AYLOR BUS SERVICI ANNOUNCES A NEW SERVICE -i ORONO OSHAWA TwCîws - lLY LEAVING ORONO 1.30 p.m. Arrive Oshawa 2.30 p.m. A Minimum Charge wil be made on ail parcels brought from Oshawa CHARTERED COACH{ES A SPECIALTY SPECIAL RATES FOR WORKMEN For Information Phone Bowmanville 2806 W. H.TAYLORI Prop. Pho ffigmuiat During the hours of your bereave- ment our aim is to do everythîng in our power to lighten your bur- den. HARTLIEY If. BARLOW FUTNERAL DIRECTOR ne 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone 18 Assure Yourself of Cof Ort for the Winter Months. Coleman Pleaters are designied espe- cially for this purpose. Cornei and se the different sizes and rnodels, FALL TIllE IS RADIO TIllE Y o a may choose yorTelevision or Radio Set froin our large selection. Sr 2 Lots of hot water is a labour saver. For best and checapest restits instail a G. E. flot Water H-eat- er. Coleman & Philp Electrie Phone 8 r1 BURNS MEAT BA1ÉL LS A Colmplete Dinnier 15 oz. tin QUICK QUAKER OATS 3 lb. pkg. 3c NABISCO SHREDDEDI WHEAT 2 pkgs. 2c - - ORONO i SWINE. fIl 'Extra Spe iailover Leaf Fancy '~l.tnfr3c 'Extr Speial'Sckeye Salmon b.nf&39 Lobster, American Beauty, 12 lb. tin ..... ......8c Pitted Dates, Dalton's, packaged, each ...... ......... 29C. Sultana Raisins, 2 patunds for................... 39c. Kellogg's Bran Flakes, pkg........... ... ........ 23c. Pancake Flour, Aunt Jemima, pkg..........20c. Pancake Syrup, H arry Horne's Finest, bottle......3c. FRES11 FRUITS AND1 VEGETABLES LARGE, FIRMN Caàbbage, each.......l10e BARTLETT Pears, 6 quart ....*.59e CRISP "GARDEN BOY" Celery, 2 for......19e Cooing Onions, 4 lbs. . 25c. SNOW WHITE 19e. DÀRE',S ASSORT D Cookies, lb . bags, POLAR Iced Wafers, pkg tunfN 9A Pantry Cookies, """' Ginger, pkg.. 25e NEILSON'S tin 48c. Rosebuds, Se cial, lb.....9 RED ROSE «"FRESH GROUND" Coffee, pound......95e "AUNT DINAH"I Molasses, boule........ 19C THE-RED & WRITE STORE I Mr. anid Me. J. Swinf Bob of Toronto, called Mrs, A. Saurders or Sun, Mr. af -NitMs.'A. E. B relatives at Fenelon Plu ll(ImiS, Os1-11 .d1 andsn iMr. s ly . ett visited o ver the The West Darhnani BoFxys' S-,vifli Club sliowed thrige at Blackstock Fuijr with- fifteen bo-ys exhi-Diting ilheir, pairs of s50W pîgs. Mr. Findlay Stewarý-ýjt, Dominion Live stock Branh, oroto, seitedwith the programme and judged the pigs, The first five pairs w\ýere showvn by the foll1owin~g (1) Doald Greem, (2) Clare!ve Stantn,(2) Orville Hindman, (4) Joe McGili, (5) Berry Sri th. The 1final standing wihincluded tihe score 'for, the pair of ýpg-judýg- ing, cr and feediïig, mnanagement, mo¶frithly, feed reports,.rte xm inlation and attendiance at mneetinIgS1 was a-S follows: let GIen Larnier, 2nd Keith VaniCainp, 3rd W7m. Fergu- son, 4tJh lichard 'VannCamp, 5th Or- ville llindmàn, 6tl Ted Werryý 7th Erneeýt Satinders. Sthi Joe McGilI, 9th Donald Green, lth Oarence St-ain toýn. -llth Edgar BelIl and Barr Smith, 13th Max Lyeett, 14th 1%ie -Mr. Haroîldi Kyte showeýd lis keen interest hydotin a special prize of $,2000 which wals to- be dividedi equaflly betwee-n tne West Durham (Continuedi on page seveni) ~0 gPARKS1T. g BUNITED CtiuRCH 00 SUNDAY, SEPT. 24tÉ g10.00 0..Sna dol I11.00 am-osi The Master's Questiojn. G~ ~ 3.00rim,-rkhy.T ~pi to0 HOPE iMondlay and Tuesday SEPT. 25th - 26th 1 6.40 and 9,0 .m S.. INMYl CROWN" The Famlily Picture, of the Year Starring, 1Joci _McCreaen Drew, Dean Stockweil Tireý Powt Coborre -Bard -won sec- onLd prize in tJIeir class at the Can11a- dia National Exhibition r'n Munie Day. Richard Morton, a former memiber of the 0orno Band, pinys a1 trombone iithre Port Golbor'ne bar1d.j Orcono will revei't back t standar:!rd time jiis satur-day vennSept. Zr.At tIre stroke of midnight ori earlier if you wstairai your cocký ba k one Irour, so you wo't be an Irur early for cdurcb on Saundaý miornng. F ouri hlde from tiOroro took' part in conjunection wvith "Uncle Ezrjy's" 1{ayloft Jam,ýboree 1ield jrn the NwaleCommiunity llIL1 o1 r F- day ard Saturday iigltsý last. on Fidiay eveiiing- the two childreni tak- inlg pairt were Jo-hn Taiiyin and Eric Can-eton, anad on SaturdMay ighit Billy Tpiriblyn arad Douglas Sherwin. Tire chilre, were acmnedby Mrs. Ri. Ctn Mrs. J. Tam.rblyni nnid Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn. Twenty,-on-e members of tIre Orono Fish ard IHunt Club journeyed to Rice, Lake on>i Sundiay last in quest for muskies, bass ardc pickerel. Thre party çeplit iup on arrival, hiinig bos to sperid the day iv on thre te.Those with motlors trolIled fror thlirge fish, the marlskey. wiiethose with-out motors 'etilI flshed and cstfor, the baýse annd pickerel. By ah riepor)tsý, i, Wais an Off dayv. Weunesad that oloni one waýs ca-uglit, a pickerel, by J.C. Tamllblyr. In the vein the par-ty ýreturredý to) th,,-hot-el fol- a bnquetý to coru ïspirite were damipenied while thre hour, passed on- the watcr, but at thle banquet table thie fishîrg was fr gotten and eyeriyonie erjoyed the, outing. POINTS TO WATCH IN POTATO MARKETING Bath ,gro-wers and dealers can ex- pect nmore rigid inspection of Ontarlo potatoes soid commercially, this year, ac~rigto a statemient fromi the Fruit Branch of the Ontario Depaprt- mlent of Agr-iculture. Th-ey go on to point out that inspýction will have to do both wýith grading and the mark- mng of the bag-s. Begulations require that ni=rkimngs on1 the potato bags include the- nam-eý and address of the packer or dea1er, the grade of the produot contained in the %ag, the- net weight anxi the iwordts "Table Potatoes". Packing potatoes in used bags on wvhich the old man-kinges are not erased, or in soiled and dirty bags is a violation of The Farn-i Products Grades and Sales Act. Fterarsucli packin g of the product is not conducive to sell- ing a good product. The Fruit Býranh also points ont wvhen growers are selling potatoes to, truc'kers, Ûhcy will be wise to look forý the red m-arker on the 'windshfield of his truckwhc is his identification ais a licensed dealer. If no such iden- tification is oan the truck, then pos- sibly the dealer is not licensed, or his lice,-nse may have beeni cancalledi for non-payVment to a grow'er. Tli,.y re- commeind that growers; should deal only with licensed denlers. The li- censes can be ohtained froinothre Fruitý Branch, Ontario Dejartmient of Agri- culture, Parliamniat Bnipldings, Tor- inMnasept. 138 15, to M Ar. CFli,,Vi.', .WiiiV aidi Mre. Wm1. GrladyN, O ono, asn niewt o un . olt ____________________________foot; lst for. fî'al of 1950. nd lst fo Mr,. and liýs. David ibrfromi 3 yea!rs and unider. In 1the"s'addile c SasktcheanMissLen Tayorof lie took fýi-sitprise anid a -so' acpfo Bowmnvileandi Mr. and Mrs KenI the besý,t saddle horse on the go.d Dene andi famîly visite-d with m. nofacrsoelen Ed. Dean on Sunday. Make Orono Electric Your Gurney Electrie Readquarters GURNEY FEATIJRES "Heavy duity, -wrap around type construction. 'i * Porcelain enamel inside and *One pîece acid resistingI heavy duity cooking top. *Five heat triangulrar type surface elements with remov- able reflector pans. *Finiger tip easyý operating swth kobs, Slow break silver contact switches. *Combination oven switchi and thermostat. *Bake and broil signal lights. *Fully usable storage space. *Convenient outlet for smnall appliances. *Gurney even hieat oven. ORONO E L ECe;T RICo Mr. and Mrg. Harry Clar-ke and! D)ick, were witli Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLren on thre week enrd. Mrs. B. Lewis, Toionto, visîted ,,iýth l- sister, Ma'e. E. Dean, for- a fejw days last wveek. At Oshawa Fair in tihe Jersey clas Dy, W. W. Slierw-ýia, Olnfoo , wn 8 frsts, 6 seconds aiid 1 thras thlre prizeshinlthe Hlîsteiclass. Mr. and Mrs. Mason, Osbhaa, ard, Mr. and Mrs. Vanlorne f rom Whit- by, were week-end guests of m. Fred Tamblyni. Mr. Verno)n Sunders, 'and sonsi Bob'bie andi Alln, of Toronto.,, visited1 hie pareýnts, Mr..and Mrs. Arhur Suunders on Saturday. Miss Flo)r-eince Lintor leaves tod ay for O.A.C., Guelph r wihere she wi'll take a, ,yejar's course in Homne Eeonoics. Shirley Flintoif also leaqves later onr to taýke the seme cours-e. J. W. Royd & Son ln. dIreheavy and liglit Clydedale clans at Oshrawa Fîair -won 2 ?ist, 2tlirds -and 1 gixtih pris'e; also a tirid pris'e ina tIre roCadsteT Cdeanin Vhilýe year old and unider. Twent g-ils and boys who had bJ-en ttkiiig'swimnminglee1,s:ons this past summier, took ther Redi Cros tests at Bowmianville last Thursdayi evening. Resýults wîill be -Dubliehed Inkter. - - Orono, Ont. gNrâthcutt and Smith g KIN D NFSS COURTIESY SERVICE gE4uipped t. takie cure et the m.>det funeral at thée meut reas.nahle charge a. WeB as the. largeamt and meult exactInt gTelephone:- Office 668 - Ruidneu. 62,3 and 726 g Telephone Colect B.wmanville. ont. ARMSTRONG'Sý CLCATS For Faîl and Winter Wear Frainont of the west . .. cornes our ele- gant selection of coats . . . with such flatter' ing assuirancee of hune and color .. at such wonderfuilly low prices - no fashion minded 'womaai can resist one. T 4?--t - qý*9 Min 4.- 0OA Anj Stockley's FANCY PEAS 15 oz. tin YORK CIHOICE TOMATOES 2 tins 25c Complete your fail ensemble witht a hat fromn our gay and sparkling collection Every hat is a dreami. Priced'f ron......----........ $4.85 to $6.95 New FaI Dresses have arrived. Priced f rom $15.95 to $27.50 Sugar, 100 lb. bag...... $10.59 Red Rose Tea Gauze Bags, 120 cup size.......... $1.59 Mýedium Cheese, IL..,....55. Shiredded Wheat, 2 pkgs.... 29c, Seed-(less Raisins, 2 lb ...... 35c. Lipton's Chicken Noodile Soup, 2 pkgs......... 25c. Matches, 3 boxes......... 23e. FRUIT and VEGETABLES Celery -Caullflower Tomatoes- Onions - Peaches and Grapes at Market Prîces Marvin's Fancy Mixed Cook- ies, lb........... ..._.. 37C. Clark's Pork & Beaits, Z2 2f) ounce tins........ ... ý27c. 4 N N N t> N N t' t N N H N N N N N "i K N's 's s 's 's 's St 's >1 L s 4' Phoe 5 rl IE' D 1 Yr.iced M