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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Aug 1950, p. 8

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ýNo W F-ai Just Around The Corner.g Be -Prepýared and Make Our Store Your -jIleadquarters for OIL KEAING .APPLIANCES 011,, We Cani show you the Newest Stylesg £1DON' BE DISAP11POINTED - ORDER NOW. f fi Later on might be too late. VVE HANDLE A FUTLIL NE 0Fg Farmn Equipment - Milking Machines f 13 lamimermilis, etc. g COME IN AND TALK OVER YOIJR REQUJIREMENTS g Coleman & Philp Electric iO Phone 89 r I-- ORIONO During the hours of your bereave- ment our aim is to do everythîng in our power to ligliten your bur- den. RARTLEY H. BARLOW FIJNERAL DIRECTOR Phone 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 rKw Y/~ L ATRE 'y AIR COOLED - BOWMANVILLE and SATURDAY - AUGUST là A N DAY and TUE SDAY 25th-26th -AUGUST 28th-29th tL~*8t/~ CARTOON -S-HORT ,SDAY - THURSDAY - AUGUST 30 -31 BASIL RADFORD' JOAN GREENWOOD ,1T0 ~- LAPb Sei -4îA_ )WL$;: HEAY COMEDYI" -Bit LY ROSE ...-'f 0sse a ~ ~ ~ e th popr ,,.. ithe ARCII OF TIME SHORT "MID CEN"ýTURY" 'LOR CART&>ON 4 INTERESTING SHORT ~WESLEY VILLE Mýrs. K. Biaobo Toronto, spent the wek-ndwith i ndMs ArVno'ld Thorndyke. rMr. and Mis. Wesz. IHeard and Gor- don. of Bwavilvisited wýith Mr. and Mis. C. Payne on Sundfa y. Mr.Marc Brightwec-ll and Mir. and Mýrs.'Wmj. Sullivan11 of Rielhfoîd', Ver- mon, v~itd ith Mr. ad Mis. H-1 r- old Barr-owcýlough. Miv. and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke and family, and Mrs. K. Brimacombe of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lon'gyear of -Eliza- betfrville. Mis. C. Payne, Murr)ay and Ruitb atteýndedl a myiscellanieou s hower for 1'ylss Jean Duf ld in Myritie h ail. eftENUAL Mi. and Mis. Turner and famil.y of Toronito, are visitais this week with Mr. and Mrýs. At Low. Miss 'H1ilda Bell is visiting with lier brothepr, -Mr. and Mrs. Clarenice Bell an'd sister Mis. Marguerite Thomp- s'on. owilanville.Mrant WeekI-enid visitors wý,ithM.an Mrs. Milton' Robinsýon were, Mrs. Fielding of Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs.1 F. Garffhouse, Mr. Win. Chiristie and1 Mrs. E. Gardhouse of Toronto. Miss Margaret Jcsneniteýrsthe Ottawa Civie Hosipital next week for lier tîraining in the nursing profes- Sept. 8-9 - The best CoUntr sion. Visitais with Mr. and Mis. Herbert Sp.89-O O OF I Mencer during the holidays were M-% Sp. - RO OF I and Mis. Rowe and Mr. and Mis. F. Ushetr of Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Wattei-s of Peterbürough, Miss Juan -__________________ ita Mener and Mi. Downer.PHN 218HOE 14 Mis. Abert Mavin and family, of POE24 IOE24 Bowmanville, spent the holidays with Buy Witlh Confidence at Mi. 1ý. Wilson and Ada. Mr. and -Mrs.Jli Srhýan Art's Car âMarket baby. Toraonto), Mi. and Mis.. Bob HOME 0F Stainton and famiily, wavle spent Sýunday with Mr. Jim loy and BETTERDEALS on Helem1 BETTER CARS Mi.A. Mavin anid family, Bow- Low Down Payrnents and Easy manvwille. Mi. a;ind 'Mis. Art Mencer Termns. Cash or Trade ins and famiily, Garden Hll, and Mr. and Mis, Geo. Wilson, Orono, visited Mi. TRtIS, WEEK'S SPETCIAL R. Wilson, Ada and Fred after at- 1947 Buick Sedanette, equipped with tending the d(corationi service at built-in radio, undeï- seat heater, de- Welcome Cemieteîy. frosters, chrome wheel rîims, super Mis. Lofthouýse and family' and cushion tires and snanyý other extra1s.ý Miss M. McKelvlie are visiting -«' ith This metal!ic Nubliieauty is in perfect Miss C. W. an-td Mi. Neil Seat condition throughout. The latter have returned fr-omi an en- Fuli Price only $1975,00 joyabl)e imotoi tnip to the U. S.Don ayet$9.0 Miss' Hilda Warren of Tormnto is 24 months ta ayt1he balance. visiting with hei parents, Mi. anid 1950 Ford Custooe Coaceh. Built..iný Mis. Fred Warren this.week. radio, air condîtioning, heater and- de- 'Mi. and Mrs. Tom Falls have f.-osters. etc. Full Price.-. $2195.00, taken the house vacated by Mr. and Down Payment_............._... $659.001 Mis. Eddie Couroux. 24 months to pay Mi. NelsniMîIeobeirts of Toiontlo 1941 Dodge sedan, metalic blue. Fuliý visited his uncle and] aunt, Mr. auf rd Pce.....................----$895.00 Mis. MRtet and othqr relatives, 1941 'Mercury coach, light green. Ful in Kendall, al1so taking a I ok at thiej Price ..-.................--5--- new house whichi is nearingcope 1941 Ford coach, liglit giey. Full tion. . Price..............---.......$49,0.00 Visiting with Mi. and Mi. 2. 1941 Chevrolet sedan, daik b lu iull Reynoldsý this wekaie the formeî's Price -----..................$10 95. 00 parents, Mn. anud Mrs. H. R. Reyv- 1940 Mercury sedan, black. Ful nolds of Toienton. puice --_. ------- ----------- $880-00 Miss Doris Gofieen of Port Hope, 1940 LaSalle sedan, black. Ful is spending a week with Mi. ard Mis. Price..................... -----$975-00 Lloyd Glas's. 1939 Ford coach,, dark green. Full Mi. George Byers of, Toronto, kIPrie ..................... 1 - $875.00. spending a couple- of -weeks at thie 1939 Dodge coupe, dark ,blue. Full family's summnei home here. 1Prce_. .......- -----------$780.00 Ronnie Glass attended the 'bithdaýy 1938 Chevrolet coach, black. Full party of Merîjîl Graham. Price ....... -----......... ...... $775-00 Mis. Sam Smith is spendin.g a week 1938 Pierce Arrow coupe, green. Ful with Mi. and Mis. Cecil Glass. Prce............ - -----......... $650.00 Last week's Kendal news told of an 1938 Buick special sedan, black. Ful address on "Pioneers of oui NeighIi Price .1............-------........$795.00 boîhood". The name McClure aqp- 1937 Cbev. coach, lîglit green. Ful peared in the wrong place. It shouild Price.................$67500 read : The Carscadden..family am 1937 Olds, sedan, dark bIne. Ful from the Old Country to Newton- Puice ...............$650.00 ville, followed the tiail to Crookeýýd 1937 Nash sedan, dark blue. Full Creek where it ended and blazed the price.....................--$650-00 rond through ýto -the Sixth Liire. There195 Od. San bak. Pl Price.................$195.00 they built their finst home w'here an 1934 Chev. coach, daîk bIne. Full old stone wall stands today. SonPrce .....................---------$295.00 the rebellion of 18a7 broke out.. 1933 Willys coupe, blue. Full Carscadden and Mi. Aid shouldeîred Price......................----$99.00 their guns and walked ta Toronto 1932 Pontiac sedan, black. Full onlv to find Wm. Lyon Mackenz'ie, the Price .... --- $125.00 leader, lad fled to the U. S. Long 2 BARGAIN TRUCK VALUES walks were quite common thenll A 1950; Ford 1/2-toni pickuip, biard new. Mi. McClureof North York walked Pull Price................--- ý$169500 40~~~~~~ mie'oSaroot hos ie24 months ta pywith down pay- 40 ils o Saror tochos- ý wdement .....................------- --$509.00 and peisuaded heî ta walk the foîtyv 1948 Cbev. 1/j ton paniel, likeP braind miles back with him. Ester, Elliott, new. Full Price..........----$1250.00 lived a mile north of Kendal. She 24 months ta pay w-ýithi down nav mairied a man at Peterborough. She ment.....................$ 375. 0 longed so much ita see her mother Open fromi 9.00 arn. to 9.00 pmi. that she walked 32 miles home ta 6 dnys a week. Kenidal. She was the, great grand- mobher of the Silverwoods, famous fan thei ice cîeam taday. I MAIL SERVICE During the' rail 'stîike anly fiîrst class mail is being delivered by the postal department. Parcels or other clases f mil are nat being delive- ed ta ai fiom the village. Hwvr a-1l mail is heing distrbuted bet-ween Bethanyi, Poaitypool, Kendal, New- cas,-t1e, Newtanville and Orono. A truck service lias been obtained foi this service. Mail for other centres fromn the village is picked up at New- castle by transpor-t and only first îlass mail is being accepted. IWIUMUIN19U and Rot Water HBeatling CALL US FOR ESTIMÂTES IIARRY E. LYCETT Phonte 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. TYRR EL L',s After a pleaisant holiday, it's a hard ride for the students to retutn to sci.vol, but you eau make it an easier one now, andi in the months to corne, by buyinig ail yoùr school neede, the hest that you i an buy, at TYRRELL'S. HERE A7,LE THE NEWEST SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES AT LOWEST PRICES. See ourstock of Text Books, Loose Leaf Note Books,,Note Books, Scribblers, Memo Books, Pens, Pen and Pencil Sets, School Paints and Crayons, Art Books, etc., etc. etc. REMEMBER - SCIIOOL OPENS TUESDAY, SEPT. 5th Waternan'Ball Point Pens, each............------ m....$1.50 Refls... ............ $1.50 Sehoo-iil Opeaing 4zo biA,1 Waterrnan Pens and Pen Sets, frorn.......... $3.50 up Pen and Pencil Sets, priced frorn--«............. $5.50 Vp SPECIAL it. .ÎL Three-Ring Loose Leaf Note Roya Bal Pont Pen, n Books, cornplete with color- RoyalBailPoin Pen, no et dividers and Reflil. Fab- reilo'ainiable. Special 29c. rikoïd Cover.........-- -$2.39 refll obLeather Cover . $5.69 .r Fair, Sept 8-9 - Sept. 8- 9 T-yrrell's. Drung,Store Drugs PHONE 68 Agent for Jackrnan Flowers ORONO, Ont. L gFINDLAY OIL BURNERS 03 No. 1OIA, Upriglit Model ....... .........$847,0 gNo. 120A, lJpright Model........ .. .... $99.50 13No. 140 LF Lowboy Model witli Eleétric Circu- o lator......... .......... .........$142.00 ROLPH HARDWARE g hote 43 r 1 - Orono Get Your Sehool Supplies .1 Ladies' Delustra Crepe Slips, Straight Cut, Sin- gle Brassiere Top, Lace Trim, colors White or Pink, sizes 32 'to& 42, each........ ........ $1.98 Dresses, Misses', Spun Rayon, Assorted Styles and Colors, sizes 7 to 12, eaceh........... $1.9$ Panties, Children's, Training, sizes 2 to 6, 4 pr. . 98c. Socks, Boys', Fancy Pattern, Hea vy Weight, re- gular sock length, assorted colors, 8 to 10V2, pair...................... ...... 1...... 59c. Turkish Towels, Cream with Colored Stripes, size about 15 x 30, each ......... ......... 25c. Mum Djeodorant, medium sîze ........ 1..... 39C. Powder Puif s, Betty Lou, 3-inch, extra soft, eachi... ..... ............ ...........1loc. Enamel Dish Pans, White with Red Trim, about il quarts, each............ ........... $1.50 S.O.S. Scouring Pads, pkg....... .......... 14é. GROCERY FEATURES Burn's Meat'Balîs with Gravy, 15 oz. tins..... 45c. Grapefruit Juice, Old South, Unsweetened, giant 48 ounice tins .......... ....... ........ 45e. r Sockeye Salmon, Red,,Minced,' V2 lb. tins........29c. - Golden Corn Kernels,, large 20- oz. tins ....... ......... 15c. Cream of Chieken Soup, Camp,- bell's, 2 tins...... ........ 1c. ocoate Apple-~and Pineapple Blended C ae ;x Jam, 24-oz. tins ..........29c. Cakellix Pard Dog Food, Swifts', 2 tfrjs 27c. Flyded Fly Spray, contains 5% Pkg., 31c. DDT, large 32-oz. tins...69c. Fly Sprayers, complete........ ........... 25C. 0URONO 'à%5c. TO $1200 STORE YOUR POPITEAR SHOPPING CENTRE ANNOUNCING THE OPENING 0F OFFICES for the Practice of Optonîetry by KEITH A. BILLET Compolete Visual Analyses Visual Training Giïven OFFICE HIOIRS : 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Evening-s by Appointrnent) 71 KING STREET W. BOWMANVILLE :TELEPHONE 3252 t

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