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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1950, p. 2

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Some Stolen Kisses, costly and Other.wise, AÀks an give more pa,ýinthan Vleazisure, 1as3 Thioruas Savran fOl ld u. lu 1837 lie brolughtn -action againL Carolinse Nefwten fo ,iig his nose wbn hotrieti tg b is ber. Ho gegl mneccmt or, Ill boe jtige, vho irulot thlat whna man bkisses a omnaga- iet lber iili sheý is fuill'y cetitîcti. li) bite Ihie osc if she se pleases.", The11C v of semle cotries ban Public lkiss-ing anti, a kise etten rýesuIts l, a inle. For eue Aulstial- ian Rdidui't stop tlie re. Yieltilig Ilj the faiscinatiion etf a prebtiy face, lic kisset ilteOWOr Horsewhir ip ad Sermon Ho was lkeri elle tue mgis- lisýtes s aiotichavily fineti. Thoni î( lIlte tatt.The grsbrodtei horewhiped lhie \,ite \or- rned hiuie ia braies fever sudiboi brgm î le heparîeh atiethe mdcneta text tonv a sermliouo 'llth iostota krý iss Illte Dke 4of Clareîîce wbe laier bý 'ýeme W il- ýlia W5al1 so t (re seat. - Once tvse na barbers sop in -NoritiL Ameic , theDuke 'as ju, s lt Éris ilg fiono thc1 haCýzir wontîehre' -iea coely wma, lokti u. illjanî k !iosetibrhatyat saii,~~TseelNow tei or cjtin- try - wonoe ihat dt -11son ietlthe bise lu a Yankeehnir' ie. lie'r lhushalt1 ezeihnidh eboulders, kicked chliet ett sbep, sloutug, ,N l you ea go andt l tel orconrnonntlua aaYankeelbrberLbas 'ime'la roal Railwa TraiILaps 'ivbhe a siballterul iin tbe Eriiil armly, yleito a stiden moill- pîlsýe tv il travlIiug lu a raihwvy carnge ud isocti a straulgegirl, ShI rre tilt)( inciden11ýt tci ls szuperior officeýrs anti Baker ]olst is çcomni cln A youug mailet Massachutscît-s offerei a girll- ift ipl s ýcarý ;sue hc trieti te bise be(r.. She see her feeling,-s Iby jabbing im i n luisei ribes, ai tIleise xt tbling lho knlew was that1bis Car fhat i Wappcd il- slf rounld a tren.ý Tise m1ai wbo took his girlifoi -arite on the pîien eit iblis mtr cycle W55 san eeawosc as. be oteppeti ai so1me tr-affiC lighits; lue timet sl is seat anti they kisset, Thon e vtryvtblig went Wrenig. Tbey crashet iimbth le traffic igbjs , were catdi troulgh st1reets ,y aipolice patrol carati were evenîiltJy fluet Out of the Window l Cicao, a 01nteî-erod, girleeiett fa sconld - floor %inldow tei blow a kies te bier cwebhcrt, Slie Ilaie ar shle ilum-bIltirigit Oeut, fei tethýýle pvmn0was keseekt uncnsci onts, and broke a Ieg anti !nau am. Eludlapesîý saw a girl brinig anl aýctioni aga1iiuot ber sweelbea.rt for nglgntlisinig." Sfie sait ho kisset iber se. iolenitly itbaC fber jaw wae trtre. nehe bcýs in tflie same ewnl, resuLltet inlestrag- Cty. A colonleletfIsle gndarmv- cie anvriveti home oeue evninig les Çcoe,1936.HoeWa5 mt lat tise door byv hic beautiflyvounrg bride ýot twe menoitbs-, wiso kissethl se passiouaîely tisat the, loatied revol- ver ilu bis pocket wenî o ff anti sise luj somle cases Ille immetiate ceests oet a ise are balancet, anti woere than bamklnceti y later re- war1-ds. IAn Australian sabesmnan wiscluerondollars fer eanitig (2er ise ceunter anti stealing a bis frin a cusorsîeer, Ten years later, 'when isite tieti, she willed hlm b)erý (ltr fortunle bcajusec sisc "treas- -v re1tIhat stelen bise a'ave an1y- Eritise camle country, bise newvs- Il bas; always sceomet ahe pîîy teio us that we caud duo.t ne hve i 'hcky, somiecbýing tist iccemlbles tlle Football Association ChalIlnge Cp-botteýr konte illions as impbýy "The Ciup* wich rercneiu tlise OIt Ceîotry, tise netce)vetet houer ()Ite h", wonu lu soccr e0balb. Ifrif ahokypae hss troain an amateuir - ,or je for- ed Iby cruîacste dic'se - hie lknowý%s tiut lhe will nt r ave a chlance ýte match is musclesld skil ith tOse ofthe ton-raniîîg explerts. He nowstha-t Ji ý'll neyer bec, eut there ,2batlinlg foc the 'Stan- Iey Culp. Bt acrisitht pond even itheic owiest simoni-pure can al bast dreantio e playîîîg for "The FCp. lTat is to saly, doirig se is a osîbbteveni if net a t ail prob- Se many Canadians, when îalking ofBritisbSccrget nixed uri betveîo hevarions divison asd t1ýloa h follow ing inf 1ornoatioli bc~e h Cpfilrst lruund i lad b) '- pivyt Copl of wtesors roccer chl- bI ttisre 0wn Chalicmrte Cup starî o ff "ool the trail til Ja t lao it ai WemblMey today, Sep, 2. heeaithena tiotoal sce hiou11Apnil 2ë', 1 51,ntay 100000 roari'ok fan s wvill ovtl ihe haI ianof nmore than 600 potagoni to d eo wiîchshîlcarry aw ay in tri- îomh te iopy hîîdd oerby 1 ùz i ct 1.5 .5 ;Yn wbat is caleti t1e(Extra Prl,- Jimj, Iary Rundknov flI ell thy bate lo t the 1iglîss t chnc f tt i 1g atîywh1rc ear thle et'd o(lthe jeurîlîey.1l itct t1liey, ge2t aifan as the conptt et the 1hig tf(lo ,i et theEnglih League whoae xcitiuni that stag '[-TlîextabX4fll- s those o o coîfipise the firs 'tsu League;ri, ofcurse, excusei tae the itîti utîtil tt iird roun proer, hl Lsesn ition tta015. Thts-b ittr 5S hlad been rejctedfor vains res- sonis, !but cifbc ause lîey hiad net beeniccommen 01 cti 1 their ceuntyisscialtliols, The entranilts c-omlprise c',1Lubsilg sud suisi, amal1teCur ur ofessionalud lfoi thiem e ach ucssv te ln the golden1 pat1 Wn1le masa 1ho-osl- i upof incomle, By hotime the f1inaýl lbas been, deciti- edt it is rcint that arounti £5,00,000 nu lhave made iîle xvay iotlte coffers of the competiîîgý cs. The Rý%inner rcivsat "Te atonl occer- cup, coýmpe iien today rate s as ont of theu groa 1sî 1ony sises i, Briih spoCrt. T'Ile Football Ass ociation itself nets leos thlaî £10.000 an- nually fiom it, buit i.f itl lad net beeîo for the passing of .4 simply werded% resolution by tht pioneer m--embers ofthIat now very int lu- eîîitial body there might neVer haýve been sncb a cempetitiolo. "Tt happeneti on a bot July att- ernelon in London ins the yeaî 187P. The resolution agreed te was, "That il le desirable that a challenge cup should ho estab- lished in ceanectien with the As- sociation, toi, wbicb aIl clubs are inie ecomipote." iAt1that l t7ee w i.about' onl-ýy 60 club',s iimm-isipwith tse sscitiJ o w1ich lîad beîoe ass1 eTioedfor ieinaugurl Catty Corniered - Mickey, Ithe fxterrier, i toughit lho had hi,, negbrToUfycornere-d, but pauise. Hle lkept righit ou gOing. prvnilclubs ceuld aifford the t:ime or tho xpeosoo a journey tInon for 90 inuites font- bail, Ift was ot!srp)rliing, theýre- fore, ithat by.-far the mjriyof hieentiesin thefirstdocade of lihe compe)(titiin WOrO from l the iono aresAnd 'tie. v wiiere, w îth ýie exctpion f Ofor Univrsit in 17, i, aays Ltsudon teams util 183we tsohyé orb or hefiri i s .t am ue Duningtes cr Pesand- advancîîg seadii and n 188 île up pssetgmbthe11 session ofaclboperaking th pi piax crs Sine teilthe awinnce a:bs alwa>ss been profespop-a sideaîdusual oe rthe fir tbvioî f heEngis Lo ge.Th vedlofrb.eseonTscc 1,iv er iTheiibeshetai tbcpiiedmteu clu sn'îC.muitbchnce otýýf cming Ctîp. Stil ther ll Gis achnc aî he ma u ocr lyrct ular song ICao Defm an As ichen mretatbe amaedte oey player - -ýlitforthesre ony cf till reed re"îoinave bcn hdo ',udoe maIestenî,tïielu lady hsain ia srtsaofEibiiîMt As a mb Ibctis columu dceals \itll whiat I miglislcaîl î'moreso1eC aspects etfabrming-bints and adi- Mie on hou te do dis and that. aveid losses. Buit îracticlly alI 3 Ibis involVOs imore ojr lessosetlte curse ot Adam, whi lch is tesay ; ir woùrk. But asthe olti1-tiiece', le- dian used te say, "To0day the ro gramis geliug to ehodfent Juet as bloc kjds sta-lr cotiniig theL tisys tili Christluso along abosot Deceinher lot, there areuhuad of farmlers xvho, ail tbrol1gh ithe )labor et barvuesi areioolsing forý- ivralmiosb as egry to THi!R-1" ig day. Thfat da, nauraly, l lIte one ne-wîbtue crops il safely sold or01 ore-theydigout ise battered oi hntinlg log' o e upihe) ut y "- sbio'tuuor rifle, sud set cf in searcb o gae. and tiseC ta1ct thiat they probaly vrkfar blarder in ituaI seaicb than tisey over (liti0on the farnli las, of _ou 1rsýe, uiothin'g te o witb bbt cas Su herefoonsebanior- tion W'ýhîch , lctheuninitiatedWl1 look1 like a mere list of dtes bult whvbi, te bbic btinitér-, WiLlb).-etfkeen reieatsed Lby the auitiorities, sîarts ofi ibc news thae l'lu Ontaieý ihere's ne opn season foci OO- hiich. às ardl yÀsas Or DUEhR, October -2nd te N4ovemrr25tb North of te0[ rhrcm 1 sî \",et pbine te Cnadan atina Railway fri the (QuebeL bouudaiy te teM aonàia cheuudary Octer l6th te oveb 251h: Sotb th(abve)sudnorîl)-tb of a bue west rom ibe Qucbe beun- ary ahtt souh-cst agleet re- ait the ouîhbouary t Hiliar -No. Il 1 FEuglehaýrt, we0tte tis IhieAofthe Cauadiaa N.atinaRail- way alng the road teC'. tee south lougthe lune ef the Cana dian ationll Railxaytethe ws bonayof îBeulah txvsîp outh te the unh-atangle et Casýcatien aîogbe t 'ow the10 esih tue sîsîhwcsîanle (ýof twsî 12ý0,'cst ceu'the Lîitile Wiite ie at 1ILe utobondary e of nhi 1o9, u')otbaioslg I" lic esýsL bianici o'fthe1,itieWhite R"iver, Kintio- ~anîRive, Late Kniogm n 3Bantl-1i Bte the îîorbb-wýestbule of tovnship -4W, nesi e thesouîh- wcs asgle ùof toxvnship SF, ship 7F', anti ivesi(;te Lat ine uprior at lhe south-w etauge, t ohlck ]ý29,ý ratge lu15 November icI te ovebr25th- Sousl th (6, aîid uunîh etihe FrtcoRiver anti the , thshoùre o., Geergian Bay alsd Idie North Chadnnel anti iîclud(ing ocbun Great Cloche anti Pblip ti ar Islatidy *1 Noavember 101h te Nevember 25tbu Mlanhitn Yosbnti, St Jesep Is - landi atndi4il isaudi l îitoulin District excepi Cockburîî,Great Clochte asud Ph1iiip Ewriflni Novemnber 61h te Nocvember 180c; TIoe Distnicet Mukoa eoep h:0 i, lttportionsetNio sif soutid e urlicbo f et te ,sali cr sud Trent Lake u thie uortb outiryo tfi the te - sbip oet West Ferris, aiP r Soundticxept Mthese pools of1th 10w îîships of CarbIîo Harrison, Shawanaga, Wallbidge west et No, 69 Highway)i., anti îîe connties of Carleten)i, 1Dundail , FroýTtena t (except Hone Iint) Gbesîgaiy, Grenile, Hlbrota oto et Hastinge no irtb et Nop-7 High-, way, Lanark, Leeti Lennx nt Adtiingtou, Iliat -porti ,on tOnai north of aud încludig Thonalo township, Peterborough, Preýscott, ACCOENTING BOOKEEEFING & ACCOUNTIà, SER- MIE. Irvig NY bom. U Vcora St., Peints Eeti otrSoERais Rarieraor~, Fst Feezrs ntiMii PRISS, 1 Wslut venue, LongBoalb BROILER CHIKS day otcdie, trt weksOnlyig.Twdil1Cik Slaitiorie Limt Li. FerIlus , Otarii,,. îatmntE PrbrDly, W rsL'imlitetc, 121VegeStret TronoOnar,il Durlam Cuniy beîeenPort Hop'e IAn chieen buseaillu prfec-codition. Hydr cheusoutpin waer u)mpe4 inltc aP bilins re ec e11. Alt blýit- îngs roided ati new Mjtal nes -oneut- buildigs.lSoI',usb anti mil tream.l possso.Tem ri'te forfull deSsuls. N IG nBROS . 14 AR ,cnd bv far, , mile west -f Dun1vilon 1c No" , l 1,bigblway 5 acre cutivaeti lndi, 35 acre 1bus "Il c~lin, so L,'ec. A 1-1:; .stevsI , U 1 til. Ri ,D nviIl, EXCELLLAT larme avilalevrin sE sU luT i rst 1, cý,l a s dairylaSurd Ymi1 d famig i'Istrit, envni n te Otawa aie lomerýCi>lp, oueries. W.c. Mac-( EATPLloret pasis.cir, oli 2t Onllette Avenueý. (in JIoOnarie. AT HATSTA" FARS, Refrew Upper Ottas uîîîiuialAuti.u.100 beati SeLuges: 0 jeitIrdt e arling Heid etein Bulle. imedat ossereloiýn lixcletnoa t ion. V. W. Mle.Cne Ontu. bOse air outbuiLldng,,Bruce JlTarkley, luengocur ntre. CORN EQUIPMEN1T ON 4IrternatlIn ai ontt oru ice lu goot cndtinj C. and, E . 1, 2IOTECYCRS, arley Davitison,_New *aduetbua o lý "d1 etqleeti. LarcC airssb acoy-rlut ecbainics, Xi- j eycle, sudcompltins 0f vwbeel goots, alsoOun. Rseantido On OthoIard Metos Opn evuine nuil nneKineg J.) 10footlnt bs.Price, tiliveredti t Oniepints oIapintinFor estim- 10 CMiSINISTREET TOOT ,ONTARI EWROOFING ALM MRIBLIED 2G O-'-'-ll-1 'Price $ý5,50 !prs, ISEHOUDMACHINEUT LTD. 4-1, CtawAMnt "il> Seflîl Exchauige! Ordr yur ailcatloge. 25e$Dmay Moe nuSo DA ~ L,700Dn HGNHG WMIGHT? Seutixes ep yourin sifeder fiure4trneufooti lu or dj rasitdet, MtÏ he uppity $1. ?bll moe aesRitiDEUG. WTORE0 Sa ti1n25, Eonres epi 335 Elgixl, Otawa icouSaSli ealoablemdleovry , __t- , Le-.,Sa1s-Pae cntis os b-le OPPOVRTUNMITI1,0FOR 5IE'l- £ WO1IEN BE A HAIRDRESSER lON ANAF)AS LAIOSHO Eatrtiritiin A m e, ,u.Gres eet ysteas es 1liiustraltd Catalgee Wiie r Cai, 44 ig 1 St i, ml'> ton Z ieU St, Otw PATENTS 1 ffETiJstS1'OSzIUtDia tjmpan, Pa tet Siictr. Ethiht 80s5 insand roadwVays e enologer stop thxp flewof ilreedy Cash btefaIm Riead how the woncer e-rger Sno- BI*, eaSily attachecd teo your trecýtor, pIOwS through deepeSt drifts are ,blcw Smsow wheve feetesci slush anýd mud are mlinimized. SpeclaI disceunt for early orders. IThe Domiýnio.n aoad Maehiknery* SSlsC.., Limiited, Goderich, Onit. WuL-Iý ast eolpmnt ealer NOw ISSUE 37 - 15 c lassif'ed Advertising., (j i

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