Llp hall rental imnduients t mi-tis as the he deparment other origan category. oulU .eeasrcs Roy Nicolis, CIlar1ence- hols and Carl Payne fiin j th heast corner of the townei ied the mnod widened and r- led for winter travel. A letter 1 by Roy Nicolis deaitwt the -siv now ,,pIoughiing- costs,, re- mlediug ta have the road ulnderl rograde1 to. allo-w proper wne ,-41 al a ceenal ot This trwas furthqer dsusdwt counceil i-pd stated that cronsid- ion would he gi-yen., vwhei t1,he 1ruad appropriations are set. wvas g;ven to Jcie-ty f br the ýled. IV ,e n ow, tions ~4O NéwMal l'he meig adjourned to meý gain MaG tli at, 9D.111, 19,31. Tuda.February Rth~ Elydro Street e e receiv- le(ived that the in ýth-e iear was ea 1t was u;nc To start ithie, colunin, here is a of srumary if last w,ýeeks -elxf>rting act-, st.ep ivi ies. Pou] ~Last Tuesday nighit in the Ororno chic] Arenia the Orono Seniors played Voio a ý5 al ie with Booiin t he lasýtthe gamie 4of the reg'ular schedule The scOre( indicate s tule Play, close and Pu hard f ought al the way, with hoth Mt eaafighting des'oerately for t m'1- in Bowiian- aliard time ileJunior.s, ighi Voppinçg inson cauglit o score fou, playi-ý7ng hard l hY scoring .e adjoui-ned Tax Salie whiclh will e-id Fehr;uarLiy l2th at il a.mi. for 7ar of part lot g, con.4, towniship, lanke, beig a strip of land 100 in wîdth, lyin1g !50 feet on each of Centre Line -of abinionedl rono Ai.JAar Excellent Fin adiesweeps il for the i AfnnA ie Jluniors played in the e on 2Fiday n ilght ai The- Uwanil týan 9 toa 3Bomani titey oIy ad U111 1J3~W nted the mmittee îs for a an ap- -f-o h~ Oly two more league games V ainl for thle Jnosthen phayoffi Tueda nghlt (f this î le Oronio Seniiors win t] chance -n Bowmanville 1here overÏ the us Take 'W in ig Teinpers - Fists rgeii1z.teu ef- 'tion by -way regulations. regret that 1 grade po- T.. rm