Jwnpizng-Off Place -A icorrespon1dent ini Korea recalîs -àht 0vho port of Ma.sapi, mnw val- ianly dlefenldedl by United Nation traocps, %n'as the- port frýom whichi Kub~iJ~aji1aa~edali attemipi Ï0 conquer japan. That W;l-s a miner .01itry operation, but ii was e- pOlýeÇd byý a lmjous auithoirity on Far Eastern affairs \W110 i'aszil] Chinla aItishe thime-Messer Marco Polo )f Veniice ini Italy, The Great Kban, ini fact, made several at- tempts to anniex "Zipanlgu" 10 his vast emipire on tbc mainhand, anid, they ail faiiled, The pinýcip)al atitack n'as maýde, M1arra says, in, A. D. 1279; Chliniese annals say 1280, Storfms ;,i thoso dangerous waters bectweo Ka rea and japan wrecked the Great Khan's flee and s=ceod his forcesý. The IOn' n'ha,'wcre able t.0 land in Japan col lot accoml- pihtOCir mission. Attaek on Ziomba Thea Great Kbiani, wh ruled al of Cbiîa andi wbose nominal author- ity ex.ne as fat ats Iran, Was aLlso aittacted hy the uealtb of the la'nd vao Polo calîs Zaîa ts knoon'n as no-Ciîa. o en]t ont ap expeidition whicbl, aid n'aste the opon ciies and plains and thoen me- tîired, Marco says, "frIem motives cf camiîpaSssui" n" d with th prom-. ;Se of ainsal tr-ibutýe fromI the king. Evey yar Ithe CGreat Kîtan rl e Ceivý- cdilnen'yof the largest"an(d11hand- soes-lephants" to ho lound in Zianba Chionse reocuds add th0ai tSe art Kban's Tartar amies wiw eakened li holong sea voýyageaîd eemaed b h e iat of thletropics. Anl expedIition sont agaist Jaca fapidunder iia Succees aod Faure Thee od dries recul PCe tc pire s~rongenougbnot oIy f') pro- ;bct ibei agint i s nibor but asusrngeougb lef,)utndor- tak adcntresin conqu1esî, Ku[Idai Kbah a de bimsec f nnaster of aIl Chna, snb1dued a rebelions Korea anitaiced aI J1apllan d 1Indo- ChipaTodaythere iaoîbher ro- gimein eipig, ubla Kbn'sold caitln'ich a cnuee al CInïa and n'bose intenltionis ini re- gardho Krea, Japan and Tinde- Chun areun1oown hutistuîd Modm hînese ar is are mare Tartrs wr'Flic a ifrom ,cold Mogoi wroiincible so lonlg ed on ý1thecir pon1ies. Bnt :tbey Vwer'e Lfilureýs assesýC oidiers. Th1, le poecr îof itheseMongolos ovor Ch-inat fadjed riv so thant a cenltury aller tlle deaitb of the Kublai K11,an. eaes(Mn)odidn'îheiev alfliho bld thns) tht Kubh i Kan was th alces id rmosi pw rful mle tin~aIthslcge!inay fgue her man ijbut only a modelrately success- fi ru 0111Ony Iagnrts- mioved frolil tie siee r brirsu out bis ranfaterGenghîs Kbiani,lho ofC Ina.,naddition ho bm--d an un- toes i Eroeand a cuniosity1 ab)out aIl îforeigo counitries rare in3 an Orietai. Hlis groa osîcotribu- ton ocvhainwsthat ho ekept opon tlie chranlor f communica- tio btnee Europe aid ithe Far -ast vl]ich h1ad bceen clesed for centuries.-l'le Polos 'ere only thr-ee of 'manuy mrhns avnueand Mirssionalries w-ho tmade tleclong jome th e çat aI the Grieat Hero of Xan[A'u As tie bodof tce most rear able b1c-looh i travel ever written, Ktdblai Kbian wonld have gaîoied a sort ofimomiy in anjy case, but is niamie today vwc aid not have tbbc power ta stir sohe)r V'estemn im-] aýgIna-ltionis f Sme Taylo-r Cole- ridge hptd net dreamedi a pàem n ïe da'y amd quickly sot it. down upen, bis jtalels. Kutiai Kanis revet associated susthXaisdu rather Ibn Pociping witib Alph, the sacred ier, ra'ýthrî thastho Hn I 1l'n HO. 1His s;tately pleasure damie is reember- lu a farm e olumn. Joifar,,t iotingi1 tisaI bas ta do with eniriching tbbc sou-r peveningaleady-rîcb sout 0811 of place bore. -Anid lIbol sur that ncHeln M -,01Fou ,! o 'r t - articlIe, and ThieNonork Timies fron whicb 1I snitchied iwnù mmid my passing thiS vaînab)le in- cormation aiong Gadnorig,.inallIy, were su-pplîed iithmus viiia a mixtu1reod Man- tirc andlba.,;that n's dmped along- sie arosF, w bereil was aiwdto rot am! nliere muc of 11Ue itre- gen evaporated. Today, be such could be advisod. Thie moh cos'- (7ical ami practical wIY 1t,-,feed tigardon isto akacmps te kîinds of mteral rerequired. andeaîb ITe fl.rsî mgbtconsist of seinsfroli) the haro,cike bos rpig pen.(' eetable wastIe încgde leves grss cuttingl-s, p-run- ilngs, Pe, h ean aîîd coco tlfdkS, lefi-, cover mate(r frein vegetaibles pro - pa-dfor tile table, fddio'r sod(, tOp)soil, river sou ilor polI.j l'lee,,,*C far f.rimithe gadon nd ogtit stand1on11 ell-drailed rond hrethe lmaeis-a, cuaî dry, t'l ile is iplaced la a pît :abouit tfooIct tdepTi, 0o, 1mu1st bave dranag tsoibat :il wil 01 bCom)e uvalr-logedTise sizeof the bea sbul h fve feec bgban fv 10 ci gbt or 1ton footwiedpe- înig onth outli oi1if 'faer jaili- able. It is easýi(eSî, bo'v, f sk sectionsof f 1ve Cfoot a ie Theromusîho' paceneartlî Compost beap 10coll ct aîîdacu mulae maeril toho ued.Manl- resbiou11l hokepti a 11ed wbere ramh cannlot rac ît, but il sbold nùt hostoredlon sicîl ub Ln ho apolied f Tesiî. Tîvigs and put on the pile.-id dýown. Thon iconeýs a lyer f vege- tabe imal-teur siincheick, T1isý of e-artbi, which is sprikledwitls iý- s a dri-', w e ifiows Thlay iýers ar tonrepatd.in thie saine orde[r, un1itil lte!, pile is iive ootbi It sbould ;ho nar- rowýer aýi to ýp than at.Ihe bol- to.Atitei- rytop, a bolion' îis mado inl] icbthe wator cao seteso Il nili seetp tbrougb t he pile slowly. Compiilost sbouild ho kepî moist--ut net soggy If foo woair -,il]l ho unable 10 circ:ulate frlyad decomposition n'ii haIt. Altor Ibis, bLolcs four nhs vd arïe mlade, w nb acroCwhar îbrouigl thie Cconter o f the eap, frein top te bottom..[Jo a heap five, bot long there wouild ho tbree holes, Soon after the atppearance of fungus growth, the pile will hegin 10 shtink un-til it is tbrity-six inches. or 80 bigb.- The first turning (so that the outside comes inside) is made in abýout tbree, woeks; the second turo- og, about five weeks later. iside the pit the tomperature wiul be 150 te 160 dogrees, bhot enuhta destroy n'eod seeds and diseases. After tbroo montbs the lîeap should ho ready ta spread on ibc land, and Ibis is' done as sean aýs possible 1te pros ont the loss of eiiec.The fiilnihd product îs a finei cqua lity humu111S. Caroina Peach-Pr-etty Caro- lyn- Edwýards, 18, does ber bit --and bite-to 1help open the Carolilna pecl ason hy sm Pling Lthis ye'arS crop. Carolyn represented her state in the clo~sAmerica" contest a t Atiantic City. The umlus is ïa dark broWn or0ý almnost bla-ckfle-oxurdsub-. stý1anlce.Thý eli ecaviojg orgai1sis in] il brinig storoed-11 up nrgy 16 tthe sou nd mkeif ""yrjinmîc" They stimjulate the dcomn-POsition of eIC- menus preent ilIllte so;1ltipl niltrienits ossetîtial te rwtand aiSO duscr ijurions substances. Hunsbinids light, crunîbly soit ald imalkes hav Gsilmoefib. ihen,], it àincreases Ithe moisture- Lt s ecssay o enew thesoil eery ime alem, crop is to- be adeuae uplyof wteair and siace inlwbicb motscaIll spre2ad Ille hus ft1 roi thie cmotha n e a crtinchic'sials like phtophors, ydroencarbon, i- trouli poassumlimeid ýi1otheýrs isinalileýr preîae.I sgn erally agred tîtat allelblne Thr'as been cald stýl is mchi discussionas to Ifbe be iti bl- ic W agre thmat cmics4musOho îîsd bipànert ercasonydama- teur couemave andshanîeacom-t pos't bea. Moeosr, g odeIers wh jitsecoost alere f te opin- ult tii i hecsewence cias a havebeapedo, A irot i ntoay be necsary t ueia lail o b te, ut aftra good supplfy dolaco lnptis aandle i emiics wîll ntbo fnetiied.ý, A rewhicl-kovni srai-st a compo tbin an isn ,,)otabiing yardfts n orderli outilie the ate materilfarmers ae ouh nd fairs. Ho plansn slI is roductn at flfty dolas a niclland cstrie ilyir req ires oe fou 1 eti ,ide an Pcr ent hîch podfces loLcrjoplsfa yarand hati wud ae w Scisisat wifor o ntis rojec hae fun tehmuis abe male 1950 assbenfcil oithmicroran ire ns, nba aspnclnarnd streplt- ofntcirromiuteqn, titiersand twf phey cen't eahl ht of Linpoasb vnd puhshor s rth tilb abu AtebigstvprisC tice h oe arinDeykigit fore grýandtha hie Philadepia Ph ille r h 1950 c api osof ftche Ntina aseMague At th timèof writing, Slîth al gcutùtrl*e Jaeks 1 o , tboyý re i adahafgaecn rn ofý te Bfrooklyn2Ddgers; ad i Lasbey c't holtha kndofaadc, ovr asncb a shrtbtstraet, ticwi)l b about to bigge t wris si c h o;ne Tom Dewey gocidý7t one No ebe mornngamoe tw easaoi And if the Phils, A aepTedi Yoflc Gants in 1943tll a aI1î ed sevetuty gamies. Ho'e-Ver, il seenim" i-pro-babýl(eat ibis jun1tlCUre, thiat Konstanty il eýqial or exceed thermrk'l per- formance of one YWillam WMite, 1ievahie /75 gaiiies one season for CinCîinnati. NO, WE DO 0NOTr perso"aly recaî just n'bat Sort of a hecaver -Mr, White nasasitl ap- penied hack in 1879, and our hasýebatIl miemiorios do not -go hack thatl far. Not quite, that is. They saty that a tmpn withot-a great relif pther don't vn anv pontants; and wlsîle' tbey may' ualý have been Mticttre a genealitn hack, 'hena3 ,pitcher expc!Cted te star t every feurËlb day,% - and teý fiîishwhlat hoistated too- it's preîîy mu1cb ibe tcase iutthese imiies, -wbien a hurller vllo lasts a fulli nino ilnnîngs gels bisnmein big tp coiming m th de gainte - 'asho gonieraly (d0c",- 'ith mn n bbch( bae, elief ïpitchermuthv far botter conitrol lthanis cosar for a slartinig c "ulier.The eor twe bases On, halls Ibhat a starter oftlnni)ou, ithouit aniy dire i-estswoLId ho fatalI l trlief- or. So ho must bave a pidchng armi llIat amsu"fast,. Also, it- mutloi1't 4cooil off"qicky, eeng thalt lhoOlte(21bas ho strt ibrn (Ïing in thebu 11p11-Creeor foutr tlimes beo l isflnahly cil mbreal atoneomrNtonlLau e lief 'pitcher puIs jI is 'a; "Fo oe reaso pilcbes mt cn'twor reu Ilrl an 'tenrel~ea ' "But lohk aI Pearden and lanide Pasani, w h 'okedonit of tîsrn and reieveduntil it filnahly cnh nlp îilb tbem.ii Thev say Dizzy, Dean n's 'vuned y beaklng is Ioe,"'cb cansedhum te change bis piclîing stance Butive rai- way tougt l nasJsi 'plainoer l'ot. o nas of Ihose ggs wb nailted 10 pfi L eerv day - anld yon jmýt rnI 'ge ava ni relybrd tbron'erScot speke, h nasLîil Knshtzl, for- eoistnned "Hes sinatian as honigh h(ýoilold tbawibatbaill togba brick wal Ébt îinstead ho dshe on sof, cle ta, v'ici Hrni an B0lsse, o iîo as 1p vitbfahye on' heplaeng lor LosAgIes a itr aiaalong Ibesainelinos "Konr stn n'a a trtig icbon itsaie.Ho ibrn' biC pam bil lot thn, d sedbiscar e al Y an fas Ac Mr10 sot 'utu Maye 1 osed ltrbss twalla ewince,, off th p'late ( cTh o, nitb c iy- thsaint e moil ob onebc ib bis!palmehal, andbavethe- Butoserncipa sset f ansuc- ho confidence. A reaney0goothre ho c tagteother sideot The otaerspyers ondrIe oamasf ~ wli e ,a tc-ngicb belps a ieap 100 AGEINTS MWANYIEDL Pli.E1e,,trkiu otors, St0v2b,' Ralios, Reriertosliast Freez'ers arid Aill Coolers, Roof Cotiige Prmanent Antd- lPrene, etc. Daeswntd r:Wa-, .-Ur spare Uirne. Wtne ROI " NTYR- PRISEIS, 14 Walnut Avenue, Lolig Brindb. DAY-LD isikas~eIelbreed ini crossýes for ïayager'e cubera furblrolers, Btar&ti- ehoe.five to six w (1 od.. speciai bar- l'lins on Trkys svenit an Igit weks u10, 01lder pullets 12 weazýjto Laylng. Caaou.Twedle OPineHteber1es 1Ltd.. oge. intarjo. DYIOAND CÇ1EANINýG HAE ou la11yfiytblng oed3 0eîgor dean- jiag? Write to us, ,foi, iforinatlo. We are gla to aso pu uein.De- oartmuent fi. Peïke-ri ýDvWorks imitefi. 751 Yoreng ete, T,,tiato. nar EAIiMS romSALE ~4O-ACRE ssndy asa farm.n ilws cýf Dunuv i u o.3 bighwuvy. 10$ acres culti+,atecI laid, , eres bush): 1l- romrame boute,W\,doUbme garage, 36'60. iipbarni, hnsos drive zhed., wodscd il iiu god condition: 2 waý,tQr wells. 1 gaz 'el, 650 utes inerchard, Eeoctriclty ad iazlubose ood site for lt.R. 5. Duonville XC E L Nf.T fac, viabe alu aies l ire ls iyn n ie BMAOII'L coore platic. Surd]y gold- r'laed oinS. Soots vritine. -ýGuar- autednueyer. \ttcblng pecis 0e ",d orsfr etmee PTsen Sbp,. CORN EQULJPIPENT lu eodcoditon.J.C Jrvi . New S, OCYLSHreyDvi1).Je a.d used, bo abt odcbaned Lrg cycles, aud 7onîplnte lin fa begid, aise uns.Boni andJob o utod at SanfordIlil-'oc aies saphs liereureetc, Write: - TOONO,,OTAn NEW ROOFIN Order shlped imedileiy TpgEXERT oply f uaud mmni Ades -ig Ie eldesî autîee illy a l Seý(-in Exciienge Ordor o fali cata'loue, .25etroay fort Ave, Basf Torento 1 iuaE Iodl 02nBld ger ha1lf-trck 5,upcy Cemany imitedSiyycae Tilsteti-eti bokiet. lic Catesi-a1 bitc, Cbîwackt, airii-Itolmbn LARGE aslsim 1et sud botter velues 32 Ccon Sture, s-OiltiavaOuas Advcrtising.. METOICAI, RhuntcPains or Netiritis should try Dixon's Remnedy. lýIUJNRO'S DRUG STORE 3,35 ElghlOttawa $1,25 Expr'ess Prepaid, UNWANTED HAIR osf186Ago Sac-Pc cetaine no arn f nIIngrdie ,)el %wIlI dostron the bafr LRBItLABORATORIES 60d9 Gransille Str-eet Yan'oeuer, 13".. POST'S ECZRMA SALVE S",gworm, ime oudlmtwioc fot7M ll POST'S REMIEDIES 550oco StE.,Cernere 'f Logan,Trnt INURSEItY STOCK H-"ARDYNORTIIEEN Brw Ltsai 0-95 0,0 i. Itedesu Rsspberry Plants $0 pIer 100. Rled Lakýe ant io~neur Bal Currat Pants. 2 fr,01.00W .Fily RRVE NOW ferNol'ail plsnting. Fast grewigObieso ien Hee, 12-201 bobs be abppd.Plipted oeue footý apar 23fer 0.9.GintEblîto PaoLe, rd îeor pink 2 fer $,9 Georeou esorld coour. lrgoDarwili TuileBulbeIl fr $1,79 or 100 for 6,9 Ap rcmctntcsb, Spy, o' r Doudousjý BE A HAIRDERESSER lOINCANAA'S EAD1tNG SCI100L Grear Opporuniiy Lear Pl5asan dign1feti proessin ee ae AmerleaiSt.,reatea yse lllusteted atalogue Free Brahese 0 -cBl u , Ot v tentSolcites. steb No.ei19, R999 BaySteet,4Treuto oeth c \norson tienoon requcet. SALESAN WNTEd 1evra i ee1n11u uane Plim Pati, Iusibav a ar ud es cireer es*o rie erut Tckb usery om. cen, 111 eySt. TeeuO. ee Iiigsway)1. Saary iien5. p r os-ile Mackey St,,tOutari Y HALL, WATR-IAed WterOanapx- iSSUE, 38 -1950