DiscovIer How Good Iced Tea Can1 Behe Matke beu double strength and wvhile stii " hiot pour irb glasses filledJ with cruacked UI ic,..Add sugar and lemnon to Èaste,ý "'Dcar Anne Hirst: Thre , eas c urprde ad o fe's, goz, 1 marriedàa ghil3L1. i'm3. nutrcolatamhïganother ý-ve tried ibard to mkeit wcrý, ibe- Cfa ueat m rige f ou v il! au-se both ofit' wee unappi'iy ot fr1- Ibis nc',: reccat narrîd before.mscn, nisould bli aleto ga- Bet now it ooksliMea diorcma he nwcourage totry again. I d o ve myfte alyou t "o re flot n if. Sh eCt as iurtens à resupoedto mmmber.. god pèots, * be aduit s, tistiC.-ime o and often sheis cc ie t to me. lB usm- Aseodmrig steea ines she is very testofon's isom and vrstrant, difficu1t especiýily ' fyo ~Seema n'te rcks, "per. when se bas hbad haps Annýe' Hir'dlog eperenc a few beers. Sheauudrtnin a rvn s a y s lateuI ss rt ber1a, Bois1, 123 iings and attacks mem I cannot Egtet t, e ootOnt. loucr rriown Ic1K et sCl- le an agreemeît: G asytoo!.up ioking Ia grvtsyor TrMydiie n aytn isf I30yu are unwillig to beavy cottoney -«ok un n&Icky dton promise each,,othe wrcodrfu ll finle cottos ord(s and cornct at such th1ey're mredcacýte, are not W bc cbarged Two doiles, V1 and 13 inches in eacb othler. beavy coton1, Patern 668 lias cho- nay becthat your wife'% chetdirectins for b", arc not unlrc ntr iad Laura Vheer'si nproved pal- doctors opinion is in order. trn makes crochet and kniîtîng so one's own ciou por, simpfle with ils charîs, photos.and ýxercised, can ]pFreent dis- concise directions. tents from b(comiïing v Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS uarrels, and a sense of in coins (slamps crannol bc ac- cao dispel resentment bu- cepted) for this pato 1Box 1, it grows dangerous., 123 Eigbtceenîh St, exy Toronto, doni't botbl of you make Ont. I'inî painy PATTERN et, and do youir best to NUMBER, your NAME and AI- ta ia? DRESS. Il. Word of conýr- cent 16. EnglIsh letter 18. Low sau nt 20. Burnt sugar 21. Assume 22. Cimbing p1antsq 23. Extenslysè 2 r. B u r ns, 2 6. The ank,î s 12. P~ >st 43. Ejiker 4. Buor i 31. Mextng di 52. ShIto op 4. Nloef Answer elsewbere oo thia page. 35; Jh 19.23-27; Acts y: Golden Text, My soul 'doîh mag.- in ify Ihe Lord, and my si it bLath reioiced in God my saviour-Luke 1:46-47. MJary %vas tbe mort igliy hon- onred of ail womieiî, She conceived of the Holy Gbost aind bore the ID,\iine-humian cbild, Jan.This jcbildasthe long awaite d Messiali, thIe eternai God, miade in tbec like- neass of man. He stan1ds uique aningaI bins.At teageof12, Heunertod sOietb]ing o'f His Divine msin ary d- id not un- dersitanld tlb fullI mcaning of Hîs question, 4"XVist ve flothtat i be about niy, Fatber's business:?" but lier to lhe discipe Jolini, wlîom He Sie ivas one nýý iltlreC ,wOMen v ho( stood by the cross. Tere, ais His agony and, paîinJusdeioný- prnoo.As theoldei i e provi dd ov(r er keep. He entrusled ber iofo te dscil oh, vi om e wonin, ontiuin 1inpr*ayer 1'and suppicaionWIll te disciples1 after- Buit Mary and the brothe (r of Jess ad 10eartitbclsso ltat, H-e bclonged Ici a bigger faînily than tbey r iepresenited. 01n one occa- sion tbley sent for Num. Bthle did not leave the n ieed-' multitude, buit asked, "Wo s my moîber or nîy brten"."And He looked roundý about on tbiem v bich sat about Hinîi, and ,,aid, 'Behold my mîe and my brethern'. For Whosor shall do th 'e will of Cod, thesai is My brother, andl mv sister, anrd mother". Tbec implication is Jv ions. If we tnrnl from i n and be- coneieVw retueshyfaith in Chris t Jeiis, -and ithus procced 10 do the wý\ill )f Goil, then we en'o close fýellowship viilh the SaviJor. JT-ho sc few who wec of the famulvi of JPsilsaccording t10 flic fle'sb have no prîority over thosetodyvb do tber wiil of God. AIl! h ev HiiwvillcottueHsbiea Here's A Boostl Caor ou 1 nany smaIil- dren i any rate, bas oiy 00ie tise. and(tba an up l)e;Iann Il. Ritclie Calider, in aBB Radio Prograni,- spoke ýof nwail niucb niýer luses to whîich l:ifniay shortly lie put. Calderwho is cien-ce diorof th', "News Cbiron-iclc," rcnl isîitea .the Ncgeýv Dîsert luisri Aît the Weizmranninsin{lI Ilbev, ot ible Director., Dr.Brgin bold bim i0ta y e!) ninvaso oul plants tbey cati provide thle basis of a- greaf plastics induistry. includ- ing nylon, wbich is at present pro- duced either froni pefrolui or coal by-producfs., There was one use for nylon in the dese rt whicb- inleresfed Calder very niucb-tbat of combating the excessive- saltiness of the ground., He cxplained tbat desent springs contai', a small fraction of sit but under the intense suni evaporation i5 s0 rapid that tibe saIt is d1eposýitcd and accuninlates in ithe sI l.Ths poisons usefuil crops, wil],-thee-,-1 ception ofr the date pJalm, wbicl lusi igores sliand fre"sb mate coming LUp tfhrongh b lis sallfed soil beconies salte-d ini lurii iand 1us',s i tor drinking or irrigation. Isracli scîenitisfs re ryig discover a iefhod iof smeeing is1 salted waler anid one ietbicod they arec trying is lb coven t ieherackish soil witb sheet nyvloni in the fr of fnrrows. The sui]n ' rayýýa evapr- ate tbe mater tbrouigl thie inylon and condence it on the colder top surface of tenaeil h ae then dr-ips ;into tbe furowcan there thieyvanhave frsbso ad grow crops. Aniohen robeIý,n tatisbig tac-kled is tbe napid evpoaion reservoirwmter. Tht s ýcientïiîsare suggesling ibat tnyflak<es of n- Ion sbhould bcie sed fo float o1- n an coverIesraeof1 a 'reseri 10 prv neaporation for lnylon catI b.e-scd ither b oduce o retard evapjoralýiý n. Jite firet caseC the transpanencit sbetin adits h beat rays, but ii ite second., tIbe granules of nyiln beînig pure iif and opaýque, tey eflecîthtlheat raaof tht sn ad 0 reen evapoationfronmrsevis.tI Ibis is jusItaosho-w y wa o Cao do wt te fdesetwenyi saidCadr Big Fish Promn TheMaiie-Oea perch willi be flonn ta the C.N.E. fon h aTritimes e er ovmornig of thê Ex.,or patrons of the acn etuat ragmn ae by womens dirc, ate Aien hoc-nhere disp1ayin!e Resfi- gouche salmon aithbe! dei-aMadMcicennanl.Maime Fisb Comniisrýin xvii aso -nd sea hering, cod, hdok viithouit raiji. \Vebea 0îikl vi ather ne1.ver waud lar 0 course ail the, Awbeý i : ou iilt fieldl and sprouting int, eshe1 es And flie oats cud' b u hen tlîey shoulil haive benbeau eb field was fo0)v, et totkefitrc or and binder in 10 culil utPat uer say s there is-;o cil1or hwelaiIavl soni ke tis efre ad liSzdthogbi, n wczin do il agaii. He says th1at btles'till basn't conincedme"li isn'l worryiung. HoweC> er, af ew ,more days of cine weatber aîî vd re -epcally as yeserda w ee iîîg oui j(Cely and \viii be c:ady 10- t corne ii('1on oniday. *So 1111ch w ut wabrbscr notbýin1g OnIlle vc!in i as sPoîlî. And, o) eathIltt ji-row'ers ninsi leba ý1 i îng qite a >w'orryingfinie.I I1isreof il;tlie- caiuse nearly eeybaktof pota- tocs I bhave b-ouglit bas bad ol eor two rolten one,;ii il, *And speaking ouf pouaîoesq, 1douo reniember a few nîontis ,ago was coluipaining because vie neyr seern f0 get mîcc nealy polttes any more. So oftèn tbcy are genor waxy; go black or have ingrot. Or even if lbey1 have inlhii th.e malter wif b theni lbey sliil bai en't iny flavour. Apparenly Ianino the only one coniplaýiingiias ai,-st week the Canadian Coutrmanba a long edilorial ail about ibie pour eating quality of polatoes which, tbcy 100, put down largely f0 the iii- creased use of commercial ferlîl- izer-uised, of course, 10 insure big- ger potaîoes and a larger yield1 per acre. The edilonial points ont thai wbile Ibis niay sounid likc. a gond business praclice, acfually if isa tbe opposite as thie consumer p ubliýc vryycar due o 1I ther uapts ikgq aiy s : u oil 1I i î il is what k-iind ooil)týatuoes theyare bu ingbcaus-e m"ioatoioeof- ferd or al lok ice _and are n i l ways gradeýd Iasz1 siýzeC, fectl soud inthe arly stag- so ieiiesnt ulil they a "re Cook- ed iJsî TU it a--teproof of the p)lIIottisnte catlng. 1Re- mibier lo eused [to Dlokf or- ,;ard to new potatoes? e oa tocs and gýreen peas w ereaiist aical ini theniselves-,Wthbttrer, of course, Margarine wudntgîve, theni that certain flavouri. But nlew potaînes are nlo treal tihese days- except the 'om-gow arieta. The Canadian.!Couniltryian binks it ý inite growers satdtikn about quality rathecr ithan quaiîy if they wat to keep a good home maurket. Jnst tikwnd't it be ici somle of lhe big grow ers advetîzc ther prdulct this vay -p'Onr cs tos ae mejýaly aa tctdand(!theonycomrca cd or ualtypottoe-nt[Iquan- bas jupst cuie iin wýilb fw wea beaids iii bis anýid -- and lom xery diCiscuag-ed. Sonime of tlic Uker- eshaespr)!oted and flie rest she L)l outdirecctly you touch tei Truc, it bas bappenied hefore but, lico ith oPerafing exCpetises as bighl as ilteyare fodatv. W\e bhateto thik ihat the tax bull w-ill be w1hen it comes. As for thecostof bîn . . well, enouigb Said. Bu t is iireallyrathier funny-so rnany people tbink it i's 0only town and city folk irbo tare frtdby the higb cosi of livinig. And ùet couintry folk, becauise of the veIry nature of their îvork, -arc natulrally very hearty calers. You dcon'tc find fain- crs onit to work or a breakfast of ofe and toast and niarmalaI.del XViIguess we bav-e ail heen lcîting nt Our helts aïbit in1 every wiav the 1lasi few yersbu -nW WC eMý 1,a%'have tozstart pllinig tlien ini again raîbecr drasticall-e(spec- ialI if tis oranbuinssgels r-a01v ont of hanid. Wýe ,are sure the olergeteation eaudo i-bujt lwe RELIEF 1S LASTING F or fast, prolonged relief front headache get INSTANTINE, Thie prescription-ljketablet contains not just one, but three proven medical ingiredients that th Ie pain fast, And the relief is, in umost cases, lasting. STry IN5'rANTINE just once for pain relief and youll say as thousands do~ that there's one thing for h eada cha -..it'5 INSTANTINEI And try INSTANTINE for oteie acetoo. for neurit ic ornerle pain . , or for the painsanace that accomnpany a cold. A single tabiýet usually bringa pro-mpt relief. ,;etiiýniies ioda'Y keihnd y »'a 12-Tublet Tin 25ý Ecnmcl48-Tablet Botîle 690 ijpside down tO Prevent peeking. ISSUE 34 - 1950 jus woderifthe younger crowd& wh aegrown used to easier ~.t times, better living ocnditionz. shoterworinghours, more pleas- tir,, and greater freedomn-will they bc as-ready to tighten their beits!' I olibt it- for ome thing they won' reaizethe îîecessity until cii'- cumsan es ractically orethenl tit.i the enid it imay 11be a good showsif pepie, ounng and 04 have bat i aes. Wbhen WC forced to slowý up we do it, jusi as thep traffic is beginning to slow up on the highivays. And that, yoil Y viII agree, is one thing we can lie tliaikfuI for. This is no time for Case and cions* fort. [t is the tinie to dare and en- dure, -Winston Churchill, IS SUE 34 -ý 1950 C LEE D ti