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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Oct 1950, p. 4

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witir wiitecaps sirowiing. We dvove into Wale's tiàsaftno via tire oid Ronran city, of Chesterz. (s, M. Th 1Ple walîi bilît by the Romians still , is at - tands and tes of dis vIod gateîwa. s tenrers bav en pecee.Chesteris-te ritp Vo 1Englisir mord for the Latin (castra), 1 attend eanîng cîmp. Thee bouses are very .e Assp- o]d, of te TudioTe. Yeu 'have al WorAL.geai thom on Christmas- crds-gab- Maon cdf led And beamied iniIrlc and wlvhite. io, and Tire crnypots on'ail theqironie'S Meon telintrigue mne. I've cwunted as manmy n and aUai s eiglrJt in one cmre.Not hâ'v ghligits ipg cenitral iroatng, oac i roornias its vm-r fireplace and - wnflue. It k cine of te irst Vmnnyou tice fngiand ab-Oîi thtie Irouses, and tJiey are quie ver Vire riýver me passSain- n Hal. te estate aof Vire WestIminster, stretchdng for cir way. Mie is onie af the! Smn n Egland don identlial distic--t in the heart n. We erTne Vjoione licttie ttter the -h ror--you can't1 rre ye os one arccnter tire l'e- pnsmany ecal imines ir big wîoo estsafts and yv 'Piles îof atag-the enlylu, iiinoe I've seen. We Irad, sur tirir cinate is naining about 5 w ýinds are sev(-ee, wi-ng il thre timle 't any',tiing tVostoýp amn-e )f Shetland uckded o- d. When, 'on .tea at Lagl ti tre in Vire val- le %ve started tVo ItS ýof-Wlecov- 1 roalside ie fi:as rnu otnos, Waîls iDndibarnnsare s<4 -vryoften home nnd 'bar-n Joined Voýgtier in tire sa e an L. Thir is tlireegion of tire slis±e nar an d tirewalis are of dry stoe-moitar is oril, vused whren tlie stone la:uede.ltiL hirard ta belisî*ýve tiry havwe siod hus for ~ ~ o" iudesofyeaDs. Le know We rea ch tire to-p af IHor-ssiroe r puled;Pasean iewemisirrat-.itakng- ar stfartu hiomes lustered L ir e vailey I sked and every bil-top a assor pupr-ple Idr saiduirheatirrat its ; -avast ir,Ilin)g r wibir a sea of purýple. Ilire ndi there are, fisrera n behiesspreail agiast a tone mwail, ng). Tire brought fair np into t-irhus stjirat swav Of Vie heathýr nih provide the last mss.liegret loney flw a rj e yoar.Heatirer 0ga the iroy is dm*k and baS a disttan-g in around r te Vste. On tne way back we d. or ire Nosslawarden, thre bhibpiace of[ wo -ie ilin Giaditoneamj'Ci-catcha !sht tiroir î peof aloyaiodstonebus niey are antd a large state Vo éiiniemory. ut by tireTa-, me dibdhgbTrntse r-Igitten. luij1 and Vrbe!I'autjifuL paor aof1 Vie countryside iay Ail araund us- v OTuuu he 4 ,t ( utsliÉes Ol te of Mie delghtt Dee rivers and away, in the dis-tance le- and tOd.1 ASItir tower 'of SmnsLiverpoçol Ca- owna windling terl iver Dee. There aced roîads. On ' topiped Of red lhedges of a PARK ST. Tire gmseUNITEDOCHURCHa Enlsrcot- a windows a 7,a far toonshort. e Reverend o te gardon gate g A. E. Euatace ilitt1p plot of aMnse Me sovelv and tidy. If oasi trpeos bang l SUNDAY, OCT. 8th he(autiful EnUý ;Use in p(0tn _a i iia ,--Stindtyo e, o)ver ithea 100a..rAre ip Vie tirees. Uo tvo rlemllr V-i te "hns ig lie e 200 .m-Loka01 oav E ive ca<.c ac>cc=oj ANNOIJNCEMIENT The ýMemberýs and Adherents o&i Orono, Kirby and Leskard Churches are odîai invited 'by Rev. A. E.ý and Mrs. Ensace and thre Wone p Ass'&atin Vo'Ope H ' be heid in tie lasoagX' i mpodelinig and redeco rng ths ,nst been c 'omplete ae Thr day, October 5th, 195 m 3t 5 pM., 730,o 93,0 b-8 6c ANNVERARYSERVICE Annv'rsryService of New on- ille PresbyteravCYchw be heldon Snda , voeS ,t7 P.m. (D.S.T.. Rev. r. ordp.h of Bowmanvmll, wiIlJ in Charge. Spedsalmusic. RALLY DAY SERVICES Kirfby Sundey S -11p 1 Vil thèor Raîliy Day s 01 o4u11day, Octoher 8tir iýn tire GChv 1dit(jv- ium ce 2 pAni. e ni4micharge of thre Suniday ScrooL. AIl friendLs are, curdialiy inite d tO atend. NO PREDICTJNG. TWISTERS Oruini and loSs.S e us for insur-a ance ithatprote týS. INR is THE IL ReaI Estate $6,800. Darliigton Township farn on good Open IIrond, '125 acres, sorte bush and orcirard, aiostly workahle, opený sping, steel roofed barn, 9-raoomed solid brick bouse, isternaiand well at door., electricity, goodi cellar. First iteoff ered, Leroy Hamilton BROKER Phiono: O ffice 3 2 r 10,. R es, I r 16 Orono, Ontari) INSURANCE Ina aI its branches Fire, Automiobie, Liabiity, Life, Hoaspitalization, Wiad Plate Glass, liuriglary Te Roney Preducer: iM Southcrn Ontartim En ig Board has received a )rketinig scheme under the ing Act, 1946, to reguflate Ontarlo. honey has been arranged er a faLirly representatîve Sseheme. The ballot wîth or more colonies gently requested Id mail it at once BUT VOTE' G BOARD 0, Ontarlo CO'MfN G AÂ ac will be heid in tire Omnn Townshiral on Fniday,ý October itIh, under the auspices of tieOono jnjteýrnredliate So)jba11 Chub. 14)y Forrester.,' ceid iis orchlestra will fur- nisr tirenusic. Corne ont and enjoyj tire first fail ldneof tire11c r A baking saléeand ta i're held in ths Council chibr no satutrray, cobrJL under th-1e asies Vr ru ornsIn- etltute, f roni 2.30 to 500 p.m. -b-37-c. Tire K-i by W-Výosýen'cs Associa-tion kme raving 'eai~at isinpper 1,dn ale"f iticles on Takgiig ~na pitrsshown by Mr.J.TCr6 Donations of apoî , Vn's/er rtber snntaM articles id 1 n ,,ook- îng igrtefuily reqi, 'Y mrombers. Supper sevecd froim 5.30. Adu'its 75.;crkin35c. a-6c HOLSTEIN BREEDERS FROM FIVE COUNTI ES SHOW AT LIND'TSAY FAIR (Continued from page one) Muir & So(ns,,, CeuÈtie, oýn Riderslie Heilo all-and tire Roserve te NM W. MkeConIoey, Piebr.on Nii Duclres ni-ser. Wni. J. Murphy, Liday whn cýq1kstted a tVoctai otf six fiess, -mrore 11hý'àny oatiher ehbtr had tire Gti4Camponbll, mn nqiig or.tleop Aged Bull R lg 4Appe Pab>st Master Ted. Muophy a1se iad' the Junior Chamipioýn Female, 11e first rpvize Senior Yekirling Heif or, Rose Daleford .Masterpleee, Nvhieý tre Reorve Junior Chamion rr.Feralel astire dnîninîgJnirYaig Helifer Gil Lodge Wachita viow don, Ontariîo. Rese rve Senier and Resýerv-e Grand ChminbuAl was tire tw0-y'aVold Glemiriff Rag Apple Genera', ex-ý hibî:ted by Walio Bos., Halbrtn A. Muir & Sons, Look itlw JAunor nmai ChKimpa.oinsh'p Cn thre winning Senior. BkllIl Caî!f Elder-sýide Triupe Sir Hoee wffiie tirep Reserve Junior te,;eN W. cCokeyon Lf~cTaýiiCe cedoraloheadýued Vtire Senior» Yeani-! In the grouxtp classe's, Wcnling Bras, Hailiburt, s'howd Virewinning sn Hnyhad Vire fijist rýze Juiorý,, Cet y Remnirco TexaiSoerig.Tire inngprogony 5)f Dam wa-s srw hyv Est. :of A.V.Fleming, eaoo whýile A. Muir & Sos lad botir the top Gradedclliafrd and Junior lid. Other fistprîize winners inirciuded N. W. AMCOonlcey, f JJunir Yer bg Bl mid flrst Senior Heifer' CaI'f; Percy W. Scirroter,, Dunsford, Mur-phiy, first Junir Bull Caif, flrst dry threýe-veutaotId, flrst nkn two-year old, first dry te-a year old. pany iras 'tuc bigsusdiis in tire United Staes tus re-versing the usuiti pr.actie o f US.cmpns h1aîviing Can-dian subrsidi, lS. Treasuirer's Sale 0F LAND FOR TAXES TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE COU-'NTY 0F DUTRIM To Wit:- BY VIRTUE 0OF A WARCRANT is,- sued byVir Reeve of tire Towns hip oüf ClarkeC, mnder his hend and tire ISE'al of tre (-said Corpora tion, b ri. date tire 28rd day of Septemiber, 10,sale of lards in arer of taýxes in tire said Townsfiip of Clarke, will be held in lthe Couneil C-hamber-s in tire Vil;lage oýf Oronor, t the lheur of Eleven oclckmnthefeen on on Monday tire 15bih day of January, 11151, uiesthe- taxes and cosls are soonier Paiid. Notice is hereby givea that tire list of lands frsl for ar-1 rear's af taxes ms published in The Ontario Gazette n tire 7th day of 0ctober, M90, and ir-aýt Copies of tir)e said list-nray ire irad nt myofie Tresurr'sOffice, Orono, Ontar, ithis. 28th ay of S1tonbe , 50 A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSCIANand SURGEOýN Office Houra 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m- Sundayu and Wednjesdays by appointaint only PHONE 47rl - ORONO E. C. SYE.R, MN.D. PIIYSCIANandSRG N M Min Street south OffizejHours:ý 2.00 to 4.04)pm.: 6.30 te 8.00pm. Sundays and H-olidayg by Appointmnent WANTED TO BUY Dead or cr-ippled stock, xreioved free of charge, Onie hQur servic. Hlighast pie for old hOrses._Marý- J gi Fur Farmi. Cail Collect Bow-! mianvil1e 92679, NOTICE We are now,,n' ai' ý jet1ùo tel Vacuum yovur Fia r pae FOR SALE picked C)r dresse, X o~on .1ione )r 8. 1 Aca4Iuid bel FOR SALE Large szeFindlay o! s-pac-e heat- er, corspliie % wilh pipes Vd ý gai storn , Oyhieîk, P onAA y~ o n FOR SALE eàadh. Aîpply ta E. Atalt il P_ Jighfr. wa y No0. 35 a E1 ézprise. a-8,6-îp. iOME WANTED FORq DOG Gaod homse wantited for intelligent yýoinig &eg. Farm IYIpr ed. phonlel O-loeo 17 ýr 11,Ooo.fN W6c BUY WITH CONFIDENCE - AT- Art's Car -Market 1 ~Maint Location 175 King St. W, Bow.manville, Ont. HOME 0F Better Deals on BETTER CARS iWe Buy, SeIl, Trade in very good USED CARS Low down payme ts and easy ternis can be arne to suit your buidget. ,SEE US AT ONCE Phone 2148, Bown'inville Ph. 55 r 1 CONTRACTJORS FOR FARM and IIOIJSE WIRING Free Estimiates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaraniteed Repairs to ail makes cf Electrical Equipmentý and Appliances Sncb as M1otors, Water Hecaters, Radios, Stoves. Irons. E C. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F MARY HAN- NAH NDUS late of thle Vil- la-ge of Or-ono0,-il the County of Duh M, idow, deceased Ail pr os ninîgdamsgans the Estate of th(- saÀdd aiina Audrus, who d11tIedOn or aboutte2n day, of October,145,aehry aotified o senid LD the desgd So!icitor on or before -tihe t day of iO-ober, 95f), theîir inmes and ad- di'es'ses cnr fd ~ aoftheirý ciinis and the Ti c 4i É he secuiri- tie.s (if anr) idbmduly yenr- fied by s ttutorly earaý,tio-c Turmdi el atertre aaidd28t]- day- 4)f Cer, 1950, the ascets of the Geeiased ll be &steýibuted amonng The pnosenititled thereto, avn-regarfd only tO the daimus ol wh4eh thre Exeeutoi-s or fle under- signed'i Solleitor shiail thonr have no-, tice. Dated at itntoýre this 28tir doy of septomber-, 5. R. R. WADDELL, Ki.C., ORONO Lawrence C. Mlason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILEONT. Phon*. Office 68,R Home 553 W. F. WARD B RRISTER SOLICITOR NOTA RT OfIc',e 825 Regideno. gwo BOWMANVILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JiACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducta Auction oae f ai&H sa and s ai oai a. Comuniatewith hm at Ptwtei Pery, ntaloor ee hlm Clerk A4. E. Morton, at Orcoo for date. JACK nREIDrj Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult mie for terme and dates LIFE INSURANCE Pensionpl Plants; Educational Policiea;, Protection and Savings Plans f.og' Children and Aduits; Moýrtg,ýge in,- surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. *.Phone 20 r iý, The RUTTER'GRANITE COMPANY Dial 3216 --PRO. Box 622 Port lHope, Ontario Monuments, Gravermarken,, STAFFORD BROS Monumfenital Works Phone, Whitb)y 5S2 318 Dnn1dns St. E., Whitb)y ý1FIEQUALITY MONUMENTS AND? L'et us er-eet a handsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of youir lvdonea. It's not expensive. Anid Seeing thsls rbute will give you ondless comfort 1 U ORONO Fuauiture IHospital Reu phostring Reflinishing Antiques 8.ught and 8.14 C- F . Duncan a Northcutt and Smth Q Piton. 79-16.ORN fi Funeral Directoa and Furnitur, Deeleru KINDNESS COtJRTESY SERVICIE 0 . ilbepe e .piku dead or crippled farm al-nali3 Equipped te take care of the. medeat fanerai at tlhe muosi j and lPay highest prevailing reamonable charge as Weil aa th@. largest and prices. M. -o m «. ezetiug - For imaiedi.aïe servicre telephone (j colleig Brooklin 62, Cobourg fiTelephoee: Office 668 - Resîdence 'Us a nd 726 o U6,TraoAead 66 fi Telephone Collect Rewmaavlie. Ont. 4R9 YUGLd f 30 3~oO momw PHONE 74 r 19

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