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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1950, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TIUURSDAY. SEPT. 14th. 1950. _New Tonsorial Prices " ~ ebeg leave to advise the fol- i owing prices for services at ç Othe Barber Shops i Orono, ef-U fective Thurs y, Sr-Pt. 14, 1950 ,FIHAIR CIITS A \Iiults.---50C.U S ChilIdren 12 ai under ----3 5c SHAVES..............2'-> oSHAMPOO..............35e--._ fThanking you for, yo rco-oper-U oation ln the past jand loiciinig po a continulty of yeur patronage. u (Signiet» F . O.COPPER W. J. RIDDELL ea1 Estate I $4,200. Orono residence, '7 rooms, verandah and glassed-iu sunrooni, also large summer kitchen, stone foundation, ce- ment cellar, asphaît shingle roof, hot air furnace, electri- city, daitera and good well w ater, Lovely greunds ini se- lect uptown section. Ternis and posqsession arranged. Leroy HamililtônR" BROKER Phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orono, Ontario INSURANCE In ail its branches Fire, Automobile, Liability, Life, Hospitalization, Wind Plate Glass, Burglary PRIZEWINNERS \(Continued f from page one) crochet, Mfrs. Ira Lowe, Ms.D. Dr reli. Ladies, -'Wear Ilousecoat, cotton,. Mrs. Oeorge Baird; house4ress, 1 piece, Mrs. Wmr. Riddell, Mrs. N., alol;kitce i apronl, cottoni, Mrs. F. Green, Dora Morris; kitchen aproi, plastic, Mrs. Geo. Baird; apron, fancy, Dora Mor. ris, Mrs. Reg,. Boundey; bed îacket, wol, Ms. Ira Lowe, -Mrs. P. Dor- reli; ski mitts, Mrs. D. Darreil; glonves, knit, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Mrs. N. Malcolmn; cardigan, wool, Mrs. N., Malcolm, Mrs. Ira Lowe; pullover sweate-, woo, Alice Hfooey, Mrs. N. Me's Wear Siiorts shirt anid collar, Mr-9. Geo. Baird; work so k,,it, Mrs. Ira .Lo we, Mrs. N. Mnlýcomi;' fine socks, kni t, Mrs. Reg, Bountdey, Mrs. N. NO HOLIDAYg FOR INSURANCE g jjHoliday driving means more " accidents. Take along the peace f fof mmid insuranice "rings youp .. Cail us now! Protect your- f 1self againist le:s., N NSURANCE is THE1 BESI POLICYg g CALL, g N. F. PORTER g ORONO, Ont. i, A Lowery, 1 i% . Johi ntlyLots IR and 19, B1rokeni Front, Clarke Township, 2 m1iles east ofNwosle Bch, has sold his farm anmd will seli by ipublic auiononWednesday, September 20 at 1.00 p.m., thrpee h -s5,5 cattie, poultry, sýwine, baled hay, grain, mn- cineryv and some furnîture. Furtherp particulars-.ý see bills. Terms Casýh. --Jack Reid, Auictioneeu; Fred Ly- cett, Clerk. Orono Electric Ph. 5")r'1 FARM and HIOUSE WIRING Free Estimý tes APPLIANCE" SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ail makes of Eetia Equipienit and Appliances Such as Motors, Water Heaters, Radios. Stoves. Irons. Etc. Rand Master n'ce Dulnean; ;Third Row, Reading frorn on Powers, Ja, i Tamilyn [(Lea MValeo1im; diamuond socks, Mrs. P. S I IE Dor-reli, Ms.N.Maol;yam O LIIFIE D otnMrls. George Laird; Py-ýjamas, V flan-nelette, M'rs. George Baird, MrLý N.Ml in itts, \woo1, 1M-S. P.,ANUCM Doi.1rell, Mr. George Baird; se~-ANUCMN less sweaté;r, knîit, Mrs. N. MWalcoýlifi, The regular m-teeting ,, f the Oroýno Mrs. IraLoe Women's Institut> wil fe held on Ciidreni's Wear Friday, Septembe'r 5t! in the Couin- Chid's twin sweater set, kilit, Mrs. Chamber>, N. Malcolmn; child's cardigan, Mrs N. cili rbe' eginni at 2 o'clock. MacomMs.D.Drrll cid~ hlMiss Vera Clark of Txtie De- met, knit, Ms N. .Malcoimi; child's partment of the Rôy 1 Oqýar-olo Mu- sun dïress, cottoni,Ms D. Dorreli seumi, Toronto, is e-Ypecte- to give Mrs., F. Green; ýchild's pa ut over- an interesting addres . If any of tL'he aIls and jacket, Mrs. F. dreen, Mrs. ladies have any üld hand weaving wil D. Dorýreli; chîld's dress, smocked, they please brin- it %with thern to the Mrs. D. Dorrell, M-,s. H. Bailey; in- meeting ? fant's dres;s, short, cotton, Mrs. Il. ___________________ Bailey, Mrs. D. Dorreli; infant's NOTICE jacket and bonnet, knit, Mrs. F. Stin- son, Mrs. D. Dorreli; infatit's jacket Ôn the aflterijoon o(f Sept. 19th,1 and bonno ' t.crocheted, Mrs. Mla-Nwonil.K ie Orono lad es colm, Mr-s, D, Dorreli; infant's romi- are invited to 1W rownshipHal pers. cotton. Mrs. Ira Lowe; baby's Orono, to hear "Hl l h Before and carrnage cover, crocheted, Mx's. N. After Forty". disç eN,-d by- Missi Macl;baby carniage cover, knit, Hielen B. Gardner.o ensnsi Mvrs. N. Mnlcolm-. Mrs. D). Dorreli; tute flepartuient, To <into. -çtre to child's toy, .stuffed, Dora Morris. begin at 1.30 p.mn. ,Questions gladly1 Fancy Work answered. Everyone welcome. Siik cushion, M'irs. N. Malcolm,. Mrs. Ira Lowe; knitting bag, Mrs. ANNOUNCEMIENT1 IGeorge Baird(, Mrs. N. Malcolin; card, The regular meeting 4)f the Everl- table cover, ,Mrs. George Baird, Mrs. îing Auxiiiary, ofý'ar-k ft. Church wili Ira Lowe; dslyarticles for X be held on Thurýsd hje,-21st. The gifts, Dora MINorris, Aimoa Cuttoll;j meeting will ibe hield tâtthe hne of needIeDoint, 1 piece, _Mrs. N. Mafl- Ms.S. Rutherford, ;K{frb..Mrs. C. colmi, Mrs. Wmi. Riddell; petite pit aby and her gijup have chargýe j Mrs. Reg. Bouindey; nieedileworýk, pie-. of 'the meceting, and výiii have as their ture. framied, Mrs. Wm RPiddell, Mrs.,guest speaker Mrs. W. Bo-wma,1 of jN. Malco]im; pot holders, Mrs E. Enniskiilen. Ca-rs will be in front of Youngma,-n, Aima Watson; kitchen Cornish's Store at 8.00' o'Clock. cut es ottage style, Mrs. George' Baird; kitchen curtains, plastic, Mrs. MapeGoe r rn' N.Male&lmn; collection of sheli novel- aleGoesrd Oroin. ties. Anu-, CutnDomesticG SciBanre tie, im Cttil Mrs. Geo/1. a; Loaf whole wheat bread, Mrs. ID. boy' seevles pulovr. rs.Ir Dorrell, Mrs. Carlo's Tam-biyn; fruit 'Lowe; boys,' overaflis, Mrs. George, loaf rsCalsTminMr.Rg Bai-d Mv-sr. Gre nv os' shirts, 6 B , Mrs. Caros Tbyn, Mrs. Creg. to 10 years, Mrs. lra Lowe. Bude; 1don usMr.Crs Tanmblyn, Mrs.* D. Dorrell; chelsea Rugs h uns, Mrs. Ge-orge Baird, Mrs. Carlos Heart1h rug,. wool, hooked, Alice Tamblyn; tea biscuits-, Mrs. D. G. Hoev eaYth mug, mag, hooked. Mrs. Hfooper, Mrs. R. G. Moffat; bran muf-1 D. G. HToontr, Miss P. Leach. Oroý-no- fins, Mrs. N. Malcolim, Mrs. R. G. Women's Institute specf.ial,1hýomiemaide Moffat; scones.Ms. R. G. Moffat, layette, Mrs. Ira Lowe, _Mrs. George Mrs. D. G. Hooper; banana cake, Baird. Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. 0, Dorrell;' Women's Institute Dept. ielly roll, Mis,.P.eg. BoundeY, Mrýs. N. Exhibit of KitchenAcesie to Malcolm-, chiffon cake,Aic.oey Insýtituîtes onlly - lst. Tyrone, 2nd Mrs. Carlos Tamiblyn;lae cakel dark. Mrs. CrosTabyn MssP Leach; layercae light. Mrs. Carlos tain Children Tamivn, Mrsý . N vacl;date, loaf, Mrs. _D, G. ope , Mr. W. B. Noar; cup caý,kes, Mrs. Carlos Ta- blynMrs . Do eIl; s. c cke.S Mrs Re'. ou-eP Mrswd. N M u oM . Ro'BondevMrs. R G. ~~~~~~~- ogt u p ne M s e. Tiu,'oMbN ocîi:rii uic s a:-osTably. rs.11 G SALE REG IS RS WITII CONFIDENCE -AT - Art's Car Market Main Location 17,5 Kin- St. W, Bowymanv;ille, Ont. HOME 0F Better Deals on BETTER CARS Wec Boy, Seil, Trade in. very good USED CARS Low down payme ts and easy ternus can he arranged to suiit youir budget. SEE US AT ONCE Phone .2148, iBowmianville mne, James Pollard, Roy Forrester, non Grahamt, Bill Suniday, James- COLUMNS WANTED TO BUY Dead or crippled stock, removed free of charge. One heyur service. Highvst priceie for oh]. horses-Mar- gili Fur Farm. Cail Coflect Bow- manville 2679. NOTICE WVearnw in a position to Vaicuum your Furnace or Spncè Heaters. HARRY E. LYCETT Orono, Ontario LOST On Sept. 9th, at Orono Fair Groundu.,sum of- money in bils., Finder please notify 82 r 4, Orono. a-33-c. FEMALE HELP WANTED Conscientious and ýtepdy female help wanted for light '-,,tory work. Short hours may be arri4nbd. App1y from 7.," to 8.30 p.m. aý OronQ Wood Products. Orono, Ontario, a-33-c. FOR SALE 3 ton of nut coal. wi41 'seli at last year"s- price. Pu.rchfisef"'t, remnove from coal bin. Phone (, r 7e Orono. FOR SALE One 3- burner coal oi s'to-ve (Mon- a'rcfr). Good as ne-w, for $10.00 cashi. Apply at Oron-o Times Office., FOR SALE Fleur-,- Bissel! tractor plows, 26- plate 18--inch tandem dises $170; liftî0--Mastic tractor dises for Ford (hydrolie $150"); FRobey ctdtivators for, Ford ,15;standarde 9',% ft, $103;ý Empire jeep powergd tractor $875. Order your Woods Co. electric gl-ain gr-indin.g and, rolling equipment 110W befoi.e rush season, materials in short supply; also freezers $4715, stoves $,189; rangettes $70. Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 15 r 20. e-'33 p. FOR SALE. Fourteen pigs. six wjeeks, old, part Yorkshire and Talmworth. Apply to Kenneth 1],ulls, ýphone 5 r a, Oron.o. FOR SL Three quarter Lot in the Village cd Kendal, dheap. Cani he Éeen by con- tacting Mr. F. Stoker, Kendal. ce4p FOR SALE Quanti-ty of Corncll No. 595 seed wheaýtt. Gîuaranteed flot sprouted. J. TI. DaeLeskard. e3c p. FOR SALýE Deorsttossley ado.5-tube floor moel sor-t ý4n*d ng-wae. 8 rebujit bccl.Nuimierom -,iew parits aInd a large size C. M. joycv cI .- A pl.y to W. Geoge owth("f11, New- casýtlephione Glarke 372ï. e 3'5-p, PHONE 74 r 19 LEGAL Lawrence C. Namo,, BA. Barrister and Solicitor BU WMAýN VILLE, ONT. Office 688 Home 655 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITORt NOTARY FbPonea: Ofic3285 Jeoidleràc4 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of al §ae and at reaaonahie rate. Commun icate with hlm at Po Perry, Ontario, or set hi. Clerk. A- E. Morton, at Oromo, for date. JACK REID Oronc's Licensedi Auctioneer' and Valuator Specialize in Farm and 1 Furniture Sales Consuit me for tenus and dates phone 5 r1frp, LIFE INSURANCE Penision Plans; Educational Polî!cIesý Protection and Savings Plans foe-X tC3lildren and Aduits; Mortgage la-. surance plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, ont. '. Phone 20 r Mg~ The RUTTER GRIANlITE COMPANY Dial 32f6 - -.0, Box62 Port Hl'ope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemnarker.5. STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phonle Whitby 552 318 Duniidas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALIT~Y MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, &ig- nified monum-rent over the rest- ing place of your l'oved ones. it's 'lot expensive. And seeing thiÎs at tribute will give you endless comrfort ORONO Forniture Hospital Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques BoughIt and S3old See our fine of Drapery Mlateriai Kitchenk Units ruade to ordýer C- F. Duncan Phone 79-16 ORN We will be pieased to pick Up Idead or crli'ppled farm animaI.ý and lpay, highest prevaiing prices. For immediate service telephonîe coliect Brooklin 62, Cobourg 1266w. Toronto Adelaide 3616. CORjDON YOUNG Ltd Clown And Merry-Go-Round Enter Joan ~Rutherford, sevýen year old, of R. R. l. Orono, and "Peter the Clown"- enjoy a ride tog-ethier on the MryG.on A. F, MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICLAN and SURGEON office Houri 2.0te 4.0e p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 P... Sundays and Wednesdayu by appointment oiîy PHONE 47r1 - *IRONG E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SUJtGEO? Main Street South Office Houri: ,' 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 to 8.00 p.. Sundays and Holiday. by Appointaient ORON'O t 11-ý , , -

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