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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Sep 1950, p. 4

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Orono Weekly Times ,econti Cas Mal,Post Office Department, 'Ottawa Subseription - $1.50 Published every Thursday morning nt the Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Estabiished January,,,1937. _Wieh Way? Few -of us wouid have foreseen the possibility of another m-a- jor war when five years ago World War Two mas brought to a close. The events of th.e past fewmionths have shown the stemn possibility cf a third ouiireak. We are led to ask along .with tlwusands of ther thinking people just howv mucli -of lastfrtg beniefit was accomi- ~plished by bue conflagrationi which seema ain.ist yesterday, and ihow rnuch the talk of a "war to end war" lias amounted to. Will oui proýsec'uti-on of another war provide any guaranrtee against a four-th onrislaughlt? Past experiences tells us that it %vil! not. On the other hand sorne obserwers hazard the ofinion that aÀ E peedy settiernient of the Korean struggle weould brinig us face- to face itàh the greatest depression of ail time. Oaaididfly, sic~h a lot will be ours eventually' in any case if ,ve continue to stage a war ever-y five years. The nex,,t round would iiiore likey cone in three years timie, if not two. Moreover, w,,e oouid Nweil be reduLced to a state of sus- ý,dnrd guerilla -\arýefare, fromi which there woýu1d be no respite. No, there ii-uat be a different mianrer of settlemiertt for <1f- ferences than tihat of war, even cold war. To follow the present1 trends Vo their logical conlusions il find -us in greater chiaos than e'ver, because war offers no-thing o an-y of thie Varbicipants buit s and disillusionMentt. Garbage Disposai Snaller centres are perhaps fortunate in their elemnent of iso- laton rio the fueds and strifes 'which mark the larger places. lHam- ilton, for. instance, lias a flve-weeks old strike amrong the coliectors of garbage and refuse. We ourselves are Iocally speakîng, a "strik- ivn uRt because we cannot agree to a municipal disposai for Our own ýbt of garbage. Sornany citizens have beein i e habit of taking Lare of refuse dumnping themscel'ves, and fail to take *-nto accounit the probleni Of a fellow neiglbor who perhaps bias neV the facilities and equipment for perforinrg the task himself. Wiietheoe the price 18 prohibitive we are not preriared to say, but we feel that those in ch.arýgp of 'the village wefare have done weft1 to work out a systeni end to -put it into operation. Ia this respect we have geone a -tep farthier thait nearby Bow- inax-i-iville where gaibage disposai is stilI >a matter for private enter- prize ratiier than ognzdruiia concern. Custori and tradition are strong and tenacious in the varinus localities, and it is ,not to be aidne t if ail of oui' people do niot see eye to eyewih th- autsh- orîities ini this particular niatter. Even at tat we are miucl better oýf'f Uhan the citizea- of a lar-ge centre like Hlamilto)n where the wili- àiagness to get rid of the trashý is suiperseded -by un-\millinigne.ss o! the wresin gefting the job done2. So mucli is hieard nomaidays about service aind social indd-i(c res-, yet the whole idea gets awý,ay fromi us -when we -witness.ý the uni- Test of the -vaious factions, the factory wres the railwaymen, th"e graecoletors aInd whaù have you. Pioneer propenisities for digtejob o1e'ýs self may ho a-go'od hing if eeyody elsere fusýes Vo ,k for. us. Whe1n We, refuse 'o ailo'w the other fellow to wor-m'k for us, thie sboe, is on thse other foot; a chiallenlge of capital ag-ainst labour, S(> o' speak. The Staff 0f Life Our pride in homie îndustry rceiv\es an additional boost quite Trequenbly when me hear compiimenjtary references Vo "rn brad.Alpprtly there lis a difference between the 'bread thus produced here in omit, and that of the m-ass production variety comi- àmig ini fron 'outside. A- lot of folk visit friends in Orono, and while 'here, purchase ai few 1oa-ves of Orono bread o take Vo their homies. The bread is miore like the old fashioned "homne made", they tell Lus. Possiiy the "staff of life"mes more o our diet than wve real- ize or admit. Whnen the "tf"p-roves particularl'y good and hoeceso niuch tihe bo-tteýr for our general w\eb.being. flid it ever occur o you tat one type of 1oa! mwilI dry out ver'y qucl.while another will reaut its moist freshness for the better Part of a meek- ? The answer is w-rpped up iii the constituent parts tha-it go into 'bread. Orono, bread doubtless sees enough of quallity inateriais o warrant its keeping and tasting good for- along timre after being -nade,. Theeis noiagnto or fancy attaichedVote the popular appeal of tVhs particular bakery7, becausýe we have hecard the -same story froial quarters and ail cases of people. Integrity anýd good quaity on the one hand and care-ful work- nianship ou the other have nuade it so, and whlerece of this ldind Vo so seeînxinly commnonpiace a mnatter as bread may appear trivial, we know the average reader mviii bc in accord with our senti-. mei<nt. N.t any housemives go o thie triouble of turrning ou, oe mrate breati in this day ind age. To be able toývisit ai toma brikery anti obtain bïead' 2o eosely akin' Vo the g-enuine home-made is a boon indeed. When your next g-roup o! conipany tell ycý-u how gooti your ~bread is, iniply tuckel the compliment away as being- another ini a long lite of evidence that, Orono is ral a good p-ace in wbich o live, -and that thie "staff of life" la noV the ba aongthe contributing fcators. A Good Fair The people o! Cetral Durham shouid feel extremelygaefi fo)r the meathercodtos which ment witlite annual Fair meek- en& . We liad a wonderful Pair at Oronio on Sept. 9th. Exhihits ini tebig- building andi on Vthe grounda -were mail in keeping mibli the betwe hat i-eviousiy experienceti. Talen in il its aspects, the Fair couIld he trwuthfully.ý des-cribeti as the best ever. Hlomever, ail of thiese tfiiingsý coulti have cnoe Vo nauglt had the wea",ther been bati. nnd the subsequent week lias show,ýn just how n early me liaSeti a rainy sapeliof! oonsiderable proportions. As in the past, we cannot alow Vhls opportuinity Vo slip by -iiout a word o! editoriai comminendation for the peoiple -h'o rmanage thie Pair, and who) keep) its business roliing. The asýk is alynosta vear rspunti one for a feîw officiais. Býetween sriheigamway tVIe ýuthorizetiý 1 'L $2000. Special - 30 acres withia haîf mile of No. 35 Highwayr, four miles nortî o! Orono, 7 roometi stucco house, atone foundation, asbestos roof- ing, new electrie wiring, gooti water. Must be ail cash at this price for immediate sale. Mortgage funtis are available on your improveti farai, town reaitience or business property. Leroy Hanuilton BRORER Phone: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orolio. ontarlo INSURANCE In ail its branches Fire, Automobile, Liability, Lif e, Hospitalization, Wintl Plate Glass, Burg-lary Advertising Rates on request Ainemnbers 1eV Bn nient requLestV Vo atIVe. ýniveeisary Reion ait 1Saturday, 9 a.m. Sime St. N, OShamaw, Sept. tOh. Rgis1 tien RESEARCH AREA EXPLAINED (Coniînueti fromi page one) the deirotiaa xpressed tJleir ii- i ngitosa Vo co-operate provitied ûthat a fir price wvas offereti ant mater rupplieti. MUajor Foote, ,M.P.P. for rDunham. ea1id lie moulti like Vo se VIshe research area esùalished anti he bieved 'that anl a "emet lbutwen the D pat- men1tUaasd Ranti omners coulti berec- ed on 'equittable basis. Spocialisats f rom tise Departmneut in1 milti gaie', lls1i anti fonestry mok gave a brio! ut ale ! Ithirintr in sucli e achare.S Tise goverment mýiliiproeed Vo as-S taiblish tIis pr6deect ihIe area if Vise niecýessary lassýd dan' be seeureti. KERRY BLUE TAKES ITONORS (Continued,from page one) that Mrs. O'Graý,dy sho:ulti be entereti ia some Canatilan dog shows. He'd be glati,lie expiaineti, o fit her for, sloing ant iharitile r in tihe ring. The hree tii some great jblt ing wlien Mrs. O'Grady ja bu cleateti up lier clasas.'Shemaitsi put o! the ibbonl for beat Canadian-' breti Kerry Bite, but the McýCau- landi - Bla'ck - Tuahing-ham combinei fait gooti about their firat ippeâr'- a-nce at a major Canadian do.- event. Mrs. OGrady,-'s only other appeearanico mýas at tise Cobourg show, milere slise mo n the Mlue ribbon in the novice clasa. Now, the hree are iooking for- ward for nom mentids in 0dodom V conquer. Anti Mrs. O'Gratiy, -mhile silo is quite agreeable ýto tise idea, is really a bit bored mvith iV ail. IVs, juat too easy. o-- 0 - - FTUTRITY WIN AT HOLSTEIN SHOW (Continueti !rom page one) nigAgeti Cow in mllk, Eldersihe Heiio Sally anti VIhe latter going Vto teir whining Senior. Yearling Heifer Eiderslie R. A. Noelia. Oonabee Betsy Pesdli Who stooti first in a i.cas o! ineteen Junior Heifer avsfor. Jas. T. Br-owa & Sens mas nmeti Ha- serv e Junior Chmpioni. Lawrence S. Malcolm, Nostieton, ,a niéw exhibiter wmon th(, ciassfor, threeý year oid heifèrs in milk, lis entry- provitiing strong comptition -for the Sen ior Oasinhp J. W. Bom-' Matii, Enniakillin, too'k tiseRsee Senior anti Reser-ve Grand ersoný lis lop dry Aged Gom, 'Cedar Dalc, Inka Pietje Topsy. 0NO PREDICTJNG g TWISTERSg olat and out l. eaving rin be- I pg inti. For protectioni againt 1oas ... mure. Cal us for Ofree ativice. N. F. PORTER ORONO, Ont. Real Estate THiAN\KSGIViNG SERVICE 'j~mxssgiingService wi1l be hli aSt.Svou' AnlcnCuc, )Oiono), ou Sunday, Qetober tat, 1,950. berviec et 7.00 o'cloclç. Rev. Eas-i dg,,stoan, of St. Johin,- Churcl, B'o-) inanivilie miii be in charge. Speciîal nusic by tise, choir. b 35-c. Sgrou'p consisting o! entries fromn Carlos Tamiblyn, Cedar Dale Parr and J. W. Bomm-an mes first i ha ie Senioýý GeV of-Sire ciass. Tlsey moere sinoti by Montvic Hheimkhe Pietje Poscli. A. Muir & Sons lied six firat nti two seconds; Jas. T. Bromwn & Sins, six ,9rsts'; J. W. Bmiatbree firat; anti Central Durhans Bull Club, Lawvý rence Malcolim, E. J. Bromna ant Carlos Tamoblyn one first oaci.Th jutig Le mas J. 'M. Fraser, StreetsvJ,"-1' Ontario. This mas cite o! tise lasigest anti best quality Holstein Shows ever helti in Dur-.Lan County miis 116 he1at ahoma by ýsixteen exisibitors. The wveathenman provideti a warm and sunlny day 'andti e e as a_ gooti ring sie in attendence. Other exhibitorsý incluidt: Neil Burketon, 1H. Bruce Tinl,, 1Hanpton; M. J. Tamblyýn, Orono; J. Cruick- shank, Hampton; Fred Stevens, Bow-: manqilln, H. ,S. Tink, Bommianville; W. WÀ. Slierwin, Orone; R. N. Bickle, Por Hope; E J. Brown, Or-ono. CLUTB BOYS AND GIRLS EXHIBIT AT ORONO FAIR Tise achievement Day programmie for thse ôuh Durheam Dairy Cal! Club was helti at Orono Pair mitli 17 exhibiting their celves, includeti 1a)ion gast micis mere 14 Holsteing, 1 Ayrshire, 1 Guernisey anti 1 Jersey. 'Mr. jack Fraser, Bramopton, the jutige foýr thle B!c anti white Show 1pl-acedth Ve Holstein clesanti Mur- ray, Lorti anti Boyd Ayre, tmo o! oir oma junior farinera, jutigeti le show- Tise staýnd1ing 1o! Vise fn-st five Hol- stein caivos wme e as folloma'-: (1)Ea Ti', 1(2) Donald Muir, (?3) Ken- neIsTik,(4) RonBiko (5) Ger- ai7d Bromn. The Jersey cal! hw byý Dovnald Sherwin mýas Vise igliest scoring cal! in tise show. Tise liian ngmiii iclde< Vise Score for ise hcal!, sisommanshjpý jutiging, %writing ansme'(ra Vo 10 ques- Vies. iagemnent turing tise sea, son, feet!ýn, anti att enclance at meet- ings, is as follows: tat, EarleBom 2nd, Geralti Brown, 2rd, Merle Bromi 4V1s Donald Siseriiti, StisNei Chant 6)th Hon Brooks.'ltis Roy McHoIni 8V1 Gordon Wilson, 9Vih Deug P >Cjruicksisank. lOtis Rao r lildlit! Ken roos, 2t1 Walter Tink, t3t' ) Alun iOsiborne, lAVis Kennieti Tain iS5tIs Cor1da Gralg, 16th J;im, Ceembas anti Don Miiir 71th Shirlii Cryderanr itisJacks Noal. Tise Brookýs boys miso h la i o pletoti tiseir yoýar's mork more quii 1 antineti mvitis misoeping ceuli. Tise, Gwrote Vileir exemination at home aàn jtheir calves moere scoreti at Vise barn 0They more tiserefore gîven tliei standing --witis average marks fa sisowým'anship and judging-. 1 Tise prize mi-onoy for Vile clubi 1 shareti equally byVishe Onitanlýo De jpartmient o! Agriculture, tise Deis. ion Depaiimnent o! Agriculture an( VI te Orono Pair Boarti. Tho e Veutmemnbers ehosen Vo repre sent Durbihai County in Vise Inteý 6GeunVy Club Com1petitionsý at Guaip ion October 20¶h are Eaiy Brown an( lRot Brooks. BIJY WITII CONFIDENCE - ÀAT - Art's Car Mearket Main Location 175 King St. W, Bowmanville, Ont. HOME 0F Better Deals on BETTER CARS We Buy, Sefl, Trade in very gooti USED CARS Low downt payme Is anti easy terais can be arrange t o suit your budget. SEE US AT ONCE Phone 2148, Boiwmanville Orono Electrie Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and 11-OUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt anti Guaranteeti Repaire to ail imakeià of Electrical Equipaent anti Appliances Sucil as Motors, Water Heaters, Radios. Stoves, Irons. Etc. ¶1 USED CARS 28 CheVrolt Sedan 35 Ford Coach, new motor 30 Durant Sedan 36 Plymouth Coach WATSON'S GARAGE SALES AND SERVICE FORD AND MONARCIT CARS AND TRUCKS FORD and FORDSON TRACTORS -and EQUIPMEN-T WRITE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL GREASING - CAR WASHING Phone 42 r il - orono, Ont. A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Houra: Sundays andi Weduwsdays byr appointaient <rny PHONE 47r] eRONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN andi SURGEON Main Street South Office U.urs: 2.00 te 4.00 paini.;e.30 ta 8-00 P.u. Simidays and i Id-zyz by Appeiintmeit LEGAL Lawrence C. YMassuB.A. Barrister and Solicitor BO WMAN VILLE, ONT. Phones : Office 688 Home 553 Wy. F. WARD BARRiSTER SOLICITOR OfiRce 125 Phonos .: Resldenee 40 BOWMAN VILLEý, ONT. AUCTIRNEERS TED JACKSCN Auctioneer and Valuator Coniductu Aucion Sales of aU u suBý andi at reasonable rate. Communicate with hlm at Pmt Perry, Ontario, or seeo hl Clerk. à. E. Morton, at Oro,.. fer date. JACK IREIDT FOR SALE 'Coul oh ilheater iexcellent condil- tien. Extra iadck and oïal container.ý Mrs,.Taackson, aýt Mrs. W. H. C. Mit- FOR SALE rOme Piindiay Condor cook sto)ve, ex- cellent condlitioni, mii iamlh shi.Aiso one 4-lhul]'r table top Frigidaire electrie ste/eX al mwhite poieanenamnel, ex c»let nio. 0Orono Ebetric, phonel 5 r 1, O7rlo. a-34-c. FOR SALE One 3-burner coal oil stove (MNon- arch). Gooti as nom, for $l10OR1 cash.z Apply at Oron)o Tmes Office. FOR SALE Three-.quarter lot un thejVllage o! Kendal, oheaip. Can be sj'hl by con- tactirng Mr. P. Stoker, Kendal. c,3'4-p. FOR SALE Quantity o! Cornell NQ . 59,5 seed wheat. Gluaranteeti noV sÉs4ýted. J. H-. Davey, Leakard. :s4p FOR SALE D)eFore-st Crossley radio. 5-tube floor m-odel, short and long m'ave. 38 inýches high, reasoniably priced. Also ladies' bcclpracticaýj jllne, gentL'S rocbuilt bicyc,,le,. Nulmeorous luem parts anid a large size C. C. M. joyeycle.- Apply Vo W. Ge(orge, Crothers, Now- castie, phone CGlarke 3723. o 3-p STAFFORD BROS Mlonumental Wo'rks Phono Whitb'y 552 318 Duntias St, E., Wýýhitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS A ND MARKERS Let us erect a hantisonse, dig- iif-leti monument over tise rest- ing place o! your Io-ved ones., It's not expensive. Anti seeing hs iast tribute miil give you tiidess comfort ORONO Furniture ilospîtal- Reupholstering Repairig Refinishing Antiques Bought andi Sol.! Se" Our flac of Drapery Mlaterial Kitchen Untits madie toerener C- F. Duncan Phono 79-16 . ORGNO We will ho pleasedti tepick uip deati or cripple.! faranm al J anti lpay highest prevaiiag pricea. For immrediate service telephoneF coibect Brooklin 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Adeaide 96M6 GORDON YOUNG Ld. WANTED TO IiUY Dead or crippied qstock, renioved f ree of charge. One heur service., H1igheýst prico for old hre.Mr g-ill Fur Farm. Cal Cclect Bww- mnanville 2E79. NOTICE We are rnoýw 1lita position ton vacumn youir Fmii,ýe or Space jeaiters. HARR Y E. YC T Orono, Oiîtario Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and VaIuater~ Specialize i Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terns and dates Phnne eirlPV LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plana; Etiucational Policie, Protection andi Savings Plans Chiltiren anti Aduits; Mýortgage lu- surance Plans. F. EI. LYCE'T ORONO. Ont. - Phone 20 r The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Iliai 3216 -- P.6. Bo)x 6-22 Port Hope, Ontarlo Monuments, Gravemarkeiw, PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO 1

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