OflONO. ONT.. THUIPSDAY, FFB., -aary i83th in ieighteen pr- LTavny (wl, ýart withý-. Thei O.C.S» Shidents Enjoy WILLIAM Sleigkriding Party AMter an il William John On 'eb-ai-ay 7, WedniesdaY ven- at ithe homiie c ing fùhwe students of 0.C. had 1a WVillMam Goc-ha sleigh riding party at RansberrY's onT day,. February thb.e hil iu-ner thedr homne. Asnýfte Everyonie carne at different times chit, Virtue, thei but ati imet at the house. When a f ew Dngton Tow had gath,-rè-d we start-ed foFr the hillI 1i3f. In MaLreh Iewcastle Arena )Denin2? On Frid International Plo>wing to the Unîted Counties b,- for the steond time history, the very fir-st; Lvinlg taken place in f Port Hope in theé i of so>me Çhundred- J i eresting informa- t'eetl1)rr 4-' tBoLwanvKIi luaricu. lt.r Ig'eîy al aipreyentative for theý county c gt fol- M-. Summers, along ith a scorel BehedaK> other repsentatives from Dur-hami codc-and Nor-ithuinberlatnd, ien l atteni- dlance at -the meeting wý;hielhlays an- flual Plais, for Vthe largest plough- pass in g ing mateh in' the -world. ~n i- Mayor Moore, Port Hope, in mwel- Har7Y cosming the own match te the McaePort Hocpe a-rea, emphasized the Tyron,,e, fat that the Port Hope board of tey-Tradle was riglt behind the event an a ed' lirosbeass tace, In dtemorniný,,the representa- ti*ve, ,Who vwere fomail oves the province gathered for a generalJ bus- mress meeting at whiich the delegiates from cýounties holding the match plattform-ns could nieyer stand onr',a after were made wloe T'ne glon. Mr. Goodfpllow aý,nd Mr, Taylr eendod wtemes on behaUf of Notnmelndlunyad tise town "f ooug. Earie ýDrope gave a, showt ad- dress, in which 'he ado-cated conitour, pbowing, saying "vngvraet thlis year, niext yarauld the year. Each sdigate presen? was gPven nlaýrge Durhami County apple on whch Bo Fnkiapast president of th ntarlPluweis Associatio, coinmeted met highf'y. Friminnforiiatinigined atth meeýting Vthe Noltubrland and Dur-hanm delegates x ýviiihave a nmuchý botter idea as o what la equiedof theni whin thie l1952 m-,eet is hield. Ail wvere well satisfied with the cutcome os tihe arnual mleeting Fire Brigade Answers First Alarin 0f The Year Thse Oroe ire Brigadeaswr ed their finist cr11 of thse year ion Su-n- day evening,-,February titLis bctweeu 9.30 aniid 10,00l o'cleck w.heu a steve ini the homeo f _Mr. Ted Williams was givingi troule and bhreateý,ning to cause a fire in their home On tise urival of the local brigade thse hazancd cau,-sed by tise stove had been taken care of by Mr. Ted Wil- liams aud thse Orono Pir-e Dept. did not ause any Yc their equLpment on thse cati. There wa s ne damage donc t tise annunirg of Toýronto dpate was held. etlnd witis her paens. The pallisearers we-re Otto Viptu hre(- party hi at tise Leslie Thboýinpson, ache Virtu ad Mîrs. F Stoker. Fred -riith, Robes-t Siais and iW t, Februar-y Qtis was iias Saples. oyed. Five taible-s «f Flends attended Fsmom Toronto, ayed, the Ipèze go- Mary'a Thomýniiiil, Port Perry, Do'! ýg. Elliott and Mrs. 'AITrp,-one. dng to Mrhe L Thorne TVUN1 'IW I Clarke towvilsip, nepar wha known as Oofwanville. Thi ecesdfaïmnedf years a half mile west of thme farmniiow occupied by ford Shernwin, before reViri- r-esidencre on Park Street. For usany years lie was rfui breeder of Standardt oasershow hoses. A wv mExihibitor at thse Canadiain1 and the Royal Wiite-, Faar He aiso sihewed nt the1 Winter Fair at Guelpis as ý cal fairs. A fine jusige of h for mnan'y yens-s was a meInsi part of thse provinec Mrs. Cowan and t] an celibrated :their Auiniversary on tiie OSHAWAJ HALL )eple in hsee aes ne lellpe<5Lto vetheir technique in grcltr d industry sn hewxill be, able Vo1 sduce enou.gi foodi for th-enmseivesý was are that mcnoletary ex- nge sheuld be regulatd'o io nada to trade witis other countries a reasonnible parity basis, with- t regard to the relative value o.£ e U S. dollar. TV would ha cf ates- benepfit te educate andi help. iiimprcve other nations' abilityv o 'oduce for tisenselves, -rather thanj .d direct supplies. After discus-1 n sewveral gaines were pIaycd. A Sur-viviaIg are his widc Colville, one son Robert IsMce gurs'ons', RcIeýlrt and Thiomas3 Grant. FuneraI serviýce wtas bel 112th at 2..80 pmn at the iý eral Chapel, Bownanville, BowmavilleCemietery. Ti riM Day Of PrayE HeId AI St Savisuri Mairth Clarke Unon The second social evening cf Vise ,inter %vas heldi at the aho on Fri- ay evenfing Int. There was a' good' srnout andila number of tables .of rokiole was pIayedA. The w,îinnersý r five iudrecd wre ildies hgIh1 os-eMs. H. McClure and for th(,e -eIluVimen Mr. Arthmur Teinnant with! me onslatonprize goingi Vo Mrs. Thse annual Servce w i h 1 Februard 26, the officiai opeiig Idate of the Arena wiII publicize thie appearanýce of the~ Honorable Major FoDite, John -M. James, Honorable W. A. Goodfelýlow and po)ssibeo ojhar froin the governing parties. For the sports enthijsiasts, iand esDeela-ily titis itrse in the ho-ckey world, the opportunity la being p-Grvided b sjee t-hree of the Toronto Maple LePaX piayer, Turk Biod>a, Lewick. ami, B'ariko. Also adding to, this Iine-up fromi the Leafs xvill be Tom Daley, a well k-nown figure in the recaln. «f Seý far -we have C)I-Ly touched on haif of theevngaetranm t for thiere isý to be professional exýhi- ý'bition of fancy s1lvati~ ng d our cxvii bocal Oroo Banid «f' soane thirty wilbe on hand Vo SUPPy the imusie for- the eveniing. Itre aehckey wiil higbilight te offical opening wiith MJike litpetial.s. Bwani1) ro- vidinýg the opoposition for the Po-rt Hîope Bed Wings. The f w- eArenia malkes the spcon]d tVý be opened in the comnty of Durham lthis yeaýr. -wiith Mýlilbrook b'e- ngthe first. The uilingis of aIli, artal coln- struct4Lion. wiffh a seating- capacity for The total cost of the Ariena bas ann ed týo $24T00Q witb a sm c f $2ý500 needod to pay for the building. An donations will be greatfully re- cepived by nhe committee in charge of ercigthis winter ice palace. o 0- O noI.0.0.F. Lodge lests Te îNeighbourimg Lodge f) i, Wednes.,day, Febhruary 7tlx Orono Lodige No. 4X6 1040,F. weze hosts te> Bethovan Lodge of Brrokl¶n on a fratýernal visitation. There was aiso vis,itoýrs f rom Bnoýugham Lodge and an Oshawa Lodge. Tble attend- ance for the evening was around. seventyvtflve with homired guestaýt, brother Dr J. Hi. McKinniey, deputy- grand master',cf tl', Grand Loddgo of ri;br>ther Keat$ng IbD.G.M. of OntIariu District No-. 41 andsi sev- eral P.D.D.G.Ms. Thse seconid degree %vas aibly conferýred by thse Orono, Losige Degree teain under the -uid- ing leadeýrship of flretler Watson P.D.D.ýG.M. Ninep candidates g-raed t-he ýfloor for this degr-ee. A Splendid buffet lunch -wasý serve-d by thle re- f resliment conIInitteeý Short snappy spiTee,,hes were delivered lxy thehn- uredguts A return visit is sebe- duled for Mýlondaty, February l9th for the third dgre Brother Watson ýis in charge cof tanspjortation andi wvouldi like Vo sce a full laad on te bus, Icave Oroneo. Th se ihg to attend contacý,t brothIer -Wàtson. Betty luIlock. The niost twentie,, was ohaned by Mr i- le ha-tter- pmlp t by ail r'his Frida,