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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Feb 1951, p. 5

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NEEDED IM.MEDIATELY AS RADIO-RADAR, AIRCRAFT, INSTRUMENT AND ARMAMENT TECHNICIANS in the To meet the responsibilities of the tinieý, There ïs special need for mien :o train as Radio-. more mien are needed no,,%-in ail branches -Radar, Aircraft, Instrumenç and Armiameint Tech- of Canada's expanding Air Force. There are immediate openings for men age 17 to 40, with Grade 8 education or better. nicians. If you can qualify, you can starî now yvour career in the great field of modern aviation. The iraining is thorough: the opportuinities are good! -ACT >10W- SERVE CANADA AND THE CAUSE 0F FREEDOM TRAINING COMMAND, R..C. A.F., TRENTON, ONTARIO Please maéi e, wcithyoul ebligaiion, fr11 particulars regalrding enlistmennt i-equirements and openingi now. avaiiable in Mhe RCA.F. NAME (PleasePrint) ......... -STREETADRS............ CITry.,. .............-....... PROVINCE....... EDUICATION(b grade andipoice.... ...................... .... .............,ý...... ............ E.. Mr~. l4ouiuý bledbic ed homne ith her son and family af- ter spending the week-end in Toron- Mr. and Mnrs. Archie 'V sn n daugliter, Betty Ana, Toro'to. visit- e4 the formérs parenits, Mr. an Mi A lex. ' Watson. Betty Àrn reniained foý.r an' extended visit with lier .-rand P,%r e 1t s. 'Mr. Murra-y Pfrsn whobas been on the Banik of Con-mmerce istaff at 'na&for-d las been tiraniqferred toi tbeir branih in 13rantfoýd. His niany fiendAs here -%il be pleased to hear of Lis poitm ~mrs. Thela~sCwn feul on Sat- u'rday and brake lier hp and isno i the Oshawa liospital. We under-1 Ptaaid whikinh the hospital she suf-1 fered a strýoke. We weýre~ sorry to. hirarn of the pas-1 sig of Mr. Thomias Cowan last Sat- urday, Fehi-uay 1lfth ithe Bwo ville Hospital We wo wre sorry to Iearn of the pasý- Oiiig of Mr. Williami Johin Virtue onl- Wedneday.Fýbrwry' 7th. M~rs. J. C. Ta.mblyn w-as hostess lat Fridav evening 'f);;a surprise rparty for Mrs. Vanice Cooper whio is nioving t,> 0,Yshawa soon, Anuie of lier friendS in Ol'rnop lesented fier with a pressrn'.e cooker. Mr.C. BTyel entertail ed a inmbe of Joy Coopers sho friends Jon 'mnday afterrnoon at lier home.' ý'lhe girls gave Joy a littie bedsidle M'r. Rocsa Gilliart.(o. visite-d ýMi. andi Mrs. H. Barlow las;t week, anid atte-nded M~asonic Lodge mleet- O.C.S. pupilsenyd a tobogann- Ing party last week near thle lhûme ef 5mis- Gwenil Ranslerry. Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyvd Ransuerry enter- taineýd the -yýounig people mlater ithe Oshwa re~yte14 oma'sMis- ionary y of týle Tllited Church uf Canada will be heMld i Centre St.ý United Ohuijeli, 0Osha-wa 'on, W ed. February 2lst, when Mirs. T. Norton of BroUgam 'nwili preside. miss Elizabeth iRod ofAgoa wesit Afrira wil'l be the gueýst speak- el, at theý morlling esin Mrs'. JamS,ý Laughland Gueipli, Ontùal o rsdn f he Dominion Riard wiii be the aftern'oon speakier and will instal the new officers for Registraltion wilbegin at 9.ffl a.m' Dimner ýwil be serýved hy thie Centre ENTEtçRRIS"E ViSs Vema Cochrane- was homne fr:oni Orono lust week-end. Ourehr Miss Preston spent thfe week-end iu Toronto. Mm. C D. aLsdon, amiliton, whoi Ihas be4n itng lier cous7n, Mi--. J MVLffat the pan.-ýt two weeks' returned te lier home ou Wednesday. On Tuesdny evening there wa co'cial evening and sluower for Mr. rand Mrs. Earl Taylor of Os iaw n the seliool. Prooressîve eachirep and lTE or us to, take len Goc Dear W'ETHEY'S MARMALADE - ,ew taste treat In VI Orange,. Grapefruit and L o, 9 ozs.-25c. we lia' Strýawberry JAM '9 oun7es W-- 27c Y' 24 oufces.. ..........46c. e - ] ro i Mfinot of Pure Clover HONEY, ilb tin....... ..89e Iand vyL Pos's UGA CR ,pkg..... ........19e. wt quested Kraft Chieese « slices-- Yo ur w 8 twI a 1/ lb package uq but )?[MENTO .---3C. OLD ENGLTSH ...3le. qaainte- KRAT ý......3 1C.SWISS ...35c, we roui Delicious M ~mCREESE, frehly CUt, lb. 59e we si froni yç Idaho Spa ailh ONIONS, 3 ïU ib -------.......... prise GRAPEF UIT, Jicier, 96's, 4 for ....29c. Att S ?>ý,NS, Cello Pack, eah............2------- - ft sPY APPLES, 6 4t, bas1ket, ~..... .9 wn SPNCFreshl, bag for....... ----........ 27c. ae C KNGONIONS OnitariO, 5 Ilis.....1 9c. B~ BAN1ANAS, Golïden RiPe, Pounld for....., rpis 4 NAILS etc. We hhand1e everythiny r ed when you start to r( or' kulid new fences. suri to Consult us bt piirehasing fencing need hiandît- a fulllfine é Power I terrup*acons I The Pow-er wilLIbe off Sunday afternoon, Fe mary 18th, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. AIl consumers supplied from the Bowmauville f t'and Orono Substations w i be affected. The above interruptiç'n is being made so that necessary repaira QPower Commission at both stations. In the event of inle meut weather the interruption wilI be cancel- fl Sled until February 25th at the sailee ie. 1 fi .dro-Electre Power Commission of Ontai:ori O Moer Equipment pri',at, Ambulane. QNorthcutt and Smith Q Furerai birector. and Faraitur, Deaer* KINDINESS COLJRTESY SE IRV ICE Q Equlppd tâ take cart of the rmodest funerai et the mont reasenable charg, as weili a»the. largeet and Telephone :Oilice 668 - ReuIdence : SU and 726 Telephone Collect BowïuanvlI. Ouï- ~ARMSTqlRONG'S T New Blouses in crepeýs. nly- Ion and cottonýs, al sizes and priccd from 35 to $5.95 FIamiencettÇ Blankets lhave gonle lp, go d qualiiy Kiigcot size 7OX90, priced at $6150 Fancy Cils and Saucera, al diffement patterns, and priced from -1.95 to $3.0 Pure Lineni Towelîiig 20t,/z inches wide 80c 23 iches priced at..............- --- Homespuni Bedspreads. color Sbline, rose and rust at $6 95 AIl wool I B. Blankets, ceý- louir mcd, priidd per pair $25.0 HEINZ Sweet Fru~it SAUCE 1 cake of SUNIGHIT both for If you are needig inew ciir- tains or drapes sec our display of draperies and marqutise-ttes. Suniiwehb and pattern- ed rayon Marquisette. Rcady made curtains of il kinds. We have vur new prii s for Spin. .priced from 50c'to 75ce W'allpaers, Sui worthyv and Water-fa-st, good ý,)ttern1s for aniy om.I Siacks in , plain Tricot Wool Check- aud Gabarid gr-eY wool flanneil, pricee. $7 95 to........... Si/in Crepes, Taf fe WoiLVelvets, ail Colcre sie/priced $5,95 to $1 Red Rose" Gaujze Tea Bags, 120 tWoa cup size....$1.55 ChoiceA3lue Plumns> 105 oz timn selIi mg f or ...........79c. IMaster Dog Food, 1I L.tins, 3 ýJns for ..... ....... 27c. FR UITS BA lý NT VE( 1 mommmumm-

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