"Ex" 1Fasb.ion S hows Draw Big Crowds iwîyfie thous and stosvïs- itor s dilonthe ubasi fhs yerS uttendanice, are expected to TIe tu fasion shfowvs at ithe CNE.' Ecvr flee inuittes, from noo0n ou, a fresh sh!oý11vof Canadian fasis- ions wiiipo oni the runlway, al ndrhesnpervisýios3 of the woým- ecss iictrMrs. Kate ikn Inpo )at yw fashioni trends for- telalseasoij will be gvnpri ciseattent11ý(ion in Iis large-sc-ale styl uneup.Hîgblighlted will bef tisenewslupng houldecrs' (, ht at-- ly konde ipline, iunion of fabries, suih as crepew and flat fur, aud the rc:dS, bluts sud1(lgreens lattering to 0he oder wmn Entire hu dvtdcompiletely to :hildren" '] clting will be Süeen fo)r 1t1e -irst lime ciii the Faýshion- ýCourt of the Womleni's iin1g and in the 01w iColi en leTtettre. [ tbis spacions amilttratctive BeW thsrseating 800 and esp)ecialiy, desinedforthtshoingof fash- ions, V\1i1 ahso hben ilFaîl costumesý- for thebuinssgirl, the c arter wom; l n îd tise campus crowýd, ouif scivn axýimum va rieîy St IBnilslcol, gPivinlg both price of iie garm1len1ts and whIer-eteyare aivailable. Hlouriy shIows of lbudget- priýced e aL, suits and raÀinwe,. casiiilispo'rts and bu)tsinlesscote andaflr-fvewess-, wiil again be woteltdevryhour on tht hour,ý inte ahincourt o te omn 1 'fuild\ing ci I .întlie BRcon Rstaurl- SsiIsainebuiiihighi-sîyleclothles rulshed for tt xhbiio b sm 19f the cutystop) eoeili e vrescienîed duriig luncheonl, tes and dhouer hors Audin tht Tea Cour-t, finodeis illpromenclade afterssfoon and even1iug inclotîissiroui ithe shows i0 itise- Coliseum ,Thete And ýIis year, also ffor the lirst 'liime, fashi:oti will parade on the, grouvid floor of the Colisenm. Out zoonlis of tue chuge 1Dc(sigi for 'Liv- ing so, tregular intervals, will walkdve mor moelswearing moire sis oecoats. .iewclery ami drss*s. ourly nlearby' wiih lie thlt Dsa so o ilesow of szuits1 c'tiIsand ramiwear. Then, 1 auIt dd .a totîch ar iety te tis 'ýdeluge of)fashon, 0 cnf tise iol-sen tpe :1 ishing add- ed for 'good înîcasre. E-very afler- priition tetrMrs. GneDawe vvil bbck to repeat ber i asIyer' haubed în i is 2541-pound lblule zùarlin ýoff St. Daisin Ber- n-milda. Tlit 9-foot, 5 iiîch dni zen of tise deep pbbywud thbat Mow bray is tIisec ordre- six-thrilcltss sieR't is tes have a stn id me 10 filvt by, com o 0every one of fiaut society, a"Id made hy Itise lgis- litive powr vsted liil ; "aiibert-,y wben tis mt1l kprscribes inot, and 90 ioilow ny wuw!1t ïlu alil tings, Aot b be bc ect 111Cheinconstailît, -ancetain unkosînarbirary,11i aý! ilio lies1 rlskhi loU111) w iling, i10 risk Wheevr w iappeîs -C; thînk1 of sport in connection withIl tht memor invaiahiydrifts back1 tht e -arly tdays of Itht Ma2rathon1 Swmsîb ays whlen iiGeorge Young is 00w ýbcing taken ont of- the"t 5tC nasalmost as fmla a phrase as iiGrenbtrg iîilo tI; rd" hecamre aI a latte d cate Poor George! Ht and another ýlng-distance aercaweChanl- mél Swilmmtr Gertrude Rd e rl1 , fouind ot-hiard way-tbst wiil -vi-tOr-Y processionts, cix'lc rtceptionis asid tt cesqs ofadorinig imultitu'des, F may be 'Ver 'y tice tinigs il then- slethey don't go very far te- ward payinlg fori-b-Ionie steaks, gcCeCritS or sCalilg off tht îm- portunities of tht cenitcoecr.I e e had our wy "Which wouhd youF r-ather have-three cheers or three buecks?" -won)ld1 be tattooed some, place ou tise ide of every young a nd aspirsng sitbhete-some place whiere said 'atiete could re'ad it rcaiiy snd i0ofien, i thst! arathon sw:liiing wsan y let aione-preferably thet ltter; ai- fogttht spctacle olii"the Ba Sharit" shasig ousti towsardth f!nishinlg lhue ID- tht frîExhibition affair, ioOking aý s thouigh ble conld ~onideabe o aswiimmcir, thatý da. ý'was Mr. George Vie'rIwiftr, sud 1donl't ]et,.ay'dyevr.ry.n "Bo' t as apst ddotwiîh, long ago and"(1far aa, as Mr. JIphig's lv-ikToimV iy used[0 put il. Let's take 'a irini tat waîtise sports fanibasl]Sstore aI th1is ýears cdition of "Thtliex" di t IX ouh appear as thonlgh tht ccomlitiîss thoucands otfasLtba;ll loyers w ould- gel, foronce, anueegat sfficienc'y of tbeir favorite pactise, bthfromn the standpoiîîî of qîîantiîy sud that of qaiy Buiýt theExhiblîlois sports diretorcaotel you ail about it lar bettr is er e aisie ý"1u. 0takýe it wa.Mr. Duthie, Firsî Canadl(ia ost ssofîhahl chiampi»ohip sriesl w 11 bc iplayed this -yVar for FTht Tloroîsto T'lelegran Trophy aItht icCpnadian National Exhibition i rns An-ýlg. 25 to Sept 9. Tht thute rinig tourususeuts, sponsored joioty tIý -,ise CNE sud aieWTeegsmsîo wihl decidetw other illsttCaai National Exiiinchampiousbip f or meri's teais;and(1tht orotocilampion- ship for wnensteams. Ahi Winu- tiers wil1 receive trophies preseuted l'y Tise Tebegras sud set of Bill- ova wateies sýliip stries, thtîunasîtwiipe sent tt mlost uniqlu attractio.n in soîthil hstory"The Kiulg sud Yi Cor, a esîoîa u~ur-nman1 tem ro tht11( Uniîed SaeThis fcas4s iultarouod thtprowess df lmdpilched Edie Peigner, whose bsg of tr iciiclud(es throw - ïngd bhnfh ied e, ee t ht oi -s t 'e "ue Kiîsg l sud jbIs 1 ourt" xii melîtitl is ,o*ltwo ,gan1s Fridsy an SaurdyAug. 25 sud 2,gantTorontol Tip Top Taîlors, curreut world's chiampionjs, sud To- couto Peopie's Credit Jea ellers. also, of tise Beacîses Fasîbali League, XVîîntrs irons iix provinîce- will cI-mpete iius thie firî-t Caîsadian meu's sofîbabi cbiatnpiousbiip stries. Prior to the CNE a stries wibh bc held iii Wý,innipag 10 deciare s wiuiner 10 re- preseut British Columbia, Alberta, Privilegeà Park er-N-\inetY-nine-year-olÏd'johin Griffeth can Park anj]y place he wants to now-even in no park.ing zones. The city fathiers of Red -Cloud passed -an edlict recogniizin'g anij established fatct for the oldster has been parking hfiis21er-l cas, in taboo zones ever since he canree er Lao Dyal ;so wIfeature the Legeseries for- t1-e Bulova trophy. 'Fh is ceue it is xpcldwiiI prouide for atrpehadr everyv np.gbt oiftie CNE-onewo n' game (anid twomn' games ;in the ratet paradeof softba1ltasn TII~FRMFRONT Backiii y scool aysthtRead- crs uled to 1bt fil of4tales of the struggles of ouir pioneer forefathers, anid about lho-w they îoil'ed t10 car thenîiselves, farma ont, of the tree.. covered Canadian w ilderuess Nowv itsem as if the r ighit corne ae 'eay an1d suoner than we th1ink1- wvhen w'lbecivishing ithat itose pioneers hadîî(Il't been s10 handy Vwith t ax ad sanid thaut those of us whio foilowed îbem had't fol- Co,-d lî\hesrn ue ithout)i! auythughîofte fg "utue. i1 that'Lancient ý,admonition "WoodmIiian Spare Ta Te"witb real serionis- ness, lInfî they 're saying that the- constanit whiing of thi. lumberl)-i mnatîtsaw -ii ilal parts of the world, nîay cetnaliy speil destruction iof the hnmai- n rce. Sowhen yonm've a few miu1tes frefrom oryn ab'ont thi A-om and its snccess- ors, ma1be hat anild Connlltry svriter lhas 10 say ab)outforest de- struction ill helýQ1opupt yon back in the( ilnood nif1gcoom which sems ap- prpite t Iis day and age. Belte atiSeýto10work>withsw aud aeto tardowr. thiewod' foresîs for bis own tuse,tre-nr ters of thle eanîh's lanîd snrfaice a tree-coxerecd. Bnt wood bas always been ani integrald part ofoinr way ol ]3eorcthewidspraduse of m-àetais, vwood iras ti e world's rmost TAKES TEN-COUNT - Pre- paring for bis tithe fight witb Ez- zaidChantls in September, Joe Louis bais been gettiug up at the count 0f' ten--A. M., that is-f or a hearty breamkfast before gruel- iing radwork. Weigbing 222 po bd, htrctIred champ is pre- pang -ofor bis come-back fight rÀtjh training Rt West Baden Springs, Iîîd. wi îdely3 used rawtatrl. us, fu.rniituire, shjipsý, fuiel weve it l pro- vided by ithe woodmn wbo beh(gan1 the irreTocaie langhiter Cofîthu forests. Evert aller tise Irol Age, wvood stililibas ils million usec s in ouir daiiy, lives, ai-d the gianitfoesar siowiy, being destroyecdI Tise resuit olIbri.is ay Ifiualiy speill tragcdy for tt h muainrace. For treès (doumch more tlian mere- îy bloit ornanstental anid provide nls with onr daily ne-edsý. Treeýs are tht great protetors of the soi% Tbey shield crops from fltewn arrest soul erosion and prevent msny a ausieby binding booteý soit. Already some two-tlîirds of -the world's svoodlsnds have been felled and îoday only one tret is being planted for every tîvo w hichý are destroyed, No onie wonld deny Iliatmuch iliof tbe fore(st clearanlce lias ,been'ees sary. oý1SIldtobIebts)Iiitad 'land 10 leed thtrpdlinresn worldpouain î But, thsecle-iaance bais been irr sponsibly excnteýd Muých of thtt land once covered xvitb forest bans nowv tecome desert,, And this desert is spreading. The famous "Americani dust- bowl" is just out_a xaple of Mani's waîîton destructioîî. I hsregion ail th( re were ýctdwn to nake svsy foýr rcul- tural 'land. But the win, wîh 11o trees to break ilsports an-d shieldtht sou, took cnîrlasd bas no0W swept away the fertile top-soul, and laid iîîstead a car1pet of useleso dus t. The same tbing is happening in many other parts of the world, svhere snd aînd dust base beau de- posited by tht wind and ýc. tulnsed fertile land imb destolatexvst Tbe vast, daypaîsofals tine are a supremeexmpl. uc of tie country la îioxvbrei u tht reas, iîs that onl sîn sve per cent of !ber originlil îsstl exîst. Jt is calcubated îatIiaue at ianything up t10 1,00 years to usakîne an inch of fertile sou1. But the rate of wastage is now far býigher tissu tbis. And now with a wol ,plto ;vhich is stili on tht icrese ,isrc seenss ltle hope (of srvvl o mankind uniessonigis donc imimediaîely to couîîtera'Zct, tht re- mendous destruction of thtlorisi s More tisai a.hundradyar g there was a Britishadiaiwlo wlîenever heloudhnîfasoe usÏed 10 speîsd imnchf lus ime planting acorus 0tîssrehat i ter would alway\s be a phasîtifu supply of British oak] for Britishshps Msny lauglîed (Iat h111wheîî ad many still lugsat h k sOyo an admirai]igiJ; suai 1oessu burying acon-i1. 1But tht lime mayýý corne, and p vhpont lis hei 0 distant futureý, whupol îa wish that tht etîaBiis a bad spent its ser-vice s iaîîn acorus for British ono.An e Canadliatîs have bLeî, asîd stii are, far more. wasteful in Ibis reýgard than tise British ever ho 'i being. *,Classified Adv7ertisïing.. AGENTS WANTEI) #PPIrS, GRERASES, TIRESý. teis aos trFast Freezesad111 lesIteof Cýoatingo, Praet'ni1'ee t.Dealers wanýtedl. Write: tarcoG. aean 1 1 Ltd,, IIABIÉ CIIChS denstock. To H0 arrie main bsns roery soka woeae,$, , Fxturea. Steady trade. Ex service m, most seitlis iwo weeks. Write. poneorcone. Must sacrifice a, cosc.Jon Pcer 13Dunlop Street, Barie.Phne354 PERMAN'EN'T Wv ahn.New Rugene Duplex, $210. Write Box 3, arriston, Ont. DjAT-OLýD chLks, broiler chicks. ierpllt [UT1NGEDMusical nsrmet1rpirt1at ten vweeks to lai, Fec aaou.Tedl ciihdFrinformation Wrýite A. C. lie- IcS Hatcherjea 1iottFruOtre Garvey. Wood Producis, OeitOntario. THE, SE speclialpde for tis weeiî and] neat. S ws t 7e,10e at Sc 2 k.at ifeks a t117 0 2 b.e 20,2 v at 0225 3rces-oc Ieg . ocs mus1ex Bcd, R. 1, lids. . Hmp,_g- bor,i,Roc k Ieds. Phone 78 colectr on Hatchery, 1, E l",ter. Ontn' PULLET 1111SALE stoc ilI. id, Sisx o led. ie Roc k. B. Rocks N. amops. Rock X NLea. Sale wksai00. tSt. t Ic.a10 esawSc and nclse Iis ti. 0"Ie cnt deposît. Huronale hicSHatceryLontqo. ntarlo. ItESil 110t IVE S j,1i 11a bec, Lnget i 10 trame. 83 ateciaAve. Ohataont. Phone ý,62141I. NOTCE omean2d StoreI tnerAdveetîS- wocen abietsai anfacturera' onces. OuRaOevle, Ontarlo BOXE 1UPiES. iri Iby Interatina Chmio aboo t-Biarnolýe, FretI) TuxSuio 1Boa 68 D. Leington, Ou. DYEINOi AND CLEANING. alad 10 an£ie "'our Quesîlo-nS Oece rtreni a, paIrwlers ye Worls Lmltd791 Tisa -Coe~ Trone ei FARSSS FOR SAL $15,000.00, LOVELT 00aceFuein-,Du- liard Counîx betwecen Port Hp n ~c Lake; Bricklbouse, large brn. hic lenhu, aillnb perfect condition.Hdr thugo. Plus nater pumpcd loto il bidnsfo dcoe i Al uldng odcdad ne", ealroofs On ut. idi -Sis uh n amali Streamn.,A cdean i rensperous farm for imimedliate possession. Tcrmrl.,Wrtefor fuli details. LO0N G I 1;S0 REALTORS PORT 110111 12 CEdairy faem, oi, ig! ayiniheget of SIcrcty!oe pobn; akt bar n, bush ersochr.Prc '30Prîni- FOR sAL .0 8' tlk I , 7. ili. ad 1,0-foot lenths Piceteappl3y 038"atl8 40se souar..016 ai 6.21 -r square deHlvred naroocints For esîlmý1ees,'tllmplesq. iteýr. atv.ec.wite: -5. C. LEiI & 00.ý Ontfarro CIRCLLAV stp mii.GjdcOt'1n7 Alte matie sat i1îng machine for hdsas a'nd crue as ielrecircular.saws, tineau,Qubc M OTOR, LS Hrl Ovdo svand orgeate dmtorcycles. tiepaft y iactoey,-eiodrncancsBcylsadco rietene, thelgo7s.aseGns oate and oi onQiordM esOe veninges outil ec'ptWdedy ta ycle i Ipees. ing ai afr.tmlo CO'BINDER andiLedr.tockhutt. noueir drive, on rubbcr, ha,,,cutleics than 20 acres, R. C. McConeii, "cutlin, Ont, Met. NE TIRES PI'C1 L AE 1'0FR DEALEHS i>NLI Deles oeu red 10',dIstibute flrst 110e uiaPercha Tires backed by Guita Pereba lîftîne garaice Lagesnetoc fpassenger anditruS tresin ppuarsîzes sveiieble, >Siceptionel dî ,seunîs ýfor duration nf sale. Enquiries teiliLec ceonîetly looked atter SIXl, r !e on foc dtellaof tîsone-o-,f 11,me1Cer. Tire epartment. HrulsSales OnlerinTrntri cabie; ressre 5,1m: trese: lose tu Itching Burnen JItean duaietcdx nigel an origi nal bc, .i et Leenes 7En"rai i 011 Doni aerr-this powcefui peneteatlng osu eritigs sc ase and cenifort that you'Il Seonib h , bteito anabout ynur ivork again, haprY anti M ithoolt thai almostimocearable alob o Eerti iitonight-freceis: n deonecsti;n-is c onemical. lloncy barS if nt ais ileti GeoIAdruecists everywhere, ýDon't de'ayl Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dizpn's Remedy. 1MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 35.Elgin, ottawa $1.25 Express Prepeid CRES Waî Reove lee Posne cars. oue UN WANTED H AIR Es'aea(:it-d f riiîm aio part of the body teitis Saca,'-Pe1o a r-lmarkable discovery of the lige. Sai a-Pe>d. -ontali, ne harmfui ingrrefflent, and ailE detroe te haïr reot. LOR-BEERLABOHATORIES BE A FIAI RDRESSEfR - .1012 CANDAS EADINI 1SC'HOOL Pl1easani dîgnifiedprfe] ingond teages thousanda succestulma vlgraduates Arnelen gestes erte Il lPstraîed es logueafree. rit orcali >AREL UniDRElSNG SCHOOLJis houehod pastc alces.Wrcite 1:Eddie PATENTh soiîlcltes I6tsbllebiec) 1510 38Iboia) Street. ('Ornin 100nl t i- mrallon on roquant& EREST HOMES VEýRT comfor'table accommodation. IRest. Con- vaecn.Pos-operati e. Welting, Mthers. Aiseoatnnsfor- Archritis, etc. Box D806 Ne\tima-krbe, Ocr TEACIIERS WNE TWO QUALIFIED TAC ES anted fer, S.S. No,16, village sehýîole] udeil.and No. 6, Bruceton. RnreeDuties ,0 com- mence Sept. 85, 0. State sslary eîfectedC tvhen eppflying te M lfcnný,eltYSee.-Treas.. Quadeville. Ont. SMALL, CEMENT MIXER, shallete tell Ptimp, Pules tue W.C. Tracte)r. State price. Marshall E. Campbell, Muirkrk, Ont. 7W AN TED) SOFTIVOOD LI JMBER 1", 2". sud 3" saten Softtnood, any Iincl; tuila ont. end trimmeti, car-1,oac or truck-toad lots. ROBERTP JONES LUMBIEO Co. HOAMILTON, ONT. REAL E$TATE- W;ILL >FAT CASH for Propcriy in or near tewvn. ilde ageti business office couple Wv1s te go iloto ice.ai esiate, insuranc e or tour- ist buaýine .1 with possibiIties t\, rte , Col- WAKE Up YOUR LIVER BILE- Witbouz Calomel'-And You'Dl Jump Out 04 1Bcd in the Morning Rarin' te GO The fiver 8hould pour eut about 2 pinte of bile juicenlaboYour digesitive tract every day. [f thia b'ile is net flowýing freely, your food may net digest. It may, just decay le the digestive tract, Thon gas bloats tep your stomacb You get eonstipated . Yeu f gel seur, eunk and th. I ltestee ilgenîle Caters Little Liver PÂlist ehese 2 pintaq of bile flow. i-gfrb«y te mate you feet 'up and up.' Gie lo apaîktagc todïay. Effctive in maltîng bil fot feey.Ask foru tr'gLittle Livei Pil. 5 t ay drugstore. ISSUE '34 -1950 Cool in any pipe!P