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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1951, p. 3

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Ocean Wealith 0f Untold Value Golti is ,oîîiy one )f nîany kiiatrials that are prreutîusa water, aînd there are ýothers thal- coultl serve as raw atriisfo great industries of iheftue 1fost important Jf theirz la mag- nesium, the wontirr me-ital that came Înt its owu dtsring thie war. Iu 1939 magnesîîm was expenisîve anti crm- paiatively rare; Il was the sîrange inflammable lai thlat thc phioto- graplîer burnet i u)i, ls bulbs. To-day il îs brinig pouticheap- Iy ant inl quantiîy, anti 1s becoming one of the consîrucioLýý ijaterials cf our modern age. "For maigne(sîuî-n îs as slrong asseey-,nl quarter of the weigît., Thousand Uses flu ornîai tlickness, miagnesinîn 15 î-~1~inflýammable, l isý easy_ to machine andfabricate, ai;î wiil not corrode or rush. Casî 0 mb iat1 lantiinggear, it heldtc bbc ight of or heaviest bombersturig Ib war-unly on e of amliueo iobs thal nIagneolul. tiid lui ouir mnlitary aircraft. Apart from tbis,mansu bs alreaiyý beginu 10 feature ïn-buse liolti anti conisumer goods. We hiavec magnesitim wbrJie1-barrows Wih ing lets Ihan 14 pounis anti fuli-size, fattiers tbat a chilti can carry. Froi the US, cornes mnagnrsîimi, rnrii- ture anti a piano Ihat the tiies(t houseWife ran easily pnsb aroutj( For such a material our indus- tries wili finti a tboueand uses, aîîd, a sîrady tiemanti for magnecsîurn ie being built up. In the sea we have an inexhiauist- ible supply of raw material for the- metal-four million' tons of it li every cubic mile of ocean. And this time, the commercial extrac.. dion is an accomplished fact. At Harrington lu Cumberlandi, experluentai extraction of magnle- Sium from sea waler bas beýen car- ried out. In Arnerir-a, hingsý have movet mucb faster anti a bial-scale inagnesium factory begaîî operation in early 1941. Three million gallons of wyater a day yieid up thecir mýagncsium 10 the chemists; anti fi (-in the ex- traction isangtbrýr cheriral-, proviti- ed by the sea-lime froun the oys- 0cr sheil deposits lu a necar-by bay. Behindt he modemn miracle of lu- ilustrial science lie maîîy ycars of patient anti co)stly re,arci.' Bti ie ýciîcsîum iiustry a oe hnjs Rielt he work. Phosphates, too, are, eitc(i by, the farmer for bis cropsý. Nearly_ t-wenty million tons a y ear arec be- ing quarricti from the earth nths rountries that posseso il. But the rivers of thle woý(rl are washiug many limes Ibiis arno,,unt annuallYiy m the sea. The'!re is e*opper, t00, useti so f-ar oniy b)y the oysters lu colouring their sils. -One part lu ten thouswautiof sea- water cons 'ists of lodine. This i, au element essential ho our heaitb, anti the sea bas beeîî a source for mauy years. But in extracl'ing loditie we are givres a beiping baud by the sea- weeti, which rau conrentrate the iodine lu ils tissueset, Seaweed is to-d ay stiIi buruedt 1 Provite the kelp frorn wbicb the iodine is matie, But the forftunes of ceaweeti no longer depenti on kelp --tbey rest luý tie ognrprino thke weerd tuI 1 irsryt by humn- Fromý thiÏs %V r au, obtaÏin a sub- stýance cadaigîinic acid-onc cf tiemotvestieo our nattiral 'Aaw baeiis l c be vicaniseti iit aL formjl ofsDhÎ i nbr anti kwilî make rock-liard( c(111('1t for Algiir- anti wîilfreprof woo, andi it wil Wa1 terp)rOf roncrete. Agnrai gives" us auk edjbie qgelatine-like substauce whose solu- tions are fourteen lime-s as tbick as starch, Il eau be useti for thickening ail types cf foot; many thousantis of dollars wortb are uset lu providing tihe Americans wlth their ce-creals every year, To Save.Another----MIrs. Mary Virginia Jones. xoehul'd x'vas killed iin the K'orcan \W\ari, donatted l itu lu recenily wîýýth tlteho-qpe thaýt it vould .help prven oter iv frons becoming \var widows. lHer sn llisop7e a tense viewer of the process, Christopber 's ahrts late Captain John H. Jones, was killed in a.ctIi Janiuary, 1951. Lu a receot columit Wr. quoteti at somr e iegîh from an aticle by ArhrDaley i lu Th Nd _Yok Sund1ay Tlýimes in which the author jaitimpted(1 1L prove-anti matie a rather good job of tioing so-that bas-ketbaIl was a faster gaine Ihan hockey. If we remember corrculy wecommneid that this wou1d pro- bably be considereti treason, miopery or some such by ardent followers of othr sports, For once wc were right, and Mr. Daley's cars milst be red frona the things loyal fans have brýeni calling hlm for his brashurîs. Strangely euough, in the pair of letters re- producet inl the corresponderice sec- tion of the latest Stinday Times issue, two United States writers corne 10 the defeuce of tçi o Cana- diaîî sports. 01u, *oF tht se, Stanley Fiochler, of Bookluî,says: ArhrD aley, callinge basket- bhail faster than hockey, overlooks several 1facters, Iii ice hockey speed is perfiaps the most important fac- tor, wýherea;s li basketball this is not so. In basketball there is more reliance on accurate set shooting from afar and the strategic place- ,ment cf' taîl men near the basket. Ini hockey these or similar slow metbods aire flot so prevalent. This is because there is a goaikeeper in hockey anti the best way te score is by working the puck in close by the use of speed. I disagree with Mr. Daley's statement that there is a greater illusion of speed i n hockey. I fini the great illusion to be in bas1keîLball, because of the smallness ,f the cort." Tiien, way f rom dowîî in Vir- gý1ii, hale M. Motle; writes: iAhiIDaiey ln 'Whaî ls RealIy t0e1ac es Sport?' dors not mien- tionr box lacrosse, a gaine played in anada, Lacrosse cunmbinecs many of the speeýdiest fea*-turjes of Japi Alai, Bakîlanid Hce.The 1la- crosse stick ;imparts a sperd to the- bal cmarbeto -,hI,'resta.' 'The lootr see f heplyes i grelerthn that of aktbl e c-ause îhey -are rothaprdb tiibigrestrictions. It is, ase than hockey becauise -thie bi a move for-ward withoutzoe ar riers. Box LacroDsse is also free frouî the many Ahistic-blywing slowdowns of hocke(y uind basket- bal" So tii1ý17e si-naý1tter rests, at lrast for the lime big The point about lacrosse is -we]l taken; i11 fart, 'The Tirneý,s atitis a foolnote 1o thislt- 1er stating, thait Lairrosse is greatly WAKE UP YGUR LIVîE R BIL E - Witliout Clomnel - And YTeuli Jup Oni o1 Bed in th Mcrning Ra-,rin' to Go The liver sould puise oui abo%1t 2 pinta oel bile lui.. mm oyow r ediguvetracýt every day. Il titis bile ien t fiowle> frWey. yens fond May not digest. Ine uldc atiie digestive tract. Tle ngai bloata yn seUli e get 01, ti ra e. Yeu f acir,. ui and< th ItLeemlldïr-, geatie e serîsLittle Liver Pile Onget Olee 2 Pinteof ibile flow. ina t felOnmake YOU ted "Up 50 bile S freei. Ak for cýariera h eLiver ISSUE 17 - 1911 increasing iii popularity in, hie Un-, ited Statem, wlîlu Baltimore an im- portant centrc of the game. Too, bad that bere in Caniada tomnesmart Alec once cursed it wlth the hag 'îBOXLI "< It's a word that lis ilîto beadlues better thantihr "iBox Lacrosse" or ex-en *iIacios~ Buit i the opiion of nmaIiîyit titi înore tu ee people aw'ay from,, waîcl-ing ýIÇ than aîîay olhcr cause,. bOX1,A! L7GH!! WCVehave nighit baseballi niglit baîkethal nnd-buî for the efforts of lhos'e xh coÜsitier that bettîng on hunses anutoînatically becomes a sin after sundow n-w e wouldI have îîight trottinig.'Xîd uow, according 10 Frank Waldman, we are faceti wiîh the prospect 0f afîer-dark golf xvhich, accordiîîg 10 hlm, shoulti bc a boon 10 those who have 10 xvork dning thie day. Tt slîould also be even more of a boon 10 nlos- tluitoes, moths, and orlier \vingeti creatures 'of tht niighu. What was probably th ebortest golf tournamneîîî luhisiory ivas helt inl Souîmhern Califoriîia the other nîght. The tournanirlt alto was the Jfirst motraffair il, California Jistory Jack iýBurke Jr., won the s'pecial ,ieboe fu-na inivitationai after-dark -affair whirh .was ilsetisuccessfily i t aruse ini- terest ini the $10006 Lakenýý,ot Park Invitationai Tourniamenrt, 'l'le other goifers ovho cuîupetrd iverc Lloyd Mangrum, Jim Fernier and Henry Ransoiu. '*I Th-is historN -iîîakiîig quai let ivas lighted along ils way by an appara- tus desrribed by is inven1cr, Jini Walker, as the "Golf Spohight." The contraption, cunîpusecinl the 1nain of a- 110 watt generatol, -an airplane landing light anti a floodi- light al mounled on a compact, molor-tiveîî hree-wlberi carniage, is the latest glît 10 cix ilization Of the miai who bolds the patents on Ihose niasty uitIle gasoliiie ruodel airpianes that wake you too early Sun-day morr'ing.s JPin Walker beliex-es bis "Golf Spo'iighl" wili prove a geral boon to 0Zhe.aeinge, public linîks goifer. iiokai il Ibis xay," \Valker ex- plaiîîe, iOrdinarily, the Culy pe- sou who rau play golf week daysý on a public course is' the flo wh SouI of a job. Uniess a mal, wrsai niight, he caî't gel oui anti play golf during the day. The resuit usually is that he doesu't gel te play golf at al The ouly lime he roulti play 15 ove vweelî:entis, anti on those d ays the public courses are so croxvded he probably wou'h gel 10 play anyway." Do female funectionlprroîee disturbances i-ake yeu sufer pain, feel so Itervous, ek crainky, restes -at sucli limes? - 1hen do try Lydia E. PiWiltham'sD TA BLETS to relievee -Taken regularly thiruouýt month-Lydia E. Prka' Tablets help build -ip resistanice agaipst such anijoyinýgdstes &U-E-'ITS WA!6TRI OILS, GREASES, TIRES-_ )J, il coolers and feed grindere. Fower sw.dIlle. anti lathes. etc. 5,ealors 'uie. Write: Warro Greese anti Ou1 IT'S, A FACT PRIN claîîng ima te haro. Ti'no te ,ntexta profits seiling automatie wax Ope an, npe. brooms, etc. For descrip- tiefla.wrlle Box 20, Norwichi, Ont. BAuT CHICES O't n avlagerouhava gel about $1.50 învased l a pllai h 1e tinoe he îe .~aI t~ oy. tc eeti rosi isa abig item i irastu apuletA cent or tîvo extra prpulaetisîînoi11,g, if yon get ouaexaith_ gannina breadîng hart et it. Top Notch RO ý)P. Sirati chicte have what if talteg 'o gai those axtia egge. Senti fer cata- lot-ne antli reati ail about our 1-igh Quaiîty 1.0 ,P SIr-eti Chîcteý Aise Turkay Feuls. OtiFutiats. 1 Tep Notch Chick Salas, Guaelph, Ontario. SPP1'tNG I1LL' S Blood Tastad Clîlics entis-. fy. Pilpo:îuler breade $12.00. Pullats S,7 00 Heavy toctarais $0,00 anti U!.ý 1atiîluni 51 10. Leghorn $1.00. Speciels on -t:-tat chîctsaial season. Senti for parti- , urs. Springhill Poultry Faim, Preston. C!IICKS leot olil.e ragardiase of whatihr thcy carry hih e sac retuciîîn nhrg ente or net. The rea cl proof ai lu7 the ia yîng honýa aftar tley are grown. SIfîs an ,tee tlieor'tee bail if-they cai or o ordinaîy egg production qaito.Tîvedtla 11,0 P. Sirati Chîcte wlll la frein thîee daîtu te tive dozen more aaggs par bird Ihen chicta with 1nitte or ne hreadint. hart et than..Also.Turltey Boults. Oldar Fnl- lett. Fie Catalogua. Tîvetdia Chick Raipheries Linited. Fergue, Ontario. SJVEINIO AND CI.EANING HAVE sou anytliîng neatis tyeîna; or clean- ing? Write ta us forinfmailtlin. W ara aiad te answaî saur questions De. partineni 1H. Parleîs Dye ionise Linlled, 791 Yonga St., Toronto FXRIIl FOR SALE 100-ACRE, farim for sale. 27 miles tien Ottawa. Fricad reasonahle. Iimmtilate o..e ien, Don Morrisen. North Gowor, Ontrnio. p"ýý_esFIlESAI.B 10 COIONIES Italien Ilees. 10 trame Leastroili. o'itli full, eciuiPmant With naw etrectoi tanks. Bargain. for quomS sala. Blrry KRut, 83 Pairicla, Avenue. Osliawa, -Ontarie. Plions62543. CLIIîTON anti Beever Oets. Ne Beiboff iai ley. Conmmercial Ne. 1. Pricet iguebl senti for sanîple. Ctiarliê Adams. R. 6. Blrantford,. Ont. Pt .D Rititin 'Treasures. Bietrieal Metal Detacttere .or Gold or Silver - Geiger caoteasfoi Uraniùnn-Informetion Fiee. Televison Labaratories, Box 172. Kingston Onta rie. PIIOTOGRAFRS, îaids. etc.. presarved by hting sealet inl clear plastic. For Soîther information and ise sample, Write E. P. Novelry. Box 515, Winnipeg. NE~1W Rifles anti Shotauns., Winchîesters, 30.06. 20-30. 22 Special, 12 geuge pumpa, doubles, 22 Roriiets. 22 rifles, severel mateo. S. R.lllrCretiy.Lyn. Onlerie. CYCLONE Drillina Machinalcmleeo truck wiih tools: new cales, Wesle Pecicheu, ER. 1 , uthie.Oaîo WE, Rvan aiea iîndiate tivorey ou Fer- grionasTreclars antisd t rîinzt-, Write tor prhces: tBruceMors at- ton. Ontario. WILL boy faim. with, or withoui builti. luge. on peveti roati, wiihin 50 miles nf Tarante. Box 20. 123 Eigbteenth Straet. Nevw Toronto, Onlariü. WISH te buy large block of lake fotg wirhin 100 miles of Toronito. BoxU, 123 ightaenth Streat,-New Toront, Ont. HARDIE Sorayer. .120 gallon tant.- '3 gallon par minute pump. Fouirccite 24 lip. Novaeangine moontati on two, îvheel traiter. Conpletely oelaid a condition Ihrougbout. Fred l fi Sos,11 Surlingion, Ontario. Ph nes Of:o (17 evenings). C A N A 4A'Sfineet utility UWhiie Ring- pigeons. matati pairs Oive, fot arssx taon. Fred Dane, R oute t, Kneo.Ot OATS, Larain, grown fren certîlti sce1-1. Gioati cali, Stiff-straet, heavy Yieiders. Machina ihrasheti. Power cleaneti. Cham- pion sariaty et'Chicago FPair 1950. $2, hue. Sage includati. Sornn a Vlley Farim. W Bruce Belley, 11.1. 2 Shaîburne, Ont, THE Grahan Flow saves the soi, doubles enlisait meiature, ineures higliar alelde. For information write or visit Rotiney Hai nos, Uxbrldge, Ontario, FTATO G11OWRRS Attention- Trexier Fotato Cutaers anti Repaire ai J. Nicol Wilson, Box 416, Alliston, Ont. SAMOYEDS. Regiseereti pupe, 6 watts te 7 monilia olti. Herbart Rowell, Wye- bridge. Ontario, EGISTERD- 1 -Saver -Oats, 171Bs Sow the hast. Gardon Leslie, Acton. Phona Rockwood 61 R 12. one of eot b tonici buy tu te gi' eflerg3 tint sti ."e if y benefli COULEl e rner-han,-!yman with wife tololcasHosîkee-pertsi ovely sura- merhom. Lve u, eneyFarm, Fine< Grove O-:nt. T, eeli, Wobrde 5 PEOPILE r alif-bottf good resuits front taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. MUNRO'S'DRUG STORE 335 Elgin1 Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid CRESSCORNSALV -.fr sure relief, Your Drugeisi"m l ('ESS. QUIT cigaretîes - 11e easy seay. Use Tobacco lmntr a sciantînic tret.ý- ment: ciickiy andi parmaoently eliminlates the craving for tobacco. ride the sysiain of nicotine King Drug Pharmaeutiral Cheul- les,.Vegrevilie. Alla. Wîîle P.O. Box 673, London, Ont. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISI 1n1* bormanu ol dry eczems rasheà andi weaplingsksin troubles. Posi's Eczeme Salve will1 oi disa»poln otéo. [tching. scaling,. homme eczema. arne, rlngwnîrm. Dimples andi athiete0 foot, WÎIl responti readillu teie stainles. ondorles ooineet. regardiese et 1mwstubborn or hcîpolas. they seain îRICE $1.56 PEU JAR POST'S REMEDIES sent Post Fiee on Receipt OS Pries 881) Qlors'.St. F-..Ceorn,-er ofLog,g.Toonto SUrFERERS froin Rheumatic or Ariliritie painle If yon cannaI gat relief. write:, Box 1M1 Winonipeg. Manitobe. RU PTUR' D The Hyde Hernie Baut Company' 2 Youge Arcade, Toronto. Trusses. sergical hlls. eaile hosiery. etc. OPPORIT[NITIE8 :,FOR MIEN à WOMIEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADAS LDADING SC¶tOOL Great Opportuniiy Learo Heairtiressing Pleaseol diaeulled profession, coud wases Tbousantis ef succestul, Marvel graduaes America's Greaiesi Systemn Illustrateti Catalogue Free Write or Cali MÏARTEL HAIIIDIESSING SUHOOLS 358 RBlor St. W.. Toronto Branchesý 44 King st , iamilton 72 Rideau SL. Ottawa WR alweys have big and littie businesses for sale ai ail limas. Por perticulers, Write ta: PHILIP YOUNGi, REALTOR 67 Frederiek Street - Kitchenîer, O(baie. FOR a profitable hobby of your own mnate and saliValve Chienlle Noelties. New te Canada. Slis on sigt. Sampie 25c. Nawcrafi. 1300 Wallace, Magna. Sas- katchewvan. Y. SRVSTOCK CABANAN 1 inha $.10, 0 nei$ ais Dictavaieytwo yasf roi4 Meaga, Mitcellz, tro Lintrion n I nomto etfr 10ent s ietr.tbisbed 1890. 88\0u1o paper 30c. Canada Photo, PF0, Box , Sherbrooke, *Quebec. FO yucletsapSend f'O-, selectFoR on approvai: Canada or etiier oeuqnwtriee1;1 Pries low. ElkIcns. St. James. Niagar2. Falls. Ontirle. STAMPS BUGHT AND -7-SOLD SETS. singles, pecicets. VWant !list e fiu new issues. Albums and suplie. OtaW SiampSbop, 192 Queeu Street.Otaa liEÂiÏCUDS WANTED: 'Siate pýrie. ami full particulare Ii ltter te Otia N-'; Middiesboro, Kaotucky., duiy ln a tuberu" ss, aatrum eveb% and a ha!£miles from Pine 1ltupert, Salary $200.06 par m......nt,ies800pe month for room. boanrd ai ludî.dtgs ler Civil Service sýicieleveand i td(aysý Give full details oSquliictin ndex. periance In ttrst latter. Transpor.tattion re. fundeti on arvion ithe promnise oSone Year's service APPFLY: by Airmiail ,n; Dr, Miller lBey indienHsylaurneRue$ WAISTED TO PT3.ItClLASE PIILLETS, ail ages and breede. ApplyBo 12. 128 Eighteenth Street, NawToono Ontario. 'WANT lvaystin, slistening ee.iron naervas? Senti for amazing Kerfo Tablais. , $ 5 Imperial Industries. P.O. Box 901, tWinnipag. NURtSERtY STOIO ,FRUIT Tiees. emali fruits, Seaa. trees, Evergreens. Shrube. Roses. Ail leading varloiesaset right prîtes. Senti todey for îtiee catalogue. Centrai Nurseries Limitai.. A. G. Hull & Son, St. Catharines. Ont. STRAWBERRY PLANTS *'Kllogg-Premier" * "Valentine"; -Fair- fax"; "'Seneior-Dunlop," $12.00 thousenti; $2.00 huntired. Cleaned. Trimmeti. Disease Fiee.,Tre to unme. ltoney order. pleese. RusCroi.Norwvich,. Ontario, STItWRJ R Fiants. Kel logg's, Frei, A 200 - 10.0.ADparagus Roots. Mary 82.0;100$12.00. Cash Wîth order .Elgin, osis&Sojn, Norwich, Ontarie, O-RDER NOWý FOR SFRING DELIVERT -j rfApple Trees (Macntosh or Spy oCotad;Dwarf Pear Trees (Bertlet or Ciapp's Favorite) 3-ft. siza, yeur choieca 020 ach or 3 for $7,10; Hardy 25 for $28; kGiant Exhibition Faaony Privai HatI- ging plants 12 to 18 inch siza. reets in reti, White or oint 3 for $1.89. Pium ltaes, aweet eaaing Brliaut Lombard or Grandîk Dota. I fi. size 82.00 aach orIl for 85.00, Fiee Coloreti Garden Guide with Evoy Ordar. Brookdale - Rine-.way Nusce Bowmanvilla. Ont.1 -~~s .- /~L WALL &ed1, s- A z- £ PAINT, V just mix wîth water and appl'y with brushý $impliiitself Dries odouriess in 1 heur çÎleansale finish. YOU con do Oeàeri averý, fOr two or three dollars! 'r relier, 0 a seft As-k your paint deraler for Your ceour card. TU ESY WAYTPAT Lydia E. Pinkham'ls CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING GIRLS! E! Do' Yom suffer distresis from ~FEUiuLeCL" And 'also want b Io id W e d ~1 N ~i.i -s 's '2 St s. 'i '7 15 il -5 t; .5 -5 ~1 's 'i -5 s -'i 's .5 'N -s N .7 s 'N .5 't 'N 's s,. N s' 15 'i. .5 e. s 'i 'N s-' -'i s.. .9 ~15 N 's i s. N5 N 'i i e, -5 N N t; 14 N N N N N N Si s 'N N 1 4 N St' s.' '1' N. s '1~ N 1' se N 'N N 'N -I. 'N N 57 'N 'N N N '5 'N N N N N '-i 'N N 'N -4 N N .7 N 's 's N i N 'N N N N '5 s '7 .5 N N

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