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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Oct 1950, p. 5

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ORONO Wl During the hours of your bereav 'e- ment oui, aimn is to dIo everythin,.g in our power to l-ighten your bur- den. plia RARTLEY He DARLOW FUNRALDIRECTOR ne 18 r- 7 Orono, Ont, Phione 1IS Sr 2 Il -.1m -Dr". GEO. W. MILER DRESSED1 N ErCA STLE LIONS AD GUfESTS (Cejt!nued froom page one) ,alrtucet o ompelled 'te i siaw from the Werld fHealffb Organization, OnrhIsretuonVo Canada, Dr. Miller wassurrriedat he lhuge aiielti es- abils(ed la Iceland by thselUitd Atvec lie mms os the opi&!ontihat in thse eyes of Russia Vhs would oxict es a great Vhreatotetsur contry. .AmýeIcan Senators, seeking publi- J ,city, requesting liat the U. S. wvageý waýir tVo wipe out Russia muetf help to creoate sýuspicion with stalin againet, lie a.Hofeltt iat Russiawoudd net wage fuîl scale wýar1 until sise lbe-, -ieved that the, U. S. was goiig ',o The (,Korean wa r, hosaid, was mnst teffintely egneodby Stalin. Many ore sucs firc, e could beex-ý pected o break out ia any prt of the wrifor ain tsepresent Vm Qhis ty-pe cf procedure le SLtlinl's presont policy. T ise ýgreatest conceo f the WoDrld HJealth Organizaitioi, lho stat- îed, wsthtof bacter-ial w'arfare. ieý ciindwhore Vere waalmtio V'o e effect Of a.tomIc bobin there was ao suis limitation in banc- teoa% arfa re, Enouglispowder eould ho carcied under -the Utiub ni te wipe oiit New York City, To, exeut suais a plan on amy Americn ýbitY .would iudt ho difficuit for any aggress-ive country. Both Russia anith ie United Siates could carry oult -stnh warfamre. ir ciosing isis addressiz, Dr. MUiller !nfornneýt tisose prosent that hoe was leavihmg for Washingtbon wure the World Heal'tisO niaionjcet ing a seeeo senti trained ýteanis of- dootors eqipped wýîih medica! supplies Vo etc i edicai work ila the Far-Eat. On behali of theNate Lions 'club and guestis Johmn R.ickatrd tbisank- ed tire speaker for his miostawk- iag address. Mrfi, Wm. Rutherford, capiain of tise EKkibytu-owr teIm, was pro-, iortedjitis a cup by the Newùastleý Lions lyr tlle wiining of the open-. anig avent 4'fVise annmuaj cann1-ival. FIRE PREVENTION.ý WEEK - OCTOBER Sthi - 1 4th Wltisths sge tioo Fire Pre- votin 'ek ,by VseGeehoGn qeraïl in Courahl for 04tober 8Vh to 14Vhl this year, ,eory imunicipal fire iepartm ent andi industolal fire br- gade is eqese to eniter the Inter- nainlFire Prevention WeVekCen potiton,ý carry ontI, a progm of tire inspcetions ard trganize a series ofý aivtiesTht will dire(-ct tise atten-ý ticn cf Vise citiz ens te the needfo ehimrinalonof l'ire causes3. Thse most imi-portant r-esul1t f rom aý wel dioated canupaign lsa leusening of tise posibility isathf e xwill ho' leýst, nuoe will occur or poet lisemniaiywil ho destroyeti.ý But t -1ýierearýe mayotherimotn ndvrantagesý. Re0pair antidenp wiii imiprove thesrruting, eu tify ne pIromies and scate persnl ansd ic pritie wltiin the municipa- tyw in utuon 1induces mIore busi- nes'ecame Vo teinunicijpaIty.j Thse objeact of tise cipîuis3 te crnt itereat h ailproblems of fire c- sdetËy. Eer iousýeisold(er mecsnad pc-soem havinig conitre] over lpoise isP,;Vjere others woo.k or -attend lot isetMspoie 0n1-epiro replace dofectivehat pdmcigequipment iiùor aeal anI renn(Yve obssVsseimjinat- ing theism'erials in -wbich. fire easily 'taorts antid i bcassor alIows itso spreati.i Yor ire Oblif andt tise members of -tise Orono Volunteer pire Depart- menýýt so!icdt your juteronct. LOCAL NEWS jr . C. SyrWil l e in Toronto ý atieniing a p-rt Pgraduaie coursei grnby fiheOtalMeiaAn- ciiinat Sunnybrook Hospîrtal fo Octo-ber l7mlh te 2lst. MC. rand Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe asud dagtrViogInia, ofSohaptn KIRBY Mrýs Bgelow ited tise ladies t'O heM!l tieir monithiy meetinginier home on Wednesday evening, October 4tis. Mrs. Orley Chiapmain, prosîden.t, opened thseW.A. rmeeting vvitL the singing of "'Take time te be isoly", ant repeabin.- tà-e Lords Prayer in -in îsonr, The acripture ýwas thle 23itI Psalmi, repeate i in unison, After th@ reading- of the inuteib(s and reporti thefil details for tihe supper and baaar was (eomiplotLed. lVrs. Youimans oponed tihe W.Mý.>q. eeigwii hprayeran te inin of the tiheme on, ndtheradn of tihe theme poeým. Thie theme o Briiig Lilit". Mrs.. Lowery acted as Chlailady Ffor th-Ie ulection Of offcles whiich resulted as follow-s: PresMdent, Mrs. Yomýs; vice-p residenilt, Mrs. Býrys-on; rcrigs-cr.etaryv, Mrs. Wmn. Aliïn; 'troasurer, Mrv 1S. Wmn. Lof)wer,; -assistanýt piaist, Ms Reid; Stwrdhp Secreçtary, -. Mrs,. R. Ohapmnan 1,Tesnperance Sceay Mrs. J. Il: Lorlweriy; Spl Secretany, Mo.Reid; ÀAIldit or, Mros, Wim. Wanil1 ,ian;i;leaders in ehanige ,oF lthe Study Baook, -MisýWm. utmrfrMs muan, -Mýsl.. Stanley Chapman, M-s. BsoM rs. Merg nMs. Lowery, and MoTs. Wml. Allin. Thelihostess servedl a dlainty lunch and ail enjoyed a &ociable tinme togther. Thie W. A. heldi a v.ery sucecssfuil sýupper aid bzaar on aksvng Mr. Carvetàl, of Necastle, s1,ovwed sýome very ittereastin'g pictures, in-_ cluding sonie >f our oýwn local fnir. Mois. JaICk, Cowani, Mrs.Mai, Mrs. -Milton VWa1inan anidMs.Win. Cochrane ,spenit Friday a fternioon with Mr.s. W.m. Wannanii. Thse Sunday ,Sclhool hiel a special service in the dhlureh on SundaI-y. The c-hildoren idered two choruses and a trio. The(se ,wero enijoy)ed by a .Il. Mo.Thompoýqa has been ivisiing wlthýJ lier som, Mr. n rs et ýMr.d 1Mris. Coo)ke and faimily of Torouto, spent tLie wcek o-nd with Ml,*>,* avis oý,f Lkfedspent a f ew day-s last week w ibh lhersser Mrs. mr. PRthierford.L Mor. and Mrs. lleitt and family, Toironto, spent the wek-nd iffh lier parent' 's, Mr. and 'MHs Youmaas. ing wpe-end 'with Mr. and Mos. S B. Rutiber'ford. Iv. and Mo1s. Murray Wilson au bab-, Toroanto, spent the Thansg iv- WHAT HAVE I ONT ARI10 DEP ARTM EN T OFHI GHWA Y% G1 S You MORE M~D COSITS YOU, LESS Hard facts, flot fancy phrases, djeterm-ine any car's value. Study the mairket carefuilly, feature by feature and value by value. Then compare the Chevrolet price tgwith that of any comparable car. Youi'll finid bey'ond doubt that this impressive, powerful, six-passengeýr a-utomoibile is the véalue--leadier by fari For ahi the power you wvanit \hen youi want it, with conqsistent/y econica1l fel consu-imption, the2re's no better engine than the hiighly-imi-proved Chievrolet valve-in-headr with its ultra-efificient new carburetor. And tbat's flot ail! Many rbousanids of rnthusiastic owners will tesrify that Chevrolet needs less mnain- tenance, less servicing than any comparable car. Biit for Canadi-an driving requirements, reflectîng its superior craftsransbip in every detail, Chevrolet is furtber backed by, a nationwide o)rganiizationi of skilied service and maintenance speciss No wonider it is renowned for delivering dependable, troubie-frce performance un.der ail conditions! 1I A ~. * ~' A Just get bebind the wbeel of a-.Chevrolet, and you'li. soon know the meaning of brfant performance. In ciiy traffic, on busy highways, on rough back roads, Chevrolet bas the edge on ail its rivais. And h stays at the peak of its performnance, - mile after mile, mionitb after montb. Tber's ip-oom bed-romleg_-room I;id room to s cr for si-, aduit passengers in a Chevroiet. The big dor winwde to let you in and ýout wvitbout unidue srtOoping or croucbing. And the bigger, mnore capa- cious truik fbas ample room for ail your iuggage - and your pabscngers', too! Dowuaauwille e It's best in its class for styling, for performance, for comfort and for Opera- ting econ6mies - yet it costs far Iess tlîan any comparable car. That's why Clievrolet is fÉst in value! Let thie record speak for itself! In a recent imparial survey conducted amiong thou- sands of mnotorists, Chevrolet proved to be in greater popular demand than any other car. No woncler Canadians buy more Clieva rolets tli any other make of car. They know that Chevrolet, buiît and proved in Canada for Canadians, is unequalled at its price for comfort, safety, lasting beauty and ail-round dependability. MME = t 1MIIII I Here's convincing proof tbat throughout years, CheT- rolet bas earned a reputation for unwaver:ing ex- cellence!1 In a recetl y conducted coast-to-coast suryey1. an overwhelming majority of motorists named Reps#- tation as the most compellirïg reason for Chevrolet2,' popuilarity. In every detail, the new Chevrolet is in the very~ forefront of the style parade. Those flowing, graceflul lines radiate quality fromn every angle. Azid don",î forget - its consistently advanced stylinig is one~ reason why Chevrolet is tops for trade-in value. From the blueprint stage onward, buiît-in safetty factors are ani integral component of every Chievrolet. The immensely strong box girder s3teel framne.. . thie exclusive Certi-Safe bydraulic brakes for quick, ceon-! troiled stopping ., the ample reserve of power in the v'alv e-in bead engîne - ail tbese and many other Cbev role-t features are designi-ed for youir pr*orectioin Records prove that us,ýed car biye; s as wl as new car buiyers consistenîtly fvrChevrolet over cars. Tbar's 1bec:ause hevole is filrst in tbe iow-price fieldwt ail the qulaliîties of much bge priced cars, andt aiýo 'because its rnwn for dpnalyear-. in, year-out performnance. ROYi W. NIOHOLS i t,, ~ k iii *8~ I

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