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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Dec 1950, p. 3

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fixe stewa said: "Fi n, blushi WELL-1 nibt afi Ilecilng n :iy gray ma mild ce gray cmoig of - asbeig sukedfro ng her fhy tod, lsilent nd - àasing itsedlas, iiy head and runing ofthe sength of te hreofel m ~~ Il hlf a hur mle of dark, Thite was nothng Paul wvanted tu say to anyone; ha felt oily an urge tb detach hiimsýAf frozu theç v~es hoseclmtnsee d forced and filed ithdëstast.H wad red from,-Ihe grnp nlh cou!ld not her hem. There waýýs nothling 'Luit the dis- tanIt wind in the treetopso an -sde oï ii anýd ithe (distant waves on the othe. Betwen the two A mpoved alonie, ilie stay.,ed frvr onythe sea wýOufld roîl itself to bis ieut iand slip aa agaIin, over anid ovrinai erflngvision oorcos- mic 1fe. Thre re ftic sunI, th.e '1oon1, l(spct ofstiyrs. Al the isvater of thie iworl as uited in a ICoin- 1t1on fate, Swvaying tO the mto o-f the earth, respon'sive tothe, ( U-e na drme4l of standg op, thusAshre wih tc txpton dus- lai)d whose grcatseï lttwud they wret, he fir.S tîto luild a r, bthfic tto catch Yifsiocent game, the first to eaits onpcla so mu11ch as the Bay îwas v-aster ta a) ,- lake Threwul e sônIejtinlg iu its vir-gin air thatad u lvr eený breathecd hï umnlug bvr that Iwouidcag hsple An co ie beckonig sang ha. îlJad eard çhad faflen i ntlh Fro 'Rjerand 7Einpty Sea," by, Lour Vaczek, hi a I I I 5, 7,24 and 98 Ib. sizes ut your grocer's, Mrn.î Adiz Rose, UxbridGe, Ottario. -Your woxd rfu 0~dUct, Five Roses Fiour, la the -very shling yoU, aiqeed to nîiake delicÎ,ous cakes, pastries and bead1. T have xsed it many years for ail of mny baking anxdIwold1 be wilhouf i?..Asly housewife who has;n't stried Five Roses Flour doLýesn't know hat she is missing." Mrn. R.s. WesIon, On-*re. -Five Ro)ses Ail Purpose Flour ts7 Wxny favourite cooking fi,end. Itrlias neyer once, ini ail tlxe yeïrs 1 have used it for bakin, let tme down. I jUre co dlo ail onr bakading and an reall-y prouci ni the woxderful resuits thîs AUl Purpose flour gives. I cerrainly reconmencd Fivec Roses for perfect baking." Mmi. J. H. Rose, lîsoOnfarlo. "Five Roses Ail Purpose Flour is ny .favýOurite for cakes and cookies. 1 take a gre<at deal of pride in bakiRg ny own foods and have Jearned coý depend on tis ýAIl Pu.rpose 1four. The saivilngs hchare iprattodlay, -are trufyrmakbl, Mrs, Johe E, Rose, MntoN.B "Five Roses AlPtrpose Flou;r is e-onomîïcal to use. 've tr7iedC thern ail anrdI know there is none finer than suiîs Ail Purpose Flour. I use àe for- ail mry baiýing - anddite resuhls are always eclet 1 cersaily.Éreconuxxend Five 'Rosbsl" Mrs, A. D, Rose, Amherst' Ce, NýS. FveRoses 41l Pxrpose Flotur ls my favourite- and it lias been 't'or ïnxany years. There is nos-jhing like this AIl Prpose forr for perfect boaklng2 iesuits - every tinie. I amr delighted to use ancd recotr.xmend F'ive Roses for betterbaig, Ç~ lls'venLedBrand' ýOr cour exf balqg for Eour ens! EC@NO My ATIFACIO You'I1 be delig-,htedlai [lie saviMgs yOu mIlake w1hen you u.sc FIVE ROSES A4L PURPOSE FLOU-R,. . and you'Ilho amaized at the deliciaus, extra inutritious bking, bo "Prooif mf the puddini ýs in thle eatîng, and the'.five Roses whiose statemenits aro, prin~ed ta the lef express what good cooks and hiomemnakers everyherewill tcIVeil ~.. Five Roses Flour gives beur akig esutsand r-eal economiy. LAKE 0F THE WOODS MILING (OMPANY LimiTED F-oj vo

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