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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1950, p. 3

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mil EBy RieIsard HB111 Wlkinson it ws icreibl tht Uîthu Levao tupCanston1sieoUld1hav) qus rcle over su sall tnS h neighbors wo ul ae b~shr itrdo peuple werm mure ivide The n oleghbos Jr righ, toi Tcony nd ehr and i-uson iou loriltmd. Theyslicre demplyrinelove Threws fect ndde11ar tsnding Thienclunelday. Tony cmen om rMe scooped up the mPoumy, nHy, e said good aurdy wve can't afford thîs. I found isl*., mýoniey lyinig Conthe huresui. t mligit lhave blowil away . Don't b'c sa forgei-ul!" Leait smiled. "Oh, imyr" shesa. Did 1 leave tile change froýnitt grocrerre," A week later Tony dsoee dollar bilI w àere iadtbemu idAy dropped on i-be living-room tîý aleu aud forgoàten £ "Lis;ten, honey,yu'egont to. be more carefiul. Mou1ey iýS pîrt-y impotant ius righýt înow." 'm iscorY" said Leaf, >"buLt t'a ulY, a dollar. MWe can' afford to loe a dolla or even a part of a dollar," Tony sjaid, smlilingL,. The ineýxt ime-the itiime fTony disrovered t-hree dollars on the kitchien tabiles and une on i-be flor fli-l ore consîderation, wili yn If 1Ilhadn't nioticed 'that dollar o thbe fluor it wouid have beenb1t. "Drig"she said atgte-ou prrsl,"I've rneyer iia enn C'S ouir Imouey." "How ý,do you kuow? sk Tony, a i ýt smnllgly. "Brne"said Leahi, il:- as smeugly, "I rau accoai- tfor -every dîme you'e eer given m" "rHa!"~ said Tony. "Let' see youl" So L'eait got a penl ud paper--,1sU -and sae down and figrired out Iiêr expeditueato the last penly. "Wel," siW-IToln ,"tdoit doesn' in:ean yuu won' fuse ome if yosr Ccontinlue t i-ob eess.Ater i- ' gone-well, yOn've bard i-ue crack1 ab1ouit locking i-be b)arui doolr ater the b forse lhadbenstoleni." ,I'vc Ëard" esid Lab ci, "a lot of caks' - ~ SuddIceuW it occurr-ed to.ony iýthaàt thlisivas thiru lstmajorcrMs Somehfow he'd ha obraLei oS.ïberi- b1it witb)ont aquI~ t svas the uex,-t IaLr-ynoos whCli ieu ecamle hpme fom wor thlat Toniy discovered tht-me one and a todolrbil on i- bt-burau, whee had been abseuily droed S by Lea h wile she rscuied ibe roasi- Irom huru1ilg. VFurtively Tn sroloped up tte mouelsudstuc!, uil, bis pantis pcklet. Sooner- or latter- Leait wouild discover à was muîlssing. She'd becoe currud Sbe'd ask him La u1el hnt. fHe'd, muake a preteie of huning and ,ieu preteud i-o fiud the m -ione2y shreit lbad iblown intq t(ýilebah That afternsob Tony went pIAy- ,Mg golf.su! te vMie he wesegond w ibe wsiii-b te locheîr oom -l and on tbcrorsand " ier in the showerun he kept thinkig of Leah ibtilting -forite isrgsnuy He clcame ome cauil'our marier TLe bueau. l'.PC von aei10 h." lS face wrna oocf grave- can' aford iunb -c a ren," hie Toywitduti eitloe as totiit ste ereon ite point ing sitî le ! a lhmý t savn forc i'cw ita sd Snowing site coul!ui ia l e i , ulesahey fiounidte ,ne,xý. The li amled ul iio I-be hslronnd, ciclu ohm Teo.r ead ot bs ocet Today), 'r gin to haive whal 1 blieve thic hunters raIl "ai mixed bagq"-meninig a ilttie of alnost everyting. Tere'spie, pdig caean ponbr-aloùI f them rcipes 1 feeul sure yOu'llfind-wrt ai' efeence MUE RINGUE ORANGTE PUJD DINGi Grated rind 1,oag 1,l Cul) sugar 2cups imilk 3tablespoons BNO' cortnstarch s4tapo alt 3 eggs, sepa!r-ated ,5 tablespoons cnetoes su(gar Method: Gr-ate ý/of th iu:d if r unl one andc set as;ide. Peelad econoranges; paein 11/Žquart- cassrole apinki wi j 4cup smgar. Scald 1Il" çups 1mIk < in topl of double)1 boiler.Mx renuiiing ¼" cup sugar- with cornstarch and(lsltý *sir- in reiiaiiiig '/, ctp mlAd siilitly beaten egg yol 1k S, pour. slowlv inito scaldIed milk and ctook nui hickeuIed, stirr-iingcntat. Cool; pour ovecr oranges. Make mer- ing4ue ) yby atinIg salied cegg wh"-lites unltil stiff !but flot Ldry. beatin con fcc tio Ie rsas ugar ap, 1âd grated rid.Pile lighit] lyopdin.ak !inmoerae \ eil, 350 dgesF., fonr 10 minutes or unî-til delicately servinig tîimec. PEACH LAYER CAKE ?14 cups sifted cake flour 3 tsps. Magic Baking Powder 10 tb:-ps. shortening (r"ay be half butter) 1 I/4 cups granulated sugar 2 eggs, well beateni 3/1, cup mîlk '/2 isp. almond extract Method: Sift f jour, b)aking pow- der anid saîIt togethier 3 tinies- Cream sho(rteuiiing;gradully blend ( in suigar. Add;beaten egspart atf time, .beatingý well aiter each addition. Measure mlk anld aIdd vanlilla and a lmojic xtl cs.Add flôur mi-xture to creanmedmxtr abouit a quairter at a tinie,aten- ing with fthree additions of milk andc ombig ightly after eachl addi- Ilin.Turn intoIr- two 8S" or 9" round lyvcake panis whiých hiave be greased and lined ou thle bottom \ ~ 4676 20:a 0:4.s>(,16 enods aEn pictuE C E NT S am owbcoisu seful you'ànll ) Pattero 4676: s ize,1, 6,1 Tiispaieu pay u se iml plinuly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMWBER. Smud order L BoxI.123 Ligit teri-l S., mwTorouto, Ont. ately ho ovcI i.375 degrees, -20 t 0miue.Putcae togethe)'r with balvd o slcedpeachles adwi. co fra fvmus Nw Egland SHOO0-FLY PIE ~ esonvinegar icu cop)ped pitted jdates 1 unbaked 9-inchi pastry shell Jcil-c)p ifted flour I/ý teaspoon saIt 'cup bttror rmargarine Metod Cmbinemlass,' cup boiliug water, soda dvie gar; mixwel ilnd pour ntodate- le4pastry - el1. ix flurugar anid sit; cutinhreigiSrul over t 'op Of molasses miixtur-e. Bk in hot ovenl, 425 degrees F, for- 10 miue;reduce heat' to modcra'te, 350 degres E,,wénd bakýe 30 iinuites i Nu il],tuer l1mw jmnyufthem It. pulihI eyrfeel tene.of aooingfor still Panother recipe tbt aks seof our reaetof APPLE CAKE Mea1rc intu bowl, '12,cuip luke- narni wate,tp. granulated sugar; stir unitil sugar is dissolved, Sprin- kle fitibJi enivelope Royal Fas t Risilig DryY ýeast. Let stand' 10 minutes, Tf-1E N sti-rwl. Scald V'4 cup m1! ilkad stir î1n '4 rup graniulted suigar, 1/, tsp. sait, 3 tbjs. shorteingi.; cool to btewrm Bat in1 1 ruýp once-siftedl bre-ad flouir. Add yeast ixture sud i 1beaten egg; beat \ell> \Work in 2'ACuIPS Once- sifted bread ]folur. Kneac-d lightfly 0,lace in greased b u rs top wih()td lute rshorteniug. Coý er aud set ini warmn place, frce fro drugt. etrise unltil douledin ulk Puchdown dougit uddivide intu 2 equtal portions; form ý'into amoti hals.Roîl eachi piece intro anl oblong suid liftitt greca e asaot7" -x i"1Ge~ tops' ,rerandL et tise inutîl donblýd in bk.eecore- and ctt8 appleas ;into ih;bm wedges. Sprinkle risen diough witit '4cup granutlated suigar andligiIt-y preaýs pple wedcIge2s into cake tops sarp edges down---au d close together'. Mix 1 cup granlulated sugârar sud1 / sps. cînnam-llon; rise but'2hr ak sinomderate o'ven, 350 degr-ees, abouti hur Sere ot with uter lu bs s , Tat's Whs;t _I Like Ab outi theSouth" Pit Harri.s; raLItes off the natnes of fooda so fas'- i-bat 'im no1t sure if Spoon :ra s amnonig ihm. But it mlighit ver-y wel be, las it's from that reý- gýIncrnsthis recipe for: CHEESE SPOON BREAD I1% cups boiling wai-er 2 cups water-grotind urm meal 3 cups buttermilk (a, a1~~ ah ~h 'aF-s,, a s." "OnIy furriers know about us- we're mink-dyed-Alaskan-r~bbit~ seall" 'Visual Aid-Now y ou'II be able t-o make suire that uir' e shQes doni't cramp bi ootsies, thaniks to a new ýtanspar-enitt- on" slloe,shn at righlt, It enables you to) scee ho-w thesh fits wthule Junior walks Mn it. A r-ed danger Ilnle acctoss the toe indicates point bevolld whichl toes mut ot exen -ort. he 1,1/ teaspoons sali- 1 teas-poon soda. 3tablespoons butter or margarine, meli-ed "2 eggs, slighi-ly beaten '/1/2cup grai-ed nippy cheese Method: Add bo)ciliulg w aie[-, curn mileal, siirring ,conýstaly . Com"- bine b1'utterm11ilk, sait, oda au mar- garine, mixwell. Add ti-o rm mIea mnixtur«e; tiheuadd eggs asud cliteese. Pouir int[o 4 buittei-md 1,,culp bk disites. PBake irincmoderate oe,350 degrees 17, for ab!out 40 m ninujtes. Serve 1bo)t. By Rev. R, B. Warren, B.A.. B.D. Paul, World Evangehîsi- Acta 26: 9-20 Golden Texi-: I dei-ermined- not i know. anyi-hing among you savýe Jesus Christ,' and Hini crucified.- 1 Corini-hians 2:2. Paull'a-experieuce îs pr-ouf of 0lbe fart iai- a person miiay be very alucere in is ïý religion andc yet beý far fromicnLt truit. Paul i-iought he- was doilig God's willi ii perSecuItingIý i-mthe iias Then icame bhis not- able cnve-rsioni. Ileiet eLJean su beard i-be wrs SuSatil,wy pelrsectesi- thon M?"Tliere lbe "Lord wbai- wilt Tbuu ihave mei i-o do?" Science canuiot expiain whai- bappenied. Somei1 cri-ira have made a lauighiig-stock of theniselves b2y suggestiuig it Saulsuffeeda sunistroke. WeIl, read i-bec record"]oS this mu's crr O f i-be gse i-rougb-uttAsia iMiinor and Suib Esterin Europe, sud lea is1 jlettera iii the New Testament. 1f a sunstrokýe could produ1ce sncb a ý Cbanged man, tiheu t was tie mosi- unusuialsure, No, Sauil'was Chauiged by thec power of God. -Ife; wsýs reberu as-i Jeanis said aIlooSlus must be. "Exýcepi- a matbe bor agaîn, hle raunot sece b igo oS God." John 3:3. Sauil wscomiinssioiiedli-o carry,, i-be m-essage oS Jeans Chr1isti-o i-be Peuple noS the world otiter - han tibe Jewa.liHeenws nuomere social gos- pel,thuî ifs power leavels sal sucimiy. Tiis wa* no nimeesoci pscooy~invitiig mei-i o i-ry i-o do bei-i-et. No, t waasi-be message! of "i-be powmr uf God tui-o slai aunto evryoue -th bliï m-l,"limar the comsin"To uen titeir myma, andi-o ti-arn i-iem frons dariuesa i-o lighI-, suid rom tie poweCr oSSatan) uni-o God, tia i i-bey ay rereiv e forgivums oS sins, [ald inlitrine among i-hemij which, are sanici-ifîed by Ssii- i-bt is in M. Titis is i-be nmessageti-bat is uiemdIed ioday. Uniles titere is as beeding tif this tri t ie lnations wiHl SOon be lock7ed i ite l terle conl- ffirt tiis wold ba[,-s ever seen., mbtoseusuiJal liin, or haLe, i fast leading me i-otc destmucýiin Let usý exa-mine our own berta. ave we repnted ud tued io Gui-? D m( i eejoy i-b frgVivees of sins and iidheritanic among ithesaicitificd. if su, let us urge upoin otiters i-o heedý i-be Gospel. Bell Rings Non-stop For 110 Years ityse edayotfly ewa today's aoi oeawtsee scienitiSt Co)uncCted 2,500 tiniy b", v teries and biiched i-hem tu the wow- Ils firsi etir blM.Whena ang Onbe bll Quren Vicia was Stil, a yolung, u arri dil,)e4- thbe bell11:,bas he riniging conitinul- ously ever Silice sud stifl showýs nc ignaof e stpig. Seald i a glas case,) i acup- board Of i-be Clarenldon Laboratory, Oxford, i-he 1bel liha- inkled theiouli fiv reigus and ruug a kueli for raCce. et the scieutists sayiti pro1bby good for- anoiter i-wu centiead ;s Itleuert ye sprochLuperpe-tualmoin Togitile chimesoetme losdown it soon icks u' Lp sud crais be heard two or three yrs away: 1 sch bttryis inii eality -a aid- w -ich of papeýr i-iuiy coai-ed on1 o11e side with coper ad ou the th withî zinc. Counected in twO piles, afoot ig, esecah pile bas a ll Be(tweeni-be icta o beils a Smaîl brass; Clapper hangs by 3a silkei tbread, sirikinig ach bell tw\ýirea second; lit ernýýa tely ý7rep l)led 1sud acieda ib clapper movýes 011!Y 'an eigbthff 0f au inch bewenh-e blsbut bas su fari pruduiced 1,0,0,0 i-iukes. Wii-b litile nindication of weariýg rut, iL is good foraer 30,000,- 000,000. Whien nesrly al the wr ld's present - day dec-ie adet have been junkied, i-bisprmtv piece of apparatus wiîl stili be niý working order!

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