eligious Inistruet ùhe decision of 5aivai for modern teevisioi ,ie home. Heve is a1 Thich hj2s placed that' S"Ai-nmyi", unlike so ii lt %0> go inito the "higili e people. Standing al( is cost sonie of the im a great ioss ir. mein econd mile -will expli ýs and the respect and wn a4herents, but aiso is being d 1and nionei Army officiais bîlnging the eof .salvation torganlizati on ther churcli s ýnd byWays"e public atten- SMedium of -eaoi to be- ,en televisiori h- finer and ATION NVILLE P.m. you Un guard loss. Insuranc4 best het. yourself .. .. but complete ays your - CAJL N. F. PORTER ORONOOnt. R eal Estate $1,500. Country Store ai Gas Station north-west o Orono, and close at hand a ne 5-roonied Insul-Bric home( one floor, furnace and hydr ail at this price including son fixtures and one acre lan Small stock at invoice. Leroy ilamilton BROKER FOR SALE Sweet cider, la zestfuil ating, healthy drink. 01 Phione ordeirs cofflect Cli TENDERS WAN Tenders will be recei, p1ylng of store wood fo- dions' No. 1, N6 4, No.-E No. 21 of arlw Ae.ClosiiX date ID Mrs. J. J. -MI EARLY Doing Chrisi g'ets support fi vear wi th D&l creaý;e on urbý last-niinute ru, Registrar of Y~ !y thing a seii eut downý the( others !by stai Christmas shor 'The day be variaihiy the for i'trafficace patmýent's st, >wvRtlip of Office Rours . 2.00 ta 4.00 pan.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.&%, Sundayq and Wednesdays by týppoinItMent only PHIONE 47rl - QRONO E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street S(euth Office Bouts: 2.00 tû 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to $.0M . SundiLys asnd Ilolidays b7 Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 RN LEGAL LAwrence C. Maso», B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLS. ONT. Phonms Office 688 H-ovit 5~3 Wv. F. WTTARn, BARISITIR SOLICITOR NOTARY office 25 Reideno. 4M 80 WIMANVILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS T ED1)J ACK SOCN Auctioneer arnd. Valuator Conducts Auction Sales all âàsu andat reasonahi. ratu Communicate with hlm asP& Perry, Ontario, or see hâ. CI.rb, A. E. Morton, at Ororio, fer date. WITTI ar' Licensed and Valutr i Farm and ,ANCE Anot1 er R.C.A,F. jet is ready! Serviceçi for flight by the world's finest aircrdt technicians who have checked her over fromn nose to taft. Thèse are t4 men whose skîil and knowf dge keep 'em flying safely. Your expanding Air 'rceI basope gsl AERO-ENGINE, moremenimnëdite1 AIRFRAME, INSTRUMENT moremenmi diaely andl RADIO TECHNICIAUS to train as If yoi are between 18 -nd 30 and in good physîca1 condition, you can do a ser ice to~ your coptry by joining this team of experts. You -wiii bc givena complete and thorougli training on the latest equipment, under skilled su ervisors, and learni a valuable trade in the modern field of aviation cfNOW- Find out hou, you can train as a ski/led technician in careerc mnail tký ling Air Force. See the R.CA. at the address iii the coupon- or Ygra dea~ Air orce.... r, 1 ýlc -Iïy-