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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Mar 1951, p. 4

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Ottawa. PHYSICLA? Subscriptioii Puiblisher.. R C3 n $1.50 Eve-r rein FerrenterI - PATT!E1RSi¶ a tii5ar li ne] ENZIE, iM.D.- andi SURGEON Hourfs: 4 4m t. e . op-mi Wedmot." yub ke alme~st every cîther ýcommniiy M ii'Otario, Orono has had eed ea&n fýor U~nfu in othe exisVtnce (4 a Sick Chiîdd- Hoptal nat a central pointl 4ke Toronto, Nom, that a new lios- ihas been eo-rrpletedil n thet ity, we would like to expresis our cfkafi'î'l for the adiced equisenit, spaee and reseandh facilities ihave beein eoonbined to reinder this ¶15w hospita1 a marvel cf mr ~thoughtt and effoit. H a¶fa i-reaide 5o-day appearv o %trate uplm ýfthe veny yoeng, also 'tfihe very ofld. Unfoi-tmcIiateïy )Id ïappeuar animoiig h forgotteni faction -Mien w7e recnll the napid- ,stb ofliving as agahint itVie s&emVogl, peïtion aflmvaee, and the -nîsauiing viulue 0f Iacosns effected Iby patient saving. However the ýg are assureI nedical andJ surgical oare w3e.nec'ssary as long istitutions likçe tihe SIik Childrenuï,s iosqtal are maitaqnd, and ýng as the Promisie î4a biouired that no needy ciRd shaN 1bl turn- ýwaýy. Illiness and. ïnjury loeie a lot of their t'hreat -wlen ohildren 3ssured the aftention vof tnaimied docrs and nurses, yet our chJef Js -biat ithere .will be littie aeed loealy £or the servives of the i- tios. There wi4ff stuul be tihos iinesses -with Qikh~ the fnlmiy ue nd thie neaxlby thosptal can coqpe, and honie nursing in -whjieh mnother 'participaites wu1II prointhly figure as Iargely as ever, sof w1,11 thds viifistn the Skk <2hkldren'sHo ia, a monument ntirinig plaiming and effort, a at word hi pefectios in our 'and a quarantte that e ietfthig will bei dosne insbfar as &.he ?al is ronemed to allevate suffering and render aid Vo tihe ren coening itbin itis postýale in eearch cd care. I (t If You expect efficient service fromi your neighborhood bank .. . and you get it because banks compete with each other to serve you. and women on your bank's e to excel in banking skiJl, ss and couxtesy. Just as you rour ownwork. ular dealings with your baufk are ful. And you agers wide ,elp you ini youl' ai problems, Gaefiro4 nus ttslinfce 0 sue on Cioe sI1 -.ilfin Wa,, ;, wl n U. s.... IdOIR 011 lU Aheait'i.t W01 ou muny frienidsa, Mardh h f t 8 p.,i. L-skaird ha, hIghcà'oset, 4al e ik Ia by-g nehapy days,. jehalInIeged Clhs-keUnion for teuMV ehn roiy LOi op Thogih id giil& have gone forever diist.-ýiet cI-fýinpîionisýip. AIl rI 1 arwroo 0'~o - And his hnnmd e canqit touech, colle. Adniýisalon' 2[5c and 1ýc. Pro-I We shalleve lse those, smvet ceeds i iof t,-unday Schooî. niemnis newelved Sa muucii. a-c F0R ALE memoriés we h) Empire- Cooyk S ewhite 1- -ýiglt iiagi to'kep hea 4 yearý. Appfly Vo Mr. Lyal Lowery, kee ahad4 V ~Phone 14 r 13, Oitoiio. aJ RegiulaVin tleendIed N with'bthùe____________ y sore tkId 6 all aandi h 0iphans FRES NT needed afl th.eir hidk and playing a- à laL~Tmy id loe ___bilîty te kee, even -with the iMili- Oeur As srived T,ï okiiyd CIyer e Even n ii thils id spiing-!Iike brOok- 5(Pin<L quirements now f4ni us. F.olp,ý woeatiher, hockey is not at a -stand- Iii the ovenitqmve sessiLorn Orono flardlware, Orono, OntarW.e âtîi la n, he loca)] Ie Patluor h, at ± ii onv vp hocke y nýhit, the Ororm- Junior goals to will the gnne by a scare of 1ROM ý AND BOARD hoky ear p1ayed the fîbst $ianie ,06 of a best üif bthree sevies with Mill- RoSli and h rd for eldei person bitovk. Quiite a numnber ovi Vhs Oonv play- Gare if requ e. Plhone i iIe 1113. ers wof c idvsy offwiùh r ande aç-,vas0(1,8-p The Juniors stauted ot tiiol thniyg_h Une Ihai-d - oiîrk vf the fight and drive. At Vhndsd th e p 4rs t1ý'/ u i1~asDAXLV$TC fir4t period 'Miillbok held a 3 VoO0inte-vnclm.Pkd uýrop-V J, iea sd estiny dseved i IThe Sno Hockey Club is still Herses, Cows, Calfs, Shbe'ep au igs Oinose canne te ife in thes s-coudn niigVopa terAs an dddservice we il -eo-- peid but, alientvif Vireeserie witu Omeres.peratýe %wtlhyour veterin *aai in _______________________ Onueiepw.on Vhff irnit gaine but pçst-iflOlrtemf. Gyrno s llopefudi of tieingg up the 21,ic per lhbfor live eÉrsen. renes n hs are ue.Cali ýcoIl4 R owmanvIle 2679 M3ARGWýLL FURiFAIMS cf The OinoSha!tdaa'g Club is h i4nig Tyrone,ý for mMie -weinthe2r se tihat Vhielr ani- 49-tf IUn aiSltItiisg cai'niva IIeau hveàis ____________ Ôd -oPro(view This Fnidiayy sud Sat- Pl da Oteamna geW a t A& -nd rsoh-inuful show h been a-l n I semàbled aud the sports uiuded cit- Ts etefcieadraeal izeI miho jorsy o hs_ Aresia, to mauner ini which to contact sellers ~ ,~j witne is tIdnetavaigamza wlil1 be and buyers alike dotbiy palidi for his efforts.1 BIJY SELLJ RENT TRADE *- ty edSALE REGISTERS NOTIË~Y WANT FO YOUR TASTEX The exiecntqorn of the estate vof tb<' 9 ring 1 Orono W'h3 buy new furniture haVe IsURou fDunbar aie offering fer- whe n we ana re-styIe yot;r sale hy publie auÇetilouShIorthiorn preqent, fu rnîslungs to stst eh, Swiie, Machidnery, Orchard Q 0 rono Tinshop - DON'T QuInte BIackstoc Frida*, B PROGRAI Feed and Purniturei. The- sale will takse p1aidýe at hie bite uý-sadence, lots 17-18, cnosess-ion 6, Hope Town-hiîp, hiadf mile west vif Per,'ytown (lhurch1 it 1 prfin. lhar nSaturday, M'aich 3. Teimi's a'sta, nqeffesereJaec Reid, Auctioneer. Mrs. F. W. Bowen will s,-11 by iluble auction annaioiut of machin- ryaid furniture. SneswialI lelheld Ëit lot 33, concessâon 3, CIrke Town- sihip, one concession u1Orth of Nem- castle sund cas aille west on S atur- dar, Mnireh lUthat 1~3 .'M .Tennms c ash, na resei-ve, Jack Reid, Auc- MISS THE ck Armoq Mfarchli'6th MMl'ýE 1.30 p EXCELLt -NT SEED POHIBITION BACON CÀjARCASS C 4MPETITION 28 Carcasses fýom Outario ad Durham Counties DR. G. P. cýROSTIE Improved Varities of Qéin and Forage Creps BANQUET FRIDAY EVE NING Saturday, March l7th at 2.00 p.m. -SALE 0F ALL SEED Wflnsot Croxahl, Presideuit v ~ Moto tco shop aon s wihatkep KI N We Seli And Instal Pease Heatîng I i I ( i R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 good E. A. Summers Fair Secretary r Eqipmet Prv Amulane Phne 2148, Bowmanyille Funra Drecor ~d Fyatu~ Daîr~Pýhone 30 r 16 DN ESS iCOU R il ESE URV1c IgCNRTR O Equipped te takecrse ,e11 as actiigf Office 61 APPLIANCE SALES rompt and Guaranteefl Repairs il niakes of Electrical Equipuý and Appiiances s ienl PHYSICIAN and SIJ1W» Main Street South OfficeHowrs: 2.00 te 4.00 P.M..;9.30 t. 8.00 p.n.. Sundays and Holiday. by Appointinent PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO Lawpence C. Mason, B.A. BarrîI'ter and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office 688 Home 553 W.F. WARD RARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phonta : Offce 525 Reidene. 4" BOWMÂN VILLE, ONT. A&UCTIONRERS" TEL) JACKSOiN Auctioneer and Valuator 'onducts Miction Sale.s. el &Dioem and at reagonable rate. Communicte with hlm at Peut >erry, Ontario, or see hi* Cl.rk, A. E. Morton, at Qrocao, for date. JACK nR"EI»r Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Veiuator Specialize in Farm and Furuture Sales Consuit me for teraw and dates Phnne 5 r 19 LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Pe<,lee. Protection and Savings Plas1f« Chi1dren andi Adults, Mortgage - surance Plans. IF. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Pbone 20 r i. The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Phi met hiuwFnrra vinoe . oIdleafinp, IL Reupholstering Repairing Refinishing Antiques Brnight and ,Sold See our liue of Drapery Material Kitchien Unit., made tc, order C- F. Duncan 1 Phione 79-16 - ORIONO W'e wTýIhlbe pleased to pick up dead or eipldfar-manîiiais and lpay highiest prevailing prices. For inmmeiate service telephone collect Boki 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Emplire 3-366 CO'RDON OUNCi Ltt aia Hot ater STAFFORD BROS Rot Wate Monumental Works HeatingPhone Whitby 552 Neadng318 JDtxndas. St. L., Whitby CALL US FOR ESTIMATES FINE QUTALITY IIARRZY E. LYCETT AKR Phone 84 r 12 Let us erect a haudsome, dig- ORONO - ONT. ., nfe a "-&#lAAe A t *4liJa Vve$ l tha r ing place of your Ioved one.. It's not expensive. And oeeing this last tribute will givo you eradies onfort ORONO Forniture Hospital 5ý Çfflù 1 ýf'

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