ORONO WEEKLY -SI libraru. i%.Je on Oh: 1, lr. A ilu T~sks~xig srvcsUwee hed at KatikleaiMianM ~ve rnmtudto u. Carece ici- 'Bl' to odandMi. ard Mus. Bi )i. Oke Preseatd a amonand M uMis. Prv oll!'lvisit-l ho d1es Mr. nsildi .Gu- btidsTakgvn ek th~I Mi' old- Aust'in was tiiîok hust- ÀMa sTR that Heats by CIRCULATION ____and RAD iIATION This handsoniýe streamlined coal .eafe,ý gives double heating service by twýo very eeciemethods -- circulation and radýia. in.Itakes ini air at the btosnigi o eated at the top -and it radiates a -steady, pleasans, comfortable amh Specia features include -slotted slow cobustion firepot te burn eny type of coal evenlv and wl;thecrniostatic damper rgultor, controlling tire atoma.tically - a great safety feature; efieient water pan for *healthful humidity; ifetimeit brown po)rce- eain finish. uScecà- compare it. and you'Il understand wby this Findlay mnodel leads in U ~ W/T/I T/I//K/NS/DE C>4 SI//G Saves. floor spaco * e * * Fuel tank is completely Oly 22" from fon t hasby bothraito anti circulation - anti the Findlay, donble cmuto hme is a real fuel saver. A eauty ns any rom-its dur-able baked 'nînlfinlish is browii witlh goltiviln.Oji control dial gives thie temper. ature you wvant. :Largeý service doo--rs permlit eadceaning. You'll neyer regre(t chioosing Findlay quality.$95 WL@WB@Y INING HEATER BUILT IN FAN m HEATED AIR PROVI DES UNIFORM TEMPERATUE Here's the ultimate iu oïl burning heat- ers - in beanty and efficiency. The smrl d eig1 ne d bs ait equipment inchiding tank,electritc vlve.The electric fan ,speeds np cdr- air andi provides a unnform rtemperatuire in Ise. There are no chi!lly spots. Futel econeo. ýue of the Fisudlay Heaýter, owing to the mbnstion chamiber. Stee h - cempare t. alu ne with a Findlay. Priced $142.00 HARDWARE - - Otono Canatilan stoeeu. ing oe the week 'end at, Kenne., Mr. nd Ms. C Paye 1ildi neu vî,iited Mr. and Mirs, A.Tordk on ',suiday. Miýss ukPaYnie wasi homie foi. the aksnigweked plViSsShea ,was t lhe r hlomle in Omne or, eweek-end. Mri. alid Mr. . oward uan t teýn.ldd nnera7ysevices at c'Ini ton and isited Miand pMis. C. Lang- don jinl hat er ý1 ' 1n n] N E W T'unN VlL LE Mr. and Mu. lerRndal an1d1 isonsý of OShaiwa, .with bis motheri Misý. Gidn of Toront-o, with Mr. and Mrs. an1A11en, Miss O ,)live Jýinolion.Petet'bor- ough, w'ith ti. and Mfrs. Wilbert Mis lice Nesb-ri.tt, Toronto, Nwithý ber sister, Miss Anime Nesbîtt M1r. alnd tMrs. Chas. Watters ..d Briuce of Os vw , wth heu parnt, Mîr. ald is. RvoidBruce. Mr. and pMus. Wilbert Lngsn and daugh,!ters cf Tooi'rto, and Mlrs. IMaIbel LnstfPo't IHope, -with; ýMis. Ilattie Lanigstaff.1 MIr. anid pMrs. Clifton iRohb and, M.an'd trs. Nooel Bro-Ok'fpMoil. treali, and Miss GaCýro Brooks ofTor)l- olnto, il] their cottage for the wee end.L is. Leushner, Si,, aIseMW.and Mr. oger Leushu11er and famnily of Niagara Falls, M.aind Mis. Walt'rý Whttaiker of Tovoutu)ri(ý,, with pMr.ad Myr Jon Ipptearcoj The condition oC Mi. Joseph Sex- sm)iitýh is sbil f Cgrave nern to ai is fiends. AMr.and M1w. Raynond Shaw (nee v~rri~e byMr.and is. ac Eliti Mis. McHloimof pMorisis ped mgi- a fr-'w days wih r. nd Mus Etbhan Jones. She pab)ly took the Mi.uanti MW. Harry Lane of Plntt ville vrlio have 1een iiiting f'riends in C, ilb orne, cilled for bi mother, Mrs. 1W C. Laine, vwjo will výsit fishem for- a wile. Thore wvýl!!not bo anmy ehurch next unday ovenig owing te amNiersar-y services ait Si1loh ,llundayateo aInd eeig Mis-. Harold Buriey tndi sons apenit t her holiday with her parents, ýy1r. and Mrs. Fred Tudepd ef Bunker HUI. Mr. and Mius, Paul Mercer Pans, AitHiu,raniMryofGuiph, sýpent the Thanksg'iving week-end wib i . and Mprs. Fred-Wrrn Mis. MýcKay il,; stdgwithb le dsgheî M. andiMs o ecr Mi. JhnGiison,. Mri. audlMi-s. Erre ibs<ob nd so)n Dennis, uf Mr4 adm! s.Ro1b t ibson Mir. and tM s. eogeClarkspent the ~ ~ ~~a hoia ve-n itheir me home hmee Rev.andMus.J. cLaclînof hie nolad the"*ir eider, sonl, 1ev. and Mi. MLcid of, Ajax, and theechlio, n lhe sstr'of Mis.MeLchil Seiorenjoyed a famplre lunch1 on the p ud i'M JaesSw rinck n Sunda. Mi. and pMrs. PBe11l11AdColin, u a.inti M-7. Wilifîed Reugliley ant1i Don- nie, o'f Oshaw'a,, Mr. Eveitt Thoirne of Humbratn ad iN. and Ms Bill Thore od Ymycalil"d on Mrs,-. L. Thorý1,ne anp M. ant Ms.James,ý Svvarhrick on Sunday. Mus,,. Fred Gilner oýf Peterborougý,,h isý viSti1ng fori a week witi h-r. M. Solier andiMs S. Patton. Callers 'n Sudywupir. Ca!rmen Pafton 'tif Osihawax, pMv. Ioy Pattonl, s Porcy Patton oft' Orono, anid Mr. anld Mups. Richard Gi iof Mlbok On Wdeda0vniî,Otober 41 Mrs. Loyd Glss was bO7stess'to a Alumniu flspowrt Twenéty wguet e~ ~ ~~l it e aetM.and s. Hoîb PRO VEN 'Vitantia Procucts Wamipole's Extract of Cod Liver 81.-00LO CeitfiedighTest Codl Liver Oil 69c, $1.19) Kepler Extract of -Malt and Ced Liver a t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..--- --- --- ---9 0 c , $ 1 .5 1 Sqnibb "D, D"V Cod Liver Oiu.--- 67c, $1.19 Certified Extract ef Maltand Ced Liver Oil, 1 lb, 59c; 2 lb, 9,8c; 1 lb fer $1.6q ~ Sudnt !Be On time withi r~t te ew CIMIER SWRIST NWÂTCH Cheilk the features! Import. ed Sw.îss -Movemient, Lui- eus Dm1l, Sweep Second Hand, --llnbreatk-- able Crystal, ail Chirome Case, Solid Lea- thier Strap, uniconditioniall guaranteed for one year. Priced to' sel at FOOD CI4LOENTONIC A Peasant Tasting, 1 Wff)CompIete and Efrofomîca-i C'ashmere Toilet Tissue VTMIan MNEA 2 fo~...........3eFOOD SUPPUEMENT GradMagnum Bath 21D ATS' $î35 72 DAY ,' 5~"DW$9 Sopbuge cakes of * PL'( SUP-Ly * S5UPOAty 9 Eunglisbý milleda, FOR ADULTS peýr cake..........6----e- The Capsnles at.... $I145, S2.65, $51,95 Lehaniinn Lendlng Library R'end the very latest books at Lowest Cost' from our Lending Library. Fiction. 110W WATER BOTTLES New Stock o)f guaranteed Ilot Water Býottie.s $1.25 fo '$2,00 each hantleek Hot Water Botties, 5 year guarantee 82.75 te $3.7.5 eacýh p a ____________________________ ~.I A Remuiader WE DO CUSTO1M WORK KILLING CURING & SMO0KING, A Trial f rom you will be Appreciated Darlington Abattoir HAMPTON, ONTARIO Phone 'Bowmianiviile 2836 PORT CaPitl HPE Fri. & Sat., Oct. 13 -~ 14 With -Maureen O'Hara and Paul Christian In luTeclinicelor - "HE RUGGýED A Story of Australia Mon, - Thur., Oct. 16-19c "ANNIE GET YOUR GUN99 With Betty Hutton1, Ilward Keel and Hu11ge MGM Casýt 1N TECHINICOLOR j and Rot1:Water Heatin CALL UIS FOI" ESTIMÂl-ýTES HAR1RY E. LYCETT Phonle 8i r12 ORONO - ONT. ;Orono Tinshop1 We Seil And Pease Heating Thie ewest in Major Novels, Romance and Detecive Complote niew library changed every m-ontth. BOO0K RENTAL 4 CENTS PER DAY Tyrrell's Drug Store Drugs PHOINE 68 - Agent for Ja'kman !F1owers" ORONO, Ont. It's quite a whIile since fir-st we wroe-te tleil you about mir vw;ares,.- Anid no doubt you have seen them ail, Frig's, S-toyes and lChiairs; But maybe you won't mdif we Mention thiem once more And tel you 'bout the lovely things displayed upon our floor. For Men, we have Ont Rellers, Electric Pails and Lights, Milking Machines and Grinders-keeps yeni from working nig-hts; Hamnmer Milîs and Hleaters-to give you hot water galore; Manure Forks snd Shovels-with Brooms to sweep the flibr. For Ladies, mweil let's see-we don't know where to start, 'Cause we do9 have so inany things that ladies take te hea?1t. There'ýFrig's and Ranges (Eleetric and Gas), With styles an-d design to please any Iass; Coleman Oil Heaters, are simply a must, They give plenty of heat--without any dust. The W'ashing Machines are the latest iii style, To own one of these w! make mother smie. Then there are Vacunms-Oh what a treat, 'Makes honsekeeping easy-you'r-e not run off your feet. 0f course we have Dishies, Paint Briishes and Paint; Our selections, so Iarg,-e-wonldl please eveni a Saint. We have Daffodils and Tulips, yes, bnilbs by the score, If we do't have enougb, eau soen get yen more. Electric Blankets au(d Pads, Irons, Toasters and al And if ifs SERVICE yon want, just give us a cali. Coleman & rPhlp Electric Phone '89 r 1 - ORONO Anikie Socks, Ladies' 'Slack Type, Elastic in Cuif, Ail Fine Wool, sizes 81 2 to 101/2, whiteoIy, pair ..ý...................49c. Comirbinations, Boys', Pluim Color, sizes 22 to 32, priced fromn... ....... ........ $1.25 to $1.7.5 Hose, Meni's, Fan-cy Cotton andc Wool, colors ofT Grey, Blue and Maroon, sizes 101 2 to 11112, pr 75c. Heed Spray Liquid Deodorant, bottie .,. ......39c. Vick's Inhalers, each . . ý. ...... ........... 39c. Bullis, Electie Lights. Nowm- the timie to stock up with a suppily f or the Fail and Winter mionths. Weather Stripping1 Feit, 15 feet for .......... 15c, Weather. Stripping Rubber', foot......... ... 5c. Snow Queen Bts sizes 72" x 90", each . ý...73c. Heavy Wool Feit Insoles, colors Blue, Fawn, pr. 25c. PFlates (Kliekers) for- sole or heel, ail sizes, card toc. GRODCERY FEATWRES Ivory Toilet Soalp, 3D cakes. . 25, ~< cLre'sTasty Sanichie ~Y Spread, mnfetured fo SChieese, Eggs, Pimientos, - piesetc., 8 oz, jar......0c ;~Zebra Paste and Liquid St o ve Polishi, each......23e, Lynn Valley Blueberries, 15 oz. tins...........25c. 2¾ lb. pkg. 38c. Stokely's Pumipkin, large 28- oz. tins . .. . . . Popping Corn, guaranteed to pop, 8-oz. pkg.. ...3e Baby Cheese, 1 pound rolls, Golden Spray.....4e ORONO 5c. TO $1.1 '/2 lb. 55e, QIL HOUSEHIOLD NEEDS Dee Tee Moth Fnume Cry- stals, 1 lb.........------49e. vlothi Proof Garment Bags.-2--- U, 59c. 98c. Aair-Wiekï, hue1 e4 erant.. -.---- 9 a r 0 foe CO 0 ?, ýeJ l'ni