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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Aug 1950, p. 5

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ORONO WEEIKLY TIMES TIrIURSDAY, AIJGUST 24, 1950. Moter EquipmentPratAmunc o Northcutt and Smith' g Funeral Directors and Furniture Derniersg SKINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE g Equipped te take cet* of the. medevt funerai at th e most reasonable charge as weil au the iargt ando Most exactlug ITee on:Office 668 . Reidene.: 5238ad-g Telephone CoII.ct wavil;Ont u orda GIS MOVIE, NIGHT I IN ORONO COMMENCING TIHIS Auguat 26thg pictures will be shoýwn in Oronog STown Hall every SatuirdaY f 1. C. Bs«kinshaw, Pmsid.t EIwood A. Hughes, Geitera Mamffler ----OORNISH---I Choice Meat, PEAMEALED Cottage Rolis, lb. . 69c. WELL TRIMMED Pork Chops, lb. . 69C. SLICED j3reak-fast Bacon, lb 59c FRESH Pork Liver, lb...45C. Fruit Juaices, 48-07'. tins.... ....48e. Oranige, Blendàed and Mc'CoRMICK'5 Bipackage...19c. DARE'S POLAR Iced Wafers, pkg.. 29c. New, Tasty when chilleti Why Pay More? JELLO LEMON Pie Filler, à for ... 25c. Surf, Ige pkg. plus 1 bar Lux Soap, both.. 35c. AEROXON Fly Couls, dozen .... 23c. CHAMPION Cat Food, 2 tins. .... 23e,- CHOICE 20 oz. tins Cherries, each ...... 26c. FA.>NCY CRUSHED Pineapple, 20-oz. tin. 34e WELCH'S PURE Grapelade, jar...19c. SULTANL\A Raisins, 2 lbs ....... 33e. TRE RED & WRITE STORE FRUITS and VEGETABLES GOLDEN RIPE Bananas, lb ...... 19c. Carrots, 2 bunches 19c. EXCELLENT COOKERS Apples, basket ...35C. FIRM AND RIPE Tomatoes, 3 lb.. 25c. SUNKIST.. Oranges, 2 doz. for 45t. Reg. 27c. dozen, Cooking Onions, 4 lb. for ..........25c. No. l's arriving at Reasonable Prices and, are o! exceptional quality. Pickling Onions, Celery, Let- tuce, Cauliflower, Cabbage also in stock. (For Prompt Delivery Please Phone Early, 12 r 1) Mr. Hon Patterson, of Torônto, Visitors with Mrs. T. J. Carscadden ,speiit the wee1'ý end in Oronio. andw]y ee Mrs. Mri n Mr. Fred Froste of Tamwà, ýMn. avdToono;Mr adHm selevi. tebn aae tNw and Mfis. John Beirny dM)-. and castle. Mrs. Roy Berry of Orcài' u 1Mrs.ý Cecil Tebble, Kr1';M.Nl son MeRobentsTrno M S Geach and fam ily Mrsý Ella Thom'-p- and Arthur Tbon p of I endal. Capitol M PRE Local News Mi% and M;rs1 A. E. West are speuid- fig l'their holidays on ai motoir trip. The Orono Baud supplied the music for the Lakefield Fair on Saturday last. Mns. A. H. Davy of Tor onto, was areceut visiter mith Miss Mabel Davey. 'Mr. anld Ms.Ross Stonehou""se and family, of Toronito, xere recent visi- tors atMn and Mnsz F. Trui s -Dr. and Mrs. J. H-. LeslieofPtr býorough, spent the week end at hier pareýnts, Mr. and Ms W. J. Riddell. .Mr. H-. J. Seuch visited his brother, Mr-. Ed. Souch in Osha,wa i-o Tues- day. The O.B.A. Midget handball play- off-, between Bowmoanville and Orono will open in bhe local park toniéht (Thursdiay) at 6.15 p.m.ý Mr. and Ms Whittaker of Scar- bore, are visiting with Mr. George Fonhbes in Onono for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrsz. Lloyd TruIl and duughter Nancy of Kingston, are speuding a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Trull. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hurst of Ton- ente, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Simipson of Oroiio for the past week. Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Fielding, Misses Laura sud Allie Fieldin'g of Toronto, visited with Mr. -and Mrs. Carl BuBi- liugs this week. 1Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and .Audrey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rogborough at their cottage at Lakefield, Mn. and Mrsi. F. 0. Cooper, Mn. and Mrs. Robert Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Fagan andi famiily are hofiday- ing at Bobcaygeon. The seconid Monday in Octoben - October 9th - has been set as -the date for Thanksgiving Day this year. Thanksgiving Day is one o! -the sta- tutony holidays which is fixed each &-ear iby order-in4council. Miss' Jeanne Forrester has spent the past week with her parents-, Mn. sud Mrs. R. A. Forrester. She in~- tends spendin.g the nemainder o! hle- vacation at the Lake of Bays, Mus- koka., Mn. and Mrs. Herb. Findlay, o!f Collingwood. visited with hier cousin, Mrs. Howar.d Walsh one day last week, also called oni a numbern o old Orono and les-ýkard friends dui-ing, their stay iu this iF iy o! Lyni, !have been visitin.g wthMn. and -Mrs. WI. E. e, whio motoied them hack 10 Lyn on Wýednesd'ay. Mn. sudtr C Mi r . D av ey r e sp e uid i nig . a co)u - pIe o! days viewing the 1000 k I- lands. C. B. Tynreil, oun local druggist, bas been lu touch with dugssin Nethera Onftanlio thriouglh h me- dium o! the Ontario RetailDugit Assiociation> regarding the supply o! trucks ito fonwand esseutial pr-odueLts te the ares north and west of North Bay during the present rail strike. Several local truckers of Orono dis- trict have offered their services. 14 Thur., Fri., Aug. 24 - 2 "Tk,,e Rogues of Sherwood Forest" lu Techniicolor Starring John Derek and Diana Lynu "ýONCE MORE DARINCG" With, Robert Montgomery and Auni Blyth (8.20) Mon., Tues., Aug.282 "CRISIS" With Cary Grant and a Big MGM Cast ýLEON ERROL COMEDY Wed., Thur., Aug. 30-31 "THE HAPPY YEARS" ln Technicolor With Deant Stoekwefl -CHTNATOWN AT MIDNIGHT'e ARMSbTRKONG'S READY THE YOUNGSTERS FOR SCHOOL Ensembles for first graders to those in graduationi year! Brightly hued! Quaiity made! Value Priced! Every thing fromn Bon- nets to Shoes! You'Il like our quality-wise, smart youngsters andi teen age groups of fashions . .. . theyl like weaning themn-for their eaycomfort, their pert ont- look. Cone in while our scîce- tion is fresh and comtplete._ j Mrs. Alice Boilrad, Oakland, Cali- fornia, visited MVr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamiblyn on the week- end. Mrs. Bor- mand stated that Orono was the neat-(A eýst, prettiest, cleanest village she had picking up ta new ýcar at Detroit Mrs.' Borlanid was driving the returatp te Oakland unaccompanied. ther" guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mivrs. T. W. Cawker, BPowmanville, and Mr., and Mrs. Jack, Leishman, Toronto. The Juniors, holding the-ir owný throughout the local softbaill ege came out ahead on Saturday niigit; with the chanrpionship lauirels. The gaeon Saturday between Crooked Creek and thie Juniors brought the league to a close' for the season. Only a fewv spectators wer o hand tow1iness the one -run lead' taken by the 1local Juniors in this game. Barney, Cooper turned ia a very good ginmp of pitching for -the Juniors. oraAnrw first took the mound for Crooked Cree -k but ws. replaced2 (ly1PaulGtlic-k ïrInlh lfth. The Juniors sco-red maýny )f tenruns on wiId thosand w.rong pysof the Crooked Crceek e ry. Th fnl coefuir thie gameli after seýven inniugs of play, 'vnS 8 to 9for the Juiors. S PARK ST. g UNITED CHURCH oA . B . Egt c g ~Minister g SUNDAY, AUGUST 27th g O Q 00 a.m.-No S'-unday Sc-hoo)L.J..g .00 P.11- Leskand.g Join the CANADIAN i MORE THAN TALK ABOUT CANADA NEEDS MEN TO TRAIN AS ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUNNERS A iajior requirement of Canada's dlefenisive systemt todlay is men ,îiraijed for anîarraft operations. Charged with the defence of vital ara, h mno the anti'aircraft units are equipped and trained in the use of modem inti equiiipment- electr-onies, radar, radio and telephone. Therel are very few morc important jobs than servitcein an aî-ieatui fo-oum en iat omaesuetat Canada tis well eedd gis an er ntuljowty.omaç To enist you must - 1.Be ag Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 29 years of uo. 3. Be single. 4. Meet Avmy test requirements. 5 5. Voluntieer for se.rvice anywhere. Report right awav to Na. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot St., KINGSTON, Ont. No. 6 Personnel Depat, Char1eL Park, ouglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Woliseley Barracks, Elizabeth Street, LONDON, Oui. Depats open 8 A.M. ta 10 P.M. daily. Bring ccitificates af age and education with. you 0O ACTIVE - SERVE YOUR COUNTRY by sirengthening Caînada's Armed Forces f oday to build up I the defences against aggressian everywlieret iY ACTIVE 1 FALL TERM OPENS Tues ., Sept. 5 SStenography SAccounting SSecretarial SComptometer To avoid- disappointment regis ter at once. Office of the Col lege is open for your conven ience. Daily, 8 5 Tues. and Thurs. evenings, 74~ OSHAWMA BUSINESl COLLECE 18 Simcoe St. N. Phone 131, a E Ili 1 Ili . 1 la ý ; qwo«mlý, ý -,-7ý7 ý A

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