I W.C.T.IL MEETING phepe pa f Bkwranville and1 d"istict are to te greatly honoiiredi ili that bhvey are toehae <e1 visit from -lle Modeetc - TeUnited Ghurcbý CfCuaRgt Rev. C. -iMacKino j%- ia1 meetinig of the Osawa& Preayrteyis heing lheld in Tr-inity United Chucl, Bavniinville on Fni- ,day, Nilarch Z2A at 8 p.m. when Dr. NtvaIrwil týe thre guet speaker.1 Ble de a àynamie usýtd fer'ceful speaker1 ýrnd willI 2,n atimely rmessa-gei .~is se ure, -'),be zan 4inspiration tao aris encc. ¶'Tc e ietjng wil eb a ,ypen oiie te e:arbiepe(opie of ai1de ronvlatioar.stt .pivilegiÏe of heiriig, Thcgrea :idnliter. Rev. Yv. Fisher, ohima f theP Preýýbytery, wi'l The regular metnof the Orc-oo W Ili ns Ieti tute ms eld, ila tbe mown mHal", Oranîon011Fnlday efter- nvoorv, lFcbouary 23i-d,195. Tive, presidervt Mre. O. W. Ralpit maýs in the chair Tite meeting as opnei itli thet singling cf "0 Canl- da"follomedr iy Vie Lastitute Ode, 7iT!Ë Vie Lord's Pray'er being repeit-. erd in unisaîn. Thte minutes cf the iast meceting wmore reac iand adopterd mith tItre financiallrelporth einiag ncepted r t was duly pqs1sed Viat prizes be p-resenterd to grades ninie anci tnn at tte --ommentemenit. t mas decided t 'bat le uIneltute mouird accept ieii share cf tihe anvont necessarif ta fijn-h a r n th ie n.ew Bammernai- vill1e HespiteL. Thte seond part of it eire i g asin charge cf the e ce prit 1:1- den Home Econonics and H-eath unvernor. IMrc. Barlolw tock Vthecar Mns. H. Birovw meleormedi aur mýeibers te the meeting andi callerd on irs. Win, Cacnvan', mI»readi a %aper of innterest on Motiva 'ndi ~l'tBeieti1e nd Ileir prevexrtien, J. So ri. deiýlgithted bose Mrs. J. J. Mellor Wins W. M. S. 'Contest Ili Cenitre- Stieet -Unitedi Ciurcli, Olaaon Felxnpary lst the -13Tdý annnuil nmeeting of the ýOitarwa- PrelS-ý liyterial of Vie W.M.S. of the Undrited Culirro f Canmada -was heli wtt a good atterandance,1 Thle of the Year'i" -was pre-1 ;eaited 1 1 cr~pndl cce taryB. T. A4airr. Tis ie mas f ollw ed hy sdivet reports cof depar-tmenl secr' nis.ThePrsh' wurr Mrs Pulirepe)irtecId remittanece of, tl5 o~ te he COnfere-nce, Brancy secretary. This is- $ý1,:35.OfÛ ove.- the allocation to Oshawa Pne- liyteriarl for 19f511. Mrs. A. A. Drmi- iond, secrebary of Chi-iertian Stew- The regubar meeting of Vie Wo- in-en's Ciristian Teniiperance Urnion -was beld ýcn Tuesday art Vive homne Qf Mrs. Seymaour witli a good attend- The meeting cpened wvith thve Sing- ixvg of ivyma ý1, Wilrl Vie Andivr Hoici". Mas. H. Walsh garve a sin dd dè-vtioiial,, "The Cood Samar- itian"' closing with the Lard Frye ia uniscan. In Vive business period, roll cal wais respond'ed by sixteen miembers- Thve minutes of the formrer mieeting. maývre read and i apprr 'ed. The Cor- responding seeretary lvad a numbhet of tivarik you cards from thece wh hrad been remnem1hered withi get -wel1 cards and bas,ýkets of fr-uit. NMrs. J. D. Bro;wrn gave a splendid treasur.s' repo ut. 1 that this ai-nount Ojfýý"III IvtýA 't The Fi,-Ist Mation Colirreil of Wo- to- men" of vIhých Francis Wiiýla-i-d was and $"2,ofl4) to-wardi ', > 1 the presîdent Mrs. re-ading C- for Iniosinna-les; Ill-is tled "Thp H-11 of Fainee' and î remain at st(-Ila Car-,011 j2ýav;e a paper 011 the xation i's Nve ou ýt by as n-luch as T'lie clip sýeet was rpad ýhy the president and eight menibers replied ___________________________ coinprreles rep resentat ives frtim var- iosorganizations suchi as t-ie Can- riresent mîith twe h1uirarauc radings ardan Aseciatiîn fDr Aduit Educa- Tive rmeetng then turncd its "tlon, Vive Uni ed Co-lcpeimaitives of fArughtstc t thc ironing of shirts. Onitalao, anmd the Onsano Farm Ra- !Mins Percy Lunn demnoastratec the dio Foiuni. ccd mar ý,,y te mon shirts using an Cxc cf Viese s 1)11~,-ianietï foin electrie ironer. wNhicli mas proviildc te aster me-Ck, 4e bcing held at tlrough tIe cour-tey cf Lunn lHard- Sky Lof t Lodige in Vihe Dagitar brus w-are (me ail ished that we omned of Ontario Caunty, about eîight nmiles- an iflerier). Mrs. J. Tarinblyn anci Mreý nortlh-west cf Braooklin and six m iiles S. RP hror eostas mti outh cf Uxtrnldgce. Tive sectool1 is a the land imr and durirg tits dem- ltmeprojtcf Vie Durham andi Ont onstration Mrs. Ta-inblyni kept ui aî aro Feierations o f Ariulur, I unngchastter as Vo Vie jcyeofare lopilag ýta pnist tie interest and ironng; trm many shrt e imon inr, ttendanre f approxirnatelry thirtyý a er, etc. Mrs. Barlow shioNed ylutphpe in the 18-25 rge gou. correct maniner te f eld shirts ta packlt 7RmiAH tec codrucd by Roa',Hrgatt themî away. Mirs Barlow tien Wsb ildma ftcOtreFl e c cd and pressec ir an'sVefani eCeunil, assisiteci ly vaious leaders learneci a nem trick frocm Mrs. 0 :. W*1resident in ivierý twio corntie, as ml Reipli regarding this invpertant item as exectives of viarus farinm, ce- cf a gentlremaini'e wa,drobe. 1operative and adit education organ- It mas the unanlmeyjos declelon -of izatiiens. fentiative plans for eset ail pressent that me bted tîSi a very da,; include thre fljwngatrii fine afteroocn cf erentaVirnvent andi educarlin. - On Thursdmay, Maréait29ýthrte MrS. 0. W. ýRolph exprreSed tiis ISA0divool ~l cpen forn reg'istrrations atl appirctatio-n Vo ail those taking part. 1.320 pini. Snce studen.ts miay te ar- AL delightFul lunch mwas served at iiving at varioirUs tmes, te first af-1 four ocok encl u ean infîormnal, get- End ity Mea nver cf ac-1 a hienrrt fli 1iy Tihis s,ýilce, sthowivg tihre-ibilty cf thte origIivatori, -wil te useci as cen- c'y by Vthe ocal Figure Saigclubi -end il liadd nmuaitte VIieeitiýiiiber in! mvriLchit irt eucsed.i -owing tcpics; P*tilasoplvy cf the sili, Pticsohyof tIcFeh, ai Pi-inciplies cf Vive- oertv Mo- me(nt. The lpsr ancid eraic trni tahRdi eVrrm tmoiis-n cuson wirfl pe idevotnductedb d artiion of the vaflue cf Vive ruaco- coinrmvuity lveand Cnaia 1cl turc. A vandicrrft pe:ioci, and Ce- creaition 'mli ccrupyv ive cueitlla in thie diypcod For Sundiay, the estudents, lead- ers and guetre w111 .attend thre imet- inîg service etof ipat Greienmmvoo)d Unitedi Chrurdit, or any cf theienair- by dhuies as they mary prerfer. Durîng thve day, Vivace lealders wilii spa k n the Aipreciation cfMuc Art Uanvd Literature. Spepr ili& ritesved about 5.30 ,mn. ifte,, ihich tise clesinîg ecr- cises wil ta lheld, and the s--aoL ~ 195i1 edition e)f this ex isewlou a doUbtt une t acovpieh)çetsever surit att te Arena oa nly hlf adtitenvlpted by an amturgap fil cd vvith spectatorS. F th ie 'iirîy Totes" Who are, met lcaï-ning ttcî1aate, Vo Vive seiirhm The Oroap R andi begau et pro- bers carry on Lhe lines of a prfes- , am Witl a numnber of selecti ivv.silatrue The reeve and aIso hairmn f ianltoue rinrk co7ïrmrit-ere, Geo.1ge WaIton, hý esums idstt __s r acted as master gf ce3rPnioiesî cal- mr1ore clolmfui than ever. Tt ris to be ing on the dignitarlanes for a-, e unsurpaseeîsd in eye-fil;liig specta-cle. mords. Flatier Coffey, Rev. Turner, The grrace ýand Preesioen rf te Rev. Dewdney andi J. ýM Jiames, M.P. >smonth fiýgure saigroutinlesin ail vceireed thefir test istres forn the the tIM Itoîav ae ineqial&d any- futur6 cf Vive Arena. verea. Hilieus comiedy punchin- The reeve aîspo paid tri-hute to thel 1.n, a hribhg t on efrac Newcasîtle Vtwaac Associa11tion foi bgnagV e mivho four yearc ago 11iraunched thie be- B uet e h anvalti ginînring of tirs preject in Newcastie. ycar, don't be disappointed tbirough A graruîp cf Newcasrtle gi rls, The yu absence. Tte actaý to be ze-taled Rinke(ttes, \were aise areedited with wIjîaprpeatl te thne enire911mily.'Re- Viver mrk n rrisng f fndsforserredscats are on sale at Cooper's The Fras1Shop. Rev. Laîmience Turner made the < cdicatory prayer la wvIhich the Are- pei*rq D csFo ihîe te tivosededicatupenong .uaiesForhr srnng ý-t ihirlisf or veth e of f'ree-1 AdvanCled A ewnv do! . T c Lst pot mars soimîdeci a-iA-dy a tnilef mariet of silenceosere. Totpcirlan pre nga, The Hon. Maijor Foote in tic ad- wili get a eaibreak rVths yearmith di-ecss priar ta five (cuttng cf the rnb- ealc'opelgies it was lerner bon saidtlva tt wae ,ýshis belief 1at 1tis wekveýn Itle epen saeiso ttc governnvent loulci spend îmore e fiel ttc Pro'vnce of Ontarl7o for- mi ney dxintihe dreto cf emrnuit19!l mare ffîcially annlio-uiniceciliby 1ct~sntter t1"Ivan Imviing t tbil T arýo1d R. S(cott, Mîiste , OtarS! ncfnnvîtoiesard Iike iristitutlion.Ietvn ît cf LanCvd anid Prns fle -als, ree th ie chainýmnan of The opIenlinig date f'xr cpeckled, tic r-'initconinilittere with a échequle niaiibw Arr adK pr il 28f in a 1-lt and j at et yeo ikerel aaigea tIlnth pîke MrayL 12 inîtcýard of May î1-tul. The raso fr 'lie earlier opcnv datsi accxlane, as te give Iangler-,s thie tenefit of aiwelen' f ,îinîg on it1L apening dates. Ther aiid datýera cof îMayl anci y15, botit feu on aTedy t e ates coel criTheurdayw S Ma)ple Le'af Hoey tcvý(am i ie Strodcid tA lthe-a e~gwith bod)h wihsfori- "ss ftiis n pro jetixtc con .ity. d ov V'cre prpennt to pQfo fo" e spei totrs tisbei , g viowdb hoceygae e ent-wo0Neýw- TI 1 in. GooidIn was ab1e to a ci he iffii iopeling of the Ana due t» s ickvness. ThiefHon. J. W. Foote, V.C. TiWNwa'tl emio.-ý1 'Coni-1mm- friom thve Onta rio Goverieflt of ity irx s certainIy a credit tU) the ilgeini Whch las been m ce T did2ight of niany, Thu Daîiey expinne i ~ts ~ i ot Red C'ross Dîrive For $50000 BeginningM&rch lst Oveir srubsciiptic) osf 1te Red Cross 1e eds cf the couiitry in th1e prýesent national anppral for $~lOl hhinternaiýtional 1crisis butwoicoi- was ope4n o011Vareli let, was caled iUe its' seiiipîrriv evos PIr hby btive îHonLFpold Macauleiy, Mr -Macaiay m tnted K.C.. l1eirahn o f the Nation-al Ex- ecutive e ate~ due tc' the ur-j The acjrc iae lih gint recluest fram tihe Misister f lied Crase tac'i undertake'n at th e NatonlaJDDefence for Read Cro", Prog n i-s euest rwil pcieci- visioicf bood and bilicod ls¶afori tata a110,oon1y iný,rexseid financial aup-~ the iimedàal dLpanrtmrnt of the Arm- pot brut rtt enr r ýnlof vastnrum- edFoc, trtrh at tonie andipbroad. 1f -sar ddit'ontal ibi ý,d dfnorc inor- "The Canaiatn governnvent brais akeiRed Cross to cecrure blond far th.,d~ttfn forcs anvd foiailier ilý itary tondci cvil 4cenoenieds, nec- asrefci as thve armned f mcc iay have adequîatc supplies cf blood anic blood i rprmduts. estral ri i art irrimediatc expýanision i Thie viivl nid ,eferman hosïpitafs of ota preseat service anid a sutstan--jpresentIy 51c ci by tMe Reci Crama !al poven-eubsc iptoirof ou-rcnmi- îea Bluocd anf Sio n ceca-- puilgn quota set cerne imnais rgo,"us1«ig nprxmrey2M QOO0 frtties Mr. aerua saaL cfol mhorle rivlodc atll i leesrtirn- Motiieci as rivcverr temae in peace- ated t Vit ie immeýdjiate needs- cf tfie - timrer, tViý- Beidi Croes culîd nrout r Depar-tmnent cf National Demfence5ii-- cludîing initial fstepe in civil de-fense- m)iodiify iVc ercistipivg Vramnivg enci o rpa wneesini equire a fwUnrtte 1 rational rpngraivre le veet Vthe IO>10 b ttle of blod duiing 191 , *- N si - N,~ ~lN$4~~ , ~ i4iar~ - N N N N N N Nr N N N N NI N N N N N N N N N N N 'r N N N N N N N N N N N 'r N N N N N N N N SI N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SI 'N N N N N s- N $4 N N N