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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1951, p. 8

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M!KLY TIMES IDon't Pant or Renoy "te UNTIL Oý0U SEE TUlE NEWf-LýI IN'SUL BRICK and INSUL. STO E SIDING The newest, m ,tt realistic and best sidiiý yet produiced EN ST0CK 'WITH ASPHAL'F ROOFING, SHINQ ES aiid SIJING. PRi CE , 1 TO IMEET A-NY CWPETITION FOR BUILDIN'G MA8TERAL.S ORONWO COAL and LUMBERqt CLOSING, DATE EXT ENDED Tiwlo More W teks F0 YOUR CONVEN NCE Sti Plenty 0f Stock On Hand BUY 0W AND AÂVE MONEY SAVE$ .00 per Galloù on Outside Paint ELECTREICAL APPLIANCES TAX FREE Cole a & ~?iIp Electric Phonesý 89 r 1 Store 3 r il Residence 1~Y~L THEATRE BOWMAN VILLE THIJýlRS. - FR1 - SAT. - APRIL 26 -27 -28 This is the qreateil ry ofbeloved r~Mnvr se,14el to one of theî p-)c ures of 011 timu, Mk-G-M ,presehts GREEGSONo NULE R P 1DGEOilN x KENOAL' The Womien's 1Institute off Keisdal meeting is Vo be heid at the homec off Ms. Ro'y Mercer, WeLniesdayý after- nooni, May 9,)th at 2.30' p.m. and every miember should be present. Vstr 311. and Mrs. George Swvarbrick, -M;. and Ms Barber and baby soni, Ivor, Toronto, spent the wee-end with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Siwarbrick. Mr. W'ilfred' Roughiey andM. Bruce Anderson off Oshawa spent the w1eekend wîth lM-s. L. 'Phorne Mrs. Wi1fred Rofgl4eyN, David and Do)n.j Mrs. Jessie Tremnaine of Tono-nto spent the wevek-end wvitîi her sisfer,! Mvrs. Mihon Rbno. Mr. Cecil Glass has been under the doctor's care this pas;t week with! heart trou-ýble. We ar-e piieased to hnear, he is improvlng Mr. and Mrs. Arthur FaFi]s and [Jerry of Bwaiii and Mr. an4 Mrs. Ormne Falls off 5tarkviiil- spent I Saturday wiýth their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Tomi Fails. The latter niotoredi tc Orono u Monday with their son, Ormne and bisý wife.' Murray Cordon lias been visiling for, a week with bis pamrents in Oak We are sçrry ito hearMs C'o Littie has been very siclk with the f lu. Mjrs. -M. Luxon, Mrs. Wm.Jai spon and Ruth attended Ahevmn Day off the Gr' Homemakers Clubs of the district in Oron on Saturdav iast and haà a most enjoyaie time. Thev think the girls are to be con- gratulated on their fine exr.bits. Fvpwvne took lunch and the Orono Women's Institute made ail the gr- ran'iremeats and we hear a grand lunch was enjlored when icp ereami was also served. A bottleie f choco llaVe riilk -as provided ffor each off the girls. Sonie of the Kendql gir1q were sick and unable te, attenld. much Vo their disannointment as 'tbey had be'ni lo'okinz foýrward to it.- Pctureqsbsown by ýMr. ýC. P, Car- veth on ,Thursdav, April 1lth were niuch pi~e.ArIotlier nictvie !of the Orono F-air held laet ruehr birought manv chuiekies as' local folk1 were rp-oznized. It was ianterestinge Vio wafch the junicr farmers wiVl' their livestock exhibits. "North to Hudon av"took us for a train ido from Wirnopeg t,,) Churchill. The picture off the Manitoba Floods made ore realize more than eveT what a catastrophe this was with so many homes submerged under water and peonle renadered homeless. Then we watched these saniae people set theni- selives to recontr1uction. 1,t was inte- esting to watch one manl being hauled jato a gyrio from the roof topi of bis hoffe. H erds off caribou were 1seen in the, picture shcwintg Foýrt Prince off Wales, aad thie surrounding country. The work nf healing crip- pIýed childre lan Sudburv was shown.1 One little girl was showa exercîsinlg 1the limbs of ber dol la the smmc manner as she had& seuil the nurses work on the children. The clIdren enjoyed the picture iof -Enbinson Crusoe and to the' older ones iV brnught' back muniories wuntheYi too uaioyed readngthis a4ventumous .Mrs. Rov Mer.-cer« Mrs. M. Luxon', Mrs. Wni. Murcer. Mrs. E. Courivux, SMrs. Jack Swanbrick. Mrs. F. Stoker l d Mrs N. Kennedy attende d the D ritmeetingof the W. 1. la the ýOrono Town Hall on Tuursday alter- ni ion, April 24th, whea plans were madu fo-, the programmae for Vhe District Annual Convention on -May 30,th. ~WESLEY VILLE Congratulatioas tD Mr. and Mrs- A. Carke upon the birth of a baby g irl, ApAllh. Miss Elsi 'e Scýhwary, Port Granby,ý visited Misý. Clarence Nichols, Sat- urday. Suadayý, Mr. C. Payne and Mr. A. Thornidyke visîted Mr. and Mrs. W. Longyear, ýCarol Thoradyke who had been visitinig with her aunit returned home with them. She is visiting for a few days with Mrs. Payne., Wednesday afternoon some off the ladies attended a RedCross Tea aadý quilting held at the home off Mrs. A. Austin. Over six dollars was realized for the Red Cross. Mr. and Mis. A. Peters and Jane of Moriish were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Payne. FOLK SCHOOL !oninued frein page four) recalil the pleasant mem- rham, Gpuntifs students were, NicelsfmmPort Hope. Doig- RicardjndKeith Van jjCnimjp, Lar-nier, frûm ics'okEa Wii-s on. ilri mNesttie. Ireile kand HnitaWood fri' 'i rook, oakley Caruy rei 1Cav FAf ME S! ~o~APPR'lOXIATELY 0FCAV1 NEVEIZ REACII MARKET SAVE EVERY CALF, PIG -AND CRICKEN TIS YE"' Better Livestock llushandry Saves You Livestock, Poultry and .î.,iiney! LAY SAEE! Carry a Sto-ck off tiiese Povn NIXVN PRODUCTS" in you-r Bans PLA SA Eetready to use in ail emergencies. 1V wilil save tiTue, trouble and monc-y. PREVENT TROUBLE with the foilowing; Nixon's Preventex Tablets <Regular) Vitamiins, minerais tan(ltrace (ýeeeats Vo help pre- vent Deficiency PD:ýeaýses and -Inus la ew-iborn calves and foals. A's a 3-day pre-natal diet supplemen' for- pregnant cmws. Prevent >our caîf troubles with Pireentex (rèégular). ,Nixon's ;Preventex lablets (Str5ong) Higih potenrcy vitamin A with vitamin 1D, B-Con- piex, E anid C-aad trace minerais i Calcium and PhIosýphoroýus Base for preganan't owý to hïelp p-ze- vent Acetonem.a, Metailied Afe- M4h ~iik Fever and other problems rat or -shortly after calviug. Pre- vent caIing probiemis This SeasoiI wj{ýh Treventex Nixon's PeilagrexS oltion For mon, Vitamin aýiud Trace- Mineral deficiencies in pigs and1 pouiltry. Toe preivent Nutritional scours and Deficiency Diseaýses la GrNwing 1>rgs gave Pellagrex to, au. litters fo-r ten days aftedr weaning. Try hs; prodluct on one litter and see the difference. Felilgex is an) eaelteaet recýnstrutive tonic for al poultry after Ccidi osis or/ for iow producing hexts Just put it la Vhe drinkinp water. Nixoun's Pellügrex Tabiets For making Pell.agrex Solution economcaily at hoîme. Nixon Calcium~ Phosphuate with vitamin D &,Cobalt. Recommende-d' I as a sa'pPjlenry fsource off Calcium P'hosýphate for piregrapdt cows, ewes, sows, growing animais andi poultry. Tr it on oaa pregnanat eow. N ixom's Sulquinex (3.4 P.C. soIutOin of i§ulfaouiaokalýne) the new rulffa drug for treatImeiit against cecal or intestinal coc- cidiosis in fowl by developing imimunfty tlirough mild infection.- ORONO- <TREAT TROUBLE with the folltowixg Nixoa's Scourex (liquid or tablets) For (white) infectious scours ir, caives and &W- and shippinig fever in cattie. Wojrks fast. Nixon's Co-Sul-Trex-Tabiets or Powder Contbined Suifas For safe Suifa mnedIcation in cssofPnreumêi Mastitis, Shipping Fever etc. in ail arnial. Nixoa's Co-Sul-Trex Solution, comhined Sl For the C,,ntrol off Coccidiosis, Rou-p (coryza) i Influnza la f owl by the drinking water metF Highly recemmiehded for f ast resulta lanevere breaks. SNixon's Fertiiex Tablets For Retained AfterýBirth in cows and sews, anè heip finduce the esýtrol cycle- (Huait Pro4 1 Nixon'$ Gargetex (ointment) Combined Peaicillin, streptomycin, - ' suifas. the overnght treatmhent off Mastrý iarget) iatraimammary infusion. Once used --,ïjways u; NixoWs ý-Yeivex A penetrating and .9oftening udder mrassage heifers after their-first calf or cows siu-ffei fronm mastitis "(Garget). Nixon's Bloat and Colle Reniedy For the rarpld relief of Bloat In calves, cattle sheep and flatulent col'c in horses. Keeýp a W handy Po-. emergencieg. Nixon's Phenothiazine Powder An Antheimintic for deorin wine, calves, Vie, sheep, goats, herses and pouitry, T*o pre- set-backs growing pigs should be doworrned off TYRRELL'S DRUG STORE. ONTAÈ ~1~ We 1Help You .Guard Your Home O Moaths of blard labour and a~ gheap off saviags washed awa$1y Q...unless you are covered o 0 by insurnc.D'tgmIeQ QInsure now. CAL L S N. F-Pû R TE R ORO$01O, Ont I Orono Town Hall Sa.,Apr. 28 SHOWING "Practically Yours" Starriag Caudette Colbert -and Fred MacMurray Also Seiected Short Subj ects Adissgon: Aduits, 35c. Students 25e Chiîdrea, 14 years & under 15C. capIiu OPE Fri- - Sat - April 27 - 28 "Neyer 'A LDuliMOmLent" WiÂth Fred MavcMu,,rray and Irefle Dunne "TOUGHER THEY COME" 'With Prp4ston Foster aad Wayne Morris Mon - Tues - 30 - May 1- I'ILL CET1B Y" -4 Musical Comedy inl Techricolor, withi JUNE WILLLI HTAVER LUTNDIGAN Wed - Thurs - May 2 - 3 "S éÎtrnber Affair" ~II L NEWCASTLE LIONS CtJîUB C'ASH BINGO Newcasde CommunityuHa %il Thlà.urisday, April '26 8.00 P.M. 20 Regulaïr Games - 5 Special Games - 1 Fr-ee Ga- Share The Wealth - Jack Pot PROCEEDS FOR LIONS WELFARE WORI! ADMISSION 5o c Ladies' Pi int Skirts, Dirndle style assorted cýoloit sizes 12 -(-o 18, each for ............ ý.. $ Jea ns, Ladies Denim sanforized, side zippers, si 12 to 20, pair selling for...............$4 Beverley Prints, width 36 inches, yard. for J. Cheese CIGth, width 36 inches, 3 yard pkg. ' To-wel s, size 16x38 inchesý, jacpuard witlh colore( borider, each ......... ...............( Mens Baibriggan Tea Shirts, ribbed knit, round neck, short sleeves, sizes S. M. and L., each..1 Men's Merino Work Socks, Penman make, pair~ Hose, Ladies'fuli fashioned, mercerized Lisie, si 9, to 10 1-2, pair sellîng for........ .. .... 1$ Toni H-om-e Permanent Refis, . . ......... $1 Mý,urphy7 PIloor Enamel, èolors blue, grey, peari g] godnochre, maroýon, tue red, lai-ch greene golden brown, quart for ....... 314 ibs. 44c. Metcalfe's Pork and Beam~ with Tomato Sauce lia-g 20 oz- tins, 2 tins for 27 Dalton's Peanut Butter1 pint sealers 391, 'Niblets:, Corn Kernelu- 14 o~ tinsý, 2 tins for .y .3â# Daly's Orange O4 Pekoe Tea M 1-2 IL .. 55e.0m, Gold Medal Paste Floor Wax, 1 lb. tin for ............. 39c. Aerowax Self-Polishing Floor Wax, pint. 43c,, qt. 79c.' Irish Stew, Clark'b' Ready Dinner heat and serve, 15 oz. tin . 29c. Lawn Grass Seed, rapid growing GO package for......... 25cl. ~g ORONO 5clTD $1.00 STi YOUR POPUL-AR SHOPPING cEjr 1

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