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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1950, p. 3

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jbe world' hayweihtboin clhamp)iou shulde a xluau. -'Xhy otagoria" bhe-moitnlua French a grizzy bear-" Such a atc oudbe no mr txvCý1 nman anld !bast in the paît. MAS one of the lcadng contenues for theb rdhaye gtboXîn chamionhipandwhotrained eou beeCýr and cigarsý, oniCe agrced to fight an 1oupusin qa tank ýof water. Som-ebody niaagcdto ie box-ing' gl[oves po to rthe creatture s iten- taýcles, and with th!ese xv ial rouind im iTony fou h is iveird oýpp)Ouenit Ixtil thle octopus got an- aoyd auried -to encircle theç boxcer's body w-iLh four teuitacles atonce, 'brcp n Tny ~trd M fost sensational mian vrss beast contestfMas tat bten strong-inau ugn Sanidow and a 500 lb, lion. Tis took Place about 30 years ago at San Franisco, and Sandow liu 1e inaliaged tu get a bear.- Kug on theClion qucgg inlu a grip from wb0ich there was Ino ece.Then he flunig it down and stood with biis back twadsit. Thle 'lion spr.aug. Sandlow seîzed it in id-air anid fhlg it Jl'er bis hcrad. After that the lion had had cn1on1gh and rCfusýed to figbtau more. !l . 1898 anothçer stronig mn ýLuis Cyr, acccpited an oýffer of four thorouighbred hor-ýs s rom the Duke of WtVmnster ifbecold hod two, cf tbem at a standstill, une onl euch ami. PnlUng '11d straiuîing in oppo- site direçtions witb St. Cyr in the mniddlc, fthe horses did ulot monve end St. Cyr as declarcdthe wîn- Hesent ithe four fthorolighibreds to Cnaawbrcthy ee used( ta orm alirpove tan inMyaran indiail vrestler, RaniKasat, tried '..0tic kojin thetrn of a bull eehn for wgrOf ten thous'and rupe1Des. AÀ stoekýade wqas buit rund ith epbants body.lavig nMy bis head and trunlc re but aýfter teni miue'grutelli0g struLggle the 1eephaut's trtunk 9almost tied a kulot ini Rani sa h had to be Mecued adti spm Reading This May ~Save A Uîfe If you have youngsters, youil know ,,how the maxiii ithis story f uit. This ýnci4ncit rca1ly happened just as it'S told here by a safety specait "Hi-f, Jmm! iTedt How're my oys?» Fank ers called -from the tractor as. be1,e utar tle Machhie shedt "Canli 4c"eie he-er D Ted and frve-yemr-ld .1 i, "Nope, too dangerous,' ýianswered1 their dad à>s îthe -matcor stopped. Sut yon can it ounit While f get "Ale frst! cicd both boys in unin immy imade it first 1by c1im1biu]g tuf one side asFrn itumrped oüfî the other, _Mr, Peters wci'nt into the shcd to ceck the7 ýcoru piclçer. soon hie ws ngrossed' îin bis work :as the boys went on wý1ih thir paig Jimmy was etonmdcdeondte tr-actor, seat, wor>king the steering whcel-baCk audc fotb. "Chn1g,cng chug! sHee1 corne! "Let mle oný, tool" cricd Teddy. I wna drive tbe(tractor!" "Aw, 3yon're tloo ynngj1nswer- cd Jimy. "owlook ont! 'ui, uellyj11 going ta start itY" Jimmytouchd thestarter bt Theié starter hiummned, thie trac- tor lurched forward, both Jimmy and Teddy cried out ini terror. Frank came runing from the chop. Wihfear iin his heamt, Frank1 piýcked Teddy i)pfrom where hie THINGS TO MAKEc- for w Dustinig mitts and apron. O -hrdyard ofCT n'sclatis makes a pair of haudy, wasisable dnlsting nlitts. Ilefre ning thLle clotis, LtîtCh twi"ce alollg one cngth- otit, onle inlci frorn ced'ge. Puli sever'al rows" of colored cotton yaàru' thiýOongh jnst Pahove this ttcig Todo ibis, joi'tise onecoloc7d yauletigtli to a mionk's cî1o t'a thrc:ad; tiscu- puillnitt thread, and yan iýllslidc itoPlace. Wiscu tise triri is in, f rinige its clotlis dge to the stitciing. This makes ise lower egof de cdustin mts Now, fuld one eud iii 8iincises and taearonnd bud, ýwîtis littie flý-. -er- sîde resting alonig tbe fold. Cnut ont, allow'ilg V-ui em Sýtitch cnt edges thrCec tiesTura ri'ght side ont; emlbroîder.Fo'loýw tcsaesteps for. tise other dns'tillg putt. Dsigapron' i ade from l 4 yr'Df l molk'cl-tiUsinig thse sam.1e methiod off iuscrtljng co-)lorcd yarn trim, d&W 12 rws of trim, starîiug 1 icis above nue scîvage cdge. Tarn selvage' Up and sttci it. owfol bottom ,1 r.forMing an 8-inich p)ckýet. (Tis rinlgs yaru trirn to middle of aproný skirt). Di- iîde pockct jutao 4 hanidy sections for- dus1tiuig mtrasby stitchling ýdowu nat equýal initcrvals. At waist- ba-ud, add as 1muLch yard trimas To farm bib, ct i ii on lboi sies of apron 8 odces and up 13 inciesi ahove waietlne. Sew top e'¶ge ta, keep bron, raveliug ud draw bauds of colored~ yarn %orugh 2 incises below edge Ttuplain 'baud unmder for top da-'ru CasàCýsg. Scw itwiêearèniid v-otside ,f ia,ý lb aud finge fimes to esticig se Débraid ofý t'ise collored yr for thec twa drawstrings. l"right foribe rplc fun oen tise trce, this gay sto)ckiýng i5 ct w ith pinkig she'ýars &fom i yard of grceen felt, Before stitcising the sock pie-es togetser, ct audsew Ou. diagona'lly 2 yaruds ot bal fr-inge for trîim. Sew a iniall, felt tais at thie uppei- corner of th-e 2stockïig for baniginig itounautle or tree-, 1BPrlap Place mats. $'mart's tise wýord oreay-o sualce burlap niatstmdwts a -ctaïllC Cord, Each requlires a bur- Àlap piece of yonir favor,.itema2t size. St.jtci lou01g tise a ides ainhfroi edgc. Weave bands of etllCcord inside this stitcislng. ]Do 'this by tying tise mtlecord ta lburlap0 straud; thu!s when the burlap strand i'; puIIlledOnt the uitalliC cord is dlrawu ju ita place. FTrinlge edges ta stitChiu-g. Finlish t!Op aund bttomr edgeS by tùiuiilg l/ inCfhcs unlder Sauta elipper. Hlere's a gifsta estnffd w itb cauisMA dtoyfo a young mau's diitChristmasnouigBei by tracinig tise cid ooupape for sole patterui. Acdd ý :incis aIl arotnud for seamaud cnllCt a pair of soles from grevCu flMa-ke cacis cdf cîtis oot top) abouit 7lchIes higý- is ad a bit more tha twice the cuoîgtîis0o, the Sole. Fold this, piýce ilhîfcrosswise Sandiae boot vit, iukIiuIg she-ars. Stitchi bout frontý , tci]u turuin side ouit ta sec boot top ta sole. Tumu again adadgreen IItilruover baud anid a arwtab ta top. Atbc point, ttison w'bitc fcheart Ciothespin bag. Cttwo2-icss!ua-res aIfabric oia-Ia I;t(Stivg color). Stitcti thee iiti rihtsides tagethecr, leav- iug juit euongh sace for, tnrning iright S(Ie o-Lit. Hn-lihop)eni- inig aftcr tmiug. At cacis coner, sew on a, 9-iuicb tic made of ance of tke twuc-f ab)r i c S. B 0w -ieisfIe Se mockIsok Louge ilippers. One-haîf yard of tickàIgmas t heseclýever aud caior tale " i."Cnt a piecce ai tickîug 24x lches. Fold inu halif rws (fold wîll be slipper -back, No,)'v hligmaiterial with folded edge. towamdyou, ncasure 7 inchles aisove thse fod aloug tbe ight-haud edgeý and cnt straiht toward center for 5 inchers hape toc fronithis point towamd uýppeýr left-hland covnuer, Scw toc ectinogethier ou wroug sidct. Swta witiu '/2 incis of srih pat o umu slipper top dolw-a. anldhe on the wruSide; fnish~ ise cdges of tise pCinlg, toc. Maebuttonhlole ou mcci sidc, afloeriipper apeing. Cnt soles fro etr tckiuIg tu fit foot (aver- age i5 10 ices.Stitch lippe1t sole on mdgside, tumu aud press wihbot irn. ake tics- forsipr isy ismntmiAp of tikin 12' juches ou'g, 2 lces wide. Sipi tirois buttonholes ialdttie, Vaniy CA2'e rectasgup oru a sîze tuat 'AUllacom.- modüate . yotrFfavoritelptikanid compac. Pecorate ane ,wïth color- f\i!felt ctaniedgedI bypik theiesAYalioig a V4-inisSeaI.ý Dîvdeie mcase by doublesithig frn op apeu-itig ta bottÈomý edge, thýus s-naýkiu-g a comipartmnent for compiact atsd aone for ipstick, Chocds purse. A "ctie"a litiegirl will lQove ta carry treaàsures ilu. Gut i fà fet it îh -pinIu-Ig shears. Cut two red IbeaIrti aftlise size you iishl an-d a green icîet strip 2aS wdas you like, but lonig ena)ugli ta go aronnd the bearts.Cnt a second green strp of similar width, but of aUlegthOtaill go just across tise tpopfailiselisearts.Frtlise- isae, cnt a third green strip (thé ssonld be ai a w(idth tisat car, be danbled)', Thecn tld tlise ihauçdîe Ud Ou anc hcart, LUnditi a brght flower-, ctfom its of contraSting flt, Tiscu, statig at tise Iseart pont, ew ise lougest grec-sti amand ise heart, As yo itcéis rudtise top, slip oue eund ai fiish disaudlh;Ieein between har and geen stoi,. Stith tie shortgren strip acsi the top ai tise seconld eant, slipp;iug tisecour endofd ie bandle lu as you Isew. Now sCew isearts togetisen, vioctigreen strips betweeu tseni. Thle long green'_ strip silould be on1 tise outside. Stamting at least '4 incis above Point where green saripsOver- lap> stitcisau tise way amauud ta; tie sue puoinodtseopposiesdu.1 TSe overlap of tise grecu strip ulonmffise opeuiiug for tisepurse top). Make' buttonhl-ole in top ceuter of outlie green stip and sswvsmaIll red buitton tabinside strip. ýeasauIt slip-pers. For your pattern, laid a sheet jfpaper 8X11 incises in hail, e- 'wise-. Witi fold towý-,ard you, ark ea rcagle 1 incis above laIld and 5' incises frons rigil-ba'nd side Lut ont tdis rectangle as-d yau have * shped iliper isak m and is.Tise uculenoafise ld is big-toe- SPut paper VnStociug fo ot -and p resit, ta foor 'arond utlïise 0f foot. Trace aound foot Ai a peu- 'cil. Fold puper agýaiylnon rina féid. Cut aloug pencied outtie aif ~sie shoing widest mark. lace - 0.1 d ie abie Ifox m3sg an er ý'iclIssea'n ý 1,allw s eSew' back-,ean ai -d inding to ail edges. For sole, trace around foot on ariod.Caver ibis ea-rdb)oard sale witis slipper fabejic and !hinId.Top- stitcb bindiuig ai slippen tzop ta soIe. Ebodrtop-,witis colorfnisyamu. 'Pietn pretty. Au chemery ecève addiétion ta anyljo0ne 'S kitChles1i iS atray tlIst doubles as a dcrto;tisis is ~uçsbiugmor tisn asiy, Ibright, pie tin enamieled w'ýith ca"lorîi PUa- rant dsius. ý-Iot-dish holder. Caver asbestes pad comýpleteîy witis uileached muuiin.Then, stort- ing at thse auter edge aI une sur- face, Isand-sew ou, circles ai bmusis- cdcotta'n Iringe. Roling-pin Potholer For a pcrt, bandy bolder tsat's i t rick ttonaàkc, outlile yon ad suze on mattris Pad niateril. Bid print mitts ndstitcb aruouud ont- hue, ýleaviug baud u peuling. Biud ail outer CdIges w7,itis ias ape. Fun ita "'car, ïliln ta make, these car u ifs are special fortenars Caerareadly-made ltset wtbgreen aadwhie ielt, Use whlite picce on, antsides; dCcoratewihCrsta tre cnt-ontoi green. A spriklig aisqun adds extra glamaour ta tise tree Sew three itIebelîs tisat t;ikle'-ai bottom i cFfacis miff. Tiotl.breuh 'set. A pize for tiseyoutes n your lu-aplasiîc 1tup-Iibler ýand mnatciînl ittle ,tooj'hbmun'shOil-pi ni ine lmeehand desigu. s,, sîiij,, rc l ,'c HolyIy uch cjt. A square yard of dark green l- dlian Hcead m-akes tise clatis. Tarnuup 1-incis hem a-id Sttch on outside ta give tailored Iook. Aippliqulé holî1y leave,,s and three re.d bernies o n e cornecr. For maitcisiug napkiu,he 12-inci Ssquares sud Cltop,-stitcista 19, Tumbler tray. Pait amufi inwitis an aIl- aven haese cermipaint And aSM coAsru, littfe hnddesigus. TI;s isý %a Iandy 4beeragr carrier. 2 -1?ear t sa ch et. Tisis saquick-to -roake stocking stuiffer. Ctt 1,a wh itefet iearts' witb pikiu ssears.Embroi e n hieart wit1)Simple center desýigu. Tisen stitis becarts toge-tiser about11 yýlci roiedge le-aviuig smnall. ceuter penung at top. Fi ctie beart withsahe audfii iisbow andý loup. 21,.EHolîy apron. Cousipe-te tise lunich setwba isostess apon-a'mach.Gather a yard aýfiIndian Head ùta a 2-incl- w;ide baud. Stitci ou-- a c.hartreuse double sasfis.Adlla square packýet piplu red. n Appliqué an lchiar- treusehoylavsadbihrd bernes. 2. Plad piîowcase. One parof tisese pert plaid cases reuîoes 21yards o aid Wgingain, Cut fabric lubhll.1Fold Cacis piceý 1n halllegtiwise ad hem amauud two sidesleav-iug accupen euzd. Tuiru is fis unden for 2-incli hema AppEiýné ran 8 -i ricin initialwis bottom i letten jiSt atmedge a' opensed 23. Lunclueop clatis, To a yadsure rmat sipyadd a cantrastiug band, 2 24, Compact case, Aticmquickie c ut fo colorîsul f ofiwui peikiug sisear. Cnt t conrasingflowe-r taonc square, CVw squlares tgtestitchiug aroud tsmecïsidesabut 14 scb 25. Kitten beau bag. you ne&d ta go by Tisis =% scnt froi plkadotsc-rS, measure.s 5 icsstalplus 3ic tail. Cujt t-wc farcoutîlunes, Sew tisese wrong sids ot, llwigan, îincisopeniin)g for, turin-ilg. Tm ih ie ot aud ifjvilh ii bas 2M. Reeribide place-mat set. Cnttw pecesf3x9inlcises,0anc canner ofpqutise other cycylet. Applïiué maroon leaveS iii lo0wen -ornier 0.fïp-ié. ak double rulffle Ï->, iincises ide( of mar7uoon ta go betwen mterils.Top-stitcis close ta ~ ~ ~ Ci dgaimt.Ct12-iincis ap- aL mu thuaud-Lbf v yi w t Noris aroin montansmadea tnp ta iscmouti .caCistasec hE lre. Ise last eee a ise fire Mn Ham Pta(-n wenisbad ta lýoch ise1 calhin oo aletýC' "the. flame fic!her Ont w'bcu Sc rcccntly xveto taiv 'iith a ou nSamabr , . k ~~~~~UU and SaasMorswaejtats wilcrnmes a e, stisey chusos iontow inacaveYaout sihrse mle tcm,Marrsfd trees ud ew - ed oi ortise ueqTsejowue, gluebraonts powde iru udbi Tflint-ad-steel u srcaIIspLoak ta firt dhearti hecad is Thwn, tise f lmeod reSolved n'eur t lge oratas pttiasefmd. noti( tise orialc fvýabTs i initoaiauiran 1kctle auidcaeul stone. Wiseu ,Mmi. Oenbecanise advauciug ycars, dccied ta go ta Spartanbnrg t& live witIbuherson, H. W. Oweus , i kit- iLngimill i tere w1,as nu c ýcIs e Mt ta takç ,care a tie retjc isa Ct isad bumnied so long, A1 daugister, Mmi. GertrudeCOl- lins ives about a bhllMilefrasus tie arris cabi but ber homc duties preclnded ber ;Maig nu cranls titatIise cabinta ',0 ptise lie bnmuiug. aicdges. rneecdet 27, Stuffed elephant. ýAnIothecr cute trick for the rradle set. Usinug a bold freehand desiga, ads pa;tterru, cLt twohc, îssfront, gay striped percal. Stitch wrong .sides out, tuu, nd stufi, Add bright! little yllwbutton e-csý $5 's s N N c 'N 4" s c N 'N 'N '4 'N 'N 's N -k 'N 'N 1- '1~ s s s s s j- s s 'N -j' N N "-N N f 'N "j- 'j- 'N 'N 's N 1, 4 -j s, N. j', 's 'S 's -t' -s, -j -j 's "1 t' 's t' 'N '-s N 'N -s' s t' HOW FASHION1,S IN NAMES -HAVE CHANGED0 Fa1shion1s 'il firaýt nrnschnemt stbydo i desesau sonie avorie nares o ra 5-erperiodasiecd by bïrtb GIRLS 1881928 195t0 Mary bMary ,Lnda Catherine Marie 'Mary Margaret Annie (rAune) Barbara Annie -Margaret Patricia Rose Cath-e1rne ,Susan Marie Gloriai Kathleen Esther H elen Carol Sarah Teresa Nanicy Fratnces àjean Margaret Ida Barbarta Diane BOY 1898 1928 1950 Johni John Robert willianw Williarm John Charles Jo.-àPIhMichael George j a m (-iRichard joseph Richard î Wi)lAÎ3M Edward Edward James Jamnes- Robert Joseph Louis Thoîias Thomas Francix Geeirae Paul Sanuel LouisDa!

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