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Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1951, p. 8

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JI«î)NO WEEKLY TIMEs THRSDAY, MNAY 17t, 1951r Regeâà'tServi ýe Station GA.S and OlS TIR 15 - BATTERIES PRESTO NE BAeERY CRARGING adGLiEASING (O'en fromf 7.00 p4m. to 9Np.m. SUNDAY 7.00 .mn. to 7 p.. Mili St. North ORONO 4o.- Wed - May 21-23 Great Comnedy Hit "orn Yesterday", With the Academy Award Winner JL DY HOLLIDAY week's at Toronto's Lar gest Theatre The Tyrone United Chwtch Rededication Services SUNDAY, MAY 2OtIi Rev. IMi>op R>an esoûn, Toronto /ýlWill lbe the guesf speaker S vic-e at 2,00 au '7.39. (D.S.T.) R, AY 23rd A't by die OSha IWa Salvation Ariny Baud ADMISSION: to Supper and Baud ConcertIj Aduits $1.25 Chiidren .GOc. NE WTON VILLE from Bowmaiville and Bill DarhI'ing- tonws in the vilage fromi Kinig-ton for the ýweek- end. Mr.Win. Uiw as bee-n-,i sit- Ing lier niece, Mrs. C. Jones, Orono. MAi-ss Mlary J'ones, Bowmianville, camie down Saturýday to attend a Birthday parity ýof >ne of her old chunis. .Jacy Glover and hlis -wife and fam-l ily were bErnor the wveek-end. Mvr. and Mi-,. Wayne EII%tt wr haine over the weeýk-end. Wayne is on a job a-t Grand B"end, which is norihi of ýan! o Lake Huron. Grand 1Bend la quite a siimmi-er -re- soit and Arniu:îismnit park. The're is ciute a fine antilque sho>p- hei>e and] for a simil fee can go for a 1isuneh rid ayrtme KENDAL Mrs. J. Jilisen speat Saturday ev- eniing with Mr. and Ms M. Robinsuon On Sunday Mr. E. Smnithi and Mrs. L, Fiee of Toronto -were their visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass and Ronnie an.d Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byers of Por-t ope motored to Nia- gaa Fals arnd Buffalîo on Sunlday and report the countryside looking love- !y.1i Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Gordon anid Joqan spenit the week-end w-ithý ier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Putton. Misfl Myrtle Falls of Peterhoroughi spent the wvee-k-end with bier mother Mrs, F. Falls. iss Juaniit'a me'-i-cr and Mr- P<W, ni Per rb uh ~etthe ek Hrer'b'ert MYercer, 1ue ruooer rings tbo ~n an diproceaýsing wenv1ý MandMs. Nq. ~shw.Sugg7estions ýfiln the nij BAM. and Mî c - Thertell and bers Wone rguested and usefufl dorge Clîar spenit the hin.s were learned. '~eekeoî~ at tèer respectve summer 's here. lThe hostesseýs for 0the atro U rs.Wmn. Pa1tterson, mr. W. -Cwan Kenedy provided i an appetizîng niana nd Ro)ss isiediin nelunch aind a socal hlf hour sus en- ilage o n Strrday madnd atended theic szale cf _Mrs.Marcus Sopor. j 3veCI Mr. Cc-ci] Glass and A1r-.j *A vote of thanks s given to Mm-, Tnckson spent loda ith Mr ai ercerý for lier kint! hoscýit'alityv and WrC. Loyd Gî(dnasestnt n.The aftirnoon (cOn- cluded witfh the sinigjing of Got! Save 34r. andi Mrs. Lone - PýAe and the King. Toreen visitied wt Mrs. J. Hoskiu on Saurday, It ýwa s a fine day for the auctioni- Vîlscîors imîh Mn. and! M-s. To'ri ing Of IMrs. M. Soper's effeets on Fils were Mr. aind, Mrsý, Hr Saturday althougli a cocl wnd sprang Lttie, Gyary andi Dennis, fHeal up in the afterno{m. A Otrge crowvd FaM--. andi mrs. Arthur all;swas on haut!. Marlene ant! Jerry- of -B-w-a-ni-i-l-e and Mn. WtiMrs. Lew Hal1lowýell of I Starkvile. il Ét tel- FARM NEEDS BLACK- LEGOIDS ff4,~For iinoclatinig catte agaipt blackleg efore pastuing YI$ ~ ~ BACKBoUlGGeSoS1 ids$10 RLCLd frueG inAG ESSnryIyoSrne lldss ý 50 doses.$2.77 :cine $-D Veteri1ary Jlypodermic Syringe Syringe, ' 4c erately deliveres from 1 to 10 ce -- Price, >es ..... O COn>Ple îwith two needies.. .........-.......$3.25- ~ V ~ Treatments For occidiosis Shîpping Fever Vact For use with Veteriuary HypoS 10 doses ---- 1.20 50 dof Î~~ TAe ew Ffeti R 1IN' *Easy to tuse Vet-Aid oxaline boerttieoi 100 $250 Sulfaquin- Tablets, JSmaliI50c. Medium S. r4 ÏýLa1ge 1. 3.tJiJ hIIFF 1 otte of l25 34,8 WN e have a large stock of ail t hte. recognized treatn u s f r a ttsiin m u o g e , e c -MASTITIS BLOTTERS - A simple g:d accurate detec or of Mtts package of le blotters - 5. CROW "TRYCHNINE - 18e and 35c. For the certain destruction of grouÜd-hogs. Easy o use. 1 lb. u .----$137 5 pconomy size .00&O VETERINARY GÉIDE FOR FARMVERS New facts on the diagnosis, treatmet and prevention -of diseases of farm aninas. This book profusely illustrated, is the most practical, authoritative and understandable wmrk on veterinary medieie that las ever been published for the ayman., -- Cal in -iid see this unusual Guide. Priced at each ........... $4.50 bIRoNO TYRRELLL'S üf'uG1J S&C% 13TOAR8 »%E ONTARIO animals, bags, etc.)j UQ Mr.HyMerrer g'ive ndemoni'01 atiaît n n e n n~ rhabarb alïd pinsea~pppe.thi he jfr, stc- A'L 'f VisitSrs wîth M.and Mrs. Jacký TRESwaE !:F k were -Mr. aýnti Mïs. T. T*IEATRE arbutt cf Toronto and I rs. Les. - B O M A N I L L R eid , M ary and, B ert 'f c C "ooed FRIDAY- SATURDAY - MAY 18- 19 ilCreekz. Mr. and Ms wabikand ~family attenided a farewehl party "n Oshawa on Smitwdy a f riend o Ilis goimg to visit bis home( in Czechi- -alvakina for a few months.1 d YNNBaBbal tenl s al teanyfis nt SOutb DurliaiLegue, Orono and Bailieboro. On the 241th cf Ma y a t sun will bc- Played at Kendal ark (Onova Kendal), Aceordi~ to 1'1 easgue regu.lations altem ar1e makinig al2-5c. admission chargej to their gaines. - ----The W. 1. mjet at the homre of Ms 0 %Roy Mercer on -WednesA-day frno C RTO iN "ECHNICOLOR May ath, iVh a good 'ntteudance. 7TH EXCIT11 G CHA EH R BATM -AND ROB ,-" Mr. Norman Kennedy, the iew pý.e- sien v as in the chair. Themet ION. -TUES - ED.AIM 21- 12)-3 ng opened with the Singing cf "0 Canad" an theInstitutie Ode ai thle installation cf officers was conr- d ee h rs;elby Grant cf Bw mavie.The ceremnony waýs on- chid >y repeating tihe Mary Ste.- IIT Cr e~waîrtCohat. The rolli eau was "A S' reoiîpe usmng rhubaiV and many cf WU~EIFthese -,eciPes used oranges or pine- I5I~au *apple w-ith hýcopea MWUSICAL ~tive programmlu inHome Eeonomýics was studiet! and th'ree hofies e,3ýre mae ia the Dliit pormm i Short cuts for the honema , 2 Br iiigliten y our 'home w* clur (3) persnalit'y ind'- snluthe flrncihl lui ,/~ 4 .9 . Programme ýý hree cisoces Nwere aise made (1) Oveni meals '(2) The sch--oi ~ ~ ~ J W / I U , 4 N D l u n c h i n i yo u r c o m mn u n i n y . d ( ) Y)21etni ilg owar. T rgadiolh ~ ~ ~b)otfhs at the Juiie Fair te ý-he,- j~qw sr~qé.,sran June ' 7th at 1.m. i id cf the Lde'Au-xiiiary Memniaî H1 fospi seswere o);",ani7Cd fo r 'bf L.jt- m ..Z, -tl- Phone NEWCASTrLE LIONS ÇLUIB Umm.l Newcastle ComrnunityaHall Thursday, May 24 tb 20Reua Gamnes Speelal Gamies - Ï e Game Share The Wea/Ith - jack Pot PROCEEDS FORMLINS IVELFARE WORK Sport Shirts, Ladies Rayqn Cellasueeroli1 collar. . J cap sleev,,es., ass;orte<1 coirs, SJzes SM., L., ea. 98e Pyjamas, Ladies' RayO Clls assorteci colors, each ef &lag9 $2,98 I GoId Meda] Orange Pekoe Tea with slep t tea- Spoon in each package, com- 44. plete for........... 69c. Steele Briggý9s Lawn Seed, box.....c Palm-olive Bleauty Soap, 2 regular cakes for..........19C. '.-L U, ,'l pac[ piçg, Shortninglb. pit 14c- 39e. 31c. 14c. No taste In Fowl

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