M'o.Çse In Blo -prn as- liions reicently uneld b 'Paris dsges~cueti ;red taffeta gw by Castillo of jeannme 1L-anvin. The' c, ,reat11i on- fansl -o i.t in a Lg race(,ful 1a r c , 1Uk1,e Mue petals of a full-bowsnuroe. A simle bodice is graced ithi a arge imodclip at -91e shoulder. Great Search For Medicinal Plants Rsaliinto flicmflcn pro pertis of platsr'ceTFA a mgeil -iimpetuýs during flic sor arrs -whcn theemai an imperï ati'eua-41for and hyoscyanîine Mil these giv-e aae-iisao e lef fr opin. Their imain ouc isplant- tlie Foxglov, Belaonna, .oiae Mek1bane, Thorui-apple,Varin These gowwild il, certain ar- 0f iBritain and are dassJe sc ýpoî- sonns f le left efiiti lone 'Dr Vet n herli farile fhwcuglout fli ountry tnee m ns are being dehtiberafcly citivated aýnd liarvest- ud, fo be usled lalier -,(ï. :ve pain and Save Cie. Reccnfly,hoeermoteah has been conicenýtra,-ted onfîipio plans. Brazil bas been the julpy hillt- long grounid for t came of-ba st from il 1jcounltries, aniuae f0 frsit th', me3dical propertice s '! lilid of "Indian cures." Maniy plants hveberot nohectedJ from flie 2iankýs o, f Grtr River, n1earItlie Maffo re -- , 'wiith thec help OSf lic unuroa idaios. These indians were svage lia'd hunlters until Fyranicise-au toiestse iovrc licm to Christiniist'y 1xailî saCnuyago. Their iknowledge ofi tie îraie Properties of rare jungle plants lias asfonislied miodem iiscienýe. Axnong their cures is a red .eapj Ghtaianed from f lic chiririsliep treL, wieh, wlicn used iin f ca oýr diszcjjv- zd iio ûie's bath wte sjaidjt ;Uire acÏne, eýczemla, and ole skýiia Anoflieýr nativ rmey sjnefo vhsp inlg conol,ýh Taismae froin a parasitic growthfl called guaribinilia, whichi the$ saflccrtch-Ies of trees. Natie aients ramIi fi be nred witlnn a few ficuro-s o eng treated. SpecimsIs jhave eentaken so thaïthfeicactie rincipleM he icplnt ecaî be isolaîted and perinape s yntlie- iized andmauatrd The civîlîzed word ay yet tenefit from this priml1iive cure. In flic searcli for tropical planjts yielding new medicines and dlrugis, botanists stumblcd on an excellent substitute for soap. This is flic red asli(Brig nia asiafica"j), a largel 100-foot- tmn tree found near flic Equator, big, smoothl 'aves anld pink. 'S witb mnany stamemns, ndfnl of ifs leaves or) bark l-bed igoroulsly fogeflier csuls i a oodcleanIls- no fli)c brink of grimi here is a grea.t deal Jhe fact thatt flere and beter aids MENT imily cire lit fIe girl unea caf c ofufli . nother " liaré nit Th ateelias been a stead- l t-rowiass fcIîicsmabu;lt li emphsia lace ' izeor raîlier hig -lit oers am. er byertl e ajragep1a-e lia ceibn, sont Il y ilsndin 1basket Tgl1ac e by l c ig SMof tp tanlk- ing icca'rin l.iA.wr itei cet i ssuew ta g il st aiei î\ bi tter atackI sirrg f it filmot o t ildys ktC i- n- ai -t astiorn't atieftes at ailt ) ;rfi er lnc 'iof , oe11r111eaa os t' jý0 L oil.a cî rcu s4 h te . iag îith e ta dy ,l te 'p rin-hem ctdil'boy , and the two: 1bseadeodi -for 1-he m of er atlat theboy aielre goinging for sti doliti tial clie mote',wproductive of llep O st- vs .-n(l f i -t i 1 g i 5t basetil Ks lowing tli ga el-*w ever -tliad aîîr eal appeailg ,mnlas! th t aýst ofr l"iecusiom- cr lcnty Facion, even ia lo Hit Miss-Stri king is the word for the bathing suit wvorn hy actress Virginia tG;ibson sun Hlolywoo. "ightingstrikes twice" is thle ftheme 0o flis suit, and the. leasit you cao, say is litngceriainily k n ows wh1al it's dig Beind Time napigthe tapýe, and Doniehman'îvcto-ryc str-ing, FBJ-man,11 Fred Wilt, regItrs a first place in thýe Coi fimh]iln mil InMadison Squar(,ardein, (ILIrilg)theKights of Colu)hmbuis me.Sybialy h ameura ctcescermalnn behin thejucle's top atchashelie I1s in sixyrdsbehlind Witstime o 4>1,4. onierdlh ig St n set oftheiindoor trc eao.th il mnssnpiincefc-ai'o edeýdIthe [ni flic pasifu caslii eio bîm 8, y 1n lic U1 f1 wt1mm-1e Si lin lïy na1 ne e -LI relt Bust nt cIs eas 1 r ni kora cpc'1 iWr eM pI s ll: c Iýýlit 'i(ilii 'i, hîey pfayr lm ' -Ilill , o luc irono- strsf0fiihif s t i i hIo tr a ilsfr h 'iitii., u ie soith then. h IA,1ïic lsoiý i os ont u lt me býtus Il ;1,ç t .o hs'-l-u. f i , s -' i it a n iyiIlgut rces- l lsi4lt 117Aivs1l fo Cliristmua-podil 'end.m s 1< ent feionat a îale iî'for o a en-y 'lrle t ranoclIe i Tisj 'ae- .jnst!)0 e pInsIle -le2ip oso tween A ýlldwItinonîl isfalna, SAm Mratut e Ie p ltterun ile Sio e s cond o iue reporiit us\,i- f1Étlc a bieelip siig'oà ie "Io-, ,asmetlong ain te fli, rittheni l(idclapbutorf , t îamnpng aicliàasa eal andHouX us ma- sntes iar se naucli te le am- i minutes ad tlrty avnd s.omeds f5 igllit have goli(e for da ,,ijajeorta OaUmut tron ar"ejk o-nta Tue to -Iniefilian i: toed Werejile ab nojnceans tue seorsi. iaeet geame ctwecn Iofacfo in i t fai' ainsc bolso apy btlit eni tiplc 1"-off aod WOîî wi0 f ilor achbst Afrc!t iî,)atS.jri 's lic ifi h Wba. for ixîcen and li tîf ttbleijobs miuli Oufeveî tteîilitg,,sh'î.iElc" Dim anshort flry îist uifrete haîf erc ed, b ut g agî-rsdeo ptnecf cd ae5nd. as a rsîl, oHamhile-Id ac Sm. îffu,ime h c32 ge T give ceson c'azit, h(Aout leas seu, but Doy that tim the d pa ag l, ifeen doociiarid, son ie-oi fl ic fasieaedfoand received- the i moe bacî from fSlic gae Ileclenmx ith în goebutnot-oar- litre antIlere iI i l sr wly ci Inl s sc wc,~e's cacs emgectun i -i\m.Ille buch ll'sýfeaîhiingl v> > ~Ilavpradi la nînleVrad.le u -IIrîn mdl' c e7.5 wI liîe dl]. < Sute h' 'nuîlea fatasie ly per- ucul treu' otht p ite a lo fa flicstaînua, iI]nwig 01mniner be jauls oîi %Va',rolibyt fe gmelt-tlîntul hall plav r wî evîrlivai y oilb wo shul cRTel, a-d-.ia v liing oatr rwo an(! ts e lura40 bwid have gof humlie fa to~e- pulm ~ atl i îî 414 î upîwiish had Ip iil a f>i- , t ine vee icrais e rotît reodsSter flice c gantnil , raglizcds gie hi s ae th2e Sotrè mnîr oS JSf;Land nisail foc men0ienîl redi tî lic difi aotias Iy was lstigagainCh? cai o dead h all, nid hat the uigtchs1 wcar's i:lig spte-m, s rthalls eîîîey AS it mtaeup lot d ter dehveris dnoh oîae. lit i Qis 7era ballaye. lcel-essfoe Jackson. a snd amel ityi sfit Iltbl Al ppuarbreeda ar $12.7, vulet $4 POl)h eavy ,okerle4.0Spo- ci.a1,. of'siartled hic kta. mtyed la-]O llet S~rtnghill ilarm . Pe i. Otro -'lebu ', fr 0 e or morç. 2201-l'i P2 ehout 0 ia roital putry year.i- arIV-la Z, if - re erl atchei chies ad orer wedde wm:-Qandu ROP iret Chliuks. AI ceno to xtra o1d', PuetciSt ohh tapu , det ChcSHîreiets imteOta rgio~aro Bu lodietl oeDOt eLAS ul elarlti Pres t-i i requel alie faon DqOUGLFAS HTHERY SHtittsvhle, Oarl I>~i.l.. 'iNn CLEANIN fi ,iig yu ulltîn ied yeo tdean' '...r. mr i se t i oarla'-ive W HaYng mltoonOnt ATTENTIO ResortOwnere-W sullor godcd rp iiry boýa t eeart r re e< na ie OVi es1 0 bis tad e nf o r a (lfres t andlne,,OGardeo ROOFY ING &ASRDING0 Iia , ,r a rd lies o n reranrde, ti to a,îyaîdr ashnnota, cttiey guýigire and srigh n u abl wervic. sa w Wi .Il1OlBee jtaIugEuI Me R SCr. Hamilton, Ot. ir tra Nvedfied SeinSI DeLIEand le ofmre falnd m orhe. e10 o 1m aiWoiasni ari Pea reslat iUn-e $251d a'rh , torDS? 5$;ary fat oi,$r 1).1. D-iant Exibtion Paeony ýplaiIees egeel saot l'o, Bubank. ni- ta' al iGr-dO 1e. iaoe 2 ue Cifý,L ýs mi j 0 1're Ilsr;'Gade lrýi or n, , gîl Eer, ri, Oo okls - i-f îî.,wa Nurerîs. owm îl n G00» ADVICE! Every Sufferer of Rheumiatic Pains Gr Neuritis should trya Dixon's zRcmedy. MUNROYS DRUG 'O4RE 335 Elgin Exrssi~0ftawaý C NLIS:; Bunoion Sale-foraDazn rlif POST'S ECZEMA SALVE EAIN;SISH ïbornet 0fdryecenarsie Qunîen. reor lsuha mibo r "PEP UP1" £Or ina vltality aidgeneral tiebillly. One Dollar. Ai Druglot, BIE A H1AIRDRESSER -SON ýA NADA'S LPADINcO GSt"HqooL Plesat ialtetpofsIo.good wseges Thouiýsao f suýCezoSfL leregralut» é,m"er ca'O Grû ee oos Write or Cal 6$nrSt W..otat Braniches SIMPLMTMENT -Cýanadla. - titted tae dlsS ît orets-n opportulties. Ho-, p-h-en. whers 10 ',aomly Senti 22.00 for latýeat Servce ureu. eolA.C.. x1P0O sou 25 Saiut Wohn. N.]5 EN-'TERTAIN, learn tire eig uglg quleni. trou tons-ne, hyPniiotlm. iagic, mind reading, novelties. M4 A N L T, Oq0 South Avenue 56, Los Agls4.Clf PATENTS AN ,Pl 0 evers lnve5ltnrLs 0 Vetns atiulI Iforatin et rso neye. 27à2BanS St reet. Ota0 PIETHERSTONHAUGH opay a tentlsolicîtors. Estabýliobsti 1500 $$0 Bay Street. Teroum ntn oc nfra. lion crn requsot 6re X 7 2Enlar'gOeets. MAIL PRItS COUPON, wlth rdr- ep rol o.5-12 exp.' rol al arg e05l -16 exp milail îenlarQret 0.70- Rerint .04 Special 25rpints $100--PlwOÈl Polo, Stion -1R. Monîreal. ~i'rS'a ,n WA NT C i pralis MaIsCraîg.T.BHsit. st St Joh'n. New 3runsîi-Vcï ISSUE 12- 1951 'a 'a N N 'a 'a N N N N s 'a 'a 'a 55 N 'a N N N N. N .5 N N s' -s k 'a a- N N N N N N N s-' N N s N 'a s' 'a 'a- 'a "i 'a 'a N 'a 'a 'a N 'a 'a N N N N 'a N N N s 'a N 'a 'a N 'a 'a N 'a s Si 'a s 'a 'a 'a 'a N 'a 5) 1, 'a 'e n S N 'a 'a !S-ýUE 12 - 1qsfý