One Owiner (ff this wieek oaiy, se is your Chane, 1948 Dodge Sedan.......... Immaculate, Custom Radio, ileater, Sun Visor, New I;st over $2.300.00 1948 Pontiac Sedan.ý....... .............. Very Clean, Hleater. D)efroster rk Radio, Hleater, Defrosters 22 ,00 Miles, Very Clean De4uxe Coach...... Heater. Spot Light $1,550.00 et C. $1,450.06 $1,450M0o $1,395.00 ~f Iý Custom Radie, Fieater 1946 .Mercury Sedari v. Coach.......... .... ......> Heater, Popular Model, Average Condition v. Panel.......... Good Average Condition nouth Coachi............ New Motor J949. Goed Condition $ 1,095.1 $1,050.00 $450.00 $795.00 Chev.................... ........550 One Owneër. Very Clean. THIE ABOVE CARS WINTERIZED AND RECONDITIONED "AS IS" TRADE INS: 1940 Plymouth '/2-ton+.-.-ckup.......... Good Motor and 'Tires 196 Chev. iCoach............ ....... Cheap Transportation 1938 Chev. '/2-ton Pickup ........... 1937 Ford Cabrolet.............. Good Motor,, Transmission, et C., body rough 19,37 Ford Coach ................. Clean Body, Moter Rough. 1935 Olds Sedan............ . ....... Net R unning 1935 Olds Cabrolet ........... Ne t Runniiing 1934 Dodge Sedan .............. Needs a Battery, Body Reugh. 1934 Plymouth Sedan......... $275.00 $2â0.00 $395.00 $150.00 $50.00 $50,00 $50.00 3 New Tires, Body Immacuate. Needs a New Metor 1932 Pontiac Sedan ..... ..........$50.00 New Tires. Runningl Condfition TRADES LIBERAL TERMS lSISSONS' GARAGE Phone 86 r 2- Orono, Ont. During the hours of your bereave- ment our ajirls to do everything in our power, to lighiten your, bur- den. RÂARTLEY H, BARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR -e 18 r 7 Orono, Ont, Phone 18 ndâ Crisp ai 's.... 2 ', 252's, .8r 2 No 0Wis the 'im-e to Make .That XMAS CAKE We have a Compete S. CtAssortjment of 4ltPeel, ilac LuigOrange, LeinonCitron, 3e. - and 'dixesi - Greenl and Rod Maraschine Cherries, Gis ced Gr'Ieen and 9e. Redi Cherries 5c. Pineappie Rings c. Crystalizesi Ginger Almoad Tc ling Raisins, Carrants lies, 59C. ith. *Even b 4qt for perfect *Automatic Oven Heat Control a Convenient Oven Lght *5-Heat Swîý,tches - High"-Mtýe i umn" "Low-Medium-"-"Low' 9 Visi-Pilot Light * Easy-To-Cleain Etements * Stain-Resisting One- Piece Top 0 Ail Porcelain Enaimel Finish * Enamellýec Broiler With Remrovable Element *Economical In Use ORONO ELECTRJCI IPhone 55 r 1, Oronc fi U&NITEDOCHIURCHg A. E. Bustace o-Aý il !siti Pe Sunid, F1511 Ask for Freshi or Smoked Cod, Frozen ,i lladdock or Salmon Fillets this wee'k-end FANCY RED ROSE COHIOEFny SALMONKETA /2l.tSALMON UO Ilb. tin Aylmier Dew Drop Peas, Fancy, 20- oz. tins, 2 for ...........39c. Tuina, Furuco Brand, 7 oz. tin ..36c. Iniperial Cheese, McLarenis, IL rolls.............2c. w- reduiced every ear $-) ty a Better Car this Fa' Miss Baýsuetit and -Miss Grey, Me*nd ed thue shçwing of "Tweifth Night"__ by the Banc Grey ýpliayers at Nexv Castie on Fidia-y niglit. Mr% Kith Wood and Donad Sher win er usi of the saw iU wansGlméatthir 'Tnize Nigl)t"' bneton Tuesday evening, -whichl was heild ai Kedron andi were aimong thie priize innet-s. Mr. Danep Founid was pi ced on the Exeutve omniteeof the O.11,Hi. A. uti ting helii 1lie Ro. ai Conniauý-git btaamilton1, onWd is re,(]spnib for- the constitution of Dr. ..R. <and Mrsz. Liléd nd cICii dieuRnlSaiyand Susanu frmToýront.o, ,pntSuaywt in Chinn. Four e hMre ,i hepr the pWs ticn. Mn D'mnaId WM Ge is s bulo ahm u th Ld u aNtovetrig leueon Cn t onaton etypboi Mpr. ofrr Peine and n AithofMLa nd TMrs ui'ml yn, ac rýocmhePon ledio Wy, .A. E. uswit -lic M s. NtF. Pte,lrs. Hleatsock ande M-,rs ctt drveour,-een(, inooi i o n ueSda tnýo[1- atehTefaimet of th cîto.est sonouekes rM s. rA. rife -of tRer.Gryof lXci m in rraion . Cusi hicli shera 7.tene as eleate -in the sp mg. ,ý yea' uniroeytin cluin nre]eth 11 oife prsevain. fhly a fterf co)inoratulte fi'tihe ceuie on the-Nir hockey pl yers e lespreseut fo asisan mneroftihi eagr'club on Mihe ptn f the, boys, was i t forý rvord1. Mes. Gerry, oeecm toe h asiebysevn a deightful1 lunchýl, wheni shoiy after tihe boy-s badîc adieu after aloeyvnng The hakino- sale andi tee heid hb, th, 1. -- rier; 'lr Mr.M. Grain is visýitin-rgwith i'rs. 1. Winiter aild other Or-ono friends. r. h tL . fP ifý-to Mr11s. Ropr of Trno has been v-isiting hler sister, Mrs. J. C. Gaiey-. Mýiss MrlnBiown, Oshaw%ýa, hasThtxrabghen , bee viitnlgsi he hoe ~ lobb's Peacock M)irro(r brujj MIr. and M s. Glenn îTailyn anidneIghad atyioy fbmilIy ,,is*ýed onSniy with' n i 0 anÀ 'Mrs. M. j. Taiblyn. "~ life and home. Every ray Mrs. -A. A. Drummnond hbeben ..,,týatsrksyori rr confined to bed wi! h a head a n dcliest Jihthttrksyrmi cold for the Imot couple Os weeks ý * is f1ectte(] backic to righiten Mr. and Mr's. Geoige Mitchel'.-and sedrer corners. Mirro fuimly isie~1 lthfrinda Sd ~a1sse make an excellent glft. bury -ver the weekend, Mr. andM. A. E. Coàlter- and, _Mrs. T. Little. of Toroiiito s7p<'nt Sur, Maxiy designs, shapes and sizes te choose from. da- wth Mo Howard Walsh. w Mr. Jamnes Steveuson, o)f Mortreal, H . H B A R L O W viste wih rlndsluOroo flPhone 18 r 7 ORONO Phonie 18 r Tbursday of lest we.______________________ Mrs. Noden and Viola. of Torontoc, petthe wee2k -iif]ait tÀeiT hom-e 'nl--- 0 rono-.. Satiiir0ay, Nv 11br ith xii beo Pqppy Day in Orono. WaUth for Mr. Yy H. W. Murray, who xii have l ias0 o h H m catGf h p e .1ailmn toTh e "Hmecîaft GfthShoppe McLeland, o Toronito, sette Ladies' and Children's Lovely Ail Wool Sweaters, Week eind with Mr. and *Mrs. Roy Pullover and Cardigan styles, priced $2.98 - $4 Foet er-t i(Srn t n 0p..N gnKitngYrs Aiotfrylifadies frni 1Oon 1a OGuelph 1005ad1 .c yo nttn an. te1-ded the W. 1. Cxvniuat thei( Rloyal YorIk HoteL, Toronto, iasto A new assortment of Beautiful Costume Jewelle Thursday. .L peî, FrqikpcupaddlvrDrClnig es Cýpit. an.d Mr's.W.1.Cmbl, Frqikpc-paddlvrDr enngS v with tieir cýhildrou LeisCie and Bobby, U JUST GIVE US A CALL-9 r 7-48 HOUR SERVICE lerft on Mond, .y by motor for their ~___________________________ Mr. Wn. alley, Wm. Gorniisà-h nd M S . RÔ Percy Lunia are seriousqy contempi R .L.R J enld at Echio Bey. _______________________ ,Mr. -A. L. Spen'ice of phowenix, of A3rizona, retcenrtty visited wiý,th his daughter. Mrs. Gordo)n Winter and <> Meor Equipment Privat. Ambulanca fai ii. Mr,. Roibert Hancock h as been lun chaige of the Wbite RoeeSrie( N orthcutt and Sm ith Sttin Mswek, in the abysence of Mr-. Gordon Watson. ( Fune-ral Directar and F'urritiirs Dealor,. 11ev. Win. DelvP, Mrs. Doive and son Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Hart, ai'i of U KTNDN ESS COURTKSY SERVICE B»route, Mrs. Wm. Buckley- of Ne- castie visited with Mrs. Harvey Cu'r Equipped te take cars cfetthe. înodet funeral at the meet tis.'wo1C'bldek l reasonable charge as veli as the. largeot alid mj3oveid on Saturday te their new otfletn honie on Ci hStreet South, recetU Tlephenes: Office 468 - Residence - 523 and 729 ly purchased froain Mrs. C. L. ow ( eehn olc omnil.Ot enis. '«TlpoeCfet emniî.Or A number. of, O.C. Sý. p11pile, witil~ [.45 S P ECIAL FUR TRIM MED COATG speci al cllcion fahaasoîs fur tninune sca aMse' cvoous that aret, ndt si cofotalewer, are nw on diespIay ila our. stLore. JELLY POWDERS 3lfor 27c SUGAR 100 IL pa..... ...... .....0 8 pounid pail for......$13 Neilson'sChclt Bars, 4 fo-r ...... .......... 23eý , Seedle,,ss Raisinrs,, 2 b....3,c BulkMaeaoni,2 b....2, Weleh's rape Jucbotle 25t. Chuni .mCat F-OdJ, tin...... Loc, Red Roseý Tea Biigs, Orange Pl« 120 eup size. . Tomâatoes, pkg-. for... Cocoanuts, eaehi......... Spanish Onionis, 12 lb... Grapes, 2 lb.. .... Pouni for WHITE STORE - Ooo NJf o 2 Pepfflar Model Phu i'IS