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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1951, p. 5

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~s .C~ns and daugliter, Ganibsy for the holidýaiy and week- ,',, inatV-eded the May Day Fe3-'e!ad1.1 tivual at the Ontar$lo Laies' Collegel Qpl. R. E .Mills of Whiteiorse, Y.1 WXhiitily, oSy T., 'who 's taking- a sýpecial four w,,eeki Thboseitrete in playinge- cus in Ottawn is spending e -nis are requosted to be present on' k-end hMrs K. Ganisby and Sud aftemaoon e)n t the- cour~t inUhe faniî1y. loeal p'IMr. a1 nd Mirs. John Arastroag left ,Mrs. G afla nd Patsy adKen-foT4utnslstweongote -neth of Tor-onto are with Mrs. K. illne-ss of tiheir son, George. C'àEr àMAN NAILOS ALL SIZES, Priced at........ 6.50 per keg Black wire .. 13e per lb. Steel ýFeiice Posts ea. 81c j in good conditioî se71Ing f .... 56.$ PrepapeGas $tves FR0 LUs 'AND SAVE Compiete stalatipn ýÊ Plus Two anïks ofGas 630 NO RENTAt OR SERVICE,_CHARGES Try The N4w Sens$tional Rubber Base SUPER SATIN $2o20 a qte Made By The Makezrll of Kemn-GIo and Kem-Toue Rtolpmh Hardware AND R ,AIRSPHONE Dane. und s io', c 47Î rMIZ ;11ýRlêl7 Articles will be pich-,- up ad delIhvred-' at -our door. 'UA,ýR A. EED SAT ISF A CTIO-N WILSON CENR PORT HOPE -ONTARIO O Mote EquimefltPrivate Ambulance Northcutt and S'Demithg fi Funeral Directors and Furnitur@ Dealce KINDNF1SS COURTESY SERVICE, li ElluiPped te tftke are of the modeat funeral at the mrot gesnal chargt aw:iè1:s lath e t andg Tlephoen,: ffice 668 - Realdence:- 523 and 726 Telephone Collect Bowmanville, Ont. g PARK ST. A. E. Eustace gSUNDAY, -MAY 27th 1.W $un'day School fil 0"i.an The Church. in Our I 30P.iM. Kiry, "Oddfellows' Il Real Estate I $,6.Newcastle residence (;f 8rooms. solid brick,. detached. rivate driveway, combined workshep and garage, lovelY grouinds on quiet street north otf Community HIall. furnace, electricity. low taxesearly poS- session,1 reasonablie terms opýIen for off er. $,0.Conveniently located on accessible road, 1(l0 acres level land suitablel for ref or- esting. MjýOrtgage funds available ý on l.mproved property. Leroy Hamilton BROKE R Office 32 r 10, Res. 1 r 16 * Orono, Ontario INSU R ANCE la ail its branches Fire, Automoibile, labiIity, Life, Hospîtalization, Wind Plate Glass, Burglary if yon are fig Drin a ying any of 1lte folloWîn Electr I A plia»À Radios Teevision; S ,ýle Ey ýment Fe ~iI , oofiang Or a price a 1paindinig T~\Phonle u Lewi Orono Ail Merchandise and Wo,7rk Guaranteed and our service cannot beibeat. Coleman & Philp Electric PORT FHOPE ES lb. f or 69c. Leain Breakfast Bacon, Slice'd Bologna, Canada Packers, J sliced Pork Chops, welI trim med,I v. for for 59C. 49c. lb. for 65c. GARDEN FRESH 1FJýUITS AND VEGE T 'ABLES QUALITY GROCERIES Bananas, Golden ripe.............b.19e. hie Ilonnet Margarine........._..... l,4C AsprausTeder fes ------------------- A , 3c- IMcCormic's Orange Blossoms Lettuce, Large firmn heads a- 7.Io .oiý ----.............-------c- Tomiatoe, Special.......... .....------ - s--- 2 9c. BR.- eih........ 1 z.3c Phone 12rt COR NISUH -TUE RED & WHITE STORE - ~Orono, Ont. Local News Phione 9 r 1 wiî h your persontais Mns. Perey Lurnn ef t l!sýt wEeç'k v vî'skýit m urther, Ms.Phillîps ,li Texa s. M rs. R. A. FoXrestu spent the week- end -ni Toronto, a- Alýconaýi Beach Lakesiqncoe. Mm and Ms J. Claîrke ind m and Mss. J. Clkrl<eJ. and littte daughter ,Donn& wifront Toron!to, M. and Mlrs&W. pneOsiwwr Srunýdray visitors w!iËh, Mir. amud Mrs A.î Stauiders. Mss. Atikilni Arceher, Lnsy pn the wýeek-end ait J. E. Richards. Mrs. J E. Riàbletmds spenIt the wxeek visit- ing n St. Catheries. w e Mvs. A. Brissie rlst wé with Mr. and Miss. Laumencie . Hiarris, Khib y. Mr C. S McLaren njttended the Coisi Dealer's Cýonvention in Toronto on, M'oïlday nd The-sda,-y. IleaCher Lodge So-î-1Calubinh hed a very suceessful erooking sale and af- teqnoffu tea on Sattfrday Inftemoro. A anan of arolini fifW,ý dolIlars was1 ïrenlized frmu ins entr Mr. anïd Mi-s. HdH'inicock and -l-mily.Biie, visited Mr. and Mm. slnd'Mrs. A1ileon aonsd fanljly:Toonowere hin OýrcnO over ri the wee(k-enýd. Mrs J. Robertson, Miss A. Robe-mt- son, Mm. Robert Ro'beurtson, Toronto' vstdwith Mr. Geo. Pre on Mmfi. and Mrs. Archie Watson an iBetty Ann spfenit the we-n il m.r and Mrs. Alex Wtsn Betty Arinnrmhtdfoa loumer viit- l S Mm. and Mss'ý. H. P. Rickaby, Mrs.ý AddJison Rickalby, Toronto, Miss Audrey v iiîs Osfiawa, wvere week- end guesits otf Mn. and Mrs Carl lMm. iild mrs. Don Gilhoýol nid Jeff of Bowiman'ville, Mr. and r R P. I Rickamibv, 'Mss A. Rickaby, Tolofnto. Mm. anc] Mss. C Bill ings and Audrey s;pent Surndny with '.nMr-.anid AMs. H. J. Smuch -and Miss Harry Bailey. Onl Frïday evening lust, în LerskardJ Unute'd Church, t"Jhe ladieis of the W. A. lield a veQry successiffl concert and social blouir whidhl was grnekily enjoy- ed by al who atteinded. Thtsinis' Vo the - fine support of the ln-i-iy froni Orono, Kirby and other Claxrke areus thie clrurch wi well filled. The ïiet pro-ý ednof $837.35 will be ndded t,( the' fund being aceu lie for imrpirov-ý 1enrents t'O the Sun&ây Schol mooni 'Th-e Cficers and Meribers of Oroo oge No.4,36 1.O.0.F. are mer- ques'ted to aittend churclh Sunvday, 1 t Kirby Unîted Ohurcli Sunday, Mqy 2t7th anc 3 p.m. meet nt School, Proceed to tire Cijurcil. Briothers etý us "Ill tumu o-ut fos tih4s Service Quite a niuntherp of ur people at- teidced th- 1Pedicajtion services at Tvrone Unjiied OhilurCh SînayMayj 2tt.It iis js' os ear since fn Conregtiin Larte'd Vo 'nva the, Churcli, gîiviltg tihe build'inlg a thor- ouigli overhau11ling. LreCioa iin serfvice adRer Milto Sa-le son of, Par1kPaeUte Curl Tüoruto nias theguest si)eaer. Remember the dfl-îis ac May 2411n. Proreefis for Bovwanviille Memnorial Hspit1 bd ad Mrs. O. W. 'Mip , rAntiMms. W: H. Carmail vis-ited reîlivesiii Pielton on Snsy ve.W HutLton, BlaksiFtock, was i chrge of the Uni2ted Chiutrh ser- *viceSý at Oir-ono. andi Kirby -is Rey. A aE. Eiustace wae 3ndithgSiiid*iy mi School Aniesir evcsnet j 1 Blackstrock.1 aut hone forsmtimhaiItre to To-onto Gnea Hospi'tal- MIjFr Russ7eII Major le tite-t a 1ed a numher of his iend> on Monday nfteimoon, the üoeeison b Pi:ntIgbus tenthbsleny T he Il gupst of ionour, Mi ss , ean Raiey an asobide eleet, -,as tak"en bysu-rprise on Tuesdiay even- MsLosTurýneri and Mis. W. Car-- man heid a n!selaeu Irqoser in~ he lonurPThe sowrwa eld at thef- hnme of Mi--. W H. Carn-ni uwiih sýonuetfiity ftýýincis of tihebid-o be pliesenýt. Con gaua'n to Mi,ýss Mary Alm Boume nd Mv. Roysir, ho wre uinited in n.nig on SrturdaIy ls at N'ewrastIýe. Bowling Club Meeing Due to thue grea-t ions weail fecI hrghthec su'den asg of oUr in- ind to neeessa ry o aI av nneet-I tle re m 1(nT seas n nd el c t Inew ' -of- fieors Tis-s1 gsian-d gante anti we11 wuant okep it aWive i'rono-11. A il aIctiv-eeunid pspciebwe r invited Vo i'[tc-ndièauioven îei-ng b4 ild iri Leilo 'vHamilV1on's ff o-nMoiy evenfing, M4ay 28th at 8 p. n. rianToAtn A-NNUAL Live Stock Jut(ging mpffpetition Saturday, M4y 26th Barooklin eoikRal Qntario CountY A c i a epresen&atve has kindly invited us-to join with hemp Registration 8:15 a.m.tlà8:45 a.mi." ,udging starts sharp at 9 00 a.m. Bring Your Lunich Ail Junior Boys and Giris under 30 years ýare invit- ed to take part E. A. SUMMERS, Aýgricutltura-ljjRepresentative Durhami County Watson's G 'rage SALES AN~D SERYIU'l FORD, MONARC II CARS aé lTRUCK1-'S FORD and FORI)SON TR ýCl'ORï and EQUIPMENT WHITE ROSE GASOLÉINE AllP OIL GREASING - CAR WA BING Phone 42 r il -- -- -- OonoOnt During the hours of your bereave- ment our atm is >to do, everything in our power to lighten your bur- den. HART LEY H. DARLOY FIJNERAL DIRECTOR Phione 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone ARMSTRONG'S,- Children's Silk Panties, lace trim, size 4 - 14 years, seil- ing for...............---- 75, Chuildr-en's Priat Dresses, em- bûro)idered trim, size 3 -6 22 G-*iml's PrntPresses in differ- ent styles and color- size 7 to l1 years. $2 25 to $3.00 ChiUlden'sý Sandal with crep)e or neolit sole, coors red, brow1. green $3.25 te $3.75 Girl's 3 -' rap1)e Sandals ia biite Or 4mie, size 10 - 3 $ 3.7 5 Girl's Weagie, size Il to 3 1-2 color wine priced at $3.9.5 Woeasport Sho 11inleath- Or canv s, nlo,$3 95- S6.95 Sit~agCeas.25 p.c. off for Cash'. Now Illeweathem is warîner, Sot Cottes twin Fest see morSuindrosses,Jrs Swi n its-, iCttoa S ts and Mulses, ai sizes ,aned Old Nippy CREESE L~ bO0 SALTED PEA-ýNUTS ib. 3ce galfdly, Jersey, Crepes, Taf- fetta and aruset, rced from * 15.M10Io 25.(0 yl-on lipsai Pnte lace, trim, ie3 to 38, Priced at.$20 to $7.9.5 plastic cottA"ge Sets, white with patter, pic ed .$32 llasstc ranes 11a different coloe, priced $1'.95 to $83 50 t l ui Bo ue D r-esses al i aNw xstyles, pricedl $3.501 to S'5 95 Boys stripe cotton Alle Sockýs size (6 te 01-.price .*.59C. WM-tie"s coýtton nkieSocks elastie top, piced -.. 45c. Z.~o, nw dssrt.pk............ Chocolate Bars, 4 for ..... 25c. No. ý White Honey, 4 pound nail ................-'. 95c. Grnve's Apple Juice, 48 oz- tin for ........ ....... 27c. Pure Marqke Syrup, 32 oune botefor ....... >.... $., MTanile Leaf Soap Flake~s and 1 bar of Soap) for .......7c Linton's Tomnato Veg-etabie Soun. ),3 pakges .....25c. K.irly Kate, package ...... 15c. BEEF - PORK - Hlome Kilied FRUITS and VEGETA'ABLES Ceiery Bananjras PIlelapp$e New Cùbbage N N5 's' MN N 18 r 2 'N 's N N 'N 'N 'N NN 'N '-N MN 'N s- -N ~ N I -Ni MN 'N MN N N * 'N ~M. "N 'N 5,, N 'N N 'N M. s. N N-I N -N MN s N -N ~1 N.' 'N N-I s' s' t-' s' N N. N s' 'N N DI s' j::1 q4 $ :1:1 w VEAL 1- - ill

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