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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Sep 1950, p. 1

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Vol. 14 No 34 Of.( SEPT. 2ist, 1950 Subscription $1.50 pec List 0f Second Day Winners At Durham Central Fairý Clydesdale Maire or Geldilig, list andi 2nld, T. Ru lail, 3'rd, J. W. Boydc & Son; mare, aad foal, l'st, J. W, Doyd & Son; foal Dof 1i950, J. W. -Boyd & So;colt, 1 yý-ear, j. W. Boyd & Son, Jas. Starkr; -gelding or filly, 2 years, Jas. Stark; filly or geld'ing, 3 veairs' T. R. Hall, 'Jas. Star-k; spain of horses lai har- ness and wagon, J. W. Boydf & Soni; nlare aind 2 progenyv under 3 years, J. WV. Boyld & Son, Jas. Stairk. Agriciiltural Maire nnd foal, Jas. Stark; foal ofi 1950, Jas. Stairk; fiuiy or gelding, 11 year, Jais. Stairk; ifilly or, geidinig, 2 years, Jas. Stark; Spantt horses lu liarness a-id wagon, T. R. Hall. Gfit Belgian, Percheron and Punch Yeld mare or geilding, W. G. Shea, Hioward Allen, Howard Allen; mare1 -and foal, W. G. Shea, W. G. Shea; foal of 1950,, ist aind 2nid, W. G. Shea;, fi lly or 'geldiag-, 3 yeairs, lait aind 2ad. W. G. ýShea; span of horses la har- nless and wagon, Isit and 2nd, W. G. Shea, HoadAllen; single horse in biine-s and vehicle, lait aind 2nd, TJI. U1. Hall, J. H. Boyd & Son; span hor. ses in harnesa and vehicle, lait, T. R. Hall; besit horse on rein fromi Class- ýes 1, 2 and 3, isit, T. R. Hall, 2nd and à3d, 'W. G. Shea; Luan's Hardware 5Special-Besit 4 horýse tandem, hiti ntnd vehicie fraim ClaLsses 1, 2 and 3, lait, W. G. Shea, Znid, T. R. Hall. Carriage Horses ý- Mare aind fonTI, lait Raîpli Saiddler; foal cf 1915ü, Ralph Saddler; filly or -geldding-, Ist, -Ray Cophrane; filly or *geliding, 2 yea-rs, lat, Raliy Cochraine 2ild, 2ad, N. Anrei;single horse ïn Iharness, n31ar aids or over, lat and'l 2aid, Raipir Saddler; single herseI(1 i;n irarnesa under 1)5M> býauds, 'Ist aind 2nd, Ralpir Saddler; pair irorses in larrneas, lat and Znid, Ralpir Saddier. Mie-Roadater Horses Mieand fonai, O. W. Rolpir, Wes. fion& Son, Stan. Cilapmnan; foai cf 1-950, Stan. Cha)pina, 0O. W. Rolph, WeVcs. Browýýn -& Son; filiy or gelding, 1 year, Wesý, Brown 9- Son, J. W. floyd & Son-; filiy or geiding, 2 yrs., r ~~ W. RopRali Saddicr; filiy or jzplding,ý 3 years, la hairness, ist, Raipii Saddler; single -hom-e lu ir- ceas, 15V- hnd or over, T. A. Reid, Mr.Wheeier, IanCcmn;sni her-se la ha-neýs. unider I'51_l iaiïd, Ivrn Cochiran)e, T. A.- Reidi, Mira 'Wieeier; vaýir ions l hmes Iva CohmaeT. A: Reid, Ms Wheeer;pony la irarnesa, under: b2Aards, lait and Znd, L. M. Bligirit andi cdauiguer; pony uinder saddle, uin- -der 121/" handa, L. M. Bllirt ndi dagiter, Loýrne Hoakin; tea, of p.ouLies under 1121,' banda, lat, L.- M. Bliglit and daugliter; saddle horse, Grant Henry, O. W. Rolipir, Grant Hen-try; pony., la bainesa, over i,2½ rainds, lit and 2nd, Mr-s. Wbieeler, ý3rd, L, MU. Blïght and diaugirter; tealli of panies la harnesa, over li½ ards, st, Mira. Wheeler, 2nd, L. M. Bliglit aind daughiter; gentlcm'an's tura ont,I IrneCochane MrsMWleeler, T, A. Reid; Special fo sections- 40 and -11, ]van Cochranie, T. A. Reid, 38nd ami 4bh, Mrs. Whteeier; Special froro sect ion 42, Mfrs. Wheeier, Ivan Coch-ý raine,'T. A. Reid; 0. W. Rolph Spe-ý iabest -lady driver, Mrsýç. Wheeier, Lorne Hoskins, 'L. MN. Bight andi daugbter Brelin pecial, ru1î?ngý race, saddle or bareback, lst and 2nd, Ray Cochriane, 3rd, Hlowaird Allen, Bill Rooey. CATTLE Shorthorils Bull, 3 yas Garniet Rickard, Rus, Osborne; bulil, 2 years old ' W.F. Rickird & Son; bull caîf, junior, W. F. Rickard & Son, Rus OsbonW F. Rickard & Soni; bul'calf, seniar' Garnet Rieklard, WX. F. Rîc1kad & Soni, Rus Osborne; mi.lch cow, W F. Ricka;ýd & Son,_ Rus Osborne,- Garnet Rickard; heifer, 2 years, W. F. Rick- ard & Sgn, Rus 'Osbone, Carnet ickard; heifer, 1 year, ('-ane't Rick- ard, W. F. Rickard & Son, Ruis Os- borne; heifer caîf, senior, Rus Os- borne, W. F. Rickard & Son, Garneti Rickard; heifer caif, senior, Rus O- borne, W. F. Rickard & Son, Garnet!' Rickard; hieifer caif, ju nior,' lst a-id 2nd, W. F. Rickhard & Son, Ga rnet Rickard; herd, W. F. Rickarýd & Soni, R~us Osborne, Garnetý Riekard. flerefords Bull, 2 years, W. R. Bal; ibull, 1 yeroid, C. Turner & Soni; bull caif snoC. H-. 1-. _IMAilpiine, W. R. BIl; bull caif, junior, C. Turner& Son. J. A. Rosevear; mileh cow, C. Turner & Soni; heifer, 2 y-enrs ol d, lst and 2ntd, IraMAIne heifer, 1 year old, lst and! 2nd, IraMclne W. R. Bail; heifer caîf, senior, 'Ira Mcl be eifer Calf, junior,ý lst and 2nd, J. A. Rosevear, C. Turner; herd, Irai McAIpinie. Dairy Cattle -- Jerseys Bull, 1Dr. Sherwin; milch cow, Dr. Sherwin, P. Hinton, Dr. Sewn heifer, 2 years old, lst and 2nidd, Dr. Shierw,,in; heifer, 1 year, 1st aud 2ndf, P.' Hintonl, Dr. Shierwin; bull n, 1ist aud 2nd, Dr. Sherwin; herd, Ist, Bacoin Regs Ba,2 years, jlst, W. R .Balil, Geo. Ste 'phens; boar, 1 yeair, ist, Garnetj Rickard, 2nd, W. R. B'aî1; boni' over! 6) myouths, ist, Ged. Stephlens; boar: unider 6 mionthsi, 1ist, Geo,-. Stephens, G',ar-dnet Richard, Geo. Stepheons; sow, 2y ar n over, W. R. BiGeo. Stplen-s, Garniet Rickardý sow unider 1 year, lst anid 2nd, Geo. Stephe(ns, W. R. Bail; sow ove'r C6 monilths, Ist and 2nd, GeCo. Steiphens, are Rick- ar'd; sow ianderi 6 monthis, Gýarnet Rich-ard, Geo.Sthes Garnet Rick- ard; senior hîerd, bo. a ad 2 sows over 1 year, Geo. Stephens, 2nd, W. (Continiued on page neven) Join' the Girl 'ýui46s under the lea- dershiip of A gai-NM. Staiples oni- Tuesday eeif3P.26, 95,at the Armouries. a-t'lFp.mi-. Learn seful crafts and havie fun. W. I. Members Hear Hints In Health When Over Forty Mviss Helen Blý, Gardner,Woes îinstitute Bi'anciradHmeEoo ice Seý'vice, Toronto, mad charge of ï confemen(celuiren trconducted l tire OronoTwnirp all on, Tuesdaiy " n fteru on hast, ebeswere pres- ent froin Kendal and Newtorille uiý I- stituites, also ottirer ittrest'ed womien-, from itis commuiiuijty. ~<olr president, Mr-S. O. W. Rolp!I,ý introduced tirýe speake, M -Niss Ga- dner,1 who had ceosen as her subjee t 'Healti before - anld ,fter forty".ý Miss Gardnu told the ladies ais they- -c s 'ecftireir elasticity la1 older age, to aidjust theasselves to physicail -conýditions cireerfuiiy. Accepte-d irealti rules Lt relation to tire forty, erai r-fistfood-irere d'cfinlitely fewer calories, cut down fats. It. la -wse to cut do-ir on sailt. W atLeh Your ,itamiins and mhierais. Livler la, a good source Df iLron if u't is coe -ne1r Crude molasses are aoodl piemty ')f freq'ilair ian-our. we defiuîteiyý nee51, moistui( proper footweam for prope If yio'um fee(t nare't comfor. amazing what fiulty f 0O de. Nerves ave1to ha fc B. -Moat "important, -wirolep tais. Use ira ger-i cockinig. This i-s n good toicL. Rest and sleep is i relatiin tothose oer1f Watcr yo"'ýur digestion, 'a1 your eyes and enra. M1s, spoke briefI l de mnitail Ih ing unsý is caused by wýNori' anld w\Orry is chrOnýic fear.1 tire aIive Women'11s Institut oi-es doirig soýmeing- for icious buffet 1lun c? éi by tire W. I. exec n ta-ble was tat wLt irai1a ,1cce-, aibie il Rn;wý7,rs, whh , wc homiles cand essedtire taýble it la ed vita-min g mai ilnima- iu in our The regular mionthly meeting ofi the Or-ono Womie's Iwstitute was held on Friday, Septemnber l5tlh. iMrs. E. Hammn took the chýair arnd opened lhe metig.Ater the reading.oA the minutes and thefiail state- mrent, Mrs. Hammnn intrôduc!ed the guest speaker, Miss Verai Ca, a miember of the sta-,ff of Ühe Royal On-ý tarloMsum Miss Clark explaiued thait there were four sepýaraite iuseumis withîn the Royal Qnitinri6 Museum. Shie wais associated with the museuro known by vmain. The museum aIso consisits of anl office staff, switch board staff, muem theatrc, cdigcationa1 de- partme-tnt that serves publie c sh)oos and high schools witihin a radios of 150 m-1iles of Toronto. The textile ~nu-saup has a very fine collection of Chiioese robes, court robes, woven articles, Las ai corapete record of the devý,Lo(pnient of weaving, costume col- lecetion, carpe4t collection, lace collec- tion, printed fabriecs and Indiai chia- tzes. Tihe museum staff are endeavour- ing to iinteresit people to preserve ar- ticles tirait are of interest, and value.I ArIticles aire takea to the miuseu ald in the lahoratiory are moinutely exam- ined aind photographed. The re ai data is taken down for future refe-r- ence, The staff have done consider- ,a'ole reerhwork around the Nia- gara Peainisula 1 n early Ontari o weaVinIg. in 1780 the pioneers cameý into Onitarlýo an-d ini the wiriter weaiv- ing -%as doe tind-pa.id for o)ften in famproduce. IMost of the cotton used by tire early weavers camie from the States. This camne into Canada and had ti be washed, carded and spun. Professional weavers be- camue estabishd-*n tire eariy settle- mients in 18-W.Samuel PentIand, one of the fliatweavei-, used a barc- ness loom. ýaimue! Fry wvas anotherý fine early w-eavei'. MiESS Clark, passed arouna samipies cf pure color dye, and shwedK some very fine examipIes ofery Ontario wevng Yiss Clarke took back Vo the nruseuimpieces cf haad evg the property of Mrs. D. G. Hooper of The historical researdch comritt(e tmdr rs. E. Hamm s A,ýda-d- Egfitful lunch. Miss 1MkÇansland's Kerry Blue J esHoours At CRNE. The - ae i rticle taiken, from be T ýit6 and _Mail of the !-j~~,, w-ith lrega',rd to ~CýaUsland whoý entere -Ie pup in the iy ecieaning up ail the ip claiss entered. Mrs. 'G 1ought bome the bacon for thiree ve erans of thre sec- ond World War. Mrs. O'Grady, officialiy Tralee of Mavic, is a 1(ý months-old Kerry Bine f emale fe-male 'pup. She has a nilce .personialty. Tirait, maybe, is .why shbe won the ribbona at tire C.N. E. d o- show as, best Kerry Biue .pup female, wl nners f emiaile, and best! Canadlian-4bred Kerry Bine Pupp-y. Mrlis. OGrady is miore than just a pieaant-empeed onng .female, hýowever. She is a sort of symibol. Bac-k in 1945, Catherine McýCausland, better known as Casey, bought 143 aceof land loni the 9th concession niorth of Oromo. She ha-d been a nseP ili theCanadlian ArmyIý. Wheui she wasq retired, she lad ai biood di- ssetirait kepit heri on her bck aýbouIf of each dlay. But she waS tired of cities, aind wainted sýomeI chenu fesh ir, and some ear-th to Shl e caiiledfthe pince Kerrycroft, which waIs wihnltnig Onie of Iherabion was to muise Ke'rry inteUini B n iwers. Sire -md goats and; needed i, chic]hens and Angora robbita, but' ry years.. o Kemr Blues. Rler fairing apir- [so) protecitioswerec unusaai.They wme sGa ,->-e , i-thi a inryluThe Globe aad Muli. enl1tir say- *The story iame to tire atentîinof, ryV usUaiîîy, Vc Black cf tire Maivic Kenneis on Siesid MWright Ae.Me md servýed ilu as. are the tire Armýy ServieCorps la botir soýme one r'ara. lHe gave Casey a Kerry Bine f emmae Puppy. i-ieon wvas Betwecn Casey and Mrs O'Graidy,4 cutive. The lt was love at &YrAtsgit. MrCs. fiy ar- O'Gmaidy wasn'it a kennel doýg, - sie chirand wa a miember of tire McCnusiand ~me donaed miy Tme masti- Tire -tirird veteran, Cliff Tnshing Stoker fO? ar, ai Toruto fireman who served rJohinston wVit tire navy-, Came inito tire picture whden Mbs. O'Graidy had to be riose- (-'ber- W. L Pr>itfd. A dog irandier and traner, discuss ionhe iked tire Lfonai atmospirere ocai orgain- around Krcrycroft and suggetedi (ContinuLed on page four) MÉrs. Charlotte O. Blanchard Following a long illness the deatir occurred at the home 'of lier son-la-- laiw, William Muldrew, 2017 Oshiawa Boulevard, on Suniday, September 17, of CharloLtte O. Stevens, ibeloved wif e oýfthe laite Ernesit G. Blanchard. A daughtaýr of the late Mi'. and HMs. Elias Stevens, the deceased w a§ born at Port Hope on Juhy 30, 1878 alira prior to going to Osharea çsix, years aigo from Elizaabeth-ville had ived lunewovleand Bewdley. Mrs. Blanchaird was a mremrber of Eý,iizatbeithbvihle United Churcir. WhïIe in Osýiawa she attended King Street United Churcir and was a life me-m- ber of the Women's Missionarýy So- ciety of tihe church. She leaves tlo moura iber passing- twýo daiughtera-, ,Mrs. L. H.' Muldrew (Volai) and Mrs. W. H. Muidrew (El',va) both of Oshawa. Also suir- viving is a granddaiughiter, Marilyn Muldrew%ý of Oshawa. IRev. E. J. Robertsoni, minister of Kin.- Street United Churcir, wiil con- ducted a short service ait the home of Williamn Muldrew, 2017 Osira-wa Boulevard, ait 130 lpan. on Tuesday, ISeptemnber i9th. Tire funerai service was ireld la Elizabet-hvlhie United Church ait 3.30 p.m. fohiowed by ln- termentin L Bewdiey Cemetery. John B. Moat Celeba tes Nimetysecond Birthday One of Oaikville's oldesit residents and ai formier mayor of the town, John B. Mont, eeebrated his 992nd- birthday on SaturdnIýy, Sept. i63th. Although r>ecup)erating -f rom ai ser- ious operatiion performepd in August, Mr. Monatîtli takes ai keenl inte>es;t lu municipal affairs amdi s an en- thusiaistic basebali and hockey fan. Mr. and Mrs. Mont celebeaitcd thiru .3rd wedding ainniversary in June. A native of Bronte, his fatirer was a Great Laikes captain, saiing betweei Hamilton and Montreail. Futurity Wims And Sires Win- Hers At Durham Holstein Show Gienaftou FuÈtiritý-, ai two-ya-l bull owned byv tireCentrai Durirnm- Bull Club was tire Granid Chiampion aud sird nmanyv wiinners at tire Dnr- hiam Counity Blaick andi Wiite Day lirMId Septeniber 9thlu coienior I ith Oono Exh1ibitioni. Futurlity wili berecaulled i's tie Ai1Cfl îaaiîa Buill Caif for 1948 auiid ianmi1embùr(,fütire, Ah-CnainProduce cf FD<aIm lu i j1949). One, of tire hottesit casses of ihe show wais tirai't fo-r Senlior bIull cal- vs-, wlirere five and tire nine entüries w1ere sons of Fnutnriity\, cairrying offIl fist, tirird, fifir, sixth id igit positlins. Tire wiuner a rwve Futurvity Ace, shiown byv Jas. T. i Bro-wu & sm, Nerecastie, Ont. Tn bull went on tire Junior and Reserve G'rand OiamIpiouships witir ire sec- ond prize winner Eldehl,-Ie Trhuýie Sir Hlello sho-wn by A. Mulir & sons, of Crt()icie, taking tirhesý--er-ve JuLnior iward. 'Jas. T. Brown & Sons aiso won tire Junior BPull Clasa wvitirh son cf Fttriity aind also took tire firat prize in tire JuinicorG'et-of Sr cla-saý on n grolip of iris pr.ogdnIy. Reserve Seior Chamipion w\as Otonabee Trinne Bus;ter wmho stod riext to tire Grand Cham-pion lu tire twýo-yeaýir-old class for A. Mir -& Sos In the femlaleclahsses, A. Mahr & Sons won botlirtire Seniior a-id Grand and Juior 'Ciranponsirips, tir- for- mer 'honor beingtaken by their wi-l- Research Area Explained ToiResîdents 0f Leskard Or, nda eeing, Sept.ith ir-ound eoghty mcsidents from aiioug tire upper course, of thLe-, W'limlot orenortir and soutir of Leska.-d, --uttendaed a metigheId in theý Les kard Skhool Ilo1dse wiVi rpesn tatives frome the Ontaýrlo governmen'lt for tire purpose of discussiag a nd cl'arifying citovrilmattersa's ing from tire pr.oj-cit being preposed by tire Depaý-rtitt of Lands and Foiesta ii tirait area. Mr. W. Coryell acted ais chairmian for the meeting and calied onm,-yajo,- Foots Vto latrodriee Mr. Joiston, of tý(e Researcir Brandir for tire Depamt mient of Lands and Foresits. MUr. Jo-huston defiaed t1re am-en now poiposed for tire projecit wbich la ,La the neghbourhood of two tlhousand- acres, cstaiblisired chlefly beLmeen tire ni-nth and tentir concesin of ClIre.1 Thre aea starts on tire westat m A,e ýHarley's aind' onitietire east to Mr. MiIera rom the nintir concession soutir lt was deie to have tire - stre-am h ed and the bordeing cedars ai-d this extended to jusit nor-li of Leskaird. The property owne-lrs in-1 voIved in lhis finger of laind from the nlintir to tire elghrtir are Messis. Cor- 'eil, Bfrto-Patesn Mc' aid aind Rud-diel. Mmr. Johaston st'nated tirait tire was no suclfi projecitto take over tire whole of tire Wllmot Creek The pui-pose of tliis proposed -pro- jecit on tire2,0 acres, stated Mr, Johnaston, i- one of iese'arch lafon s try, trout life and wiId gaime beýhits. Thelire ae, ire saiid, woud bei reforeat- edi and frýo'm thia could be, studied the commercial value.ý of repianitiugz wývste Tand lanotlier eielais. ad tire sieisof trees mo.sýt desirable, Lso a> stndy of tlie rtetumn cf wild life in maminaals, birds, ('e. Psbytire glreateat stndy, would ibe made on trout foýr tireWilimct Creek is dis- puite-d to be one of bire hesit trout sitreamin lire province. -ln cre.age ef 2.000 aieresai Iw a s sitalied, wais needed to carry out tire, seherne, and tlnt good farm b.and -was ý not wne foi- sucirland wonld be oF great4er value beiug tilild bv tire plougiri Tire land nortir of -fLslard,' said M. Jhasonwstire fi rst cllirie and l osit Fsitall o tru wo r. Mr. Johmston clai-rifedtir je )i(ts proreedimns by îtaingtiritlt wi o the initention s of tire gvmoetto tirat tire rojot onid cIni ree by ha-vinig otindthe c-pmto of tfire pmopenty ownes aurd tire con) muuity. Prom na liber ofpoemyonr it -%as evidelnt fhait if 'Virecekwa takeqi îheir colcera wa.s lMe supply of wIe for cattIe. To this t;he-y weeinformned Mhat water would be punweod to where it, was needed or a. vell dug. The gireatest complaint ,-,as th'e ianner in w)hich the govern- mecnt buyvers had in presenting thieir bids for the land. It -was claimied that exproprlatory mieasures wer,- hinted and tMat the price offered -%as often too low. This, 'thstories ru-~ miored on the extent of thie project, rauise(d btose in the vicinity a greait deal of cnen Mr. Johnston aýssa- ad Mhat it wa& nEwer intended tl leive a farm without wsivter, nor to barge onu h area against th1eiIlL of the. inhabitInts. Mr. Baldwin, of the Fisheries De-~ parti-en!t, answering a question of MFIr. R-ami-iItoui, as to whait ,ould heýp- pen sdould the achemie continue, s.ttth of Leskaird, said Mhat if they did Ut would oiy be 'hy the permnission of 0hle owrners, and that ini any case the \I[hoie s'ea need not ie feniced off. eiring cattie would be left open for this purpose. ITe explained thait t mes nte stirrig up of the creek bot- tom bý, cafttle that caused silting o-vni' tihe spoiniýg beds. [MIajorFot wa.s of thie opinion that t1he governmnent buyers were toa tagg-;ressive in thbeir aictionsli and stated lhit if the owaers Ad r ot want tA seil it ýwould be thepoic of the goy.. eramnrt Vo let welIieinough aTone. Mr. Johbv,nn infornied the' et ing thait thie project wouid continue f oi- '2)5 to 50 earns and that ecadis for' la[bor. whviLh wouid be aIn iasws1t t, the conamunity. A report was read by Mr. Cor.yellI 'pmbinng ont tMe advancements à UTh- area duing the iast nuinber of yjeamai whih era broughit about by farmi- ng thie ianad that the ïproipiosed sciemewasnot iia a progressive na- trnie for the village. lNIrs. L, Bouýie, naws 4 the opiniprt th he etbiligof tba ese~ arawouid lheip the district if the farmers were giuanttend water fou thei.rcattie. Mr. Rp . Wdd, i io;s) oihe favour of Teaoet for itw d >igin a caiforib. r 1dco- Pidewbi amo lt f Irey em could sen rcre oi ô -peet t,- Ainumber of the land oumuersI (Continued on page four) 1's United C whe four) ORONC

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