j4 IHIS He started as a junior în a local branch bahk.. just as his manager did before him. Now he's on bis way up, too. He's learninig banking skill rigît on the job, helped \,by more eýýperienced men on the bank?,s staff. He is ta'king special banking cou~se.. Like most bankers, during his career, he wIlEl learn to kn« w any parts of Canada, various communities. 11e will develop the huinan understanding and the business judgment you expect of your banker. ithe branch that serves you ,o the very top. The general is bank started just the ED Dy YOUR DAN&JI v.C. Rmot Water Heatlng CALL US FOR ESTIMLATES HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. Real Estate SPECIAL, $,20for 5"acre farmi close to 3rd coqncession cof Clarke, hiaif mille east of No. M5 Higlhway, open roadi, goodi land and drille2d weil, large tel roofediharn, implemient and poultry iouses, 7 room)nied wel'1 kept house newsly decorated, nwroof. This will be picked up quickly. Possession to suit. Ternis. Leroy Ifamflton BROKER Phione: Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 Orono, Ontario I-i ail its branches Fire, Automobile, Liability, Life, Hospitalization, Wind Plate Glass, Buirglary Fortiiiiate thiat your home . is covered with protecting fire insuiraihce. Fortunate because you are protected agaiinst aQ complete Ioss.o CALL N. F. POFR ORONO, OnLo Furk Broda, Danny Lewici, Bill Barilko and Tim Daly of the Tor- onto Mi-aple Leafs SKATING The New.&,castW Merry 'Marric-d Couples Club are' spûonsorupl a Mill- strel Show to be ï1lin l ihe New-~ cateCoximrity ;Hall àn Saturday, February 1 Tth at SrIS nii The show iýs being .presente4 b t, he Happy Doubles Chib, 0haý'. Admission, Chlldren 25c., Adff4 'Oc. b-4- "Beau Tm nChoir", ecomedY 0rama, f rom, Ennsillen ýis.bein>g sponsored in ýthe Oronç Town Hall h-y the W A. ýf the r-ono United, Ch'urch on Mv 'FePruary 2fith at 8.30 p.m. A hil noifUs 2,, hýr enter- tainmenrt. Adult . Childiren 2,5c. b-5-c ÏThe Heaber Soceial C71 invite you tce attn their Valen tne BaIl to be held in te 0Orono Tidwn Hall on~ Fridal, Febiiary 14kh. enr r.ey',s Orehe tra. $2.,5 a couple.1 Lunch includM Dress optionai The mnl meetingcof the Eve- îbing Axliwill b eld on 'Thurs day, Februa ýT' 2at,-S 'clock in, the Orange Hall. ",his' ,ill be aur fifth Mhrthday party; soï ,lese bring ,i)ur bLrthday mone. I b5- ATTEIN TION IThe -regular m,ýeting of 'the Orono Womn"'5;Tnsttt4e will fbe hefldin Council ch',amber ý4on Fr4dýIy, Febr- ary 23rd at 2.3-0' pn Tjere wilbe a paper on. -moth prdtect4irn and a demn-i oanstration on -,shiýrf ironing. Ail lad ies of thec, om-mubitý are oday invitedi t,, be preshn. b-"3-c FO~R SALE [lTen heaithyjýSilmats. 122wývrýes aid. Apply ito Edm-ard Wayfie, Newýton- ville, R. R. 1.j'hone larke a-n4- DEAD LIVE STOCK Piclked up pronptly JIQrse, Cos, Caifs, S-heep and Pigs We pay for Herses and s«' As an added service w wil co opeiate %with your vetrinuirian in 2*/eper lb. fo live horses. Call colIct wa'vle2679 MUARG'VILIUR FARMS Tyrone 49-tf Men boýarders. Àpply t r'-I-. A. E. West, Phone Oropo -r 116. a-c A hound dog"strayèd oet -Ce pro- 6, Olarke tmerp. wner nm y1ave saine lvy provilng 1p ra-ty eý paying ex- (perty of Albert M offn, Lot 20, Con. Penses. Phone î,r6, oo'. a-c CARD 0F THTANKSI LOCAL NE WS The famiiy of the eeWLnm Virtue w,ýish "ea res ML « Dn7 N. tetlock of Perth and Mrs. fiends, reilàtves ad L eghb v A. Gallagher icf Ohaswa spent Iast their ,e f~~an frh~~ weeýk with Mrs. Percy Morgan. acts ofknnso aof01s Vi Mrs.PryMra pn.aw pathy and býa-uti ,fi floral tributes - .PryMransetawe exene t h'nintei ecn lvslting friends in Pei-th and Smith ber-eavement in ùlhe m;s. of a dearlîs, Ontarjo. fathe. a-p Voluntary Labor is wanted Dow fater.a-?tolhelp WtliI the work, at thre Churcli. ____________________ uildiir-GConimittee request. Notice the chanige of date re the lWoinen's Institute me-eting on Feb- if ~ Y \ f uýary Mrd. TO YOTJR TASTE Wiiy buy new gurniture whien we cati re-style your present furihling-s to Suit your individual', prefer- ences.. Lar~ge stock of fabrics o11 haxnd to select j from. Ra- pidi service. Catà us to-day Cust~om madeI Chairs andt Che4 terfields. FOR EVERY ROOM FOR EVERY BUDGET re Hockey League HOPE Y'-WJLL BE IN ATTENDANCE SUNDAY, FER. 18t 10.0-aW Sunday School 11.00 a.ni, The False Friendu Q .ffl P.M. Khrby OronoTinshopi We Seli And Instal Pease eatIng R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 BUY WITJI CONFIDEN CE -AT- Art's Car Mairket HOMNE 0F Better Deais on ry good -1 6* SJ* p.~ môaiuby MII, .aezw 'w. URGRN ~uth 'JUlff e Ilore 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 t. Sundays and Holida: Appointmoent LEGAL Lawr9ence C. Mamrn, B.A. Barris ter and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Offie. 688 Hiome 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR. NOTARY Phonos : Offie. 825 Reaidenoe 4"l BOWMANV1LLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSOIN Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Miction Sales of&HaiLzma 1and at reasonable ratea Comwunicate with hlm it Pug Perry, Oittarie, or see hie Clerk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. JACKnR"Eli Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater Specialize ini Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Pbftne.5 r 1,QCb.r,nm LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Eduicational Policies;, Protection and Savings Plana fre Childreït and Aduits; Mortgage la.. sujrance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. Phone20 r le The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY DiaI 3216 -- P.O. Box 622 Port Ilope, Ontarlo MWomiments, Gravemarkem, STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works Phone Wh0ithy 5521 318 Diundas St, E., Whltby FI-NE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND~ 31ARKERS Let us erect a handuome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your 1'eins It's not expensive. And seeing this last tiute will give you endlesS, COm-fort ORONO Furniture Hospital_ Reupholstering Repairig Refinishing Antiques Bought and 13old Ses- cur line of Drapery M1aterial Kitchen Units made te order C- F. Duncan Phone Î9-16 - ORO(NO 08.00 p.. tjs by will be pîci or criun1ed te pick- HP mu anlimais3 prevailing telephone Cobourg ire 3-3636 NMDO0P EN,,ING of the Newcastlpý' ýnity MemoÉiîaI Arena Y9 FEDRÛARY 26th FEATIJRE ATTRA<CTIONS ORONO