',Ica ti nî rie!ll es people you ca, find Theydot smoke or drunk ad ther iM. guage la cean. Ithik te or Cd os ens a'tkepmfrmeigwh theni "ilmeet ara i in o facaue bouse mny molher nage m-lie goW to church (ýbut î f ur) -REBELLIOtJS to go with oy 1 '0 vsdace,1 et. gef ic latisd ty ç 'god Jcould neer hae fuuif didn-'t have hee liEenoter teeniagers from ot church go witbOdhern outsidC if :I'e ated boys arbio bclong f0u 0cmi hucbuit ail1 they want t do l lieck. My prnsso' eivç hi good, cdean fuis. ,,Du't you itink a ýgirl 17 îis old -espicily we hyr eet differenitchrlhodIhidha DAZED" *your paetaae a :rtfe *and offendayou.I arn oryte * felasthey d. * lWhen you arecolder you ",lu Pepemn dg 1Maks aout24 pee spoon sait, Brlng f0 bolnges-"r*ng «Ai sugar disslves. Cover pan andi boii 2mnts Reorecve ndeokt 23ý40 Beat n tl very .1 :i il ;l Stir in-Sicup gcrus hefi pepper Praont ea(ces h qur pand.e Coo sý olt-cadDae Com1bine z up-goun abnnds abspoon utr nC StI-'2 pou i]gn itddtsw a23odmitue PA dats clsed DipstffdAatsusngyw forks in2cocpae gf0 coa tem Fry on waxed paper., ýc Chiliin coo laer hre Caied OraRe ee Suceth. Bake a 0'~'toei1 Cheese Puifs Brîn-ig Ito bil1Ing, 'ý, cup bnfte tire.ý Beat we}i time, befin~ untl sîoo a5 e Benat -. netnegxt DroIi'ýp byponîi n rese Crie at)4500 (hot) forc12 doc15 Cmins Leave in osnclifp do oet dr th-e opf11 Cse Suc, ad a fllws Cri:2 f scs aondce tue is a. Repacetop onches~puu ura poboler badv 0 prtee yod Easy spOcItsUIehcrchtan utof ouyslebtdcoaie Simpe eochtcdpofioleec ii ioor and settmI ns Pttr cncise directin ueD Send TWENTY-FIVCsreT dcirtd or tu patentf0hobby 1 123 EihenhS.,NwTrno siEyad od e mdc for 14, Par3 47 -L o i es jlu size sm, 14 Il1(! and lmediuLimn( i18, 20.) Sunilsize one yard 354-nch. Sen TWNT-FIVE CENTS (2e ucoiî s (sampscanofbe Ïcetd or I1is pjaf f rn. Prinit coýins) for our Faîl and V'infer Paîtero Book'y AUe üAdgmns.Tb btsîof te nw-sesoofasion 10 easy-o-sewpatteo orail. Chit-; uagitt, 0, pls Ece thiff ot cue ad awsnliae argys thatv an ý, Par i stolen a' ct !ts-ets11e1- a faîk u th Arîybutoce a I o 'g f0 be 50 ~ ~ 'o que rou ee xt o vc Quie . w hav 'lîostforgtte wbaî tue word niea !eWocil l'o alog oie ar'cr lias ifan doms W garetiywlad a ickJO un s'c 'lirnul sarsuit ot ýefti razood cliioofflic c0w ONloro whie osngbervab t i me i t