s Vol. 14 No 38 ORONQ ONT.. 1T. I9th, 1950 Subscription $1.50 per Year S sfented At Folk ScI Cherry Hill Fa,-i, Unramîlle tie tare Demi huame «f Mn'. ansi MrýÎs,. John A. Masi- a-l ftting -3om, kuoma oir Vw,ýo mia-ny as Vire Dan- si-acere 2f h-anadanpionieer cf tie Ca ae land -«f g Fnk cirol momCement, mas tir-e sceeue ity. «fatii uiet actirity receaitlyý miren By ma-s sonne ffirrty peoupla, ri-nlg im -a-ge niSu frau siocteen te six'ty, gatiree for a ta-ken Ato FIallç Sciýhool Refi'esier -Course, in foarerly, prepa-raitin for, simula-r airooils micir sorne day it la axpectesi miii be Irel in luMrons a-ilt0 Ositari -ci Mies dhroigQrut tire coini- fine 001', ing mu-ntirs. s eome Promi ma-ny parts cf Soutirera- On- duciu of ta-o me 'aefrn, Mantiteulinl, basn Vosa Gosley anad Brue iu tIre nur<tiest se's tic- La-mb-ton an-si inl tire soutiest, neines, io Peterboroughr ani Duir6rnm la tire Sana- centre, as mal 'as frnim ueig-irbouviag Vesicireol _Y'ork, Peland Ontario. Our i- oounty atesti - ' 'ewas represeorted by Betty MeoHoln frntire - froi Welcom-è, Shirley QnýantlVi Grc te, jv fren -lia<beibmiie Glenin La-inmer dein -of ný f man Blckst'ckan'd O-kiey Cuiýeyanm-- frosi Ca-van, -mie ire pi-osent forýairyl tire -e-U-" core; n ES. an 'long w'int caure~ - a-a Great Cmi 'v Mlenfi'i- rour ne, miro1 wara for1 a il lii vmýitir us' fo)r comae f Sa-tarda-y aftie- Thren, i a«un and evoncig seac<ous Ia fa-tf "creas tire attenciance f-rein Duai-i, if a-ct ber ,sinr -tire irigiret, mpas -ej1iuaied 'iy ouiy oaer, f oue «tirer cult. Fimvamica-s si.-e- ome? corvra-ins it appe-aresi Via't mna-nyý tende Vle of us more present tirroughi tire co A1 re oeaonansi supporit ef -aur )oct filesdi iita federationa «f agricultnure, -wii ia- ansi occur ,ani indication of thue gromwlg introsit we mare .in irurali melfare ansi 'ada-lt edn- aiîatr -cationi nr'a-vem'eiit. tira 'ana-t Fur somme iV mas the fl-at riit to cordil ,, Ahremy EHII Fa-uni Vo 'otirers iit mas a- om tire Sýe, k-eýtar-n te Vire scelles of ma-ny ploasa-at emidience ,asýsaciation1s in pa-a-t daiys-«iqt tire va-osm- i,iot Folk Sciirool tmo yenmams a-go, as miro ýeri maeil as Vlie inual folkr da-ace festi-ini'tr, -Vals, and reunîamna. For soma it Vot ho -ma-s V1iae fi-.Ft experience of a foik, sire-ms mi ad-bol; for otuhers mirbo had -atVterised 'Pie audit or ,or duétesi sa-dr a-ci-ola- elsemirere, ed a-nid ein IV mas an a-ppa4tuity kmr exc<ha-agyg Vhe ban expe,Àiences mltir -stirers, ands «f gain- tire Vrent la-g lnoortomandsi eceiiviuig a ne- f amulilr nemail «f inspiratior,, michr mariS an- Vire sernrc ambe ttr u e carr3t On moe emaiietI'a eio in thre da-ys ahiensi. piIt-i Tire sehol conlnpced svctivity on tien «f Vih ~1ruVday oronimg, ien thre earliy a-ad tire w \~, rvais abot flfteeli ýtuf s. suit 10ein ee-yWhel te siippo. Mlr~e arrrivaS fuomn tint S-ada-y lo- tine tirrugrrult Vie- eia-ing, oth- Cherry Il r aacaie in tire foiiowiuig mrornlang. Ais-a-LeVanat S6dlro amecain u a-maet tjon, As at 'tir-e groqup m'leethrg fl the a-ssombiy 'F :he 1-i -amfnmulialy h;ru a-s "Cherry fie pro -inl tire ?l'srf Of f tire big Raidio, Fu "-0,11mr w1-ici ira-si en antr'y cou- ta-a-k aire: roi-ted -fa-r useC aný a folk SAdIe 'bad i-ir unie -g. H-Smo, iu fronit «f a fine, nirip "Opera-tia, Storefiopac, anicua speakers ndl- anar, tu ti -desS tirh(, roar condacted ore, mi d 1s cusiin , groupa niuS carieS on- tr Da-n'ishi i an- activities. Oua cf tire mnain tapinos c-akes, Jclý tanuip mas Vire m-orts «f v-ricus -incene ni hiioola- conductesi damia-g tire pas-t lu tire sic tii-o yoairs. Tire miethod- «f opennr -a- do,,à tiom, Vie rcn'g peints anS Vie mwak Then, onles', ami Vie rslaobtnined, moir la-mn- la ail -goane ibt mmiiih Vlie puirposa cf a-a~ne maklu Vir sulloois of tie fu1tre: ma-îeS th moire affeedva, c- guide Viose mio ,,ns, aa w muid bc comdutiug folk sdlroolms for changes thre flnat tine. IV ima-s agreesi MVa-t timo Jgo mare pnibllcity lui Vie ma-y cf pic- 1 ctier, mbu, tarJes, filmns, reCpor'ta Vo imniuity f11ienss uaempaoei- a-ad -radio stton, per- asoiata neEieds Vo 'extenýd tire knulwedge a-ndYoeo tioi appredlaition «f Vioescirols. soe« 'FTire opars f Sa-tai-day foiiawed of tire fo Viepattelr of Vihe pierioni-s day. By regretted mýa-y «f varition, lan'tirle 'eroni-nos me te an enud mat lu tire beantlful, spa-clous livinlg rîi- ou«f Vire Masie- heurne, mijiere pesl1 Mca'. Ma-dsa-on (Betty) iti all cf us) ia~-ut sionîC ialfomriiy ou tire aippreclatlon Vie fuire «f bant rus s ansi -of irow meont,-i migiit oreiop t. espe-cia-llin lu ur ilomoa, in iir deccra-tiauls ud fui-a- Scapa 'a-l laimi-John ataid us '«f hiis -eaniy tire ful exîpeniences iu D3enma-rkt ansi Cian- ail loyeli' 1da- auSd cf lai ira -a-nd Betty wmied Virooe dA ad a-ad pmayos eapnMtly in pei-oar- prospect' for 1-ire day7 -wiien 'tagotirer iiiey reoai wcoald lie able Vo secure ai fa-mm bonne, tiSpUS s-ias tire'v niior posaý-as. ani Ve, -os , tabichI a -fl oicci«l fur tire ymoutrc cioc i tireur inemivy adopteSd country. Ha-incg pni< mn a-o muilach 'ta iiri lu tiroir n- asirentri V ictoria Ceunty ~La Team Larels AtýPlo, Tm',o lads frour- Vritoia Coa-at,, trO l'ou moere amauilg tire top prize m-uraieek ital' at Vhre bi- Tnternatiouali Piomirig CountY whtlrtiidi c-oncludesi Frida-y at AI,- LeRoy G< lia-ton. cetrjçi Gera-iiPoi Woodvi'llieý andS Iran agrieul,,u TIO&, Kiifli-ii, car'r'lied offth ie top jac-ta- lu uwastd lu Vthe lnter-Coquity crul-peti-Said 'hVonirmse ploin in~ so d. Tire coin- pcbtliu mas 'open te «rle Veur frese Cg( couanty. A teaur in this case GeanI two picimen mirho-se coin- iai-e It w:ý- score datemnunired tire ~ouysMark, 11, iris fatlt Foi- bh~ 'ie eonipetitioii, the' iurk, ehcy feltditis wottuId be, w'ay hi whiCh tO zAlotv theiz ýp-reCiatiOu «ý-f Canada as a reat promisce and opportun- y«'f rere1i pu ridayl Lrday eve-niInýgs, we ail werel the upper floor ofIf te barn- ùile l-a'ý mows. bat which wMi undubtediy le a gym- vhIlehriie on a flne, snrejoth rJohn . cotidutLed a n hour'sý Cf oik dncninctuding our oid favorites, trid hstro- Vo bd SmeIW uw ,ies. Neý- y, thre hours spent here ýOcousdst of about thirty asedOf tihe usuai1 sixt&y. inorning, we ai gathecred in 0roo.mi to hear Alfred Perry, wooderafitmii.-tan ami nturalist near4by conmrnndy of Cedar, %o .spikq tous on thre won- situr'e a'Omund us, as piauIits,> iand brsPrepaire for the ter aIh'ead, ard 6f how tire sator lias iide piiov7isionl ring things on tis ensith. yy previons agreementtil l' thougli reduced la n'uni- csoinie h'ad to returai homne led four or five cars and r tVo neai-by MVarkiram, to at- Thauksg'viugservie iu St. zUnited Chancir. Tire group -the auditoriumn togethier tied tire front pew-s, where under the keen eye iof thre Rev. G. A. Tiroinas, wlio ai auemrient peMiod, gave us a elcoure.At tdewconclson rvcwe receiived a further, of fdmedl uerast froin eÏubefrs of tie Cougeatio,1 den'tly tooli seriouisiy the. aadmohn mtat ouronig any visitorsVirait st. An- us a realiy friendly churcIr. iorinni, beautifulydeont iniphasizing takgiigfor, [itiful irarvest, thee auusic of ty-.sevnnImeuber dchoir, the Thian'ksgiving C sau on aJli canrbiiied fo auake this cbic, cor, ee of finlel up'if t, a greater apprecia-i ha, value of therul church, wide feilowship «f Chriaitius v aTtenoon, we met aga:in inu ail to hear Pr. Roby Kidd,j tDire&to of tirdi Canadian on! for Adulit Eua'n(ope wgnaizaiIinn!s co-npemý,ltiflg in duactioa of National F~ ®rume) wiro poke about thre ed of us, to tieh lie gave qUe and appropriate titie (A Folk Sdoo" Th-n, 'e farni hoýme -we went once herp, after t1we fne 5pirit of h'ospiality of coffee and ihn nad Betty eypressed theïr appreciatior of our iterest huand bade us good bye 1luik. outuide on tire spacfrusi thre briglht, wamm October , whicfihieidentally liad pre- hrougirhout tire past thr(e any "goo'dbyes" weire ex- -withi thlose who sucir a shýort 0werIe u'kow o sacl ut wlio now seeýnied l[ike o1i Sucli à the power of human op e"suuiiy NWiren drw by ýa comram purpose, and Jth?-e vmiable "by-7,iroducts" Wlk sdhools. In fact, itwa itirt thre sLehln' was co)iing djust as we were renlly ire- acqualiited. g z beimdtire scenas of such oalnd ipiri'gassoci-ationis, cd for lloeue, drivng tirrogh farm lands of South York, and Duriraqu, lro and- th]ùougli so failiar, n nv lu bc-nuty of t4r autumiic1oir 'r mhan vr As but a shiort ys befoire w\e tlhrilled to -, f a new ad-ven'turep and a of Mid acquahélaues, so now ecame to us te carxy sane of It and inspiration of tire )ack to miose 'wbn were sup- us hi tin ew, we The)l great, -e in r-ural *ltzahp ds Share 0wng'Match ng nlieln will enjaýy a two- Lp,ý accolnipanIied !)Y Victoria Agr4ioutturai Representative W, Brenwqr, ovan tirrough tfie Uniited States next Springý wdNvli 'take thei itô leading arai and eônservation pro- 'e le in Vs 1' Miss Ann-ie Drumniond le'wcmasie e ,uaof its ci- I h'.p-4ç,v~1 laens mien M Alerw«ki'gfor a uimber of 'vears in a Girls' Pcivate Scehool iný Toroatto, sire returned Vo Newccastl shee ie spent tire re-maider «f ber îif e. H-er ciief interast wvas within th- churc!i, anud 'inaaios l wrich sire ser-resi so faithifully will long f mi tireinfluenceO«f lier beau tliful 'Christianucira-ater-. H er- oesuvnu relatives are one ui nece, Miss Ethel ]Drummrionsiof Toroernto, tno nepirers. Arufiur Druni- mo«f 0101noneud KennetirDrain., mýýoud of Taronto, a-ad « ne g-,,rid- nephew Alex. R, Di-rnriond of Omrono. The funera'l service mwas coducted by lier rini,,jter, Rev. T-urner, lu N csteUiited Chnr)ch, a-ad iiter- ment wa-s rade in- Bond Headi Cene- The palibearers wiere Mesur Wi'l Baai, ebet acock, Haivre Brionl, Fred Bliackburýn, Parry J'ose and Howard AllUn. W.C.T.U. MEETING 'Pie regular mein of Vire We uren's Chluistian Teimperauce Uni-oui iras holis on Tnesiay, l7ti, at Vireý iroýne 'Cf Miss SirenivlNn (Centre St.). The presidenit opoireS tire meeting ,Irlhti -iigiug irytun1152 ansi Mrs. Ly- cefit rea-sitire 23rsi psalur,. Mrs.Key gýave a splendidd çerctionfil.bin-- hem remnaria «n' tiia- sephirid 'palim. 'Ph-e roc almas nsponded by six- teen uremibers. The 7miutes «f Vire former meeting more rond ami ap pro-veS. Tire ifercu on omies ail repnctesi ou tire geli modal couýttOt, ans ii \vma-sdefýnîitel'y decideasi Vo lid sai-me 'on tire Z7tir«f October-. Tire. ei-rspondng Socretary rend a- carS «f tirnka- froni a former nmeuar M-ns'. P. Prýomu «nf Colborne. - Mr. Sirmin spolke worýds «f en- couma-geniunitinlua moi-y Ifeaoairesa, an-s mis'irg tire Uion eontuedj stegtranS support. Tirere mas aý s lenid 'oi"'Sa-vey iby a H-yma"n rýend by tire pence zsapein-tenýdt, Mrou.Kell. 7Mfrs. Jackso)n playes semerai a umbera on tie tccordeon ansi gava an euncre. Tirh rsn e lsai a- discussion on a- nimiber «f <die' resolution-s andi plan of woim f rouir heeconvention. Alter singing hynin 168 tire tigciosesid m,,itir pra-yer by Mr. ShIei-ira. Preshyterial YI.MS. Te II.Id Fail RaIIy Octeber 25, 26ý Tire Autuini Rnlily cf tireWeser Section of Osfia-maPrsytiiWo manWs Misaiouary Society «,f tira Unitesi Chai c f Caniada vmidi ire irelsi lu Mi-VIe 1UniVesi Ciurch 0on Wodnes- day, OGttober 25. Tire AtuuRily of tire Eastemi Section i lie ireld la Muphe Graveý UitedCl hanýcir Tnrsýday, October 26ý. 'Pie -rnag Session miiopen milir registraltioni at 9.15 a-.i. 'Pire guemt sekrmiii be -Mis-s Susa Snyth cf Torouito. Miss S'<his a UniteSf Ciri-ch mo ikr moug , Newr Ca-an- siens lu Toroute. Dimiaer willir c-Slerresi ytire Myrl-- Vie, wco-nien fer tireWetr Section a-id by tire Maqle Grvev wofnien 'Vo tire Buatera etin Afternoonsesos ii'pnaV 130 p.m. mwiti Mrs. M. Aubr'ey Laove of Tfononto as guesit speaker. IMrs Love m as throform-erseetay« Cirniziiann Stcowavirdship on tire'Do- unnion- Boa-rd. Ciosing exorcises about .45p.m Aliro 'are interestcinluW, M. S. vork siroulsi try Vo attend boîth ses- isions as an iuitereisti-ag ansi iiospiriing dia-y is lu store for -ereryoue.- Last weekc a ptate grýowin by Reg. Pllliott t«f Reudal, ma-sbo'gr tî the office. 'Pila- monstrous tuber mo.a.sures inlches -in egtirand 6 in- 'ires in misitir, witl a wighrt 'of 3 i-bs 6 ounuces. Ou cuttlng the potito fper lha-s a vriy srnra-lcavivty la tire cen- tre. rg Man Elected President 0f Teachers PICVS. Otherï oficers frf flrst ice-presidelit,Pec Ohwvice presiden,t Hl. byý, «f Port HopeC, andi treaure, GodonEllioýtt M\ore tiran'120' seconidary shool te ien fonihigi s.ch(oois viti-iu tire ui-ea - Ottavoa rirer on the no'ir, bake out n u Ve soutli, W'A7hitlby on tir, e.wet and Coîbor-ne on) the -> ad--tned wnyegr teachis fr-oi PCVS woe'e presentf. Threli{on. HIarold Scoytit, inVoiiter' of bands ami Forests, - xas tire guest s4peakçerý at thir non dinnerr held ina tire o'semelf Georige Street Unitedi Chin'tcli. Mlr. S'toucttw mas iatrad,(uecd by Prcpi C. S. Br-owue «f PCVS -ad tiraukesi by Principal A. E. '- Neill iof Osibuawa Coi'iecgiate and Vo- c-ationa] 'Sr'rool. -Mr. Seott toid of the 'efrfots beinmg ma-de by iris depart- m'eniinlatire conserv-ýation' «f wild 1 f e, ilslirandi fôrests. GI. Wilson Gra-w, a lireniber- of tire Boa-rd of Eý'duciatioii, ibrougirit g-reet- ings fr-onu Vie Poteriboroug1 iBa-. V. R. Heniry, piryses tea"cher e t PCVS, was ominatesi by tire dis- trict for- eleotion te tire board of w- Retendering For Construction Work On Milison Bridge Mrs. J. R. Flutcher Speaks At Copenhagen Confeirenice (The auùhur «of Chese articles, Mrs. J. R. Plutcher, of St. Toiaac- coinpanied the Canadia- nmemnbers of the Wom)en'ýs Inistijtute on a, tnp .t10 G o.e m h a g e q ig th e r e- th e y iha v e b e e iî a~ttending ttienniial conventiun of bJh, A s ocia ted C o uiitry w-omien of the Worl-d. She is president of the Fed- eration of Womenýi's Istitutes of Oit- brio, and! this series of articies i -written to keep 4the menibers ofth W. 1, and ail int'esitedinformned of the ghihs iof fblhe trip(. Monday, Sept. lLth. Thnle coniference gets down to busi- «es ti morninig, meeting where the Danisih ParIiami-iit assembies. Stan- dards liearinjg the naies of al the countrie5s represented show eacli dele- ,gatiou wihere to sit. Lots were ýdrawn f or position and uri-FýiotnuteIy Canaida draws' the back of the ioom. But the loud speaker systeii-1i k excel- lent, and as we sit on ai raised plat- form ut the baeli, our position ks much better tha.--n we had hoped. ,Mrs. Sayre's report is excellent- aklowîng the wvisdomi of the deiegaites Ïn 1,47, in naing a wovýnran of sucli x)tqtanding ability aMd personai ap- peal as president of ouir interniation- al oraFUto. 'ljust ,give a few ol lier stqbemients:ý 1tasit week thre Clanke TowËslirip Counil nîet fo)r tire openin'g of ten- delm cablied for the construction of tire new Milisa;n bridgeP. On thecls ing date of the tendrso, y'«e'rd been received. Thiis iteuderý was, not accepted for tire councli w-ere unallimmous ii their opjnîon that It wa-s too higli. Prevîons figures for the coýnstruction a-nd fil for, tis bridge lad been Set fro'm -$5,l00 to aroui $6,500. If tire ten- der had 'been acepted tire ceat Vo tire township for hilswork w-ouid ha-ve heen be-tweeni $8,000 and $9,0100. New teniders are ibein'g abi'ed for the cosruto'f tire bridge ai. thlese are Vo close oil Oecber 3lG ti.I ira-s been e-.ýpressed tirat if work ceuld ire started linthe ea-niy parit of Nv emiber thre coiipiýetio-n of'tire bridgeýP wauld be ýpossib-le Vhis year. Large Congregatièons Attend Thank-Oflering Services Parlk Streeit United Churcir held ita- Tha-ak orieiugil ser-vices at il a.m.- Oioncr, on Sunday, Oeto{he&r t5tir. and 7.00 p.m.Inuthe TwshpHall, Thre i-a-l as Pa neoessity for Vthe tiro services as the cong-regation and oerfiieiids turned out iu ea-pacity mnilers Vo offer treir birank-s a!,d etreepons of thre Ounsario iea-cner 1,"Our prnry aini bas a-lways ta listen VoaVire guestis,'peaker ou Fedara-ion DeegatVo tire ana-ual beon, and Vtill is, so prmoite andi speiciai occasion, tire Rer. J. K. 11 coanention' «if tIire OSSTF in Toroato niaiintiiin frendly a-ad heipfni rein.- during the Obiiistma'is hilidays will bee Mous lietween cRunitrymoinrn's a-ad (Continuesi on page four) R. A. Paiterson of- lindsa-y ami MISs Iomeinaker's orga-izatio«f ail na- Siroppard «f Feurei«n Filis. iionis. 2. 1 sense a neir awarness res;oitiions of policy andi constitut -tirva-thie 'ttiuatrywamafiinn no longer wci-e acted upont durnag 'tire uroni Dwtn'tie aaemuoonsessio G. Ires aunisolaited 11f , but tirat sire L, Robens of Osirawa spake on tire las, luntrutir, becone a citzen a ir esioS. tencirers' part lutire neir curriculuinm orid. 3. A.C.W.W. muat lbe rea i We pent «fl du,-y Tiuesday lu- c, cominittees set up 'by tde Departimnt .-noV oulny 'Vo ce «perate but t»1girel mittee ureoetiags. The confeence -'d hdùeiatioýn.flIe mas cfowee4 by Iead(.irdbip tot'lir e ri11ni , 4f- b~iteSAw a ito ,tire fieldsocseeetary of Vie OSSTF, Ir- tryw"naun s associations in ee myiit e-stV sinipliy tie work «-f ~-iieM.Roi, ir soke blelyonpaét «f tire werid. 4. Wirat ibd a ouferuc nl plenary session.- tire p.resent salarystuati, n "larat do me reialiy m-attaVofirat dïty as o e eet 'a-'irlu t'lie piesentAreawe antuation.n!aAtiouwfornaCi-. and IMrs. Bosanfuet, one '«f tire - tion- uhire interniational feli or are1 presiýzdents from Enmgllaind, wýas CiAS KenalWis uran Cuny e ta lre'a cleaiug house for discus Thinfie poli'cy Linniitteýe started Kenalcon Duranm onlySion eand excirnge of 'opinion' ansi business from a tenta ie agenda Baseali hainienlii nutalrep ? 5F Ido mot belleve can't wary you with -,adetaîlesi BaealCam in ountryw-ý)n-ieu ecau be very effective count «of suàn leie-, inbuldngapoia- eful if Goy tions, aioudneats, etc.A- y'sgg Tire flrt Weduecsda-y lu October, a isol' e theuiselmes fron tire blood- Hon noade bïy any canan'itee ni brighritinlppy autunin day, sa-w Ken- >itreani of international 1fs1fe I be- come heflore tire nilole conifereuce d'ai wiutire Rural Bes<bal1 Chanst- vlie wosr of tih cerce approval. If'thiero is any ma piousbip frou Beoany. A cro , w-l'l bpecarild n Patiently co- Change in pnlicy I rrill gre iV Vo wMoit flMed Vire blcai'orýs ansi extend- s',cientionsly, co-opera-ti y, 4ciieora- at that htine. ILtmas n privi'le ePd far ont aong ti foul linops, fihiesid tica l-. 1I eliere yen wmill al a-ct i-e hear a probleni or- a suggestion( tire Nhaastlal park 'wtr a sus; solutely and coura-gensly upn i e cusa-s bv wa nfrni n 1a-ny Co taiued chorus «f cheers and chatter issues maror rem ust ia-kochoWcs resmd aysifeotatt frnithtirfnat, Pia-y a-'l i ic re 4. Ou-r presidemtjust st-atedinu e- sud ideas drnedonvra l'ast, BaVersOut"! mse rli,'A conMi-wo nie o-t speak Englislir nra n uh n ip Ausi we'lltirey inigmt. Tls cmas no i- rl eor, ~. a-t a-ttonenitsmremade la ori prof- ilyt"ýýling lii,- ar ire hw ave tire respou'silblity 'o f nmakhngit t td bo r(iila1,i pofesinii 'iciiu delorslg-ku n aVoU ted Natios tie postin s tmasiatio-nVre euis glngcontet, mire emechaicmal Mon 'vk u ateswih'okU itDnsiFeirGernNwe goe tirugir tior mame-flue m-esiNations is daig"5. Our pi-es- nos. ese wcour t «f arers, identfui-tirer states "Ever.y noir de Oui-Caailnlegation iro'd magetcd by ck ontrs xio ook sveopinient inwoîdCondit'oas ra-s its mith ir anvitation bu fime 'd'ctock daimtcidusi wokaus, wr« ookperils, but it also ia lus foaiseTt s i, -nazing hom GOntario pe- tmni 'ut ot pla-y tire gamte tiey '-r- 6 teWe eXist as-a-n orgalizatian to- tam aRp everymiere we go. 1 -ir esi. Like (Ga-uli, enclirilde seemesi to siyansime ira-ve o morain luence homne- cOn t 0il issMa-ae H- be di-vides inlto tirree parts. 'Phare teca-use me béel-eve iu equality, lu mu- maua. f'oneriv cf (lancere,miro wmreable'ten-aers. w<irofoughlt tuai -hop andsinlulibety for ail. '7. Iunuxicus 'Vo boa-r ail 'sirecouldi af andi usua-ly conquores tire ball erery- tegiest mr elaese aalrpr fVewrd tume it a-me tirur ay; prmne bail andmeke nations tmanpled upon players. who playosi a stiea-dy an -adwi provocation-. As ionien me a-iel Homtihempeopieneuja tnik un seugamme; and iemn past tiroir terribly inliterestes inlu eiag tiriat tir-a-s'enoouof oini-oie. Mr. rd i basebalilprime wiiro more tVian'ma-de si-ces net happua ugain. 8. Lote oCret meUcmmsius %% up Chti heads andsherots for what jtake 'a- sting stand lu- support «f tir eaot -ommes f rcoma 'Straitord fan direy iacfresi Anarna or ieg. i UnitesNaVra.Ldt us rea-'ly 'mens- Ha is Vie clirarg d'uff aires, N-t fte sa-ytiroir was nre 'sci-auco'. mue ip tic our interna- oianl est- tus VmAister is any. Bonti're a-nd B'>ot- te<a-ms -movr mna-gesiansi 1 is' ir a fi-m confisiencei tie fu- mife a-e gadua-es 'of Qur'. 1oo 1ir11)y 'ageymutera-ns of nman'ytue ir-tI more tire accentiaceof iras 'heen mwith ie legatien for a a, la-sbai ar. Tre'y ha-s i'be, or tins urgoncy i-esc- oWin- r. J. E.pimentis. thh'ey mai't lia-me been cirampions Hoack, la secoadiug, spoke ablia-s T h mna eias of tfirir -esetie aogues.TtV"w1-s sie days does, l0 support. l11i-unreou "ireGom t yworai an'liTmr'del-ihtoamatch t4irefri n "h( Cuty, si aneysd cou Vier strategy. Tirere Wiren you cast yoar - mmd orer Deiy. Repementa-tives fiuni var mer e tie steal off'sst bv 'tir- pitcho-ut; Vie ci.unitries represeutesi at ioeCon-1 cointiers me.e on tire piattamni tire Sacrifice omtems y nVilflelsi; ference ansi mien yeu toeanze tira-ttire a-adiea-ce couisi asic quvri aii tie doub-Ile steal wîdthtie -ail ail Viese Ceutties are mot lu a-gire-, about living eondh<io a su uas - bnnrvod bck tic tire late 'bv a well- nient as VoUitesi Nations poiicy, ing, electr iyI , uniug mater, dn1illesikd soecomblunation Vo Vag ye-n mii ali re e otype of discus's'ouansi donesitic ie'ipý w1iat eor tire nanafrnitfiii. Higirly signif- tint tecok place. But oui- rosointion atioi-oslatrvi-ing tedo - pro aistir-ofa-tIirata-o fuw ffthefts -was sus ies imii a lairge nm'ajOrity o f Co'uin, ymonieu n lessen ' iremo 'ateRpte tasi aiit bssuc- -a fem rltiagninst ansi a f em ab- brensirosf aimri ca-oqa ceedes in aamateur boila oua-m.staiasifrnni mting, minciràivViir Tt a averm-ieosigeven'îg to'mîa-ry for ruanon's Vo tal-e secon-d priviiege at t'iis couference. Otirer mWas vèry a l chiared ly iy ýs.S aud soureitimehrs thlrd, am t a- mii ___________________________________ Rut nol -gin sp oe ensTiere it- Irmamos ha-si the il le whi-tse, t!pell T triC cherskn h unrsfoe;'lT R Fepone TC.~n oncert~ lot amaiting at Second lo einase hiose mio daresi. it mas a- tigli , defen ime gaine, rn- spte 'cf tir earris. Tufta -f grass H s e s S c n M sc aindi oter osrcinaade t1ire in- fees'ta-sica nirstqna-eo. etia-ny su raS urot. Tirrpea successive Asisnrnny famounable comminenta nig tuc eei s tfire tn fi ,.11t ailoApte , 1 ereracived 1hv ithe CO'rno a nd for' er neeüioto f tireniaea Nlof- thiri f irsn pei concert la Oron-o dur season iV Irais leen de sy 'ftire ie concert e, ~ia-~i- yr~u. -,~. ~ W ~ ~ M Durham County Well Repre- 9-re colas