re IVU!UlY 'mmI OCTOBER 1950 6 7-1 TH~4'S 110W t*, sc~ffoe igetcontract il ever went after, no timre iin ge-ýttinQpg ôver to My I sid,"l'l nedsome lhelp Vo job thÉis si'ze." over the whole tilhing, discussed h1 iwould need, Whexi J Ianded act lie gave me a Uine of credit is able to go rî«iglit ahead. Now A's as good as built, y part of youi ger's job to Oaid'n 'members en1Ution cf We' ns nliie f On- s Irss' ".'ite onl a trip tar'ie, and thi-sries ofart-le i wh)ere they will at wnýitten o keep the memers c th i cmnrea on of the W. 1. and ail eetdinomdof mnmhweomen of the t.he highligüts of the ti) preeý4denit 'of the Fed- 1,200 fee n i thecentre of Berge1 o~ ~ ~W Veare et 'ie odae t73 nt a beautful hotl iit nth o .........cfo tihe mouitain anid reahe, b fuaticulariailwayý, -sjiia l inci to the onu ptde t LýPort ne bti.c ruteitius mdofý kepttopdgo the waýyiu, pepl gejttng off, and our f iends teil us! there are rtianiuw r aH 01aloivîg thoe mo10-nibadîn sldswhre fmiies live. TheNrvgans ie great athi- loup , thy like ta wlk and thNA n'othîag tof wligfour 'iis down irito theà ity f rom imeehiglilae Wd back again. They milayeyu can tell a Nrei by ttintW,,, his hakle is se sed teclinibing upý andduwýýn mounta, n ade. hei th Germains bock oe tercitLy e iefnsed Ohe use of this riwyte, the ihbansan hiey had to trludge 'Up) aniddointhe 1onian I teil yen labout the Gerniail U-bot' hase et Brgn As we camie iniyt1ie teharlira Norweg-iail poiated ont taemetwo or tWhree dariýk caves afip he witer's ede.Thew!,ýe e t'fihe Germai ýin U- oat penps, frem whïich U huai war- fa' e was il*anched on AtIanti enc Janesý. TheNewgas are s511 is mafitli n",g(.h em mand thel wýýonýae(a be1l ul S9W IAd dune. The tiunnlsnencnt o thet m tin fr rods 'and efryha na heefor iserýviing anrd enipn Whea ,ýwe rnh tie i-11 cf Ithei radaan.dlook duwn atilihefar ]and beluew-- the lihts cf Bergen foilowing the crv cf tI iord and t ,adii it us frontevery ilsie A rairing l](uggire grets nsas we' ete ble heihiitlluage and We are fut \eVnarpud by te ,ir land- la"p and dmniecaig sinle of 100 orf oui s.tercointyrem Tl-,ey are handgnrme, welh'dres'sed wmn ami dwu do wdsihOureyhadgiven us ime te WetI'ont'f Our travellng, fi' subits ~an'dib 'ntetig'mr ut ifligr-ee, a fine tracerY 0'roe-cl on siIviarandige'-edthebrohs braceet, etc., tirat t 1he o ýmen wore nuefI t1he il,PIvehîieSt I aeevrset SetOf tretsppak Enîglish renreark- ably MweIl, sme bro en Emlis'h. and with sente<webave t bh hto Ire eyes aMdM4hIauds'. 0I11 sH ai4c yen wre here lin th'iýs beaitul ,11dia- ing roeýIm wiýt.h11ns - bîrdsar"sa- ing ansiiia 1-ow (of larepotted p1)ts ini ceýPper tubs fuibwsthe centre cf. tie uos.Theie d N4 Iorwigia smd '1tlie eeffee is eclet AftrdinIner t he vice peidn wACOmps' us lh'le absence cf Mls. I aîer ere n afevw cf Ihan haveneye met hut 0tet des net matter uat il. We cen do m-nch fe unib.As niothenrs we have a tirýe- amadus espnsiid'lty.If we 'havess!'t enugih w'sidnttn we nuisitpray for it. Mey Gojenliagen light the wtay te eae.And inoiw I1bave spo- 'ken ail the Englisi wrds Ika'w1 lisnýt it ' aîavellous ihing that Canaiencoumrywmense f ar frei 'i met, STARKVILLE 1Mr. mimd Mrs. La'vere Woods C)f MisCien Falîs cof Tfouato, speit unday with -Miss May alle- mid MnKeithR orcfBow- innile t iI. w VdFrr w's. Mies orm HLlowell 1ývisited on 3u inay with rsiatRo'binSon1. Mr.M. UBenneti andJeanof rTo"- mMrs. Jealorwell. io M-1e.o jpKing hiatusld :-,is fart te Me. 'eedC1m.itke. àme n Mr. lewiIalIs.Cwealoag Iwith Mr .Hsojis cf-rt. Hpetec Niii tîte pluwin . niatel tAlitno Mr. and rs. Rild Farrow aad 'S'aithday. , oril D Mr. an ivs coeTsrres wfM by cfl Paîrry Sounida, Mir. nd Mes Russ ir i 'and Min. A. Debson.d i tl Mrsni i. Bethe Reiib f urnt, iit- edlIg ofib lUisNomiacHalliwe.(.L Smilannverary servic1 es il be hei 'buis Saa, te er ml cth; Iat 2.30 inwus th aftern of as-i .30laFoh evein. The inby coi nllshave chearge cftIre usc ansev. an caster w o ll speak abolitservies.e er , ecause.Tîh hei a s rvie "Fol -tip and duwn.Vi'm sre yuu coiidn't fiil oaa ho'rize.nitenue. I - lis ihbi- 'aIts retyoaîy Sadlvan ffai-haired, bIlne-eyeýd, and cfsp- diji ph1ysique. Here is ýsonthiag unl- useâbout thei'r city, paveiments: At regýular intervals,, are tlires idci wide g,,ubters, runlniaig ' oross 'the (,si de - walIks inte thei road, c'ar,-bnig oif the traiter friont the ow-bpson al] Meter Equipment Private Âmbulgnea Northcutt and Sf"mi*th O Fumeral Directoru 'and Furnitura Dealera KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Fqýpe etlecare of the. mcdest funeral at the meut 1 O Euipee:ake charge as ::fl astthe iarget and 9Teleph.ene : Office 668 '- Rezidence: 528 and72 f3 'Pelephone Collect BamnîWOnt. Perfect Accessories For Your Living Room LAMP TABLES SCOFFEE TABLES SEND TABLES STIER TABLES 'Teetables are very ecpinl The fine miahogany usd ak-es these tables things of beauty. The pricesý on these tables imakie it poessible for you to purchase them., Give us a cail today! Phone 18 r 7 Ife H.oýBARLOW ORONO, ONT, Phone 18 r 2 YOUR COMMERCE BRANCH ofMai Sre et The towns of Canada are pleasant places. I Our town lias a character ail its own t D! but anyi Canadian feels at home here. Th1-ere's our bank. for instance . a brandi of The Commerce, Yoiu'lI lInd one in most towns. And there's our ban-k manager. He's a projessional man. He's Iearned from many towns like ours. So lie knows how to give the kind of servýice thiat cornes only with lonig acquaintance.- Yesî, ouir Canadiïcn towiis are pleasamt places . . and the men and wom.en ai your Commerce branch are good people to know. The Canacian Bank of Commerce 'eThe Commerce" 139-~OA s Durham Farmers' County Co-op.f ORONO PHONE 37-1 WE DELI VER N Earn More Front Tour Llvestock Farm.ers, your Co-operative is now operating with electric power. We are ready to do your customi grindfing, roling aiflmii Brin- in your grain and have it groundf and mixed into a balanced f ced with our concentrates. We have a f ulilfine of Co-op - 'Master and Puirna Feeds. FOR FASTER AND BETTER SERVICE DEAL AT YOUR CO-Of.