ENZLE, M.D, and SURGEON Ilours: 6.50 te OS p.m. m~7 RGeN 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 t0 8.00 p.u. Sunidays and Holidays by Appointmnent I Medicine Cabinet Not a s 1 f ew àho,;e n ites ,gular $8.9â, 1 b u [y, SPECIAL StS5-wi e Sale Riihher 4N IIOSE fl leilgth Price $5.95 À - $4M9 'CLE $16.95, - $12.95 and up ,$6.95~ 4.95 1lonly WAGONS s j Reglarvalue $1.50, SPCA PRICE 98c Ena mel and Ailwninum iWare Better than Bargain Prices -9 15 p.Co OFF- RECORD PLAYERS Large Assortment 15 per cenit Off. Regular price $16.95 Tea Pots Doli Carniages Good -Assortment Large Assortment Refrigerators » Washers - Ranges Rangettes - llotptates Ahl these at reduced prices dlespite forecasting of higlher pric es and possible tax ave 50.on a niew Refrigerator Saveýý$JY- 0 1Onfly atthis price REFRI4ERATORS, 6 cu. ft., deluxe, Special $299.50. RDIO SPECIALA SNew\ý ship4'ient just arr-ived - 5 Cokl rs Regularptice_ $31.95, SPECIAL$249 COMPLETE LINE 0Fi Cliàdden Paints 2Qp.-'c. Off It i1 pay you to Stock ulf for al initeriorý andixterior ant NOW at these BARGAIN PRICES. EN URANQÈPAINTS AIl" coiori-t,' uding white Forecast is thlat ait white paints wil ho in extreme short Supply this Sumlmer, itegular $7.00 a gal. - SPECIAL $5.40 a gai. z e OIR SPACE IIEATER Reg. $119.95 SPECIAL $89.50 2 Burne-r HOTPLATE R-egular- value $4,95 SPECIAL - $25 GR-EETING CARZDS Cards for every secia1 occa- sion. A very larg-e assortmneut. 20 per cent OFF GALVANIZED PAILS IRegular 75c. value NOW ONLY 49c. CRICK FEEDERS 20 per cent OFF Limited Supply TRILITES regular $14.95 ,V" C1A L - $10.95 CULTIVATORS 5 tine Reguflar, valuie $1.5o SPECIAL -98,c. VACUUM CLEANER Complete wf'th attachmenlts RcuaalueAL7450 A well known make Rubber Extension TROUBLE LAMPS Onie needed iu every home at thlis price Ilegular value $2.98 SPECIAL $1.98 Lar.ge selection oýf good Used Washers $39.50 and p Io R. J. -Ardh appchintedrop ler Brusli Cý of Clarke a11 neaof lr Gare if relui i ii , ne y phol iaýeDuncan,, C~E Ht Ls beeni tiae fer the Fui- h the townvish-pl It due to thie 111- r ,Pýerày person qeClarke 1133. DE-ID LIVE STOC Pceup promii-pi 1orses, Cowvs, Caifs, ShIi and Pigs We pay fo ilrse dcows As ana rv we will ce- operate with our etriaran l 21/se peri!b. orlive hor-ses. Cali cou ."t rownian ville 2G79 MARG FUR FAR.MS Tyrone 49-tf Want Ads The most effective ami reasonable manner in which te contact seller. anýd buyers alike BUY RENT NOTWFY O ron o Tinshop We Sel And Instal Pease Heating SELL TRADE WANT R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 Pluning 1 , and U ot Water Reatlng CALL US FOR ESTEIMÂTES ,ETT OINT. nçrttenijiials on BeTTEJR CARS Ve Iuy, J Selle l-rade hm. vOry g.od SEE tS AT ONCE SKingSlt. vW, Bownianvile, Ot Phone 248, o mnille - Phone 30 r 16- CONTRACTORSFO Lawrence C. NMason, . Barrister and Solicitor BOWANVLLLE, ONT. phone Office 688 Home 55 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTAIZY Phones - Office 825 Re2idence 409 'BoWMAN VILLE, ONT. AUCTIONEERS T ED JA CKSOCiN Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of all âdrS anid at reasonable rate. commiwncate with hlm et Po4 Perry, Onitario, or see hI. CI.rk, 4 E. Morton, t 0 rouc, fer date. JACK REID Oroxw's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatir Specialize hi Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for term and dates Pb0ne 1; r 19 LIFE INJSUR"ANCE Pension Plans; EducationaI Policlesi, Pretection and Savngs Plans foe surauce Plans. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont. -Poe2,0,r le The RUTTER G RAINITE COMPANY Dia1 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monum1ents, Gravemarkerm STAFFORD BROS Mlonumental Werks Phono Whithy 55~2 318 J>undas; St. E., Whitby EJNT QUALIT Y PKERS Let us ere handsornle, dig- nified nmo-iu ý ,oer theresi ing plact aur Ioved oees It's not e, e. And seelinn this la: ,bîte wfil give you s crft W'e wilI bepleaedfo pjeck up dead Or ecrîppled farm animais and lpay highest prevailing e service telephone klinl 62, Cùourg ito Emipire 3-3c636 ILARRY E. LYC Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO JO .40 9*71 v 9 1