Vol. 15 No, 8 OR( Orphans Win Over Aurora Advance To Lynhurst Rocketsl 11 to stant this sports column111 laqit1 problem ,affter haiving th-e Oriaswin twe ames, beýling pr- tested ilanti thon winning' thfie sudden deatith third gamie, but here goes. LasV Thursday unighit la Or1oýno 1Vite \.~' econdgame of a best of jirec. series wihAurnirawas piayed andiafe tImiI *pckedmhrutes, te, Opanse ege icto.iiuos ýby a '7 te6score. Aurora led 2 Vo 0 at te end Of te fst p.eiod 3 Vo 2 at tVite end of te, seodwhile in tlhe third Ono scrdfour golto ie Vite score anti ga ie-p. In 1îe oveiltimie peiot Guýsty W s scredth ie winliing goal ýronoron;)ite cplay-off tal T-he mngeetof the rpa latiWlsýon tandi Sheler. whose1 -certïficates were Paessed by Vhe OHAI ý l a i-od faitit, but Vtog a tc- naler-ror n behq1f oftViteeectv -renot eligible for thte Orono eant. Iftiiserorhi ben foresaen eale n te season, stops coula haebeen tak!,en te clea ite waiy frthe tLwo abovýe players. Th-e pro test gante was playerl at Oel,'aawa on Tuesdy ni'o'-ihtbetween Oooandi Aurora x"ente Orpitans rame u1, ln with a d éecisýive ictry Tiefirst peiotiwasrater dTgyaffair wthboth eams net- tn-negoal. Sobi;e, Vite big push1 ,e:ind he Orocnýo a t t nck i 1g linle onbeithis tallv for, Orono. TheOuiita'sdrive beganlu it se lnieriot we Bl iteet Ms leld Aro-a scorelc-ss while i s týrm mates secureti four countrýs. k. Peatison the sie -Of Auro',a wke'dtihieir play antili with tlhe cosatpush iof titcloca("ls provedi dîiastrusfor item Rhi o re1 d VwcewhleArumstrong anti Mc-cer ecedtet thmacvswtheeapee Oi~oo payisg oreof atifenive, typOf hockey.- Al ite 'fforts ýof te Aurra quawomre s-t0pned 0,byVtie. defen iv 1o- of the l1cal boys. 1 Teîiillgerpjayed 'a go'od snli& golBell tuirn'n a redi tiable job) ceteifor bis 'une guite well. Ar'un1d thp-net Ooeut shonie tit4 oponetsbut, on centre ice pa'ing ol'aysi unerawas f a- sý,upen-lor. i-Thte 'gnipe edodt' O 1 for uaiidfor ii-e rgto o1meet Vt Ivnhust Roketsfertteist prntai hmiuh Thti frs game w11 hoplayed in the Colbourg1 KEND0AL Mn.WntiMnsGeorge Hoy at gr>andt,-Ison isitei LarreaidTom! Mn iJonotlin Tobile cfK rby. OtcItoS ate:"ig ilr>M. antiMr. Cecil Teble, -Mn. John Paitto)n'anti Mn.i atMr.Eaua tili VisitnswitItMr ant -M-. T. fl- diteit on Sunday wvere Miss Edie Royý, Mn-. N IenIua PatenhM. Har'- pýeI Caaaie, r ae oy anti Ruiter, Beobant Le Hldic(1it cf BowanvileaniMn L. Tail andi Mr . lris of Osh)awa. MmenantiJd n spe-nt Suindayv witi. .antid r.Les Reidi antifm Pu Croketi Gretik. Mrsý,. Brutice Ander-son antideii c'f Oaavisiteti býer grauIdmotlierj Mais, L. Titorne on Sndyanti pre- senteIti b Ier r4Vb la Ibeautifuýl bouquetl forýi bher bi rtitday. Ms.Auden-son aiseo risite ber mtite, Mrîs J Sablk Both AMn.anti Mls. lake Alexan- don ar nder ite ttrscareP, witb Vie fI. AMr. iaui Boy-ýd is aise ceutfineti to beti with ite fIlu. We hope al will soin enjoy goond iealtit again. Mr.S. Patton sufferetid a failia wo)k go ant i b urt erback ant(1isl 'ha IVoïreomain lun betiforia. hile 've hlope site wvill soon 'beable Vo geV anounti again. 'Mr-s WmMercr M. T. Hiltiiýtch,ý MaIs,. E Cour-oux anti Mrc. George in l NexVcaIstioe at fweeik anti M. Cour ux-, woa Vite door uizeorf Io, Visiton's 7witM. antiMr.Tom Fails mwere, AMn. andi Mr. Ilrolt ,ittIe, G*ary -antm ui e of Hely F-Illis feroi-te ekenMs.Sa aisantidi gitnColeqn cf Trn Vo. on SaturtinAyir.anti11-nr«e Falls antloise, M. nt rs L Pailomoil !antid miy fStkri 'Continuetion page 8) Arn nSatutiar Mrci170-, ut 8 -30 p,.iV is tite hlope cf net ol Ihe oy at mangeendb t i it Smortsfaný,s cf tht'-cnu'niy iat Vlite people of te Iditict -wili fôow- douwi a V obor.Tite local entr-y banve d ae, iruitc-praino ite rik;mngmel of C obour1g Vo pîy itn entinnggae ntheir 5ce, for, nuturial 1cr cnnot ho irelieti mon.Letsail geV eunt SacturIay even- ing Vo do your shopping eany anti felîowVtite te'in am oCobeng anti telpil iteer Voatiter cfnmPionsbip. T1te, etenugantewitlit yiu ,wl be piaeti Mcontay evening ina orockviiîe. Theý-re wii oroonfor 20 pasogrsoute.:buns, seae ta F OCentrafpor one of ie mnost en- îoaleVips of iteae n wlitibte Orpnitans on beirciampinstip aili Hon, J. Fonte Recommends ConinuanceOf Countyr Councill Panlimentscf Caniadca at VHitebn qut -elti inen -cf eogeA. WaiVu, 'unienof thbe Unite4l Ceen- Visof Nulubniniantidurî ViteHon J.W. Foote, V'C ministenr efý Refoirm Isiuin for Onitario expest Vite hope ilttC'nirty coun- ciswoul'ti nover ho eabolisiti as ia boaadv'o'eti reen y in t-1ese(- conie.le saiit IV was his hbelief fltVite ceun'Vy -co"uncil w'as just as' liorat as ainy otiterl parýt cf ouril tiemae gmoemet. Tri beginin)g bis ïatires ite Dur- Ian, Mmber etfte Ouanlo Legis- 'lVure eXpr.ease I bis pesueat be- iupresent anti -aidV Lethow ass eomding Vo hink of Newcasýtle as Luiruseti Vo spak f Tercoate, 'itîe place we1 IgeV Vite test re-1 cptien a ýnti Viie fewe-, rotes-" lHeex- preý,ssodt'litegetsofVite Ilon. W. A. modelomn-ber for Non- Vitmbpiatiwhoitol rcv gf ro 11 influ!jeuza anti wns net able Vo o epr-, MorFoote expresseti itssinere congratuba Vensanti tet slistes u,'Wantirn explaiihg tVit irougit c-conta-cts w %itb ii, ite kuew bho at rndoiig ,a goeet job) as Reere et Nenwcastîr antidit ho iasur thtGeorge woul'dcdo juat ias mueit fofle counitieýs as beho atfor te la apeakiagiofrte Provincial Gev - lrnen ie s;ai ithat as in aMI tene- e'-,ýatic goverrnmuts tirrwns a lot of emtdine- andi tielabalo nt riocti of poiia peuie hncr1>I-ig out tberduties. In Mie egisaturesaud Maor liotete oppwositio iasa ipr tan-t job) to c1 as ereeiatvsor thepol ndthalut thie Governrmnt recte'e opstinadthe job %7eywu*re yig to do, ane e es(,- or watch do-gs witoseZ place it is Voe see titat ail qupelioms are nsweed ,,o litt itepeople wil] i krwte fuil m(ulning of a legisature passed.lie sai &at though few f Vite private bMES sosrdby 'heopposition- miember1s arc, ssdthe gvrmn pays strict ,attenrtion to opposiÎtioný suggetionsand the im'any bilisscn aoe'and passed 1by the ovrem are Vit irec(,ýt r~itof Coppo-sition1 s'utgetioens. 11e Said "A-Il wsk doee flot come fomthe g overnmeut an1d ffhat tiswas 'ietrue sirit o demomuracy. MjrFeo-,tp stated Ithat one ef tVite betproof'ofgrtes o f "iOur dem- ocrati s~Vemic the faict 'hti Viese day-sWeuor'ato p with coiirnuniisV countries is at the- baigpîofint, stiI avoVwed cen- m'n isarec-1owd o irun for eel- tieni just as any otIuiher partv anrd when (ithere are Vwo iii the 0Ontarnlo L egri stre ) arealowdVosa ciiticise the ornnnani ak thir suggestions on lite finoori of U1 e nccracy as pn1aDrýc-1 h om monweit h1 r al1to n Red away "soin The Re AImenst eey~ko1 eto is as- s iting ilu 'tli, isilng of futis ten Viteth locl srviesproviedti o Inoscitool ohî ren fthe tws in luthe pi- vson f coud tirer oiHi caps)ules- dlnîg thtog winter imonits andth ie e' alncora1emeiluV I of simig and Cie savain u hesmmer AI liodges SýCilool Clubs ar reqe tet o n-akt dfoaatikýns as w\A1 as inadividluel cit-ý izýens. A ý,goct perce)nage of Cfgndi(s rasdwill be gir--I on teitlp ilutVhe NUationial andiInter'national w"orit of Reti ('Cossný- wioîch b 1 icme Sn ii postant lu boltitpence time andi i wAY zones.' 1r 0Orono cannassers are eut in al parts 'if te village but beca1use of have been callet on yet bMr.'W. J. Rîtideil, wu! again as usinaia'cceptý donations at bis store from alny- iho carie o l eave tlitc i tlit hl.OficiaI r(ýeeîpts 1for lucomre Tax upss will beprovided. CaneTewnsblp) raiseti $70n Iagt year and MAi sure- l'y be a Iou te1,hit again. Mi. And Mis. E. Ca.swell Celelirate 25th Auniversary A very enjoyale ereung wssprat,1 oýn Tuesday, M:1areb i] t, xitnover eue itudred frieu'ds ant iCreaves of Mr. anti Mrs. Elismortit Casweliof Zionn, asscmb!ed lanewerieCe-,li nunÀLty Hall 'V) celeýbrate wi\itt theni, tir >Sýilver W1eddfing Anui 1ive rsar1.y, Dr. C. C. Oke M'as Ile po)puler ditýairmian nd ledluna msialsng seng aby ssýisteti by Mrsý, ArCiti The airswsre'ad by Miçss pirnuet on tite bid(e and groom byl Vwe) littIe gir-ls Tris Cswiand Mr Jones. A beautful ciest of SHUiverani the-intlcesof siver M aS" thoni p-rese'neid by Mrs. EthonJoue;s aNil-. Toms ilon t1ili sinicere tlialks te titeir n1yszý frieutis wlio weresntfrom f. ran. andi near A bountiful lunch wans piiovided co'sltigof a a utiful Ytbne tlrdweddln n ike ,îninging Vo a close( an evening of great luteneat Vo ViteC surrýo'uuiag district' Baplismal Fount Domated To OronoUnte_ Chrc Vite Finance Connttee ofrhe ýOono Unlitet iulhuri oort etrfo Dr.-M S. Tuceker,Fisng Y, wlt]i anil .oSure cvnigVte re- plceient ofItle BptsalFunt. Aise nn stiwsaprogram OfrVte last Chiurc i evice, janay7Vb, 951 d il]ilu ice olticurin laFliusit- in hctis being epactiw i new edifice cosýtinig $2,lO0)Dr. Comm.,lýittee cf titis new hit, ad no dout ilI av a few {ha aches b fln ice-trutur lacompletred. Dedîalonsericesareexpetedin Deceber195.1Lokig lbck Vo1 186, witen te former Orono Churchit was bulit, ýy fînt i.anti Mrsý. J. Lucker Vk'ng aaance partfor la Vite corner atone they hatî-i p aced , Sian -oniiaing papers anti coins. Wit i te re.Pspnibie ipo),iinDr. Tucker has asu nuti a it'eertion of ite nehct a lsiag, lie is carigon te tradý,itiýon of te Tuc'ke2 fniiy ofby-genel. gar.We wish hlmi eve-ry suj(ccoas lintis ven. ture. Camp ife ne Pogra For Crippled Chidren Offcers 'antiwnkesof tent- ar>Society for Cni!(ip leGhld"rep are deing souiting forituniretis cf ciiplet k1,ýicldies eve ya Je11oE, phase of te (-wor-k cftite sceymlicis aconduAtng its an- n'unal en Soui lCampaiga for fund Fonuay 5Vh Vo Marcit 25, a p'tion of Sume, en 'Dire- cof tVitýe tst eippeti, test lcanteticmsl nVailr ilt Vo capacýlitF yvb npit ildr a xea.Tjitev are situiatodti t oodoien Lendon; Tte euan orCocli- ingwooti anti Mer,vood, la ie bia oied On December 2Phit 189,' 1,e was unitotiin maringe tVo Martita 1 oyý, wito pr'edecoaset ihlm ý2,2 yers age. 11le freii ie#edldistrict, pniorte m 'lývin]g Vo Vitepresenit boe- statlealr Kiaby in 1913. 11e ieaves Vo moiu'n bis deatite sorn, Titomans Teblile ot l' amilton, a dauiter Ms.E. C. Copping of Kiibone 'brother, lleary ,Tebble cf Newcas tIr, a sister, 3ns1 Anrtiur Nicitolas f Newcastie, nline gr1and- aiirn ad ülii-e great grýand- Thte funeralsevc on Suntiay wa cudcttiiby te Re-v. A. E. Ecatae laKînvby Uniteti Gitureli c witbicb te deceaseti usa membr anti ider. The ipallbeaners h irre, lyesans. SVanleY Cna, Samiuel Berry, Chaudles Ruiterford. Ceeu Tebbie Ale-x. Lowajie anti Alex Iloy. ilton, ToioîV, Olîwn,Bwa- p-ille ,iNE -iailePeterborought, Oinllia ind Akr iOie. ELIZBETHANNMARTYN Aften an illinoscof oig1ittwes theve pasard 'away en March Gih 1951,nt Foneleu FAils, Elizabethi Ana Martynl, 01 ht f thelaVe Mn, anti Miýs. J. T. Mors.fipte at ,Mrs. Mr inwsn hon 73îd year Site wsbora luinCiarke Towls'bip e0n Septenther 2Siiit 1877 ant i eeiv- et lite, educaticu at CaneUnion Sciteol. 1er j'sad peees l'o sovena yrasagio. iewa a mem-ben of Vthe'Metitie- itClituclit. 'it c ast te a 'siespn a gCreat del f berlese VanCuti (Tela)antiMn.Orme Polis <Greta)\aise iaitera. Mrs. cost)J. I MNorris, 0Omno10ani W. H. orrsOttVawa. Thtnfe oal asitlti inBo a- ville wivîh Rer. S. ,itlýe-wood of Bob- au-a, TinrouVlanBaclksto)ck. The palhlerrs wereMs. Sant Ha'oTni anyn Colin Brewn anti Boy latemet ws mtiela iteOrono C eTy. lesu "w'i t tkn luveny eutr etNuf i anidSenti meurica.Cali- ada's iatil PDoal Cousus wilI be tabou iin June tt.Iis ea.Titis wývjiî t parabole da w-SlI tearilbl fom Vite many ivdiffenenî coatnes itat p)lni I,,te Vakng of rs Census ia In il theecourties ite cousus includpssirneorrmore questions On 1iitenacrýv anti otiniatin 'DPitoinform-a- tien rîlcittit'yViose quetions ili ho c of ea aniserviýe Vo national anti provýiniicia gveaon tpat mont, V ongnîztieu anilidiv- iiascoacerne iittodcinanti Ps te (,Unlii Nn 1ý-t i -uil UNESCO ai Vlite lutVSainetionaýi Sîitia aitin(" i tuttil pjlnning Veiranga. Tht'CanaianCousus c f 1951, like promus onsse --i'llinnqui!ýens Vo'0 Vitenumbmn t ach!ýo l anti ite ynrs sprait ait ceo n-,hfe those who are inaditool va antià bse whose !c vpr -.NoC, niç,'fnn inose ache Ce lu I eduet vaatt Ne jng aýý iijý ibëýA.MEETING Feel ?rerincial, un li te W omenCs Ascain Wu1 idipal Plinct re settve nTue.ndayý, Mancit 12t il anti personiai fientiaof te arenI r, gfjajli. of, te United Con11tios, George A. Tho prekýitipt, Mrs. C. Di Waiten ntim rs. WaI'Vonl, altIlteetip!ei. Tite devotlonal porto te hiou n 1.blem la ren g 0,1in of M. itaýken by rs. EnvanRaine', Waltoait eclovation Vo te itigite11(st cf- Icotintiaveny appropriate fi"(e i1a Vite -Uniteti Gene-Vies eý f No?- essa:ge ou the Cross. Mns. thb'abr'land lant i flrbnt. 1Tamblyn ispoke on te Telni Tht ag ntnage njoyet i a ssaiy 'Coateait anti comireti sl1mplt1uu aqutoussig of vory fnepapers wNviîten t' y se urkey T wit ali te Vnmmini'gs son- the pupiljtg lan'oui' scibool anti rot at ttables [Vatefnly oorte aa tetVo tem. with cobnutfi snin b osss' lu- M1rs. Rowe spoke on ite cluing dlffoiul, yncntis, uliaof Teumjperýaunce assisteti by Couneillor Johnu Rickard aittidas cf the ebrs Toastasterrani la welcoling ite Sçlc',Inti shut-ins were rcn guetsspke t Vtefine wornl< doupe et The tr-easuren, Mrs. Loga, bv Wariiden W'altoi foýr te iae of nrryfa-veurale repent cfoC - Newevadst!e l tin i,) tebis vweýk laincra.% Couaty Couaci] for Vhite sixyer be Piaiaý wo.Pe matie fer, bring ht'as been neeve cfote vIlae esaitinl r ren LkeletVo bc put tatwtrat t bren nst for- View ownhip all, Orono, on unate l inte mnl itos o sre4tit. te villacge aioeeefivre*fwm hning eveti asWantof cfViteUnbalcVigrenuesar itedi Counitiýes sne t'0nm iVieme,'Equal puy for wemeaBýil l:ate, Wiiaý,m Rickaed, itelaVe Ai- im s saysMialitec- f \W bout Gowill, W Frait iatiC. Rfi sitouit be a Ifa."1e sai( CarIivotit ai nowCG. A. Wate ws afar cnyfron thVite o]d lu pt'poing it ote fitie P a hen. wonten woe noV erepnc limîisofr aad ite erv. L.!H.reiaan nogt(Vevote. 11< pegeour aleginceaniiounprayv- s oke f as ite tan -aea. enrs a-ntiexpress ýoui, heppe tita Vc Drngfite vei u ltte Lýord ll be) ittnur represit- btwentosscomuit V1ives l inte delib l hee was 1,le-lFv kRikrt Vrelbeaqu tnts.Vitt be mr lVw rton 'te piao. ad takepVite niitt diis 41,ýfor VHite got Vive aies wene read by seti bis pie asure at b brouglit t c Vite Warl tuai ns nti beat, Jaewio wns uaai te an attack etfte Dr. Robhertson si ta t Vo V vttened ing gimar p', C ie- mites se-nt ime ant i members wre cften eti bot ttet otVake tit easywuy1et ing bis' anti clamp on rcecntes i I ane te piublic areP, clan-oeing wfor-, even e xpressE Vitugi t tJaede net beîiove Wiatcon- cao P i% trois ýo1ildtibe aivisu l ti-te pro- tnbutes Ost Imuli saiti thVie present hope jVit inlton bdt memnbens cf ViteGvera- Vite conj: ment th [ e same1aPanvý ' 7one Ilelse su ý d 1Br 1uceo Miat, ifWV bbevticonrls mWe ul lvdt ho Vie cure titey Wodultwse neotîme toasMV for a iticoite" u, but.hosait thatVat 'pal fourjs aid itett c iei ha eat i sa, ýit popewould won'-, n -meni for ceuilsz;> Vie proaeut state f rpaAinl oecen C"ndgbt (n;l1iner pfor Von tVo Vwenty Vitewlito Miat Aentgbof Vime. ~ or 11itqee were titree main problima fa-c- vr o ing te Go emet, sb1iliig tViteUitt nodsfo aIl tia."a sntin- aesia inýg te toasýttVo ite de pkef'atiM weoti o-tr.lie sît titat woien sattidt-'l --ad Vite grrnetbiiniVt ii a a ma oldnoV be ats Inu tYf al rovermuent k-i roHl a'id Chas. Ca n 'urde o the 'toasýt to the comuotiea andwork Pi v es i c euncil..z on obif of te popie nge. ~ Waton who expre nenito of tliishiaPpy ocs Te,--acher-s In High ScholIA Receive $500 R Sanla ri eý teaciters j etud t oir bave - ary 1Ilooait oiongier roislu- sac.Amn ite.at- ne bf)igitaTte eait ivon a I(, beelt il 0aTi e tir ar!- $5,3{0la in Ète Vn- r. eca'tetiatBoe' n tigreeflti Vo ccep)t te oI AreaBari acier utitis Dur.- -1tins dasbe e a 5 Tioe qat ti te Veact TIse fat1 o5n0 slany ir Vo ~ I Jauryl.Tteoi îlot ailse a'm Su iption: