes of Electrical Equipment and Appliances Such as Motors, Water, Heaters, Radios. Stoves. Irons. Etc. Orono Tinshiop NOW is the time to look after your He,;atiïng--System FOR NEXT YEAR R.e.L LOGAN Phone 18.10 OP"LAS8IFIED COLUMNS PHONE~ 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Barrister and Soliiter B&WMANVILLE, ONT. Phonte: Osfce 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOP. NOTARY Phono.s: BOWMANVILL& ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer an& Valuator Conducei Mction 8îI.. of ail wum and atreasonable rat«s Co>mminicate with hlm nt Pu* Perry, Ontari., or se. hie Club. A.L- B. Morton, at Oroxo, fer date. JACK REID Orono's Lîcensed Auctioneer and Valuator' Specialize in Fan sand Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternme and dates Phone 5 r 18 - LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Policie; Protection and Savings Plans ùot Children and Aduits; MortigeoIà-, surance Pîans.,ï F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r 10 The RUTTER- GRANITE; COMPANY Dial 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port, Hope, Ontario Monuments, GravemarkeM. Enewravinx. Goldleafinp STAFFORD BROS Monumental W orks Phone Whitby 552ý 318 Dunidas St. E., Whithy FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANP- MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your leveil ones, It's not expensive. And seeing this last tribute will give you endiess comfort ORONO Furniture Hospital IReupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought and Sold See Our line of Brapery Material Kitchen Units-made to order C- F. Duncan Phone 79-16 a- ORONO We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and lpay highest prevailing prices. For inimediate service telephone colleet Brookîju 62, Cobourg 1266w, Tornto Adelaide 3=29 Professional Directorye MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGE»N Office Houri 2.00 t. 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.!& Sundays and Wednesdays 67 appointment only PHONE 47r1 . @ROND' 1E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Address: South Main St. Office Houri: 2.00 to, 4.00 p.m.. 6.30 to 8.06 .i, Sundays and Holiday. by Appointmnt

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