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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1950, p. 8

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I I ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THIIR.fSIIAY. SEPT. 1-ith. 9Q PORT HOPE FAI1F FRIDAYand SATUR-DAY- Durhî-iam Junîir Farn ers' Tractor Comipet tion. Bezauty Contest lsL prize, $50.00i cashi, plus Evening Gowu donted hi Mr. 1. S. Margles. Other Prizes, $2.5, $15. $10. four $5 Caif and Swine Cluibs - Amnateur Çontests Midway - School Exhibits Stock Show - Homie Departnients Horse Races-Classes A an-d B Night DlA N C E THEATRE . -BO)i 'AY AND SATURDAY - ÎlEST i -5 JUM-PIN'T SG Eddy -9N LO Tho Tenessee Plowvboy cted by HENRY1 NEWS Town Ihall ' LNVILLE P>T. 15th, I6thi ~ VAGUE P1110 WELE ROUGLAS. IA 2cà, SHIORT THURSPAY - SEPT. 2th, 2lst sat Onie Toronto Theatre! AS A MOVIE, ITFS EVEN FIJNNIER THAN THE STAGE HIT THAT PANICKED LONDON AND NEW YORK!, NOW ON BROADWAY U S rILORD") PA<KEDWTNCVR<MD SPARKEUNG DIALOGUE, AND SOME 0F THE FUINNIEST 5iI SIUATION4 EVER ON 1THE SCREENI a ý E/f JANE GRIE BI' S 13ENDIX ch and ail it stands ,ver before! ClarkeUnion Mr Ry lrry hhaadi,( a cernient jblck silo erected. Sorry t rport ho' Ms.Coi n Snîith is i Bomnn[ivil1 lo Hospital. We wishlber seoy ocvey Mr. ' vnRanoylis pur-chasod ia anld disc. T 1hacco picking is nio-w i full by Mrý. Jamies Nixon and Mvu.loe So uch. Mrv.ïand Ms.W. CmpheJi an faiuly vare visiting withhri, ens Mr. and Mrs. Hlector Bowen. Bill has gone on to Montroal. Our aoloil ,)ei(d on Tuesday has-t. M4iss Daýw21 iVlf:ais the teachor for aiiothur -par, wýitli twenty'-foiir at- te'ndinig anld sovo-raleinos rKENDAL M.and Mrs. J. McRoberts cel- brto tei 4thweddng annfli'vor.sinr on Spo'tember thw\'ith their faily. TMr. Oa nd-Mi.. Sarchuk of Tor- Ornte visitod M]rs . 10loy and so)n. Visitors with Mr. and INrs. Thonais' Fait!s \oro Mi'. and Mrs. Warre. Todd and Mr. and Mlrs. Orme FaIls of Shiloh. 71r. a1nd Mrs. Lorno Paodeion o Crool1ked Ceokvîsited Mrs, J. Hoskin on Sund!iy. - Manyfrom Kna visitod thoï Or-on o _Fair on Saturday and had a mlost onjoyablo timie vo.wýi)g the ex-ý hiltand taking in the fun of the fa ir. -On the sici i ist at presýent are '4rs,. IL HToy. i' J Miartinell and 'Mr. J. Mc-, ~rt.Wc, hope thiey wilI soon ho flng better. Fail weather wili soon hc bore and wv(e are wonderîng ha the suniiieir wais hidinp:. 014 Man Sol bas been playving- peeýk-a-ihoo with ura tus sui) Mi'. nd Mrs. JacI< Swarbrick spent, Suinda-v wthMr. and Mrs. Painting.' Pori PBiitaiin. ViqPtors with M- dMr . I te yen pr ng He past week were Mrs. V, MnMullen of Pnvpo.Mr. carl Paiedeni of Nowton'vilie and Mr . md Mrs. Haimm etofOrono. K1R B'Y and bruises, boxes at We, Handie a Coniplete Line of Humphrey Bicycles (C.C.M. PARTS) For Men and Women CED FROM- to $78-00 Also JOYCYCLES WAGONS -I E v and Repairs Il Makes Crowther Clarke 3723" 'CASTLE Tinshopj 35c. and 59c. Clia Pur qi hi Ah Bisi st v W. M. 5. Meeting PI T-he W.M.S. heid thleir regula,,RI September 6th, wîth a good numhcarl e39 5 preseý,nt. Atter ,the Opping Session by the( president. -Mrs. W.Ruiefr rçead a poem "Chiaos in ail t-he -world", bv Kgaw. adevtedJapanesei Chris-tian. Thoni came the Jarpaneseý, hvmn-HOly spirit, We Hml 'rPliTe discusýsion ofwh study AND Janan. Tt w;ias decided to take up the study books for 195 ,iad 1951. orltook nemake it intrmstung Srvc The Wl M.S. wîvli'holdthr election of evc nfie- t their- next meetinig n Oobr4th. AUillembrs ho Pro(s- to AI ont , f:t a etn.The rnfèting as chosed by sbnusnv' vmn 1h55 W. A.Meeting The meeting wasopend hv s 'iin hy-mn 17). The Lord('s :aMmhoe orfoiwe.Tir1 sriotr roadjing ïNEW wstuk-iin hy Mrs. StieyChama Buieswns ta ce and it was diddte o ild -a supo)r onTaks-_______ givni nihtand hold a s-mall hamaar byv aeln pos ad nd oteO r si ctms. TlihemeigwscoepII Wi\-th the bonediction. P>RIZE WVINN'ERS (Co'ýntinued fromn page four) F Bouindey. *rCarlos Tamblyri; cookios, 3 varieties, Mrs. Ciro a- blyn,. Mrs. 1). Dorrol; sanichesfo attornoon tea, 4-1varioties, mrs. Rg BouLndeyv, INIrs. N. Malcolmi; potato salad, M J. TambIlyn, Mr's. N. Mal- colm; candyv, nmapie cream, Mrsý. Joo Waikor, Mvrs. Reg-. Bounidey-; sahad dressýing-, 2 varieties, Mrs. W. B. blar, Mrs. N. Malcolm; 4 ways of sorving appies, Ms N. Malcolm, Mrs. F. Green; -4 waýys of srigto- matoos, Mrs. F. Greeni, Mrs. N. MNal- coim; wor-king man's lc, Mrs. N. Maicolmi,Mr.Rg ouey chl sauce,.MaldWillims lMs. Reg. Boundey; pickles. sweet, r.Cre Tambvilyn , sN. Maicoim; pickles, mustard Ms.N. Mlom r.Cr los Tamblyn;il:coIlectieýn ef caiined frnit. 4 varieties',. Mr.,. N. Miom Mrs. Reg. Bounidoy. collection of cannod vogtables, 4 varioties, Mrs. IN. Malcolm, Mrs. Reg. B'oundey: jam. 2 varieties, Mrs. D. Doýrreli. Mrs. 'Roi'. Budo:joly. 4 va- ities, Mrs. Reg. Boundey, Mrs. W. B. Tloar. Speciais Maec akngPowder, sngolayer ckMrs. Cqrlos TaýmbIhvn, Mrs. Reg. trav. for most ointsin lases31 ; ometirscine result eM Caris Tmbly. OonoandMrs* AaerContest nuIbîcclicshol up swho did netL pazs hii'h ehool ntrau-ce prcoin t CrtiaLamb.Bo anii;pbc spoakni' eponteoysadil ~ yenars and under'), Dcona Brupt, Nw casthep; grss (gn 16 years- n un or onaBrnewal;gil sgig(12 yoars nd under)', LuCilleý TL,ich.'Jovee- Bostook. Dianne Pha- We Seli 'And Instal Pc ase Heating R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 and Rot Water Heatilng CALL US FOR 'ESTIMÂTES HIARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONTF. sey; Piano Solo (o1pen ýto boy's and girls 12 years and under), Lucille Lynich, Orono, Chrýistina Lamab, Bow- manville, Douglas Lycett, Orono; pian1o solo (openl to boy-s and gils 14 years and ndr) Christina Lami-b, of Bowmianville, Douglas Lycett, Orono, Keith Linb, BowýIImville; piano soil (pnto boys and girls 1.0 years and. under), Nora Woods; pianoe, open, Keith and Christina Lam"be Bowmnviinýïlle; paoduet, Boyd and1 Nora Woods, Orono, ChristinaLm and June Woodis, Bwunvle ýas's Ne-rve Foocl. 69c., $1.79 iretest A. S. A. Tablets, juick relief for painv and eadaches, .36 tablets .... 95c. 100 tablets.......59C. [a Seltzer Tablets. small 29c. Large ...... ......1... 57c. ma Rex, f ast relief for tomach distress, 55C, -85é., and ...... ..... $2.00 Bayer's Aspirin Tab- lets ..... 18c., 29c., 79c. TONMICAL A Pleasant Tasting, Complete and Economical VIAMIN and MINERAI. FOOD StJPPLEMENT FOR ADIJLTS The Capsule-s at--.- $1.45, $2.65,. $5.95 Tyrreli's Drug Store Drugs Agent for'Jackman Flowers PHONE 68 ORONO, Ont. Ensure S;itisf action Guaranteed. lmmedial e Delivery. -tric ORONO Dack To Sehool MEANS ~ 4Back To Vitaunlus T~ensure abundajit good bealth niext winter, start NOWI to give your school children o-)le Iof thlesec proven vitamin products. We list a ýfew lOf ouar complete stock. Kepler Extract of Malt and Cod Liver, prîced------------- ---------- _ _90c. and $1. 0 Vi-Delta Emulïsiont, easy to t ake $1.15, $225 W'ajpole's Extract of Cod Liver ----$1.00 Certified lligh Test Cod Lîver Oit-, 69c.. S1.19 Infanto] ---------------- ------ 90eý. and $3.00 Scott's Emufsion------------ 63,c. and $1.19 CtiidExtract (f Malt and Cod~ Liver 1 QUICK-BANDS hlandy first aid strips for minor cuts 1- FSUPEWIOR BUJLBS FROM IIOLLAND Fail shipm-ent of Bulbs just in time for planting. Darw\ýin Tulips, colors Red, Pink, White, Yellowý and Mauve, each.................. .e Crocus Bulbs, Yellow, Blue or White Stripes, 5 for.ýý........ ..........................c Nar-cissus, paper white, 2 for........ ...... 15c. Buy early while th'e assortment is comfflete Ladies' Plajstic CovTerali Aprons with Bib..... 75c. Bloomners, Ladies', Cream Rib, out size, pair... 95c. Vests, Ladies', Cream Rib, no sleeve, O.S. size.. 85e Gowvns, Ladies, Short Sleeve, Flannelette, slip over style, sizes medium andc large, each .. $1.30e Blouse, Ladies', Rayon Crepe, assorted styles and colors, sizes 12 to 20, each. . . ,...,....... $2.85 Brýassiere, White Rayon Satin with Cup sizes, brocaded front, lace trimmned, formn fitting, sizes 30 to 38, each ........ . . .98c. GROCERY FEATURES Orange andi Grapefruit Blended Juices, giant 48-oz, tins...45c. Special for, the week-end, Ba- nianas, lb............. 15c-. i Diii pickles, 24-oz. botties 24c. T'ap)ioca-,/i2 lbÇ. g......19C. ý'àýN5 ye, Molasses, Aunt' Dinah, 12-oz. botties..........17c. 2 lbt., 2 7ec Cam-pbell's Vegetable Soup, 2 re- g'ular tins...... ..2e Walinuts, Shelled,. Halves, 3)-oz. pkg .......... .. ...2e Galey Coffee, FresllY Roasted, grounid to order, lb.....95C. 3 oz. pkg., 16e. 1/2 lb. pkg., 39c. IJRONO 5c. TO $1.OO STORE ,YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE J Coleman & Philp Elec Phone 89 r 1 n_ - 1

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