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Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1951, p. 1

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Vol. '5 N). 17 OROINO. ONT., THURSDAY, MAY, llth 1951 Subscription $1 .50 per Year Local Red Cross Announces Collections From Ail Sections, The Red Cross Drive whicih tart- ed in Mar-ch and bas been somiewhat la'ta 'isomne communitias in Clarke Township is draiing to a close for, 1951. Orono Branch certainly apprec-, îates the co-operation of inany faith-! fui and intertsted weoakers and cani-, vssrwho sacificed so -much to bîiring up our creditabla total and hohis made up as follows: Port Granbiy S. ýS, o1...,,~ 7.00 Lakes'ho-re S. S. no. 2........... 11.00 Newtoinville - CoMle&ted by Woanen'a Institute ..... 87,50 iBaown'g S. S. no. 5S---- .-ý,------6.00 Brown-'s Busy Bees -------- ---- 5.00 Brewn-'s Hl. and S. Club-.....1U.00 Locxkhart1.s S. S. no. 9....17.50 Antioc'h S. S. n~o. 8......22 50 ~Starkvli1Ie- S. S. no. 10.....11.90 Kendal Wo'mren's lntsitute ... 47.00 X.irby S. S. no. 14 ........... ,..7.00 -Leskard S. S. no. 15.__........68 Leaskard iSchool ............. _ 3 00 Leskard United Churcli WA 5.00 Mclean's S. S. no. 17 ......27.35 Six*i Line S. S. nlo. 21.....22.50 Eather Rebekah Lodge Orono s---..........----.. .0 ýOnno United Church W. A...115.00 0)rono Locdge LI. O 0.F. «.....25.00 Orono Women's Institute 5.00 Orn-Villag-e..............-------2 37.25 $6 14.30 agoing Fer uu. , - The Orono Redl Cross received th is latter faom Kendal with a g-reat deal .of satisfaction. ATthougb ail Red Cross work la done by voluiteers flot looking- for any reward. It le with warm eart we rceive tangible proof that our efforýts are appreciated. Elizabeth M. Bourne, Capsuie Convanor. I. T. Brown Includes Animal In Mexico Shipuient Seven carloads of Canadian live- sokrecently left fo- Mexico. Inclu- ded were dairy cattie, horses, p1i l sheep and pheasants. The anials were se1ected by Dr. Jose Figueroa of the Mexican Department of Agri- cultue, scone of thenm bein~g for pnriv-1 ate breeders and others for the Mex- The laagest Iliviestock grou'p con- s:isted ,of 56 head of purebred HoleIt- ein s, langely bred asud opera heifers. Two high class bulle headed this sh-ipiient, ona being a son of Gien- af.ton Futuoity frm Jas. T. Brown, Neweastle, Ont. F\utuity was Ail- Canadian Bull Calif in- 1948 and %vas Reserve Ail-Canadiani in 19,49 and 1>5.The othea bull was PioneeSli Lodge Pathfindtar secu.red from Jas.J T. Bos-ton, Ramilton, Ont. This bull, la by a son' of the notad Montvic, Pathfinider and is )Iut of Pioneer Lodge Aggie Pontiac who la thel World Champion milk producer in the senior three year old cas of the ,165 day division on twica-a-day milk- ing with hea record of 26,083 libs. milk containing889 Ibs. fat and as a eveniilactation lifetinietoa al on 2x of 147,911 lbs. milk cuViain- ing- 5237 Ibs. fat. Her dam in turn is a Goid serti producea with her eleven lactation 2x 1ifetime- record of 189,.- 773 Ibs. millk coataining 6867 lbs. fat. Foaty- eight of tIhe HoIstein hecif- ars -went o Jose Garcia Valseca, à1exico while six oýf thern Q uereta , ' wentto Dr. Lauro City. Dr. Ortega personally Canada to select these animale. The balance, f the shipaient con-1 sistedl of Percheron horses, Yo--k - sbire pigs, Suffolk ramai, Guaqueé aind Ayrshire cýattIe and foui-teen pheasants. Asaaisting i l hae l"~ shipaient of the animalis was Haya Liited>ý Oakville, Ontario. d al n. Pr Cent Premium Fo leamirs. ii n ~Puichase 0f1lierd Sire We, the childrea of î8ixtli Liice fShol would Jike tVo show oua - IndivduaI, puachaslng heef b' ,pr4eciation te thie Orono Red Cross rbedn ftor supplyigru wi Cd Lver011Pu--Poses wil ibe able Vo ,plyng s wth Cd Lver071qualify for a prýemiuia equal Vo 20 .capsules during the winter mon hs. De cent of thie purchase.prire,. up te Wefeel tiat tbey have bel-ped US amaimmof $7. This wsrvae -;a-ry much We are very griateful for byCol $7e Hn. . . Knn dO tu cpsle.ai Minister of ,AJgrieultui-e,,,when ho T-ak o recently aenounceed revisi-ona a h lOnitanjo Bull Premiluai Polily.Prs Yours trully inusllY, fie Peifims palw4d under thel POlicy I-ad applaet illy 01- puachases I Ann ~t~1e~û.Ge~liWfloxl d*n y a club of two or more ui-imbers. Railly, Jkt~~~y, erleStapile-, II'hus -equirenent lias been emvd 4oLeonard Ho-y, ~ Madill, Rose Undei; thé new provisio:ns, individ- GaY., Jurie Madull, ' ~Wilson. ul u i-r-.ýi pr G~ntlGrenwod. Bh ~~onconsignaient sa Iee under the, Wayne ýKerlrueIY ,!-,iaw'o. usilces of District or Couty Slhort- ~Ru)x Gpat~a BanieMadliiitnui beuHereford or Abeadee- Angus1 Gay, j (Clontinued on pagefor Suivtio Ary OgaŽzedFor IDa-rive To Continue iok Tlhe work ý6f -The 9ialvxâtiol Arny ~Cana,,da le well knDowsri te eve-rybody; in ts Ifornes -anti nStitutioni aos but it la noV- ofl-y> in these places tiiat A-ri-y of.the HeI1ping Haad'. Eveiu in ý!?he ÀAmny 'bas proved îtltsef 'The a snis-h to-wn like Jovavletherc aire constatnt and var!ied; demnanda upon The Salhration Army. Laet us look bmi'efly -atu-a few Phases or! wOak IVI-as ,been called upon Vo do lu-inthis DieVt'lct dui'iig 'the past yaar. 1. A man sar-virg a pison sent-I - nce becomaes worried about his -wife -contacte.-lthe Salvation Army - -the wiomai<n is -isited i-d fous-ai o ha au-LfferixvIg Phys:Wil sýu d 1nervouS, breakdown - a Doctor,'a- assistance is sogt-practical bel-p l vn 2.A family p tasing Vrug- 't6IwP find ine lss udîi l-ead-i 'the mother ilI ithe ëiidren- niooil.l- ____ ____ ____ ~ Mr. Go( dnikdmii ad. heSa'lvation myI V ouidt O1~es~lathe place te wllclr thorý 4r 9bng, 1Jes tcVd Employnmn Ç' ulloa lef~ fer the Man - (1 woman is 'ec enga-d o e for the ebYlînonf-y " wvhfile tliié notfier recovers. paeSt, 3. ý A Thily in a nua res suf- work 1e teued a complte m-ss of bonie and mnuch lra possésons by tire. Agaf awppealSi g'overnimant mat e urmy of tIhe HeIpiug Gvane Hani? ntildthinig anid giroc- oelnr arls ae s iie Voamit Vernt tie importa- eriesine spplid' toassit th dtc idàual taki start again, worl ha fI Demanda asuecb as hese -. eict 6y fane woark ik week of the year. as it, so-vas wltË h bi Td weîifar 'Heart Vo dod andl Hnund Vo Maii'. tllough dei: I-'ta m-'ain puipose L a ays a n Vhe Part ual ose. about Chlld To thie )West a-ad' Vo VhaEast. The ran 'r Si w e, ~ C W.C..U.MeeingKIRBY The mionthy meeting of the Wo- Mr. and M-rs A W'alker, Bowman- mnan's Christàan Temperance Union ville and Mr. and Mrs. E. Whifte, was held on Tuesday, May 15 at the Orono vigîted wiÎ1i Mrs. Tho4,mplson. hOiri of Mrs. W. J. Lveett. Mr. Ray Bryson spent thewek end witli his pare-nts. The imeeting opened with the ý4ng- Mr. and Mrs. Milford Davis, Lake- ing of the Hymn "Fer the beauty o~f ,.*elspent Suniday with Mr. and Mrs. the eanth". Mrs. R. AMen gave the William R,ýuthenford. devotional hy readirng St. Jojhiin, chiIp- M-,rs. Neta Pat±enson, Mrs. Annie 14, verse-s i to 12. All sang one verse Patterson, Mr. and IMrs. Wiw. Wan- of "Take tinue te ha -HoIy as a PXay- nan and Ross visited Sunday with er". Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Mégee, Ced- Mrs. George Carson sang a Icvely mus. sol~o, The chimes -ring -out, followed Mr, and M-s'. Olvax4es Co-oper, Ken- by the hytun "Hiappy the h',>me wihen 1a, _pnt Suinday with theîýr daLgh- God is there,, ter, Mr. and Mis. Evan QuaintrllL 1Mr, and Mrs. Ken Bal and family Minutes of the at imeeting were spent Sinday wit'h Mr. and Mras. read and adopted. Mns. F. Kelly gave Wathker, Lan!gWbaff, a talk on Peace fromi the book of Mr. and Mrs. Art Filkiin aind fam- pshalni. ily visited Sunday with Ma,. and Mire A good reporit was given oyn the Y emn Convention of the W.C.T.U. by Mrs. M. and Mrs.Wikn and son i- W. J. Lycett, the delegate to t ed with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bdigelowv convention. on Sunday. Themetin cose îy sintin te Mr.tl and Mrs. Har9lId Souch and h m "1g the b shfiWg h e f ilvtsited with Mr. aind Mrs. J. thy inight", and the Mzpah Bene-,Wa'ano-MfdlY dktion Several liadies, at«tended Mrs M oersfurniturue salle in Kendal on Canada la ependinig now in liquor Qaturday Vafterno-on,. more t4ai nail housse furniihings, or, Mrs. QuantsqiI1, Mrs. Thonipson, on lothng; as much as on mnotor Mrs. Jas. Wanrnan nid Mrs. Wm.- vehicles and their operation-i. Caintda WInnanýl spent Monday even'Ping With is spending on liq-to- three tisses Mas. Reýdd. ,whsit it spends on bread and beikery Mr. R. Shenwin eof 0Oron-o gave a produects; aind three times the cost of very 1n.teaeetng talk to the Sunda-y education. Schùool on SundaY ;Hon, W. A. Goodfellow Selects lGrourn Ta Stiiilv CKJA lWta-Ifar. Orono Park Board Gives P, mission To Charge For Hard Ceosus Data T. Be Taken On liomeâDweIIings Every fifth houscholder i Can- eto.ada will be askled a niber of key quston about households and dwel- lings when the Ninth DecenTiial Census of Canada is taken la Juiie. At that tiine information wil ho obtained on types of dwel-lings, paini- r4lPal axiteijor mneiais, condlitLon of tthe exterior aind tenure. Questions will alsù, ho asked about lightinig andi heating equipmant, waler supply,l plumbing, and cooking and refriger ationf alies The data ohtained in the es will be of value te those oncerne with the pann and dt-velopemnenit oýf expanding coimuýnities -afndi thel The Orono Park Board Monlday evening whien, Mr West ocoupied the chair ý Messrs. L. Loweýry, R. R. H. Merceer, and W. H. Cai cussed ivarous itàems pert, the local park. A delegation of Miss M. and K. Gamnsby, represen Girl's Softball Clu>b, preser schedule for the ya and asked fýor one niglit a wei they could hald a practice.' thouýght the prartice ight aaaanged but »not until al were in force. Girls Sofi Men,'s Hardball will alve ù a week and the possible fon thie Men's Softball league at leaset one mxore night. sVted lihet no footbal p1ayed in thevllgetitisy remnodelilmg of older one-s. ýManufaet- MXessas. J. C. Taniblyri, Si urers of building mnaterials, contract- en-ford, and R. C. Forreater ors and individual home-owners %WýIll ed the Park Board on the Po fiindtha- figures of interest and value of heïng allowed to charge er Besides these more o-hvioua uses of sion for Hardibaîl gamnes i t oeasus of housing data, the informait- This permission wzis graunted ion lesua- important vardstick l, R. R. Waddell was of ,Vble m-easýuamig the bsocîal a.ud ecoaom7ic lhtht-iiawas nythbgi prograýcssof the Canadîan peo)'pla. felt that it migh1t continue. Loweiry was noV iiifa'v'our Recent years have witnee-sed a ri igibit charges and that mios' treinendous resýideuntiat buildinig gamea sdI*d not warrant an nl booni a Canrada. Since the Cousus of 1941 tihere lias been anu estinwatcd in- Ma. H, Mereer brought cro"sse of 6COF i o1 ' lebut ,e uetjojofi' ni' arging a la avrae ie of houjseholda liasde for, picÈiios but ilt was the or ~ A C ~ ~ ~ the imembers Vhat nýo an %..JL ft zii J J bt UA Aillz v v quai Ex&%,luIeu 4-,ajsrisiiu j 1 3,.9 i 1>949, ani, otiathraitthe size o fmije is not as laIrge a's it At an Aniual mleetinlg ;at Barale -4he first time a dir-ect contribution was and thatfe rfaies ae of the Childiren's Aid Society, the, was made to costs charged back to-d, hin u; Hfon. W. A. Goodfellow, Ontari, the munilýiicipality. Tlbe wei'e 33,,3S new dwelling - o'etrnf Public Welfare Îinforrmedvuni-Vs oonstructed la Canada duaing- lie lied elected a "IV was ra gestu-ra on our part the five years froni 1945 to the end -- t t child realizing the incaeased -ad nmunidx'p- of 1949, àxD ýlau additionwal 28,303 -( liie woe-re eryng. it mhe ame lunits were cra,-ated by conversions of ~ (te gverxuen) mtieava- xisting struc-ltures. 0 fite dwellling as. granit Vo encourage units corstructed duarig the five'. maif arIIIte pbe i the - bv publiýc casu- year period, 272»G 0were one-family P(beliintepaovinct. Pi'e)Ple étýhedý, 25,0124 weae two f!amniy Hoe added that the conqi-ittee - f "a detche, S$4Iwere i, olWvor er- V onset up t(,intoafere t ble Vo soci, --£l 3.3,le5 were in, apartrmentý 1 A.e S.wwkithem-I' to solicit flint-. mathr t" ~ "'~Pign-in, in order te intert a Vonae p. ovinciai survey l in tesceis v iew of the lnuiri f dalsertions, ile- tescei creased costs a-id rnumber o£ perrnan- "The creabig of th-is intere, enV n-arde ýf the society now heingi Iluroeofte25pre chargedi back te the govaranment. -eit was it grant iüV, eVCry UVoimr vunecttcu i a .a1L-i The group will report back te lthe pi"ho stated. miniter t& "seeif there are soea thinges that mil ha done to find' pe,- 1Furtber supporting the tbeory of manent homes for wards sa thatIp'rivate support of the society's thiose children wilIl have greatea se- w Iork, 'Mr, Goodfellow teld how C. A, ~t."We wauttVo kn'wtiiat ave- 1 S expen-ditures had heen rising vr îosible isg donean sd rapid-ly, from $1 million -Vo over $4 M-11theckgin '.ý desertinine to u million last year. "It ie flot soun-d for wil bek n~ ,~ su-,"ry private <orga-ization Vo ha spend- more teath inte the in-g public funids unless they have concamned about both the ai,.'-. Costis a-ri the- ra-pid increase of dIt1 The gov-ernmneut sarvas only in an entions. There la a trend , he reniaak- -isory capacity, he renminded hie ed, possi bly cauaed hy the war liste --q. "We are always at your Thepaa o Hlni o -ti- pat f aî lt ,-, want Vo be helprful, but th 1,te f ýv te ar o alservice. ý ý Vo ,cat. people te -le a bit iresponsibleansd we do not wis ' t not assumie thieir full share of re-: sponsibility towards thE childiren Ma. L. T. Poster, a -i re both "lWe are going Vý o eheck ,ver'y close- ]y o bing -particulaaiy deserting hushanda V-o task."1 ii-e goverumeut la aiso eoncerued. about thie numbe-a of children lu foeter homes noV bai-mg ado)pted by persons ini the commnunity. Thare axe about 8Ml00{> hildiren ilu tha provnce wioare permanent wards of the Childre-n's Aid SoceLey. ýodfell-ow sain l hie taIk Vo Ly &Sciety tiiat ha foît that ho a mosiýt unfo)rtunate tLhe C. A. S. te become s -g,înîztioi. 441 would like Vo autonôomy contïnued, noV iuse of the woak done li the orthe effectivenesof the future. . which woeuld ha -ttr Vhs-n that doue by a- aciesupporteas of the Courity 0Organisati-on. he moýde ie this ieto. 1 oyver the latof rgaee l-,et year it was fouind mnj(oaity were fromi church aIonlnd varIocis yo4.xtlh g Mýr. Dane, Found was ise option on the bocitliait the tween, Mr. D. Fo-und and4 Boaqrd Mesisr. R. R. Wadlell is Wce§t wiere qponinited te i the re&p-,iriug of the swiman Ite.On-ly in the uiiban ceai mnsa lats we -T 11o5t races, . or Riats. The 1941 Census revealeîi sIngle house was 'bbc predimm-n-. type of dwelling n rural areas in aIl pr,, parts of Canada, sud ilu western othea ax Canada moire than three 1a.t8i call "double" o-f urban- , eing were alun of this cntue *l lr),lAseU f fro m p a, Finance Committee To Peterborough P1a The finiance committea of Or-ono of the abo)ve ehu-c,'i- donaited ch United Chuircli are sponsoring a play gow-ns, a very generous gInt f rom St. Jamryes United Church, Pé- pmeciation o-f this could we f111 terborougI-, eutitled "She la My Town Hall on h tis occasîi.T Daisy". Thtis thirea-aet play la Vo ho play has heen' hooketid since the mo prs.ented len the Orono Town Hiall on of Mlarch and evei'y preseniPtItion1 Friday, June 1eV at 8.15 p.nt, D.S.T.Ihee-n wall1 recei-ved )wlth encouragî Proceeds fmom the play are ini aiâ of 1coninets. The caqst s hai ve a nu the local Building F-und. The W. A. I br of boolkng d et t'O DIU ilies myuet edr the private la-i 'ntaeet fluthe isa any wel- Tt la , 'r. or othier fea, ' ORONO ý 1 WE 'w' ý un

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