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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1950, p. 4

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Reguutions will be Provisions) Act as passed by Pqrlioment. îons cipply Io every person engaged in the. seling consumer goods at retdil on credif, lss of makirig lans, or otherwise engaged the. purchase pf consumner goods. > ini Minimum down paymnt passen-. s and . . . . . 331/3% ,er g" effect when ret ail Ian on und aftpr fimei e a 18 mnh 20%70 -18 months Qul"sponsored by Mrs. Rrow11's Atnin es e okn grouýïp of the W. A., Newcastle. Iti eA V4c1,,Îk, -'i11 be gi an n laOmroTonH1 u--Hal aladte S rdyr, - -uskes-f0rno - ý3.00 te 5 00 la own Hall, der the upcscfOooW C. T. UT. Orone. Loca h Girl SA Band Concert under lheup i 1C e S1 ocf the Oronio Baud wvllibue ald in thte' PAR S. ron TwnHall on Friday, Novemi- gAR T ber 10-1h, cne uingt 8 15. Atiso U1NITED OIIURCH on l"thýe P1 "gram ilhateHi1c 0Trio from ooug Folewirg thie G ab ýe ve ill a a anc wh ovFor Reverend O rester's Ocesr.Lunichis to 4t A. E. Eustace [j srved. Comn out and sàupport y ur o cai band. SUNDAY, NOV. 5 MT e are sarting unother thri11-, gwc season cf'hockey, in feet the 101 an,- Sin'nday Shool. J Unior Club lias 4been holding streni i tJiseus workouts for the psst six vueeks il .m.TheGreat -Treasuve at thVie Osliwa Aea Hit.The ingenn feels tha-,t titisý JIUt. ycar's teanin will not ouf y captu -e g fi our heaits ancb admniration, t'ut win Ô pt'.Kib. oire laurelsý for the oonu-nunity of, The' Oisno Orphýan'a, with thte kind ce-oeratoncf the'Oroino CGirls' Faney Skatding Club, are preaenting, for tire entire f aily an lice Extr-avýa- Ferglsonganza et te Oshrawa Arena on Mon F gu >'dny, Noývemhier tfie te ,a .1 . FamTan~ t hi- coýning fed trtiaîetwl Farm E I8tuî8meU8U. skating acts taken rnï1e cni val of iast year. Tihie en part cf "Ne have just been appointed titis great eýveniug will be te>un- dealers for this WeI-known viling cf Vie 15ý(l51 edition cf the line of O roue Orpitans wlien they p-lay a chaJ1lnge garnie wit~h the Lyndan rockets froin Western Otriserai- Hydraulie Controlled finalists for thle last tibree years in O.H.A. junior D. conipetition. Implenients and To ling o a close a ,,,-11,nderfu1l eviceing, tbe Oiphans are giving Tractors asway a 195 Chevroiet car ýote holder cf te iuicky tieket hoder. If you have not bon'itt your ticket SID LANCASTER yet for titis outstanding uight, titan I j o rnmeadiately befwe titey are aIl R. R. 2, NEWCASTLE soki. Phone Clarke 270~3 Thpe mat ageilent express t1ei wislhttfi[le OronoComnniyget right beitind titis Nvouderful i oas a lot of te suc-esa of titis affair de-1 ~ pendson the success of te local OS'ports tihie ycar. ANOTHER TG efoi1îwing ilaVite board cf strat- oegy cf thte Or-pfians foer the coming S G esn --A. Gerry. EGýt DAriur, AT f Contact any theah names il you ever desire any furtthe'r inifornma to earding tMts wnafllti g Orono Town Hall gand o ockey paes ac 1i pper- forilurtiher hh1ghts lu.the gG Conteand Dance te tir ex diin Finest Swing Bandis.i 0Latest Rit Tunes f ogBy Oulr iModem Amnpiifying - g 50c. Per Person gî-- G IlM Puton j CAN YOUPAY g i r PRI1Z ES PRElZ ES FOR TRIS?, ~ [jLuckily, w11oeemas hurt 0 but casý you psy for this cc1 urono Iinshop oienït? Yen can iyou are pro.- ____ Pi;erly insured. Guaîird against Wl' Sel ..nd [j his cost. 1 mvere fow. eI, gel ig. 1 N.CALL I [jv. F. PORTER g case shall th. down payment b. less than ,proxima tely 25 weekly. mistances of iose incomesý ýOT APPLY t. ocies of ýods for professipnci or ierials, impleentsfe and d firhing. 1 of ihe euetos Minis fer of Fnance, ence of ffhe pub"iC, cpe of The Con- remporciry Provisio-nsl) Act and Con.- lered Baniks truhu Canada. lnquirios cond requess for additionc i copies shouid be addlessed to: ator of Consumer Crodit, - Street, Otawa, Ontario, FJ'wq RLE GREY PLAYERS, of Tor-on-to, on1 4th ;AU iITY HALL istie Boar-d of Edlucation a.5STUDENTS ly p.m8.15 D.S.T. I R. E. LOGAN Phono 18-10 At ite preeciut time 1 have cails on a few choice farm sund town preperties where First MNortgage funde may he placed withi excellent security and 5% ret uru n ou yr money, at 1ne cost te yenu. If yen have funde 'whlich yen weuld like tein lveet miay 1 suggeýst that, youa get ini touch withi me.' Leroy Hamiton 'BROKER Phoine- Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orono. Ontario iseand wall as UiIlt, un ielT' U U~J~UL> V.- castle 1 duato.A lts 50c.; u6n, 3&c0. Gurtain goes lp promptly et 8.15 p (D.S.T.) AN.NIVERSARY SERVICES Clarhe United Okuiri will hl the(i r mnîvi ,ýrv cso udy Novembeé5yS t a . 'ýpan. and 7.a0l La'ls(r of e.v toînvthffe> irge of hoth serv.ices ý L ch -oir 'ili su'ppI'ythe P:rtisic .at botb t serviýes. EVANG ý fS SVRVJCE in Ille Ma11son1 éT0epi ý,Oé 'i.ýL.Dy- DISPERSAL SALE 0f Hanter~, Hackney, Saddle and OonmneqcialHoe, ponies, cattle, real estate and show hor.se e9uipiint ,)_f the Estate of the latte S. S. Staple-s tVo se-li by 3p ublic auction-at his late resiýdeirce, Wayýside Farin, L1ot 233. Concession 11, Cavan -ýwnship, 15 milesý south west of Peterborcugh ma No. 28 highway, on Satu2.'ay, No- vemlbýer 4th, caninmencing it 1 pa. Fori cata1,hgue o)r sale bis contact Jack Reid, Auctioneer, QrortQ. HOUTSE FOR SALE Eight rooýnied frarne lieuse on Matin Sùreet. in ýgood lcto.Hy- dro, f urnace-, fuli basement. Close to school and church,.-May be seeu ev,,enings 0Y Saturdmys. Apply to Mrs. L. Biositock, Or'ono. c-40-p. FOR SA LE Nu 8e4o cdr rals able, Phone 4rS rono. Reason c 40-c. Portmive -lP~u~,sti tA lay. S. 1.Al~~ 6' FOR SALE Oul spaceý heater, large size (Qua-j el.), wvth btlower. Used only oneý vinter.Br e Tnnant, Orlono. -4:2-p, HIOME 0F Better'Deals on BETTER CARS We Buy, Sei, Trade in very good USED CARS Low down psyme te and easy terme can ha arranged teo suit your budget. SEE UTS AT ONCE In.aL alits fr ire, Aul Life, JIe -Plate PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Offie flurs a 2.00 to 4.00 p1.m.L; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Sundays and Wednfesdays by appointmient 011;y PHlON E 47,r1 - ORIONO E, C. SYER, M.D. PHYSCIANand SURG)EON Main Street Southt Office Heurs: 2.00 tu 4.00 p.m.. 6.306 to 8.00 p.m,~ Sundays and Holidays hy Appoitment PHONýE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BO WMAINVILLE. ONT,. Phones: office 688 Hlome 5534 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phonm.: Omfie 25 Residenco.409 BL)WMAN VILLE. ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JAC'KSO'-N Auctioneer and Valuator IConducta Auction Sales of &Hl mlsu and Pt reasonable rate. Communicat. with him at PFeS Perry. Ontario, or Fce hle CI.rk, A. E. Morton, at Ora.fer date. J A CK ".R EID Orono's Licensed Furnliture Hospital Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Bought and 3<)ld See our Uine of Drapery M1aterial Kitchen Units made te order C- F. Duncan 1 Pholle 7.6 -ORONO We will ho pleased te pick rip dead or crippled farmn animais and lpay highost prevailing prices. Reisirs coieetBrooklin 62, Cobourg lqipen 1266w, 8ýrnoAdlie.636. Heaters, GORDON YOIJNG Ltd. Etc. ý - 'T MISSg ESPEAIRE'Sg

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