%~de Fortune Freom A mti w as niainly reszpon- nible Kr puttng baking powder o Ilhe iiarket died recently and le. t a fo)rtunel His su cc es hla S beS cqua-lld time and agaIn by nmn and vainuWho have bLt on a somle device anîd sole, it to aktgrateful world. George il, Dow,,ty had aý new idea; iquïd Spdnrgi1ng. Despite whlat bc hAd been tod at schoOL, e foud -îhlat ail iquids areco resb, and Ithat Uwhen cmrse hyare iar noreresi1ieit th;a iiber J e !ap l is priliciplcs to, ai- craft spinging although theq cao be atdatpted for uise on road an-d ril To-daýy e-'vry British arc~ car- ries Doty ydrauiic eqUipment, and îthe turu-over of the nflm ma- cng ià àsextrmely highYetin 19A DOwt1y's premises cons-isted of a t>single roomj over a garage rented at a few shillings a week. A Young insurance agent felt highly emirbarrassed one day whený the pen he ht jad fhanded to 'an im'ý- portantr client satrdblots ail, over is sgaur.Fot thatday bc devoed aul biospae tume to, inaking a pen that wýoufld not blot, The nmodern fontain plen is the resuit, Thema'snanewas . Waîerlnan. Woetoo, have invented hun- qlreds Oi articles in colmmlonulse to- day, One is the reel of cottcln awichr -was inventied by a Young English girl junmed Christine Shaw in the carly eighteenth century. t is ýtG be'r that the Cotton industry, en-, juloyýing thousands of m-en and wo- nienl, virtually owes its existenice. Mr,. Wa1ker, an) Anierican work- ingoln, dreanit onec nighit thatq ithie lad earned P. fortune Iby naking cury hair grow traéght. Shie cold 1not rest until she fhad miade endless expciments in ber ,itcheni, and eventually succeeded ïi discovýering a lotion wbh ~tragbtnedcurly hair. t becamie thbe rage ih Ngr girls and she niade a fortunecio lfier edrearîl. Ideas don't always make for- tune, hoever. ln 18CO, a youing schoolems, hilipRisriggedj ým wre frolri one building to ail- oteHis pulpils %were lto l ,, is'- Iela aprimitive fn1icrophone ad irom idewrppdknittinginecles, and Beis st din aroont and played Mew violin loto the worIls first tele- phou e. TCin lstr-ument wýorketd. Ris andtr Ilis Pupils nledi it bun-t thie tiCientif'ic world Id flot in 1876 the telephone vus in- yientedý again, successiflly this tinte, by- a oung ntee'cancaled Bl Hints That Keep Chidren Safe àMaking homne safe for chiLdrenl isoly wsosays Helen Roi01- brook*husngsp)ecialist, "eLookr cround the house and take care ef any accdent rîsks ib chidren' ~vy"Miss Hlrocadvises, in olffrinýg he1paý to parents. WhNJen children are in thecrawl ing stage, she contnends thýe use ecf gates iat ithebottom o'r !top)of. stairwýay s - whecevverthecild mnight apento e. Dor't place chairs or stools na a slove 50 yolrngsters can club op and rewach hot hanlesm or pans, she cautionls, . eep /par xhandites ýtned awy rom the edge of thei eitove. Aso keEp boût irons and pails or ubs QIhoit tel outof thec H ave 1aet nhoks thatdnt rornte loose with a simiple flhp of helîgroi igh caiscribs, play penis, and strollers, 'Window screenjs ?,nd &oors, too, shoul1d fas- ten securely and unscurned wiln- dlows should havýe bars if youjng- strsae in-,thie crawlinhg state. EvCen a tinly child Cani push ialos sçereen on(t the winidow. The Old And The New-A Frených frmr,.aryingasCthe, achsamodem aretig ahieat work in, a farm1ds- trict otidnf Par is. unusullygodweah"(,0(aun"n rani hvec on¶Jbjined to gel nc' hres peraionlsoff tb an eaLysart ithis year. nlove ties of titis onr llly-otIter sets- so astmndup n ie aesosf Kinlg anld iUs' Court." i(A ct liaii it's a quintt bt;s)only ufouIr Of flhc players appear at oneý limec, thecre's lnt) use qiblig versucit W11te-n wýord frsýt 0got around Toronito and0 ils environs titat folks would avele chance of itnîsS- ing a sofîbaIl fou-trs oie play'ing agaist uil-manedteantsý, tiere- 'Was c fsideI,<_,,sinugîn o shouder -anougthe fans. The vflks laite t1itir sfbaivery Seri- ou!s! lin ibose parts alinost, ni- thjougith tqul sestiintsly as thydoterpeitceten. u facît itere ,re Ios vlî aguta te gradIe of soîallydin lanId faster, as awbIe, itlanil i an- wier lse n artb. Tha, f cureis îakinin a' ; whore lbeap Of lerritnry. Bu3lt lifs 100 bol, rîglit now, forzany beavy arguI- ing so we'i jsl satat1l T oron- tonlianiskowgood fsîalwiten the se il an1lt it go at titat. So il's not t100 sur-prismlg ithat wben lhey saw ilite a\ne tcso The King ectc." lttII ok -_ila beinig some)(tliig strictly forauit on11lric s ýtiî betWeeuregoa ganteýs, or sLonttiing of te sort j Buýt as for tle notiort Ibat four enayfoulr 1,en -cid gel )In there' and even ho,ýpe tounike f3hjo'Wi ilg 1ga instnigltty nulîts nc als hp "osPeopl,) Roerîns and otIIies of tliat iik; il asjusî too ridlicuLouls for 1rs iAsnr fICm o E00 start, 'atI lat," a!s oeIIby-1 stan4e.dtr put il. "They m jigitîget on( fair crow d, ,uut asa nýiovellyý, but alter Ihat fley'll 2l)ie lyîn'g 1 Howevec-r, as te ncet ity i ilfni ll uny wlit a differetîce îUse a few lhours imakc: ; and b[efone Edij Fiue iheKig-n bis c0 Ocîs hd beenin oot w days,tlitey vwere flite lAlk of tite ton rospective fans by lt thon011- sa nds vere îumrned downi, soiely lie- cauise t1iteparks wheire tue gne fArepayed weýre'î itaîf bgenougit te acommodt iose wishing te attend. Aind witenl you saw season- ed nwppr e-vnsports wrqilers! believe il or nt-tyn el spend their own personial money for tickets, and unable to do so, youo mray be certain ltat sontethingex ceptional was going on. That "lTe King and His Court" aýre soneîting more than just clever comiedins is besî evidenced by te. giewilh lte Tp Tops,.lie lat- 1er5 'ihl case you do0n' I!readY krOwýî, areChmpinsof tliteWnl.And yolu imay be .certaan thiat her e's ntigthey'd 1have ike(I btter tIi t bhave, crrushed te opposinig foursom~ andJriven it.ielnt c1ear o o' f ltepaïrk imb oLake Olanij, ,And the nesoîJt? A, t l ed of ile iib l-linnings of baltlitcor istood TI-1' TOPS -0;TH E COURT -O.lTe woDldi's hapin cajiosbad mie ti tre e bits ïan coinniteti nc rror; tezisitors had played -errorie5s '1biaiad nIade, foýýur, iits. And 'of the hp To.ps' ri of bipgles, oiy One of litent hIo cleared thse ift -nSo yu tay take it front u ls, ge- ted reader, nt iIis Ed~Feigneri is reail smtbn otof this wNord, and is teagimates aret arbefiinid hbu. A lot ofEdi eierslruck stifi S sligbýtiy overý Oite borderline of illegaEpty But when cbes i0 tbierepit(ching for keeslï(lîikig o imore-or-lesa s siitî uf, lhe bas the otiter fel. ios airiy 1bteakin1g ebeir necies trigl0gee ýun a loudfouioff Kigand Ris Cut night bave on. tite gan1te is initeresting to tiink abu.For one Ctbîing, witbinl a year or iess tiere wilI probaly 1eli bai a dozencoupit tyig to copy tue a ci, e'i beinvtebsceehr- man sJ ýofîb)ah teanis, v-mnsoif.- baIl teants nnd exen, posibly-al- Ihoutgit Recavetifri-oena bl tasutil lite pulic fina011y Luntu r mountde lome tbig. Lut canother effeci ntîgbt ltat. the softbalslîs obhere and seuns of litebordesoi give 000eprynfl oniertinto a miater vhcb nour oinonand übat of 1ntany more0î_, bas 1been Ino long imeglecte2d. Inrgual)bse, h tbey-'re looking 'for soli'(e w'ay 10 givc te pither a utie bettr break -ton înay base its, too0man hoe os show pretty Cilearly that tubatter 1bas 10 mtchof anl etige under tt rsn Is Lusfîaljs lite reveai trin (2 The sccoof"T-Ce uKing and RMis out"9 gant1es in lus days-75 ins,22 losses, fouir lies" points u 1p, ail 10vivilte fact 'ibait liteitc.he(r 'lias ton uctof an '1iadvatage 10 make for gond al- rudsport. For seuveri reasons we 'peýrsona]ly ney1-er did develop ideanu,tig lk a rea1, dyed-in- îbe-xvool iSoftlilbýug; and lite prin- cipal0 of titose reasonS was thýt xwe very son gnt îird nfseeing baters ýonte uý p 10t>.'he plate, make feeble getrsin fite di'ct!inncf lt bail, nd ben, go uoli iin stikeS. A uil ore latitudffl or the "ýpitcher in baeai--n iýttie less of tlte sneil)nioftbal-wouid, we ral believe, ean an mproventecnt in licustoiner. LOBpSTERS KNOW riHEil, WAY- BACK HOME for- ceittîries )an b!as bCcen bfi y lite nblity of 'lapit t vidtti ay hm. ocomlp1etciy woe cano a u lte"hniniig Jin- stinct" bas been ýorked oi. Last 'week lite lobter pOSed a puzzler. ïlii Scieýnce, EdwýinP. Creaser and Dorotity Travis of thte Beýrudca BiýologicaI Station reported that tby ad trapped erlLmu1(daspînly leobsters andtunei tentloose far front weretite-y were C'augitt, Aot20 per cent w r r-caugý..hl in. lit sin trmnps tbree day 10a Mr. Creasr and Mis Travis commeîn1itcçd' "iTe crecoveries of lte specmirnensreleased iin deep water two m)î-iles ouI aI sea seent partic- !;,yisignppificant. The tret blite cvonBal sie afler release aI the biolgca Station je!tyentaied mi gration against tide cý onflicting wilh IhoSe origina-'lly, and m1 iigratlion arlianidimaOsses for about1 five yile. . seet arMenltaI Ioh- snen ae ly 'ware!of their loca- tionis and eai-,return 1 ioteir ori- ginakl summe-,lir feedinig grounids we acconpiihedrentlains an lunanswe- ed aMd ptizlig hiolngial ntssery. Cdgavema-n ai'. uý 1pri'ght colui- tet o uvefbe heavenis, 111( b tok npward 10toAe sars. _-ovid. TIIEFRMFRNTf Classified Advertising. Writing a colunlin like t'hîis, whlich appearss ýiitutaneously in a tlarget nuimber of Onitarin papers, 1I;1a-i -Ing the tinte eüleet. Oveýrawe ntust eClapse bewen ty riin lîad tetn3 tapears ili prot.r That beilig thlecase, if îIl-,ry 1 cplm1ieï1t on any-curret lhappenlinlg, the whlole tbiingnaybe- over andc fogettn iten you read il For ins>taniceý, as Ib is i ten il1 canada is in the gril- of tiiLrail- lit stikemaybe-anid Il&ncerely hýope Wl BE settIco" but ee i it sIdoub i Jwil be or gotten T111e2 automobý1ile bas -,conte to plaY scbaprntnntprt in cýur daily lives tliitt to is deenen earcon l itle services Who was origina jÏIly Lefor the ie is a mlatter on ic I w-ouldnl't calre topessanini onl; bult I tbinlk te uen'prfeso Vio trie"d to -art -as mediator snt AïfIlelre t wheite si aid thaït bnh aor and mana,ýgemen ýlýt ac«tedt H!owever, even shouild tire strike bec setlcd by BoW,5lite probleint il pr1esenited were so CserioustlitIit de,ýservcses eep Colisideraion lifromr e.very îhinikinig Canadianl, anld espe- cialiy frontth 'evlooderive Iheir- ïliig directb'v fronllttite soil. So îhere is an dîoia-pb I)edwile the strike was iniilis firstwe-ro lit FiancalPost. l'in passinlg il ailng tc,ot ou w1itbotaycommenit except b say t 'l'Tie Pot'sati- cile, n most natters, is ltIofl M0anagemenclt rather tlitanLatbor. Tbis Editoriai was ieddFR LABOR GULF WIDENS,an ra als follows: b"ltAybopes1('fa lavlttr ude- and - Canadi rcutueiwre biaste by lie raillay stlike this "0jr f bailcthesinnctis s uffi'cers from a raport t f ic-up as a lass, "Mosfarnii yfrtehri hi,Vrtua iti li ever àing he pro duces. o Ti îstabe atule- in ae matr fJ itofour a a ver leprBpot iona f s rctîlory enormaly moes b ril cusl orinryuaufcere quaiiy or appal. T-ite sine ppi to lte r1a bulk of ouri aw a- itnrais, iemal, lumber tiicn,il fet u l sadfern lm en trel whenawee consider g spvi atred are lot of erishbi natue ad cnbe itei iaammstin- d1; efintly in per trg. t f lew ahl bsnesbae offai-iies for lon o holdi. bin ny aeg a-groi iscou finedto oly oes ara o specý iaid oidamnti and romt .xn.arieting by rail or vita stanctha eve numet animisand ca0 le and r calves a ai te tedi ron thent be inrted a tos weimut.Ifbeld bgend talite costteof feding r increases sbarmply "Tite CCF's1 mbnt one party, is as .bopeleis hlope ofnaryn labor and fariner, og moît of thecir WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Without Calomel ->nd Yoi'Il Jim)p Oiit-oI Red in the Mrnuing Rarin' te Co The- liver aboul1d pour out about 2 pinta cd bile juive mb your digestive tract èvemy day'. F t bis bile i, not Sowing freel y tyour fooed .sy net digest.' fti nay liasdeeay in, the digestive tract. Then gas bloats up your toinebl. Tou gt eontipated, Totu les! our, sunle andtte werid 10Look? uni.- Ita keethoeseild, geptie Cartey's Little LivcrPille t h e e2 pîntp cf bie 9w- ng feely 10 inakü you ifeCi np and utp." Get a paenge today. EffteciNre in alilhl b ile eOw ircly. 4,5l?0f.or Crter', Ltîte Liver ui 5 t BOy drugstore. kACCO 0STNNT*U% G Û- VICE. irin N Soo,, 77 itraS. AGENTS EATEI- 'Il S c GREA., i TalIRES, Bateri'0; Cooters 8100f1oatinasCPermannt Anti Freer etc.Deales waned, WIte var Bt SI~ FSS oVPOIITUNtTIES NOTICE Rneand SoeOnrAdver- 1tIsîng Agents. lonic: nxvpurchasýo oua1illyv .....den cabine1 t DaImanu facturer' wi*îOGARDCLA. IN inegý Write te us forinfraio.W ar t.teano r on qetions. De- FARSIS 1ORlSA, a1II 0 . OEL 0-ere1FArm inlu Drhaml Concy, stweenPort oandc bl icM j!, eues, ai u Pret cniin A clas- poesnusta nforImdat REA LTýOUS PRIT RIIPF rooni rm ol.npdul aae woodshsd ail in ood conition' 2 wete letilyanid sasin ieue Godite for StE. 8, flunuville. FOR SL C2ItUL4ES AWMILL. iGoodcnii. Auomti sw filing machIine fer' hanS eews anti ilr sa.Ateilre inu ,a lliameZ' Gatila, lubei anduseibou 3,1s0,i exlinge Lrge, stock etgorated ssd mtyce.Re- cyclesaudlomleslin, cet pýeeegoo,Is aLise Gens, Boatsnd Johnson O 1uthoard at Sanfrd, Ilmirton anteetic one yarI.Matci pg pendisn i c. We ,repair i ,lmýl nofes f tuntenpn- seeidr ouefon estimate TUs Peu Shop, 31 On7'-IellleAeu.WnSrOtro MIPSICALISRMN ~AR eo&e&lsl I'sx nformation, wrie Put trood'.rfduci, Orvtie, o, I,,0 foo 'la.1 i-irtdiun veretý.i nte A. C., LESLI91E &CO.., LIMtES)' TORONTO 2' ONTARSO N'E W RO0O)FI1NGC 26' tU1'-2 rie-.O pt'se 4-550 (ttaia, Ont. 'rhegreaeet up l etguns aindamn- Mode On ShpeDrt. "L-", .0116 Dan,- forth Avýe at eot. goigCh ines E lm- ,sgJI 1- sp art? 5 for 0198. iantxhibtionýu 'aoie.rd, wýhite o'r pn î or $1.b!; 'r'IlInBulbes--l for 01.75 or 100,for 1.5 Appl Tres, clo Sh, Spy, o eliiu ar'.r uide ith eVery orer ookle.' UNWANTEËD }IÏ-AÏR---- Erdeae rois syptrt oýf the ibod wtiiSas-ola rmrebedieevover'y Pîin sotriîý shoulv'd try Dixon's kRemiedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 rElgin, Otw BE A HAIRURESSERi luiN CAAD 'iL '.DING SCHOOL Iir,, pportunýy Learn Eairdressin Plsasntdigifedprofess1(sion o aSs b" î, ý'1 Writn e a or iCaîlb o 215Blor S. W, TronorS. Brfa'e ahes. Co- inuSt. Mnoitto lieu on teoeue t ISSUE3~ -195o '6If you want to he really' bright "brush, up with NUOGET" Nugget Shoe Polishi gives a perfect thite ... preserves leathler . . . makes shoes Iast longer. i.' -4 ,,~,, I +' Y e" a a oiea isSi.,~k elrL~s ~tt~t-*pexvpt ~ oic