HRONICL~S -or colds, or soethýing ta a age to sta gur o, r affictons îng 'fronti bis bot wbelUl1I eot higs eair ulot a it11more- plesan. ban't got oî erlte snoffy niae ye and unigt I f . tryig t fiureontwatIoîl lieforsper-tawod'îb 100 muclibtoble aoid yetbeco ni aktren ilgb thejxeas ,and I ws a cblid gin and moîer as remeudy asshealwys id caun't remme tbigue edio didnotcorn fo te a otn mdicinle cutr o at the Onrt siouo a cougb or cod we chîlren ad bsit itlîour eet iii ho ixnstad fot-athbe'fore first an st it a oole ban qlkxvapedarun sta- this uva e Owec o ouito bed ;pas only 000 sone ig in h tohae t etook ýtoms b us ling 0tMOdConr\redrs ill ce - pthes wb do't,1nave I ha ilnico, fat liLttî pig. W sd to e 11 t vith boilin1g wtr rp p nafnel icetan1 ton ssoonpuaune Werein ed ksu. i 3,;: Aekougis,5 C7.Numer IL. Caurc4s.> p1e 22, Ïli ',oag I 4à lolol tqe of -cauîphorated il-previonsly waýrmed by standing the boitle in hlot wie.Ont chests were mub- bed hack and ront ùuntil lioy nere ted1. TLeîî sce bot 1ieces of bac.sThi dueMoîber buiqledl bows o seamoghotbreal ad mbk r"ppprsop". Ppprsep wasbrad oaedi',bot riP lkad sprnkld Cbemllywit pepi olieppprseIi llwd li hradsu i iiAoite -aim motherusadebreadar'd il -a ilnctbh v pnto.1ng1litho s al es t it' (qt )fd iîilad îe' rn h thebradan oik e ou oglh was1dol ci11s ou iclds nere genrall "Ses cd" eu ero . us inisort order.iîoip- co liroochr Iws thi on eue w o Lhi-tn didco r 1p hveong broencitîsfstad ri wais tho.1nl aicote ex. fî Toic. tkIf ansieii onk tn I Psdsdwii ieau halwine abitter asbnccne- tien sd sanoîri. ecl Mher b las ngr edsi broteer ni my îîoso b ia fomrsuale. Wen Pwrte r acbd l1 ïio con- cecentesage1M1thr gave u cal food-îe ubmig back aofp Lýptes. wjý ; peâ Iht lokd otate d hliea ice, sienigte tki. boothe aher had goodMesuitsmasde msel- dem bad,1 a edoctor ii he ouse i Ad i a good asi1 frme.- When Ptooran ere ot on swre nake upwiîbd atac o ,Teyn-ili k1, tinkigaotmîe and ber remdies, iade my Lsif it t asted jus nie od as iree- ber itpeple 9. Taint 29. Hobby ,W 10. Garden 30. Tait building ~WORD implemeat il. Type measuren 2 pdrshm 16. Cold and 33. Humble rlLsilver lace 35. Top of p. ple ZLE Weapous 36. Ws ihl 5. Acemulat 21.Peta,,ing to SD. Auuinal's fi.Siai pecs thu Pope ebosnach 7, omuneta 22 . Payable 10. Yale 28. Egine 41. China tea Holand 24. Weapon o!f-var 42. Before' S. ;S ingl26. Staff 13. Percesve Thle day alter we arivd aS wvarm wib aalesni, and tlîey bk of tbedeIgbobebee sat~ ~~I)[ ontef soh ubrd saiied th ide Ipup 1s 11 ey l 1 oa b baeof tbir -tres."Tesluket surt, ie and itb arerarbiy gond irn.AiîdPîund taing hini- pererptorypointng w iger i a tred, ic Soaf wthuta -ucet arflexed sudim mb lobbg a as eue without d "loigad hs r cornlshd agi tepeeni evr s wjkeofte ugrloln the trimpan. eing, "Sïtoft1-mad maple mucblesslletaP oi.i e an ropd f ed rel ' e cahed et ecase if leoks like meansgoodsugaing catbrunr tapn es ii il oe t' lie lik ma. \VTiarivd n gte ilg aap îî1ýd o-ený,I as if were aitSa ril sReebuct 1,i ldeer- stalker's ca il iat mak(st Iiioo and oui undthe ower le, wîer e igd Ta2garherigpt 'il u alet ofIhm. 'Ilie nexi dai h: 55w tSa.bae iý l ou wafle and seeme ste idvr litîle oîg ,itheir liemil:eoWill w a(I s1 her ee bown gaIlwd Mdcal ile arbdislad We Yrnemd wobte brclegin th wf ice, leq)cnt rorn damang[le ireels o ur own b ýlli ýlide-the nm- oss word puh czles in ,the Eogiisr- Coutrý y ELsife, audneeiîesl IL ANNE AD-MS Patemo 487 i t dc rs' siz-s 1, 2 3,'4,5 îe2desiV ya s 35-inh: mcp, 1f r 5lili pWOre insaied nstricliln AendTWENTY-FIVE CENTS pliiS 'Z E. NM ýiE, A D-D R ESS, STYLE cNUMBER.. Býy Rnv. R. .WreBABD Thireouh attoLe Mîark 15:33-37: 15:1-7 Memo-ry Slcio-oI1mwt ofJns.Christ.'Ibis-is thefoda- eîlte s uis of the oselnaei pth hitde frorsn c ,coidiigt cîturos gad rose- agaiuî the !ùihiddi hi b basis o wlu î alvatuoce fro si îs~c p1eached e ahi mou do-Ln evn hee o va ery the carbefC he servsut of the lig snord m-ie t lae(olalte theie ordTeikes ton that ; i cailiotpry e îyiber, a'nd, Ho1 dthnsah te criirsb fld 26:52 54.s GO iscpuytha to sva moeîr et the old do ntune% stand uy scritre.baHitisndMis' fouý-!1nd ht ryr -s'mc ore 1-'f0c1 oi i dfs e tha1iau ary Il King-'ýs 6i1 beîcame tlîo îoc -ls and Ilerd. ilaeferig ha John 19:12) teCesrutrdte death ssîtoe J ss vs nte rssfomum t [e ock tem xa agra "It'8 a ahouider bag . , . they're very fashiona/bie 1" *e tor hsbe s o hemnt * o hoe ndh xecsyu opo gui vietea nbs w.'bsyi m ue o'Àthe napitgrso n :>g.At 0ý16,Imrreia o ear aIdr t 18, itan m tir hv lemv buba IIiý g'I' ILue rnarnile ca keeps ber. He rioks uerly i- o the! tî11,; He quarIs wei I av t 'Jvc ried eihar to et aofl :1-th, hir, but nobody 2 Scould. Wihenc hc gets ma,le jump ui'ilthe-car Il a -d-isgo 'e Il da. TC, ie rie 1o b s i CIto m 'ùftr fver wokd il dytl n t epoi at igt. !e ýiIY_ bcbat wUld youdoutGo'ubacle Aiiy(babyiand I-y family? Aodui I nu aorepetOrhai o1(e1bi and is makýing me s(mîseablec TIS ]IS NO MARR iiiIG *01 Srely ne oe c le you 'PiHe cvont support you. e as 0 Answer Elewlsere On This Page RELIEF IS LASTING For fspro1ongefd rliffromX headache get INSTANTiNE. ThiFa prçcritio-lie ablet contains et- _)t ne, bttrepoe*mecalC, ingredienits that ease the paiin fast, 'And thec relief is, il, most Cases, laosting, Try INSTANTINE 1,jUSt onIce for Paiiý reiefad you'll a]ay as thousands do. that there's oile tling fo ieach ,it'SINSTAMNIE Andi try INST'ANTiDTEfor iother aches, tý,o .,.. -for,-neur1itieornergi pah. >o- For Llte paPins nd acheaý tht c-company ,-a eold. A siîgle tablet itsually br-inga, promnpt reliefi. i 2-Thbetfn 251- Ecorîmwl 431oTbWi etBle 69e' U p's ideon aPevsPeekzingp & SU 1J 15