ANN~ I4IRST ~1o«~ ?a*udy O5tL*54~4t A lieartbroken ma, cnsme witli remlor-se,porot sgie t(, %ieto day.Atri e a rs o killed in ani acci- doen t Nwa mlghti lie real- ,k~. ,~,*.izes ;lounh 111ap- ~ vhe mode vier glect -if theIii- fl *rs t lie v ri te 1 \I waS 1, ime alos ver-y in ght.Sleh landled al fIc 11mny anliad ber oo n show 011B t îe 1i ler 1nIl erl "I ould cornýeibone ai igbit, gîve br a peonflcceksd akif supe wa rady. Atrad obd.Iiver tou laouit ber beilig lonailù d(ay, and tecdinlg to get onlt onice inawil.Iwsjt tedand didui't w ant f(" tiîr. Inee take ver imv bnines tl ieur lecus !I houlglit slie wou l't "f didni't realize bow \muicli sile -was mliing lýir friends, louw ail ber days were1duil.1Igues I ft that becauise I paid tlie bills andc inppor-ted lier, I was doig y duty. LONG - SUFFERIN1G WOMAN 'Slie eyer cmpli e, exept now and tIen sie'd ay sle feif ike a pice of' furituire in th bose Jdidnl't teven wonder w1at sIc illeant. Onice sIlie sked, if I, still Ioved lier, whvdidnt1Is1low i[? Aiid 1 liaA fthe inervc etotell bier tliat romanl1cg doIesn't last for- CMer -L I.)bold have kniowi, better. Sle ie cmerom a very sfectioniate family. I remllimber scenlg lier fathe1r hold lier mlotbler in Ilis armsý wNTlen ble pniie ini-anld 1J thougîIt owsilly r-jt as. IHerbrlis STUDY ATIIOME GRADE XIII Wvitli thle expert' lilp) of \\t ulsey Hall Corr-1espond)'euîce Courses, von can now0vprepare for SeIorl Matrculation ini you r owu hom in leisitre time wliile Ilntinu dayv-time enlymn.Personl atten'týin assured by ai staff of 100 qualifled teacliers. Loüw fees, payable b-y instalments. Pr-"S pectus fromn G. L, Clarke, B., Dirý,ector of Studies, De(pf. O0W13 Sp u Z 4. Klnd of or (var.) 12, Diiider 14. unit y sdsîstens wcflic 'ji 1 smg in, sup f arasd ni. tws oy- lie, utaffr ,camie1Ithiouglit fliafnasnuene ee old ber 011 niht ois sllyshew s to "I ar overomne iîi guiansd ,f' gie Il bae 0 sec be clre toiniglif. Ho lw l f ake lup for ailIH 1kuow saIe nise The bouiLse -, il suemptiy sel a' lIer s no hoe for me. I0o11 A LOSI O il L7 othercil sbaedsjarcriadis *crwiîb thit mai?àrriage.ý * AeYOU 'faihug yu -ca fluas usaddi? ilyou sit CyL3 our i I ld hoon1w )mUIchi o oc irsdape SFc w meliflîre re w ho are '~ miof roniantie ofe eîîd of their ~ 'Ily wil go itlîut ncessifies, ~ tlev ilIw om bcoudtheir- Iood frcisjusî f0 m1ake cmsure ou ac kpt lhappy. Al * ïcy s ii eurmu is flhc daily * ssraîc of y-our' love, a Pretfy ~ speechnov sudtleîî, and i tat Sglinlt bluouiï-eyc (that reIlis fîcu * X u lve ~oura le nicourse. STlui r o.Ald shoy ifin 'l hopreiate.Tesi ilîo i o * w-lin sfs sionew itli 3our nisem * TO; "A ýLOST SÛil.S " ou ~'uneatualsud forg1îx s. c Con - ,soleyu!lcih h' rfi 'K uipoy lienstivlyin ilour * ic fremd (u ig])I-li and(1ex0eli'u *C you su keeploul pii '~clouddiby th"eenee~ us '~TO MS C.:'bsoel * lusbaud's ueglc f lis wf i '~ oafexatlypatuds3- u is- '~band ('s fcoul itiest att iud eto- hav be. T!Ie- you w.ill flot suifer, tleheatbeakngregrets that many a man e-hn it is too late. Anne Hirst is here f0 encourag-e - ju. Wrilte her. at Box, 1, 13 E.ightnt St., NwTo)ronto, Ont. 24 tangur dwi 41. Mascins 49. Roail ,uCostrictror 52, lebrew Iii. ' (oarilto You iill be detighted y U fwgraneand favu - l j r-ible tliing flot olvi1)ac ,utb lioýpe therIs of, cpeacebewcna tions If disputants il! one1Cou amog tiemel-'es A trike is1very imulcli like a wariîî one resplct- aloer ifil uioîab f ny lit tle more fliicoieiecefrin thi ie buit ahrcady caclcr inig first-liaiud stolries, OCCIurr1-g]iz reoedistricts. 1Trueker1srtunn gem f0 buly so mulcili aslaloaf off bread. Iln fluistrctitisstrange, dur!ingfig li f, eyer ilheart train whistle iat aill or fic unil of wbls ]ýon fIli tack'. Ai elieln c gO dowut,)%\ urngîleda wc otie s vw c cros's flic tr-ck fiat slreadY flic rils arc red vitir 1-at, suad dog-S lay varounld inear lie 'iysIc top-wiec nye adogva blde flicir cars ald look 1bof1 li S to mkeSure no tr-alinîls Comi1lg! Sfraîigetwlia haitceai udo.ifl ooka crzof coarse, butt on fthe ofLier bauid if is a good Ihabit c)10. bang ci onf. IBetter tstpa fwfne tv ien i i't ncsayfintriJ oget sud not stop, whenlif-1il; litccssary. Ai o t!ier thingwued(oni'îlik iosýlt ilîow ýis flic11ica-or.. raflter the Ilîulni di ty. 1H'eatvw e can 1t:ke it OUr stLri de bu)ict ]licf, pluws I limid ity, ,is alliiotersom.Andtoa is C11i- de'sDay atic hbtion Tiie passiîîg 0of flic., cars ýlia sus couIpeu(ýIsatiOn - at ILrt w dou' liv 0go flîrougli tfbe or-dealJof fimel" a t flic B_,i g IFa il. But0of cou rse, wc ( dCin' t :flik if as sucli a terr ible uordea(: wicu w1 lad if f0 doL. Kidics(k dolav ucîî sî v woderful finie I.,. t l;or i te expectafion Ifliestpart ofitl , - au1d falking zabou[t iffteilrds sturs sort of loseprsieann tlîi 1r owu ierw d itheyiare l gyutht t; reait-fliat isz, tie oe -c U.îîo Ac tluai , asfar a> as i agoo(d tiiiie iscocreIbley aS 11n1i]e, if 1not 1more1, iflicir ow lclfajir, There fbey eau le e loeto run iwâit lle gang lAîI nsîîy j of tlieni lbave a lipersoiiýl intcmesf lu loal ufaîr exhýibît1s. Stanld arun inar fliehol cx- hibits for a anlesd it ,,w-ouýi e ioîîg bheforeyo arseyuî- ster sayluàaSbIrill, excited yicc "S c .. 1tbaf's \v laýt we d d-tas ouir scbool thiat won ifist i,, z( Or Nwafclîic he ugConIleîîïl tors iinflic CaIf Club ,..sec flie glowý of pride in ouî Surn' faýce w ]lin HIjS caî rgeftS thIle red ill)in. Bult vwc(slîouldrern ebe flic loywlio do %,t iipl) al works jusî as bard wirli !lisca- mayhIe Jubl a few points niadeIlil the differemice. Thmat)boy ileeds fo foretstallailvayfeigo itr iless . He rnust iofliet llwed o get flic ides fmt liate JudgýIing"ai'f fair . , . fit allo g IIe 1(oted Just as Ilard as-;Sanîuîy-aud to, biiii l i s c a 1 oifloke c \cery b1)itL a s goodytsmoe ist efîiralt byliowever snilu a rnaiîîan tion is good for-flic purpuse ff a worthwlile adiiuevencu-if ia also good as a tmealîs of dcvclopîiug good sotmaai.SD f for- sonle 1reasonif ïti57,impossibile fOr youngstr;tcrsfohveaday af flich( C.NI,.E. dOný't let flienli feel flic bof- tom-, las dropped ouf of flic uni- verse-affter flic Big Fair corne the1 Elimrinates BidSpot Mofoi t ets 160U ege iio oý five opciticllytuenogre i- ors, rnouitediiin sulpliurfree mb- ber at sinillycretanges en a frarne of 22 - ag tue]lHr muonizes witl i syteior; sid to riv car and ea-sy oisal Smootler Srae A recent paint pout e . Canadian market issid"tlie cu necting 'link ,betweeîî a1 POor sr face and a perfect. paintc job ."Paint- crs aud decorafrs, sy oot imiporter, will find( in tis uracn compounld a permanent an ý11d sift adlren. I's aid to be eai re pare-d, wil nt iruo r co Sag, dries to aardndsuirface sutbefor sand1iip>; ceau leiepplied sirpl wtli a b)rusli or- tro\%el. Focr Icoverinig wodtrim, dentfs in shet m etal, joints inillboards, inail be 1used as a ccielent toreset tiles, Coating w vind!sbield or nyga. pljastLic or fusýedquartz sufc vitb a fi,111)F1C-10 is claýi11eçit -_ preveu1t ahin(as",llas dlust poit, sudsea water) from - stickîn1g f0 suirface; said tu iiimprove vision - at eas 80 Sustaceis said stbl uder alicniinnnr ro0s:C ive; ifsefee stsfor weeCA, maker clainis. Haf-pouud kit is, sufcetfor- 10 nos jet Dishiwashier haudles ,dislies, gasae and sil- vtemwame for six persons. Spl nIwtrslioots cinto tIe dishes in macliinie's action, fromlanlelec- trîcally 1leated 1booster tank at 180 degrees. AIlparts tilic -disles are atruck, wi h refuse3 failing to a removable strainer a5f flic bof tom of) tFe tub. Said tri e ean an1 àld give two lot rinses in 934 1m lite's using, seven gallonsl of waîer., WAKE DP YODR LIVER BIL- Without Calomnel - And You'.lI Jumip Oui .1 Bad in the morinc fRirip, 10Go Tkei- iver Hhould Pour out abolit 2 pinta o!l bile ites tnt e your digestive tract every day. If this bile i8 notf oing freely1 j'Our food May no dicj-I a utdecay îinthe digeajr trat. he ga boate up your atomvace Tee cet e Vf~~ d oîm tee] SoLn , anik 81M tis It takes those mildi, gent e Carter& Litfle Liver Pilla te get tiese 2 pinteof bile !!ow- tim freely te make you f eCivp and p Iel epackage todsy. Effectivc le makaplg bile flow freely. Aak for' Carter'a Jjittîe Liver Pfll, 35é et an.vduety s ont ey'rc mostly doue iiiChain loopsý. Use tliem fo"r (fiete coîr for $nptoerkcl Fiet dco- lie are coton.Patern958;dietos SedaTWENT7Y-FIVE CENTS icon(stampws cannotbc accept- cd'fr tIii ptte ',0 îBox 1, 1--3 Eigll,"iîenfbSt., N0v'orndOt. Prînt iplai, 1y. PATTEPN -NUM- BEP, your NAi ilE anid A D. DRESS. A BIG BRAIN DOES" MEN OU'PE A GENLUS a trc mesureofmetaifSci- eu3Lýtists re tyîng (o ld ou, sud b(- far tlieir co1nuions alre tliat aiv oversize brain does flot neces- sanirIy mean i tat tIc wn ir-,sa Hlowever, fliere i viece tbat unusuiAlly small brains go iermç- tai efefivs. D. R J.A. LBerry, forerl Prfesorof A'Inom at fIeUoierstvof Melb)ouirne, made cliuîdren liad brailon tie aver-age 20p <cnt amller lnnoml The Average Professr Bern alsômesue the skCull sze oflinguiest tcaclies, studentsand crimias, CIle ieslt, in avrag 1çbic cni ùetes f rain space ws:Tea- chr,1,524ce..: StdetU,07 cc.; Crinin 1,48 ce, ,',Lagest Ibrain r-ecdd l meùdical hisîorycas dtli MofIa Trgeuev. This uuteticnuy Ruýssian noeltld a banwilig74 once. eigli, 0of aý n average cman's Leaning Tower lisDoomed Leaung Twer f Pia (79 kt.) isgetg a Ilitlc fmore lc'p-sided,ý Exprtsresonsblefor its preservaï- tion reprt hatit bas iloveda Quarter ofan imdifarther since 1539 aud is now 17f1. ont of tuc. Delespitereated injectios of con- creteintîo tle MOit. fond Iinssu snrrI-o'ndiug goncolla-pse eaul lie expei-cd in 300 yas imec. Desiýgned as au iupriglitf bel tciwýeri-over 750 years aoi began tn lenwil bidr ere stiil ai woi. ince [tlintlie egt storeLy stuIcIture hlis alsobeensili ing ( a li ntrance floor isno n l[.4f t.1elw gr-ounlvel. lie nn l ng reason is a strtu iof ~xaeroggd ay hi slowly gîves wa.Tliree Pisa cucitow- ers are alsI eanboss ue (1drneniy anud tie ralwaycmbnk mient cIiual ias to le rein forced. ljosîe dnwî' tu o'e"nlneeLwg DOUG-HNUT TWISTS lat!d Sugýari /' taasalE suld M[canwbil(ie easuire inito a large bnwl l½,,c. 1w-m ser isp. granmiared sugar; stir until suigar vope licîansRoyal Fait Risinig Dry Yaat Le, stand 10 minutes, THN sir iwell. Add cooicd miilk ixture suad in u wlbetn egga sumd I sp vanulia. Stir il) 2 c. onlce iIftedi 1r1a11you; beat tîil amlontI. inrk l'2¼c. aouiti onic-sifted bresd Hourt! nadon iighiy- flourcd boad unil mool- and elastic, Place in gcsdbow'l d grUease top of dougil. Cove sd set iu avwaruî place, fre-friom draughî.ý Ler risc util doubled lun bullk. Punch1o,11udougli and !roIl- out imt aretge.1a itbirk; Iloisen Coi into atr'ipa 7" 1i sud 1A wîide. Fold stripa inlu aîf, twist, tIien indl ed ele.Arne wel sprt on lgiý,ty-fioure-d COOkieaet; grase topIs.Cor sud Jet riscunutil doubied in buikj' Careully11fta few aMa time, ito sbrtuugfat lias been beaîed( f0 f6' ot og [obowa cube of ay-nid realu 0scns WIîcmt undersîdes 'are bond turn rsud cnoçseodsie ae 1111-7 lf t from fansd drain on ture of fr sugar sud cinuamon, or, imlzib ot doginuits %Viti, [le followýiuIg Syrfupu ea.tiriug k2- lalfed sugUr, ; . bttel r or mr- garne ud c.wafr; simmeltr r5 min., lin srlu op. vanilla k'eep Ibot over boiliug water i sý iltle bniuing ds amisudles tri hoiliig 1poifnt. Yel -Z ozen esglnus Raised Iight and tender with new fas* DRY Yeusf And the RELIEF IS LASTING Th,.ee's one thing for the headache t.e.mscular aches and pain$ that often, accompany a cold« . 11NSTANMINE. INSTANTINE brings really fast relief from pain and theý relier 1prolonged! SO get INSTANTINE anjd get quick COmnfor-t. INSTAI'iTNE is, cornpouinded likçe a prescription of three provf,.si medical ingredients. You cani dependt On Ïts fast aiction in getting relief frok»i every day aches and pains, headache,, rheumratic pain, for nelurîtic or Gst instarline t0dey *~ aInd aiwas ieeP îttbafdy "., 12-Tabiet VTin25f7 Economîcai 48-Tabïet Bottis 69qf 'WN S. raft an!7nal - Â-e 23. Degrade 3. any 24. amaring 4. WlngstIcýk 2.Exhammaf 7. Sk'il 1 27, Ore-dgger 6. Havinig a 28. GrowfngPo11i certain mental 10. l*îsls ticlination 31i. Rnsý' Cheese hne A Nctherlands cichse factory is- irantlufacturing -a new JEeý ccse pro' duc, to e Imartketed ir i anyslýIaj- e, uoe to becompressed intùý, tabletform, roduect is said to have cry hIgli caloric value, keeps weI nii polar or tropical regions. Shuffles Cards Time- saver for eager Canasta farnsis c-.rd bo~x which shuffles and cuts cards 40 different ways ilu one opleration, according te 111,1er. Two adjustable arms dab thec jo, accommodating two or treecsat once ISSUE 37 - 1950