N ~Kîng George Likes' Plain "Ratcatcher" Kig George 's 1, ikeWito Chrblc't aieoficialae; Yi' lkes siuîpl basic Engbh c as rafafeer"and inot "rodent- opeatnir.- The Ki ade this cRac wbc lie viited tbe Royal Cornw; MiAgri- utrlSbow ait 4C-allingfou). Mis, Mary Mlorey "as intoducci to hini at fli Miisfry of Agriculture t andI ia rodenlt praor 'Wbst's lat?-" aske 'rbKing, (precndhiuglbe ddntknou, \wbcre- as, in faLct be( kuows quite w cil, bsv- 1ing fhad rat troule cat Buckugaî "Rodenit aeao s ~wum 'Wothouigbittbat one ëouif? Tbe ininbsry?" asked tbe King, and lie sded, -isHtil tink plain rat- cat0cher is bcst. You do kio%vwbat 'f leMuityof Agriculture admit tyweein!veutorýs of flie nanie, "rodet opîato" lu194i0 Tbey onidc ed e\ew erm wa nleces- sayfor ipsycbologicsl reasons ta o)rder fIo e"th bsttye"f-p 'giant fo cpet pevt ipeo work They wanted f0distnu h îe old-ssbjncdides of a maiwit a tckanid a log f romic ew eý"con1- etinof a weII-ceducatej"wifte colla'r" fateber dealing with vv- s!iïiinon the ImOatu-o aenau sciaifie hius. So, luOfficiailebae epoo en! to sdopftbe revised terinduogy>, %ms5duly irnpienia Y flncappro piate dcpartmnlt. Or, as King Geor'ge andWiso '(burebjl suadimo(st 0ofIus wbotr t o Wrýite plain Eml,- isbxvuIl sy t bey ehangud rfsee ordn 'oýperator. Of coulrse. teei h a ntcbers "-ifofie to becCons- luisef0 tie on y ownsmaii fans. I hav e bond outward ap- jiaaescount 'a great dýeal it S..' is face submer'gead Sa nq great Ilgsniliaa .a ranuew comniar- iivan rl (' maîiL1iruck painited ia iisteing e (1-nlan 111sud cooate, Large W17%ersou the ,xai describa iii y fine o<buiî es, 1w sid. have c yjar airltin Vith dsu ienso nsaîe a st no Ydoosad nwn coonis ud ailove(r thf busicî lm auafr mic. epie scauf lw i uing t lieir jew lryad valu- abies way Ianmi a oti'io raftrust." Ans liey5dde, mIgo tG soma of 0-teIiggesî býous'es ilu Surey. Tilad people, somjie 'of tbem, Suif's a great belp fr Me to bave a new van, ii b1elps toJ)uiid u p conf6diece i-îb roîn the mmnlt t arrive." My rîeutl akes s greaf pride iibswork. He ýis-n't parL1ticularly OÈ mord 0 ciboprsse "rodent opeato" bt eitheýr fdoes rat- athrquita conivcy th(. skill suld nrtisftryof bis vocation. - Peter Lyn àlu Te Chrisan Science Mornr. Juiýor Size Eve-18-imonith old Portland Mason, du ùt ! o screan star ]amnes iason and bus wife.Pantea, yis howil modelng afig-1af sun isuit %ahionad for her Ay her par- ents. Misspinson looks ècol, wifb the noipatcitools at land. Tbcy nay ýnbe the bi( ]est tools but tbey areCaailala, icb is al important, He xxouild rather uise tbam, vuicli as ifey are, ithan do msthing. Raymioud ïClappe)ýr.- Luu - ti on t) theof b uh-curu rou 0,orflaik-eora tbe boud Qf atbouaîd ariations, a1 i of thei god. o wonder .our pradecesso-rs on t0,7s continent Itle fudau, bldthe plant in dcr- tact. Aud atboub nideru îeîbds o ays a lxv ano Hrearfafev CORN F-RITTER MUFFINS 12 sEces lean bacon 24 cups ifted cake flour Y/2 teaspoon sa'it 3 teaspoon!s baking powden icup mik 1 cup scraped, cooked, fresh ccrn Pralîcaýt uoven to 425 degreas tV. Score bacon 1by ýcufing deep Jst .on une ide 1, iincb prt e ie cfmufutpans witb b1acon srips cu- ide up. Lina boion oý uuim pans xibcrlsof wàxed papr' lur es emoa.Sifr flour, sai]t, sud bkngpwdr ogtie 3at egg Add nL sud cru to egg. iinAdd to dry igrd nsd nîix just until ail flour is daîxpancd. Spoon batter into bacou-lincd uîuf- fdu -pans, uîaking j ull. Baka iii s bot (ovan f425 dcgres F.) 30 min- utaç. -Serve bot. Makes 12 tu 14. CURRIED CORN CHOWDER 1 t ablespoon'chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons butter 3 tabiespoons floun' -1/ teaspoon curry powder 2 cubes chicken boullon 1 cup bot water 4 cups hot muilk 1 V2 cups eut, cooked, fresh corn 3/ to 1 teaspoon sait V8 teaspooia peppen ]iwy Cook onion sud peppar Iil utrlu to-p of double huiler oxr irect lxvheat Unfil soft aud ligh1tly howîed, 15 te 20 Yminutes. Placce ve bofwate. Bend i fleur cube disoled n bt wivater. Mix- e» ci. ddnîlk sudm oruand beaf tbnrougb jabout 30 mntastirring fraquiently. easofo aste witb sait ond pepper Serve bot, Makes 7 BEAN AND CORN SCALLOP 2 cups cut, cooked, fresh corn 2 cups cut, cooked, green beans 1 V2 teaspoons sait 2 teaspoons grated onion 1 tablespopon flour 2 tablespoons butter V2 cup mlk V/2 cup buttered bread cubes Preat oven to 350' degreas F. Alternlate iayers of corn sud beans in grcased quart-sire casserole, Spriukle sait, onion sud flour over ascii layer. Dot witlî butter, Pour înilk over al Top withbhread cubes. Bake in a nodarate o'ven (.350 de- grecs F.) 40 mîinutesý Makes 1 quar t. Seringsugeston:Top witbl grated sh1arpceessu d broxvn un- de rie ua or two before iA.M AND CORN FITTERS 12 pouind finely ground, cooked haï- 7 cups eut, cooked, fnesh corn 2 fablespoons chopped onion, Black pepper, 2 eggs Mix bam,,coru sud onion f o- geflier, Add dasb of black papper. l3cat aggs about 10 minutes sitb beatar' unrîl thick sud lemon eolored. Combine witb ban sud mix thooubl. poon baffer unfo bot libl rased griddIe or1 skillet. Coo 4 5 Sminutes on ceacb sida un ' vclybowe.Serve prompt- CHICKEN-CORN GRIDDLE CAKES i' cups sifted flour CCORN AkND )CHEESE u. Laspoon mince re tpepper. c, t 2 talesoonsb nter ttr on argar 11ine hcýhd sJr rstl. emos flor itad -3d(;crnmil - ipad cheeseSlan e- aanpeper to faste. d etn -ls 3 eggsin separy bated ggv se eand gran epr n butter. eer to laiteý.)dd4hete ( n gg 3 s. Sev ioServe erves4. CORNWALS 2 cups sifted cak!e iloir 3 easpoons baýking powder( 2 faie~ponscoru nieal [czespoo0ns sugar 2 ïgg yolks. L,a us 'rn: ilk u tblespoons imeted butter, magrieor bacon fat 2 egg whifes Sift fiour, baking pou dýer. sait, cornu meai and sugar togetbcr. Beat egg yollçs sud biend in mnuL M. <Jry ingredieufs witb egg and uîilk, te. form smootb batter. Stir in corn ziud butter. Beat egg wbitcs stiff and fold info waffle batter care- fully but tborougbiy. Balc in a' bof wsifle irun 5 to 6 minutes unitil nicly browucd, Serve at once vith desii-ed spread, Makas 8 4ý, incb- square wafflcs. bar as flicgardenis euceuad Or i uîa be bc tilbousenax -n . cot b ps and play iiupmuf ilof fbcse pose prob- lemis. They can, boweveF, be con. ceed in sucb a xvay tbhat-.îbay be~come attractive,' useful features, -Many people make the mistake offhinking tbey eau bide a bouse xritb >a large group of sbrubvsud evergreeus. Evergraens tend to 'It pyramidai and so do notbiug f0 conceal the bouse uéxf door above tbe first floor windows, Tbahn,-îoo, evergréees are xvide at ffbe base and fake up tbe most roorn on tbe gardenér's oxvn proparfy. 'Asbade tree or a floweriug tree witb a bioad bead -will do a better job. If-ýe uei(ýgbborIug bouse is igb, au cmil, Jbouïey iocust or mapie iould be plarfed. If if is low, dog- W ood, flow ariug crabappie or baw,.- thoru wili give 'tbe sameiluiî ot distance without fakiug u o rauch spaceý f FABLE,~ dAýwS- Fowl Play - A flurry of feathers provad too mnucb for this fame, fva-year-old Robert ht iy ole closad lis eycs and wený-t TrýilitOn with the siti uggle te lug this indignant rooster f0O Lhre 1fami;yfrying pan. La te(r, young Stamey opened hisý eycs aud moath to a hr- arndcikndmi dupling innIîer. Publish nldozeL-ns of pictures 0f y.our Fait FaitrIlnl i.-'-- Apaiýr 0et wrn tesatftle ;r r ofthe gardlen miay fornm aý icee or ,the neigbboring house. I ma aso shade the teýraen ses s Itle yfocal point of tlle ga- ciaipupoesisatiuaryimpor- taniit oni the sma'll property., If Itle lhouse , asbilt befcore tbcý sof the attaiCheid garage, this bunilding is prba l i the far corner of the prprt.lu that case, a screu of viIirubs is obiou. Tis, i'owever, may 1take up 'tcO mutchi room Jnsead ,t, side o[ thec gar- ag a n SIrsie'as the back of aný- 1,Cbr. Te gOunlldtdrnea,,tllilmay- l -(-paved itb brick or stoe lid in sand, mand the top Of -lie arbo(r provide a plac to growv roses, grapes ,or elematdis. Snethe arboùr is not attached f0t the bouse, if is" probably seeiudecd and miay tuirîl oui to be the idecal place for ouf- door living. Sucb an arbor rIay he)p fo solve the prob1lem if luiat to do %with fools aud gparba-ge pails. A board li'd latticfce can iclo:se in the arbor at eîtbicr enid. Nýeirest the ,kifebel-n, a' cuipboard On tilt outsida- 'eniceals wscpapIer receptacles aud garbaýge cans. Otb le inslide ûf 1b1a1 o,, hefenceu inforrut Ille bc frcphad-e 1he, -,hcb icb smlallaudtools anldstakes cai] Ile kept. At fbýe otber enld of the arbor, Itle feuce eouldscree the clotbesline, theIcompos pile, or Carage Next Door Tbe garae next oor isso - sxba uir~ o a roble:ln. Huaw- eCFerfriend(ly Vtbe nemigbb)Or may be, bc is probably no't goinig f0 Wei- core Ille building of a lattice oi1 bis garage.,If ijis clo e)f0the kroPerty Elue and pr ipslutbe opposit e corner f rom yoý,_ur own ga 'rage, postsw itb cbaýin's befu cen them mnight be put u1p. Or an iden- fîcal lattice. in front of eacb of the garages may fie tbe wbo le -back- yard fogether. Such a structure sbould be ,almnost as taill as the caves of tbe garage, assumning tliat if i,; 11e sfory bigb. A problemn that exisfs on sms aisiburban properties is the nar- r'w strip between thedrv-a aid tbe side property linre, mla'y be a foot w~ide or aIl] of i feit and 'juite uniattractive(. i if is a laxvn, it 1 a nisanLtce f0 o ,If if, is tfo ro for aireal sbrul> border, and a badge, is puit iniin- sted, onsanttrinîninlg xvili be neesr.Tbhde tlhat i, allo\v- 1 o grOw ntrlywl edsoile îrmniîî toke'p if witiu bond J Au ucxsusîveand ttractive solu- tion s a encewitbsqulare ode '[Îl Te 1ùO5tS are left toxeta '] The fenrv maliiy bu covere"d wilt front, !low eveýr -row ambe Fcutting bor'der. (Or, if if:i- isi sbade. ja grouinrcovecr and sprinig bl niigbt be Pl'anfed. Iflxviterefect is imporfant, Cuonymnus or ivy il groxv Io a tbick green Wxv'a ll nz few ycars' finie. A grounidcover uf uxlyrtie wiil lic true green ail wn ter, aud tbe daffodils and other early buibs popping up tbrougb it iii bea easiiy SEeu in early ,spring A Specialty Border Ifi tiaraisiifuiil sun, if is a perfect place for aspcay bor- der of bemnerocallis, iris, penies or ,iuy perennial the grea vse to experiment xvifb or coliect. A-s a matter of fact, an inferesfting luse oft thsnarrow strip c(an even ealu 2 o-n:) away fronii tha. garage !ldcb arc usua2liy open