ONTARJO &~nt~YarO1dGeorge Turner, 'of Cnsil, ok vr iit e Ulmtsville F ait forilu 5t cnectieyer SamMicele svenyeasild of Markhamt, ,was Wff of but he t' fthepony ra at the ronlo Fait, TMie Winner In Showýýmansbip at the Pfort Perry Fir,! i the DaiyCaif Club Shsow wvas Ralph hmesbfWlrd -ine1on FaâIs Thy wre frs n bahclasses at theOroFi, CARRAGETEAMS IýN FRNF TUE GRANDSTAND -,BEING JUGDBY MR. ,STEWART, 0F LNSA.RALýPU TSALFR 0 NISELTON WON TUTIS CLASS,, AT TUHEORTPERRY FAIR. ,Aria Denn-s, of Baerde -with her mare"Duý-chess,was jugdbes" t i 1 er n THE PICTUR-1ES SHOWN ON THIS PAGE We-re Takzen By The PHOTOGRAPHERt Asý A Pubiic Service < ORT 'PERRY IDAIRY VCALF CL-UBl, LjNýED U FR UDIN SOPANH AT TUE PORT PERRY FAIR. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N r- N N N h s N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N k s N s N N N N N N N N s N N ,LL FAllRý TIME IN