SEPT. 1950 j2,61p-540 i v H <~ t F L f- I. v t 5 r / BUT-in addition to this tremiendous growth, the recent step-up in industrial activity due to defence rearmament contracts lias brought about a sharp inicrease in the use of electricity. In the past few weeks the maximum primary demand in Southern Ontario lias been as mucli as 400,000 horsepower (298,000 kilowatts) higlier than a year a. . .. an increase 5 times greater than the long term average rate of growith. For this reasoni your Hydro urges e.veryone to- co-operate in the con- servation of electricitY. ~t u» AVIDWASTING ELECRICTf~ THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION O ONTARIO -- m -,-*~ - Cainned Coods" Sale - We are selling- Peas, Tomnatoe.s, Corn, Beans, Prk & Beans, Salmon, etc., by the ~4I9LE1 ~ case lots at MXONEY SIAVING PRICES. e Compare Prices To-day. Kleenex, flat, chu.bby, 2 for ..... 35 c, Men's size............ 29. EDDY'S SILENT 3 Boxes Matches ............ ....... 25c. 310TRER JACKSON'S Bor, 'Poppiug Corn, guaranteed to pop. 25c. PIE-READY 20-oz. Tins Pie Filers Cherry 39c. Apple 21c- Blueberry, 36e. MEDIUM SIZED Waxed Turnips LAR.GE TENDER Celery ...... ICEBURG Lettuce, crisp Each l'oc. 2 for 19C. 2 for 19C. QUALITY.MEATS ULOWER PRICES it Bla- ickens, ,r lb. 55C The Red & White Store Nucua NMargarine, lb ....,..35C CANADIAN 01LD WHIITE Lb. Cheese -- Special ........45c. iMcCORMICK'S GOLDEN Lb. Pkg Fig Bars .................. GENUINE SCOTCHI Kippered 1Herring YELLOW LABEL Mother Parker's Tea Win a New Mfeteor Car 45c. 12L b. QUALITY Broois-5-string, ried. wt... $1-39 5-string, heavy dulty,, $.95 LIBBY'S Ljarg-e 28-oz. Tin Fruit Cocktail ............. ý.. 46e. The Finest on ftbe mark-et - contains Peaches Pears, Grapes, Pineapple, and Cherries The Economhi;c Wizard Wi and Efficient Deojdorizer Boýtile k *.,.......45c. thnuevesis year and are previd __________________________________ ing two sets c f bloomîiis in a seusen.- M rs. RU;sseli Marfjor bas li berwî ndow s3Uichl a plant w i nmcx in perifect '-1>U fucl blco lo for thie second tfime thiis Tf veac r, Atls i arend cxid-suiner Mcrs. IYA R i El R I G 'S Pranok Peate biad on disi)p-in Eas;- ter lily whlieih sfavou]'llng its owner. with eight blooins forI its bnmn fi e0' 9 ~~ TO r, ACTIVITIES Frîd&. cteer 11hwoud, in the, inicd' ofthoewo lean toadsaCail for a dress that's comfor-table suievaitiousouloo, b a eryunel!as fashioni-sma.rt. ilere it sfOxfoi lucy ayo. 1{eweiver, Muon . Rsse til grey wool jersey, carefulflyacetdw Majo s clledon hy te Cowni'h trim, Dolman sileeves ..sim skirtt tin ofCrn Brand Cern S-,,um-Also in gren beige and cocoa brown. whioh she ind laer kiLcheni. Fo:.________________ haviimg tis ;;purchasei heï brneshe reeied redft forw d-fved-Faho bl hars ,, wobc rcre Theoyu biAd be(n i, hasdfrm tbe l1oca-l M.. Fur Trimmed Coats Red und white ~I' UUJU U ~td. hurli"lichi hei onSun t.t, T'SLONG MWEARING dayOtue 22nd, at ') und 7 30 p.m. Thv eau here wmliii e tespeaikers, t. It's theceat )ou wanlt-b)ecalse îrwo lny preai,,cherýs frinOscaw wb yunow yontiI ,always look yomr are d in g a rnagnifieenit job f~bs n twI ieynmn -1, bgofusu-ncessesidL iliwcg thee week and n6 n gd uýiiýn, th e w e ek a n dh a p p y se a so n s o f w e a r. S e e o u r n e w preaching on Sunday. At 3 P.1. Mu. Steiphen S'uy' wvho is in ciarge of the Myrti,Rag an and NoiirtibOshawa appoitmni, wiTl e:ond3u4ctthe services.At3.0 it _________ wih11 'hýe Mr. Jas. Young-, wlio held the I re licarge of Manchester and AYLMER UYork Fancy Quality Tom ato Puospekt unjaith ~e pressure of husi- CHOI1CEq Juice, 48-oz. tin ...... 25c, nesis forcedi bhu to culitasi smwbt WA does-agritds of sujpply -work. M N il, the a fternoon the Kiuby choir 2 20-oz. tins bis peal R cthe ide, buthileBEANth evenin- the Nemovastie chujréh choir ou M bus heên nvited. wmý% CARD F THNKS y COCabbage - Wax Thrnips The Board ocf Stewards of Park St. NEILSON'S Pas1, United Churchi extend their sincere CTJOCOLATE Cabrîs Tmte a ppuediation to Clarke Township B R M"unicip l Conncicl for the use cif the Bu keAR S -O ts 5 1 ý a ll'1 fou our- Thank-offe-ing services Q ak rR4ld for 5I~ a on Sundcay, Oc0tober 15ti aise -,tcRev. 4 f rfor ...... ..... ..... , 3 JT. K. Moffat of Sim-icoe Street United CbuiucbOshawafor txvo vo7try iirjj)j- 2 5 ih' akBonBa igmecae;te the Wocmen 's Aux-1 bysDr 1ronBa , iliary and Mu. Porter fou deCocýa-ý 0'.ti .......-1 tiens te thehll(, anid choir for valu-,~ Oo5tn...... able sevce endered, and te ou R ED ROSE f-A,1ZE lar1ge fa1mly, tlihe Coigregation. for, the msniicn fncial 1supprt gi- ,.u-qrA luAG S 1.552 en te treasiir TtIlwus n grand ci»sz $1 veuy gnitefpi ltreasurer, W. J. Rid- L#furH9dro fis grow n9 fast - but ln 10 years your Hydro bas increased the power supply to Southero Ontario by 9 52,940 horsepower, over twice the combinied power' require.ments of the cities of Windsor, Lon don, Hamilton, Peterboroughi, Kingston and Ottawa. and there will be more power within the next few months. Ontario's growth lias been am.azing. Since 1947 the population has increased by 323,000, over 70,000 new homes have been construîcted, approximiately 700 new iîndustries have been establish£id and the value of production lias risen an estimated 1½ billion dollars, 88,541 new nural consumiers have been supplied with -Hydro and the value of agri- cultural production lias increased by somne 400 miilliont dollars . .. ail of whîch called for power in greater quantities than at, an-y 'Previous timae. Mrs. C. L. Pew;ers 1 viFitingMr andl Mrs. Roy Powers in Toîionto. Mr.Wiliyr Henr-y, Newmnarke't, visetd -Miss M'abe4I Davy. -Miss L&ns Dean has coirnpieted lieri nqlursing conurs-e and bas successfully , passed cher examlnatmions. M r. aýn d Mis. Leslie Webb, and Mi. Johni Fraser of Ottawa, visited irM. and _Mrs. Edwc,,ard Mii41son. j Mr. ind Ms.J, 11 Br~own visited witb Ms Br)wn's niece. IM sAC Coulter (,f Ailiston. Dr. and 1M1s. J y Lsle.Ptr borougihi11-. speint the week-end witb j Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddoll. 1 Mr'. arvd Mrs. Lewis Burnett Port Perry, spenit Sunday with Mr. and lm-,s",W. Burniitt. Mfr. and Mrs. Allison)i Cowan spent the wveek-end wirthMr and Mrs. T. 1 Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Dans Founid are tbis wýeek enjocying a Vacto, ouig' through the United States. Mr. and Mus. Roy Beatty of Tror, onito. spent Suniday with Mrs. lloward Walsb. Mf14 'red Ware of Vancouver. speii the week-end witb Messrs. J. E. and W. E. Armstrong. Mr-s. Adamis. rnohet (si;Mes. J. L. H. BrowýNn (fonmiýerly of Orono. passed awy t ber homein Omeniee on MxI. and Mrs. George Armistrong Sof Ti-iminrs, spent Ist week visiiting with ýthe formner's- parents. Mr. -and Wrs.J1.E. Armstrong. Mvs. George Mitchell and f amrily have acudveýd horee(. frrn EngIand af ter spendig several mionthis vacation tbere with relatives. Oron(o Public Eud Cniuto Sých«o'I teachers atended the mieeting cf CMaruke Towship Tenchers' Feder j tion , at Lake Shore Sh(l nTues- day. 1Saturday lnst waýs Nnvy Tag Dany lai Orüno. The Oirao Girl Guides !wvere out brighit nnd eau-ly. and when thCe day xwas over, reauized tie tidy oun f $8 Mu. and Mr.s. Waclrteu, Altion andi 1 on Fraink, Miss Elmilua Alton and Mr. Rusel Alîo f Luckneiiw.and Mr. en4l iten c)f Whighamn spent thewek-ndwith Dr. and Ms.W. ;W. Sherwin aind Mrs. 1, Reid. j Dilanne Pbasýey. vIhIIe ut sho on TuIeSday laSt. feR whvIile playing and b èreesn bone li one cF hem anmc. $ he waIs tiaken te Boewmanville for. . niX ruy a t e beýne set. She re- tc hng.niouT