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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Aug 1950, p. 7

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HMe Speke By R1ihard HIIWIknst liisou rciiziusg il Aritela tiseblak bi îd bluie lys ite aditedtebrself that hie w'as good loeiîg.Aielie %xx ore bis even- - ing lolise ss B just the rigbt. de- grec etF casuialuess; bis face xx as plePaat anid guileicas. Dangerous, site tlisougbt.. Tise ty pe of mail wbo culdni't be trusîed. Deceptis e. Like Locrifig Brýookes. Mere tiegîof LoingiL gave ber a funny fittie paugi. And tihen tbhc young-man iiî (lie blc ye ansd black bain sîarîed tessards-I'- bier. -e seaved is %vay in ameuýig tue( daîseers and tapped Sac ýv er Clarký ots thse shoulder, "Mild if -1 cli lu?'- ho asked. Dild il"aile Amnecdy iddIcle Of thie t"C-Ioor?- "Well, thier, when the m1usie stops." But -when thle music so ped they ,eren'î on thle floor ai ail. They were oui on -,he terrace, ieoking up at theý meon, anid Ar- mslne was saying, 'T do wish you'd take nme back. "ns cold."1 "Yel'ou ' bec-ld Iùj(L a à a bAud batol xvii mae a sene Sbie loeked a i agMiy, bt be eîîly grinned. 'i've itali a mmiid te do0 il. Il nigbt teacis yen a lessen."# "11 prebabl3 xs'uid," he admit- ted. "B ut please doîît. Yen see, l've heen vatching yen ail evening auïd planîing tîis caupaign-briug- ilig yeout bere, f tsean." ~Tbe ideal!" Arîineii tossed b er Itei,. "Weil, ye eau-i briug nie rigbî h ack aigan.~ "Net ntilI sa xx ai 1 bave le lnded Au wat miakesý ye haete Say.- trobl suls yot-enre neye,- r Yeiake bisal bifce valu e ai nd iet il go ai thai.f li's netfar. "Whlat! Cer-tainiyý, you car't bc seiu.If Ibis is some sort of okit's a poolree Please tak-e nier back!" Ai faceSa teuseC. "Yn've get te ea me lIoý k ;ti ail sunsïlrzy. But1 isli't. LaJst y OICr, (vhn I'vnt awyin snIcb a hurriy it wVas hecautse ns'brother blad henhurl in a fooit. halgausle. 1 wrete yenl theC day af 1er Iarrived in- Caifornia. A\ir mai. I wasu'ýil t tili a usenthl later tibaî L icarnled the pin rale nd hm cd.Thn kewit svs'00lIe caeon east, igiuýg nsyý broter aieg itb ilse. He gelwilm Mle broke off. She ixas sîariugp at itsiin amaizeinueii. Hle gestured beipiessly. "I tried teO loek yen np, but yo'd ýgene sonth for thie win- ter, And then, in 'ibe spring the uîsîversiiy sent mie UIp te aaal de tome research wr.Igel ac a xeek age, laîe e eeu tiein and caus her toligi, hloping teseyen ri )l" e leaned for1- :iiard and gapdbrsoles aidferceiy,Y" oeynhv i way ived 3e Yeno vnm et at ii yen dlid . bnyndidi1'i Mýe ssvnng back n she( causie ilnpl to bitn. "Was .. Roet Brookes - 'Yes. He%,% did ye u knosx?ý 1I didn't know. But 1 read about hini in the papers, And I rea.,d about the crash of the plan'e, te(, . , , oh, Lering, what A stui tIe fool I've been !" She was in bis arus, sebbingÎ bysteicall. Le i i eli er tigbit; pselytilted bier chlini anid kissed le tbink Of wblai ns-igbi hiaveC hap- pee f yeni had objecîedi te -.Om;Ing "Obecedi WTy, nyprecis,.i if îf yon han')ronglit Ile obDut, The Pleasures Of Pile - C u ràg At 'Homnie Ely Geoffrey Boumphreye iy t sdbaeo'-, bette stîi 'baco i.îîd eggsor ' bam an eggs11,o ontitat mal ý,Inter s h e r eu tiful fords th iuk, anid tar fc thedteargue abilgou l.S\ o a fing oai that ilvbet lesing th pare of atenbher S o mea one sîlh oraieto si's te.E hather1 sons- craufothe eye!i-p, and baist stues the tt ith alviu ourQýst, i "ai ts a o u kihowt ghse an al fceiu tht mthefbesa hngve part et a geýiueraîieu thde geuo hans ]i a sot, alost greishink. and the lean bi fltmi. ao mol ds.au hefiiesba ar v ding sin hc cu î3(ià teîisoofeedsltthe gis uois thato sIM ihe t ecp a psiga,,seý- Que s, aot e-anv grand ilung about igs irel s ta beare fr hen They idomsteraima. aYu ca :I ekowththo aiiie sloale oo of at inboteu ifbretin i the pig, largeixiïas baconthor bans. Tîser e hasandbeavntvsae tue tthe 10siln-sindal iednewîb it a ig ucenlltris hu tls lî wo iý,eLng before te hutci cntes the long thia nka fersty iiîded Int Cîd netofdawn vibout a slight seesc cf unieasînesa; but, I was rasx, and. did net, quite kuow ss at te ex- pcct. Now, t1ose lis o occasions in the 3 Car ari re- leterdays, as th',. hfave been in Merrie EnlaId for huniidreds of years. The butcher ar- ivsin bsvan ig' ghs.s benfed for tlVeIty-foulîousa the lsa fields, in the final be- liftaat last, he is goiug tegel his2-ea dowîî in that hucket th t -meîs e ood. A beautitul end- vwhîcbi of us, witbhis nientality, iould ak or auythiug better? i PerhaplIs' an heur later, MVr. Brosen, ai w vill caîl himi,'and bis assistanit, conernjtemy-,kîtchen: aInd w \din a taukarýid or tss ,o ef beer. The converisation folios s rather 1the unes used w ,u3ou go te se-C neod new hba hi arn iev itb thle imp)ressýiîSn j Oust as fibe mothler ougbýIt te be) tbat f1 have been a very efficient preducer, and Ibat tbe product is oeeDfi the finesi specimens seen round1 thlese parts foýr Ima1ny a long day, A'Ise, there is thec great fou Ofî gtesiig the wib.MBrowvn thiniks il will make eý very pourud ci twelve score; i say, medesiy, tIbat 1 sheulld tbink il will top eleven score, ai any rate. Thicee',as an occasion wnheu tihe weigbît was eigbteen score. -andi thrhanging frous the heams, was a vasi carcass like a uanSot~; bu, owadays, apari frein te kudos of having reared sncbh a pig, 1 like thens about ten or tîvelve score. Brightwell Brandy-svbat a pig shie was! The quini-esseuce of food conversatin!i- As seon as tbe carcass has been vseighed, il is let down witb block [1uriugi.CThere'tareitnsanl-,d iffe ren ostthr3u want a ln as ra roud eehov tiuch yen a re go- suone Puonlli l ways fnd t 'Ilear su nasy its anid piedsý v hcb ise 1te be iised lupmore c' sfresiî (toe saY notliulg of aîsdroun), 150 ,bou dtwo Bathcbas (o cleeks, adit Many Diîffereýnt Methods ecf Curing frstkep a ig.Ilmeant tesend il ass ayte a bcon fatory t e ure lu tact, made a o f thleir- aîsdsec, bct fciot'scur ï di eied i no S cr b ttsebau~, t iasî my eifad set there~ aas'te e leofr' Mseen tilese tion puer is er c ia ssjîba ause fred of ustteaud taeove bis isome curd laco:adbac n. THe said i -CaIea3 uiuu e, but lie haere th ie t hacîs iîcýt. That1 sound ttanordiuart eartlîeunware bread- cîock mat islds (eue ia lt ondeu shoulder, ansd 'a curjiug irouisil l'et necessar , if 'ou bave a ong, narroi' table and asn luseu,; fleor tîsat 3-eu do net isd getttig n rather a mess. jTisen 1 startcd eoliectilsg rcipesý anid analyzmgî then. I sbeîîld thnilic 1 gel abouit fot3nîall-asd tbey àll boied donnOl about feur dîffer- eut nsetisods of curing, with milsor vriatielîs.1 ,,seut eut for eimplicity anîd rîîality. Witb tnt flrst tw e pigs, trîed abot-ig-tdiffereut cures, ansd kcpt steIoco)mpare lvith tise t esulîs. Noss f ba've standardized oi twss'q asiml'e eefor fille Cveryý- dybacoîs, iand a mure exotie u atsd -a siireperîjoîs et sa,ý ilpte Say brhIi nheurs weýrk in aIl; the saute next da,oiysberter. Outhe tbird dat, nhutise saitvili bave (,.awin u11t1ftis]e surplus 'stisture eut 0ethltcuetlthe cures divide. Tite bacoin,!ud Bath cbaps sîay oua lite tble ad go on getîiîsg about< ile inutes' rubbing a day twith iesi und saltpetre issixtures, plus acbt'e Deusarara suigar - that is "itekeep Ibte lean soft. is baiaud sîteoulders go jute tbeir bedcos.and for lîsen I uake uIp a wotsderfuil brew oz sîreng beer- or set molasses or black Ireacie, a scaseuing ef ailP spice, coriaudier, aud biack- pepper, a baudfui et sait and 'saltpetre, 'a shallot, and a good measure ef junt- per bernies. Tihis is boiled up, al- iowed te cool, and then poured over the joints, Eacli day, ibeir position is reverýsed, ansd tbey aire tboreugIiy basîed with tiehrev Hose'lonsg - uu coîstinue thle cur- îug dcpeîsds oul'bow long 30u-want !fe icueat te kecp. f generaliy cure eue side et bacon for just over a for'îniglst, si ich means il wili -keep s;af ci3 for six inouIths, and the other I gis e about ilîree weekzs, se thai' il is safe for a year. 1 do îlot'tbinsî as bain or shiouider deveiops ils flas-or untîl il lias matured for ait least six mnuîs, se lhey are kept tu tise brese about eighl or ten days for es ery inch of îbickness. The catch about il is -,bat the longer you cure, tise saltier the meat a'id tise harder the e iaî tends te be, thougi you ecau offset Ibis te a greal Mserrily He 1Rolers A.ong-It's a jeep, btyo'dh- rdly knOw, WThie ,weird vehicle is the resuit of igniya an AirFoc Ie1d in j,ýapan. Tt wasý born of the necessilyfrugn haste ïii badigair cargoes. As soon as cargo plane lndï, the 'LHarvty Spcll" jeep rushes to it wlth rollercneosta pedu loadingy and unloadimg, " .ersfine, but it carn.,,ait," four-year-oid Johmny Zeek sems10be teling hi!;ad EI v a1r?, as ise appliies'tise brakýes to admire certain aspects, of the view on the beachk. Woko l,~-e if he io s his- do ubl!e sonsersauit she'1I eut the o m timad gi e l s a cmie h

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