O'Neil poses for lie birthday portrait in her home in Way -walljoprn, Pa. 1Bot-n J1an 26 183, Mrs- ONeill istsow Coýffi-nsForMn 35 Feet Ira èih Ëbenche w,rst eruç-pfion of MuEtn ý,la since1928, udible) f orC p1any miles rund au(j-,lludin1g likc arilr iebgnrcnly, A rani f in me asbýcoverrd th!le faces ant i ltheCs f aprbnsv 1vl Tresbusesand grssbu-s to Paes;'fw yards 1hefore tlhe de- cftein-tense heat.mm and woml(ï-vù1 en gazed up at thLie 08-t-ih wolcanio andi sas casscds of lava droùppînig 200 f(t. amt h1snw ln3oit igh up the mnnin Tlsey kp in consýtanlttfouch wi Other villages. Anld tah fý'li tue ret luds oif soephlimd u ro-n t'he craters, cauîng a Paei mný:-y mls square. Etna, regarcdtiin l-Cassic ume s us ome of the terrorsOF the worl bas biad at rastahudeisvr eovlsos. e kiie rd 80,000mi pejople lu 30 seconds. Yet these et-opions have atie temontain soil i-e thlan il n ayohrpr Ë! Siciy. SupersitionsSicilianiqstsf11be Ïieve cleirgntocf the Esgiant'. The sa thf wentheir fore- %ahers, in the age of Mh gods, fir-st innderstook the oqef o Sily, heisIanti xas iinhi-tti b y ara'ce of giamtS whowerede- tedatsufmésalliances betweeni th osand womlanikind. The 0f hg iat tul p poeihe ïinvaders but wr rtn al.ly vecmand th it su-tCrvi- ,qvrs foiid reugeon1he11o1 ta cfare Etu, tein separaed by serýve thin lvadercs as lae if tsen iEs ureSaved .lt te invader-s rec'i to lis- zceu. 1Then tbeleadevUï r ofib gin swore aI juli tat or 10,000 year-s fic', Sicil ia da ifer for thir Culty. Cahig "upon th Un"wer ,J£ bis divine origin, bestape 1p111 theigrounti.1mmeCdiafely, h Ias 9fthegitvanisbed, he moitIn. rst intu lamesand ýSiok, and io ysfrterhuk suitei Enawifb f'me tetof lthe island'Evrr inceSicilybas ben tsvctn f tbe giants;' vnene S a y tb spesttinspesat fat-meCr s. And-10 in casc e evsio4oubt's tue legm ttey ait tflton bavebre fon o Ea'sfetle siopes.sn W If you at o.ftn inresauant o the e-odr Sih ortesort.ý eoe A n o'll ldtatHifbsh», and ce fih s ta t d e kas the "poesoas ih ,SO I uns g ths hue. LafmroUchs fry the, bake heni, t tei the cks as if) î1sV wi brfm bc panr ipa aper towwe l haývfor cumpîrd newsaprc asn ok a i wa. itFlrsor Steckfroin fet s, steeks or small whole l Sh3ns be pan-forietandGooriep zfolusea-e sedockbterfsb flond per oes 4.sb bt-ram, ogfies rntmllet * TPand-Fry Fishor3t or pinpes tOnel Thaw f rn fsh 2. Ceutlets or steayksor in sturern 5.ieves.Lvev htaonlfisbwhles D'ip lsh a uniuteievor ated 3uter Rail nmixue o eal parts o EE fou an co n awels snd wit sit ag ý-nd pepper. ý 4. Hat eoug faQt in skI ileft t cave bofomand!ry lshfordot _c5 mines oneachsid, turin bu1et, iip sauce or catsnp or wbiole buse fyu epth a 3, ni smoing.Fr floryingdoi not se btter mararie ornoter fat th skate a!wn_ta1w fpripea a4 god. invmsmenf if youid-ffoory crfce. B rs hor r p frying ar t-rsh o qnic-fren flt 5,bArranshP oce pt-chand hng T.Fy r otDeepfaty370Fish z 1. ipeflh wtba dmcloth oc)dr bervore usihgt iii miiurio lihl beateg cod ate t aceg 4. Roîl landry bread crumba o 1.oavwie wit-eg ant crand bottom. Dou-not overlap plaes. d brown. rain a!zf ,ni se verybot. 2Stff fsh ightiy seasonetdi breati stuffing_, ing vwitb otpik r with veJl- Close Open- neeie anti in suices, 5. Putî fish in pan adbake lu mo-nd- eratof en 50 . ni ihfae utes perpu, depeninon thick..u 1.es5 o! fish. wd You donwYT hae o wn anielab- ina tie rrc ree m ete wa ofer1tUch ltelsh. Large noni ih arCe usali e famked but steaks, -fluets orFwhole smDe nIlali may asob ooe ti«wy '5. mon types for steaming are odl e fIsh, bss, rAc à,redsp pet-,cruad tfloundere .1 Wiefihwiha ap tic orw fae ow, Thaw f ozenfi-esust before usln b2é Placelonea greOsedsal rack â,in a ý l age su cepan . (Steaks or ýý'c; -i 1 brilets my b14spkidritsait le nd peppr Sesonn oe'fo .Lah uns tw-o! fish qay lye win a piece ofchese-clot o ey Thadliýng, s s c-oeoig 2, Paddejstonugh ýdboilng water tod corne pdto tp o!fac. Cover 4l srit nd 0 ai, ede hata fteamabou 10 its to he, pounc, deendig on ticknss o liece,. Fish s bdone wed ncfae) easily fharo boe5s w ith a forD .1ot oercoookolc" 5.oc Removeü ski anderve flsbt witb eltebuttr r ceese auce curry1'sacetr crele suce The mstmppularfisbis afrs bou flh ar hoe f yu dn'ttr fstor keep if mis.Ifyo' i 1ýpoueif wiotb2 one of ý1ùrhe o etal fus. an vritis f rei or Au!Ilk-frzefs aes,suibeo brnoiing.1Sot-nesof thenear spb slunerann whitedinsteaks o salmon,,4 tna, co, phaddock, harrll ban wodfy1e ishEci To dd is2,ccro1 Fislu im witedamcoth0or peur towel Thw roenflh a bfore using-, or. M2.s i Plac an reasecbrout- c and berushwit metedfat Spiêl 3.avi butstis or fluets o o-i sideon ,pci vng fsiout 3Crincher prfr unit and " ýýaoiigfcb 4* Broaout 8 o 12 indtso Good p-laion or is t.h lemo butter, Witbout Toc, Much Striving Fer Sensation Wr baven't wrrt hSountbu ia ai, butothe cae aoy cai-iPurcellnesn ta, tepru ahsoc acisteewapsni emt-atiiof ner f0 s d~ihepite- curMitiabl isases Caro"n1PCMlywill t-s - ber i the 4-u yar-zd eorg' I girl whosr(e prnsrfst apri I-aI I l o! ber rys despife the wee ancros n4i pt enovt mo aie etai, Nwbfut -ns ut ha dulsions ahorit h. pas ould go rprnàsc c mses as CaoynPurall'-vz bave feut matgs>sational um tiiedti ta magnify t-are tiragedies' oufI o! il iproprtionf0tercua news VaUES. Býut, a3s illustrýafetiin -,his Ii- detrmne hoat-e qulifimd "spa0- ursin diagnlosis and prognosis. W ', or exaplewerethie"se Putcrî ad xwbo, in ffct ld the newsape îiad radi faoli be 1a1f p fo popular jtIdgu1(ien' fr ther efus-aI f' aeo ie-aig but sih-etoing surgicalopra fluperfornîrd up Iler? The effct of th11is publicify w'ill be tu make ahparros usicon wbnthey areaiist ha hi iN4w kyýriA ucumýers, iYbrid Onioh5, new early rmaturiuq hyricl or,, yýidaduecls waemlnand ne, efirly mtrn oao FIltrte andecribed witl ,vaUable roin inÎormatiQou n our 1 '51 cùtalogue. 1951 CSOgie.A U 5 et FRU on request Write Fr r t todêy. HomeDegn 1-e-r ae twl rieinnst hom'dsiusseece0aft1 Ahve, a ihreehdrocae $850 i- wrs fo rc th r o, t Cl ). c i 'Y Ilschwt lphabet unesi, !upi ve peech: c t o a i]irs l " the eter "~ sw nw a sic i Grescid ýed t1co reev h the lesbpond t d o ei n sfead of throghf. use "emeas a roel soriginlo- wel sound bo hig rdsr y gch- "Sars s