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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1951, p. 4

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r~-~--- - - ~ -W~V.vMrV TIMES.TfTRURSDAY APRIL 26th, 1951, t ~1XMJX~i> ~~jA~dA~JJ* ~ <DEATHS ~RS--At the residenice Rg 2 ,ce on Wednirýdayý, April ',18, ýýhn Alftred Sa aiders beIbved f ofM-'Nary Jaýpe Sau ris-s, vyears.Funer w-as Ied i-n ,,ris Funeral Ch4el io- Satur- ,,,il 21lst at 1.tfý . Inter- ý1.esday, April, 25, 19151, N-cil ;iIertin. ageýd 241 years, be- ,is-and of Dc)oVothy Rahme; 4ijgest son of Mr. and Mrs. W 1%Oro-no, rbel'oed brothe ýof ~,Qhaa;Cl ýence. Les rd Orono. Edwaid Nü castie; i<Mrs- Ray Fou d'), kerins- <Goodwood-, , i1nae (Mrs. F. -.no. Restin, ait e Mori Cape4, Bi)u R ile. Ser- ,the Chapel on Trdav at 2.30 àeminent Oic-no ýÇemetery. IN MEMORIAIM LINTON-In oving Nenory of Martin Linton ho passed ay, April 27th, 19 In yonder gr lies 'a loved, one, A husband s good and nd, Afather who oved us seearly, A beautiful- em'onry lie a ef hin-d, 1'1 And -now he 1 watchirý and waiting For us justiover the'ili, Waiting to- wqcorne is loved ones To ~ ~ lw -o' om ~ is peaceful and Lovingly r emembered by wife and fam ily * - Local News Seiven ladies from the Oronfo W. A. attended the O'shawa Presbytry Wo- nia's Association Convention'il, Ehi- niskillen United Churcli on WedneM- Northumiberland- Durham Nealili Uni( IMMUNIZATION4 CLINIC An Immunization Clipie will he held at ORONO PUBLIC SCIOL ehuarsday, May 3r4, 1951 at 1.30 pam. for cho hildren At 2.30 p.m. parents are invitedý to bring infants and pre-schoel aren for immunizatien against diphtheria, w'h4oping cough and .nus. '-Vaccination against smailpox will be offered on May 23rd. <Parents should have an accurate r~ecord of any previous immun- on. MEDICVL OFFICER 0F HEALTH SHE'LL SOON be back - her cheque cashed, her deposit made, her bank book written uP. çMrs. Johnson's is one of the 3,200,000 new bank accounts opened during the past ten -years. Like most people nowadays, she ; relies 'on her bank to safeguard her money; she expects lier bank book to show how she stands; she finds bank cheques convenient to pay larger bils. Ted W.Odyard Appliance Stores BOWMANVILLE -ORONO gReal Estate I andi Mrs. 1. L. Mc.Lean (our scho)i Mether) dca-lt with the work of Vhe F5in-i Radio For-ums. The foui-th section-"'f the pregram deaýlt with Vhe Cuitural Side of life. Betty Madae,,n sqpoke on "The Broad Asncet of CuVilure" auid th-e appre-c- iation -off aIl beautv around us, and it-ý pow-er teý enrich oui-r live-s. Mi-. JTohn'Martin of the Co-lege of Art, Toi-ente. spoke on "The Appreciaton cf Art." and ilIustrated i-, tal'k by inany bpautifully coloured silides. Mrs. C. F. Pegg of Greýnwemd Spoke on "The Apnrcciaitl'o f 'Music," an-'l made use cf the nianlùo- no a'record aîac4for va-nous illustflrations. Bca4ceMcLen'stalk on 4'T'he-Aupi- Vwo literary contests-, from wich we dcT-ived keeci 'cnjoyinnt whcn w-e dividced into groueps and competed for the largest number cf correct ans- w-rs. The recreation prograre provided fe,, a pcriod frein 8.30 to. 10 p. m. ec eveaing. Ray Herg-ott conducted te first Vwo periois of games and folk dancing, tien on Saturdad nigit John Marisen ýtook charge. Ulnder lis expert di-rection, coupl-ed rwith fris joyous enthusiasim, the folk dan-ces buougt keen enjoyment Vo al-. Un- consciously w-e abs orhed some cf the phlosophy cf recreati-on -- tubat Vils was a eoi-m cf art. a cultural activity on tic- saine plane as' paintin'g, poctry or drainstics, and hst it hais value for Vhe enrichinent cf life. During the las-V afternoion, an eval- uation of the ache-el was made. We met in threo greurps, discussed the vs-inous par.ts' cf tIe prograin and epressed our opinions' in forum re- ports. This informnation was record- ed,and will he valuable in planningl for future, schools. ,,,Tihe last meeting was at the suppner, table, Sunday eveninig. w-hen several visitons, fienda and relatives joinedi with us in, partakin-g cof tIe roast urýkey. The nj, on f the occas- ion w-asasawvu' tinîged with re- -ret - tit cf lavis-g to retui'u home . when we haid >j-t becomp ar- oiutiped wtl each otheur mýnd la,-d cntered into the sfi-t f tIe Folk 1lý'-1oi4&vnfwevcr. beforIew- ft J- - o Mmisen gaLve us a 9coridialinh- Hon te ro te ck for hFo' 1~si~~dReunjon on tIi<' last les-t. mt r tun o renew- gçpP'aint- -- and infidence of IIf you need a first mnortgage ~ busi n ess rpoteI have for ban on y pour he frm or available for this purpose. BROKEIRQ Ofic32lORs.1r6 f Orono, Oïntali-rex PAIRK C'%OLU MNS -FEMAL R HELP WANTED Femjale help, %ywanted', fulil timie or shorter hours paY be arranged for lie hoeise wif .Apjply to Oi-ono WVood Product. Ted Samuel.a- day, April 2&. Two interesting and C L A SM-31 a'm IE 0 helpful sessions were held. Higli- i1i lights of the services were the gucat speaker, Mrs. J. M. Woid, Belleville, president of the Bay "Of Quinte Con- ýCOMING VENTS ference brandi, w-ho gave an inspir- The endal bra h of the Womenis ational addres's to some two lnindred Ilnstitu e is spo.n/dring a demonstra- ladies. The audience was thrilled tion of Lindael edeOev no with a vocal solo by Mrs. Merkley of Thursd y afte*-oon, May 3rd at 2.00 Bowmanv.ille. o'clock. adi~ fVecnmnt n Rev. A. E. Eustace was elected neighho n ri, Institutes are cordi<nlyý chairman of the Oshawa Presbytry invted tttend. M-,ternoonl tea 25c. on Wednesday at Brî1oklîn. Rev. A.'1 E. Eustaee succeeds Rev. M C Fisher The Newcas4le Fireqnan>s- Banl will of Brooklin, who held this position be heid in the ýNewcastle Coinity for the iast current year. Hall on Friday April 2f.th. , 'atuin -____ o the music of hobby Gismby, Cof the HIGHLIGHT9 0F ONTARIO-DUR- Happy Gang, a-ý.d lis nine piece orý- HAM FOLK SCHOOL chestra. Judy Vlitt, vocali st, Ad- mrission 1.00 per persion. c- 14-c (Continued from paire one) school amd later led -a ninety mninute The "Beanto'n -Choir" /is to bo recreation perioti in- the gymnasium presented by the EnnisJillen Chir1 unstairs. under the auseices of thfe Parsonage After so moech activity. it seemned cnonmittee of (the Nevécastle United difficuit for the keea, livelv spirits Churcl W. A. on Wedliesday, May 2 to settle down to iest. Leadership in at g815 D.m. in the ýqewc&stJle Com- the dormiîtory "sheanigons" seeired coastumaes,- anoti singng Admiýsson, to corne from Dirham County, but - ,unitv Hall. rts9f lauehs. old time the next nght Ontario took ove?; Chldren 2cAdisgOc. a- and what so're of their boys produc- A s,"- Çal W A .Sunday Service te ed in' oualitv as well as varietv of be hel \n heOroit Town Hall at vocaI harmony was. truly inarvellous. o'lkArl6hTespca Needless to sa- ltt iook more than -s1'ak r<ilob r tpe awl daylight shining through the spac- Os ow- dte MruStpsel i icus south windows Vo waken most o A.iA. th-'îe, shawa st Ms tIi-sm un at seven the next miorning. "hw - The wyogram for the followjing davs wiis pianmed te nrovide a bal- AN1NIVÈ_RSARY qUNDA,',y an ce 'eçenthie varjous rorics and K irbv Suiday School w-li holdý1 artviles. The first part. taken on their An-iversary Service on Sunday1 Fridsgv imorninîZr, deait with B9sic Aprril 29th at 3.01o'clock. Rev. Lute. Philasouhir. The firgt sneaker, Mr of Tyrone wiilk be th-ý speaker. The" KiVk. of Lind-sav. Zone Foreo--ter nf music WM ibé )rovided by the, Sun- the Provincial Deloartîmenit ofLînds day School. T'ie off i - s and teadhers 'and Forpsts, noke to us about the would like to see i good attendance frest mianagemiert and; the -reatin- partrent of Chfch work. ap slip bet'ween' forests and sou con- se-ýrvaton. He also showed a film. !) "'The Petur'i of +he Treès", wh-ýich in¶g,' deabt with Organizations ln Vhe wâsquie iteestng o hos ofusRural Economy. Mr. Angus Grant, w-as Durhamnt.rsing VoVse cf us efariner and secretary of Vhe' co-op all filrm'd in the PontvDooi district. edtore, Beaverton. sp ke on the man- The- next speaker. (Mr. C. '9. Hoilw, agemnent andi activities of the local editaror t ý-ermc-lrs' ivI'çaz organization- as w-c-i as on other co- deait wih nhuiOS oflh -fhetic- oienteiirises tirougliut Otro toulto o sr<phsthets M-r. Melville Staples of 01-ono, Pros- frmnaon a i c m ost o f var- déptV cf Durham Federation of gr- ionsiis'. soil' -management and con- 'culture, spoke on, the purPose-' andj se-nto.etc. plans cf this organizati-on on thel Tlie scemnd nart of the Drorgam. reoua local1, provincial and niatfonal! taker on Fmiw'qv ofter,0n on s-rd <w- r pvelq Intheabse'n-se f Clare Burt. Provincial Sél('rAtarv,. Ray H'erzott,1 NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE - Strawxberry plants, Premier and Senator D>inhp. Raspheyry Canes, HerÊherts. Asparp'g s, Mary Washington, 1 ~and 2 eéar oid roots. Gra 'vnes, 2 year old roots. Red Curranit bushes (Cherry) and N"fIa Currant bushes (Vicibonia), botV 2-year-old stock :SedPotatoes, Katadin. nwfor early plantintg. E1adWayne, NewtonivÎlle, Ont. ;Phone Clarke 2214. c-14-c DIIÂAJ LIVE STOCK P>icked Up promptlyý ~HreCows, Heifers, Sheep, Pige end niew bora Calves 1 e >ay for Horsies COws andr Heifers SAs an addied service we WÎIllCo- ecrate with your veterinarian in .post-xuortenx. 2 ýc per 1b. for live herses. (Call collect Bownville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARMS Tyrono 49-tf SALE REGISTERS The property of the late Mrs. E. E. Co;a.ke wvill be soid' by public auc- tion' on Saturday, April 2Sth, at the C.P.R. Sitation, Newcastle. Property consists cf Thriture. Tern-s Cash, Noù reserve. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. Real Estitte and Chattels will be offered for sale by public auction on the prernises of E. 'B. Hatherley, Millbrook at 1.30 p.m. on the lst day of May. Real- Estate is on easrt side of Maîi Street Millbrook. Jack Reid Auctioneer. and Rot,1-1Water CALL US FOR EýSTIMATES HIARRY E. LYCETT Phone -84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. Orono Electric Phone 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FOR FýARM Vland ITOUSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to alilmakos ef Eleetrical Equipment and Appliancos. Suclk as 7M1otors, Water Hoaters RnAf- t,4ea rons t fo CE on j One medium Aize Quaker Oul Bur-ý rer, ýntly used 3nioniths; 1 Coal ýSte-ve\ ýn goo çondi tion; 1 Kitchien Cabin 1;6ByGCet. App> rte Etien Jous, e ovile. hone Clarke - a-p FOR S E OR RENT Eý1t roo yLfrîck hiouse, mode-m- ce-m ene ssesion May lst. ApDurapi Farmer'r, CouDty Co-p - Moffat, Sec. LOST 'IureÈred Scotch Coa-lie pup, age siiý nionths. Sable wit.i whilte collar and ruff. Riglit e-ar stamped IIV.TR131. Last seen inl Orono dis- trict, Hais 'leather kolar. Reward. Phone b on. McGee, 24-r4, 'Oronoo. ac NOTICE Any persen having dlean refuse te dispose /sf it would be appreciatedif it wouid ble dumrped on the race track w'herer washed eut. Tis would, in- clud, klidrt, as-les, cinders, brick, ,ýon(, r gravel. Mr-. Ro-ipl or Mr. ReidjSvill -be glad te direct anyonc *bn an help wi-tl this fiIl. Thirhaam Central Agriculture Society. -d-15-c Lawrence C. Masse, gkA Barrfister and Soliciter BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phonos: Office 688 Home 553 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction gales of al Mlm and at reasonable rates Cemmunicate with hlm et PMt Perry, Ouîtarie, or sec hMa ClI. A. E. Morton, et Oromo, fer dat. JACK or'*.REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuate Specialize in F4rm and Furulture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates Plume.5 r 18 - LIFE INSUR ANCE Pension Plans; Educational Policies;, Protection and Savipge Plansftes Cbildren and Aduits; Mortgago la- surance, Plans. F. E.LYCEfl ORONO. Ont. Phone 20 r lé The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dia] 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarkeru% Errgr8viflg. Voldleafinor STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works, Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whithy FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS- ANP MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your loved ones. It's net expensive. An-d aeeing this'last tribute will give you ondless comfort We will ho pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animais and lpay higheàt prevailing prices.I For immediate service telephone' collect Brooklin 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Empire 3-3636 CGORDON YOUNfrhI Oirono Tinshop Now isthe tîme to about.- ICOMING EVENT Variety pr7ograim foUlowed by an aldtim4nIr_ Dance on Friday, May 4Vh ait S p., ith,-.Town Hall, 0-.010 progra4m' issupld by a groUp of yvoung p-pie fr(fr the Bowmanvlille Communi1ty Centre. Music for the dainje wili be mipplied by loal tal- ent. The evening is sponsoredi by the Orro i&grte Skaitlng Club. Corne and have a good time. -A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIk-N taudSUUtGEON not Heures: 3.00 te 4.00 gâÈ -&Mte.LUS.M . ud». and Waaogdm r appolntinent s*l PHONE 47r1 R E. C. SYER, JUL PHYSIGIAN and SURGU«, Main, Street South 1Office Heurs: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.. 6.80 te 8.00 p.n' Sundays and Holidays by Appointment Aug ' pi 1 PHONE 74 r 19. P ORONO

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