We to eailycforg t iatth Chinos peopo aretino nosýtan- word. hei rots o atk coni- tiîîunsly or etLess tinre, anti m'ore ealyfor hosat years, anti po j tical istitutiîons have ail remanin georapicaly lcalizeti oursbav 001 Ltis icreio tat MoemCina t rastantyli b ogIntlototeoito n tsonî Ouit) ,roblem bil!Cina i onl ail f si. s ntin e ot develo a ue ýunersthediWgean now policiesito ard h reoltin-. Asias pasatcimass1,9es.TenAtich ;rse nd slutionls wihdevelop insChîa-cneerningquestions of populaion grow1h andfood sup- ply, ,of livinýg sadrs eo cratic poeseo f1 inustjilx- ti0onand lnatio)nalU caviSmo the idvda' eaint oeo TheModm Cino wtbwichil e mericans haveContact is a thnvnersed ihtlyuice-ver mýthe sufc fan ancienttiviato baîfa cotinet. Bt it is ctoff miomus y arriers of language, maeia tanýdar-ds, and social ta- bSAmricns have no direct onatwith he profuse remnants of ohi clur.Our knowledg»e of itmut e mdae ho anducated pople te otheof0rai and ar comuniation thebook and ewsaper i0the odnizedP tin o otn ru fe i0 C in -fn ticiantsin te nebs ie tice massmOveent5in wicetpo1 ar onduliu eath and b- lnd ti ev îa hself Std Chinds sChityA rohted 3n alie cnlur~ltradtio, Lt isthes ancsidit and traditonalCinese 50-c Fying Strart - Jim Busby, 2-4- yecîr-old outfielderý with the Chicaigo White Sox, demon- stra.tes the swing that bas mode himn a leading crndd.idae for rookie of thse yecsr ,honors. He hopes to keep the pace 4viich mriode him the major lecgue '-ee fter 32 times ae bat ,vith~ a .531 average. ro- tino ati- 2ps îliy ;ss. ige .th, (00 ry- lay go 'o- s-,, Snead lbas won every mjor golf crow,-0en to aprofe!ssionial ex- ceptig one He bs copped the Matrte PGA, the Canadian Open, tno Wostrîî Ope , oBn- tisil Open anid played on evra victorous Ryer Cup rteamis. Hle bas evo en C Ithleading oney- wiinoer in the lastw esos u one prise bas so fareluded mhim, and Lbtat kithe mort importt; ýof June14-6 h's oin totr'y once more for tho Ntinal wich il 10 irminh al, , Me I chýi gan, j"', 'c,'ý ýJ ', 1937, lin e frtalmost won te Nat ional, Thýt "-as te Ime whe he os ti uoo o vetedof al; thiis cnietsgolfrize oRalih Gudals eord rI ai soeof "Back to the scenle of the rie, amylaughingly pt it recently. "That was surely sonne totoiýnment ehaithere in 193," Snead re- minicedin is estVi*rginia dnaw, "heyhat thec ictory cele- playerstlon fth course dii n apparnt cancetro catc Cfi- shank vas smeiyoug 171nfame I oudcrc nderesran t0"vIu! dit"Sm ealtioli irît Natolf. e,"udIfn Ished0oe stroke voff te r cd t a 283 tota, "bt steroks ahead of1 hamionship \VdO 1310 andstartedo loseyou nd cleraiosn.,Atal, ' "ralph ulahfil iVas 01 te ohiath grn when he hedabopla my s.Ofcorigint tteehe sank a needtiwasthtouray pa golfto e m- e Homfnhed with a 69on sce ors. W-seen nndr pr. udde campioship, amnewouNational ýo reclv od, andthie thirdand fienal ic * .4 t'art ' e ooig p a itfornead itis h pNtionlpret tserthere is aleguodoc possibîlity t he mayhe rete fromilear-lng t our ame,-nt golf. yth coss "J in lve t play glf, Snead- omme,bu afte roong on th eartoumnament trailyu starto aloe wyou enthsism. Atallyio I'd ther p2ay iffrnta frinlysfursoe tanina stot amenilg t.,o' lt to 0play-the tai i'.ey :Itrajl muci longer. 0f corse ott whSýen yo)uge ýetor thikngtcturi a geprd youe50 som fan obbiig along relize hat hecame out't'lse o play golf, z Oncgivegouaetuendou lîft." Vvel So ce._Id dI r* * ïts * n illI Thtgsaperto eaokig- e~ ~~~~~~ýc bilo rtsn pr 'petg Iany h Cmrdeeih-ae worl-no becuseof hïîs outsta;l ing reoda itltei n ogan to on c acclont of ilis oorun Sain, who rePaches the ýripc old 8a -fior a gofe-f37 this moni thiniks ithat goUl as beconne far ti seriouýs absnssltl "Eve body is btisy pracising ail (1 lonýg," he ays, ialdÉthen ithey tobed erl.Itson appy- lucky like itwasïin th)e old da vetobligedti t o prate 10iiicondi- tionis totaily dIifferent to those x. perieuicet i iteir 0o1, countmy. Tiner-e vas nio hidi(ity , no sunr- shienofapetialy partisn cnowd anti 10 blti puches on tipnddietiof play. Instead thy iatici breoxes, dm11 greyovcatsy tive o eltineSMt's fobalartistry, anti a, hilusncrelfvle ro Argetinin socer tren"gth bm been smethin l0f mstery in neý opno iIthe FBa1:ilitiani s, mt WVilner WaS neigiior Uruiguay, over hich\rgenltilna bas a margin of 8 ins to 6. Lt wstherfon conceded that tino Argentinos wene2 et leat as he Oqil ti o tino "WOnd champonsEvidecei in support of no feWu erha 180 payers at fabu- UmgaSpaitn, Italy sud France, the Argenios nomratd 22 players WhO ere withidraWil fr'om routine, enggemntsfor two WOk'intenl- sive traiinig. [nciluded Wer-e ail five( flrst toum forWards of the CShanion, RacingClub i Beos Airelere Engisin soccer etuissPioneer- ed tino South Amieiican garne in 1865. Eeypsiino ino01efield ofpay" sdulcae.Tinosquati amedthe odne of ail Ar- gtilincntn Illenocountry's sportinig upsurge thiat mîWýs5 5dra- maticaly displayed et the recoent ightig fit ani fnlly eqntipped even to jheetent of a big Supiy of beetsteaks, the Argentînos an- rivïed iii Engianidwhceethin rWei- core ne W i dindiet cont to tde iceetweather Th)ey vereý feted by mhe 1Lord Mayor of Londolýn and svrlotheri civic dignitanies, They Weegiven thino freeom of evory- th009g except tino frý,edom iof London itself. On arîiviitg et W-\embloy tineir nmanager, GieroStabile, said "This 'is veýry min ljmetter of Prestige fow raus.Weotîgint to pull it off." Until theo ,lth mnute of thne second haîf Stabile Was going1to lo right A goal hoaded by Mario Boye, a powerfully butl lef t Winge r, knoWn on theo Buenos Aires hiea- chers as "El jAtLomico" b)ecausIe of blis sPeetif and thriist, had put Ar- gentine in theo lead ti tlieo l7 moinuite nidaIl attemlpts by Enig- lands forWartis to penetrte tino dsfenc meenbeaten downThon carne ono ofai'those eiodswiich noergo danwoll with a àBritishn Sp)oning cod-htappearedti f be an exaggeated focrs of a physical hrCulprit was rigint-back Juan Colman Whoseo Wnihings after a. legitimaec nkleceaseti only after ho a bc"inencallel ta order by hi TFio Argenftîios frnkly cotness- ei intens disle for tinoEropean hbtof shoult2der charging. WhTlen i as elzeti that Refer-ee 0. M. Griff!ih5 rf Wa.les, WI'o bas batia STARTED PULLETS Wang Éte ove et ocf satgy( ci'? Order new from Ti.haenp 0 tnp Farm. PooI "l as ble Bre Sn, Burtootn, Ot DYIN tNI) CLEANgNu3 AVEUynanythîrgneceed dei'r 2do are glati 0;ï, wecour usin V a , tîm en i E. P r ker ý D rIsf p n l L m It E j79,1 Tonge St., Tormnte lJ unOa. 10-arefarm,th bil 7-roem ýhouse wuhbth tce ites coui Vie. Ontaie 80COONESItallin Hees. 115 fret Langntroth), futhltequipment wil 00W extrade, tk. Bargain, for eut' sa le. tHaïry 11ft;, 83 Patriciae-Avenu Oshawa, Otie. Pono 6543,ý P A C E A CI K TBees. uens es suppliee "Every-thina te oupybthe he-keeper. Cook', upisAnr.ounant. N0l. Hl iaba. ai,'.n. rfr m ber Sma;l.Severe BrIdge.Ont EQ_'UIPHENT franalApiary fer casl, W.O.avyAmntP.OOt CIANT WhilePeidaodDukja Forme imite, Uxhrdge,,ntani cent, R. 2. Ha ion, iýýtiýiIio beeliing auuseiapaseen faim shlouldencagete ro finos gave as gooti !as iny o But tbecy ,Wur*e>o1iuttayet, Ottlayet ant otenrlid Goskeper Rgil, buriy mous- tacbiedmgnfieneiati bs tomïi of rolling arounJ[ti in roînianti inig a stocin bCI iglinbail thalt hati corn ethimlike a rcktfr-om centre fradJackie Milimnr, but most other timies hoe was in tine air leapîng upWaîrds, 5idcways ,anti do)wnWards deflectinig siots from every imember cof tinoEngis for- ward lide. Shnotscanesi0 at aH angles andthein il Argenino- sub- stÎiutes hiti their haiii epar ing relief a.s the( bal flashi loff tlino uprjigints, ortfinocrssndid eýveryîhbing but, go inýto the,3ne, Thon n fo hat À h inteofth secondhiaîf cae tino eqaiizinig goai l frontth] e hai tof Stauley, Mortonisen. heraftrlte balsel- doreac thetn ngii aîf o-,'tino 50edtiandtihtnoArgenine's tenjrnio wes invadedti w ithdeermination. Milburn it Wa-s ihorammietihm tfinowîiggoal lninle i mliusfrn days previouisly,.on tino sen1lýte trf, scoudOttno tWOoasluht gave bis club tne coveei E nglin ationIal Challenlge Trophy, buit tne rarnf applause lue got ton eremor rippios as comparet ito WMtt10 -Englisinfans lot lose et ibis Vicory over Argentinie goa, THE SERJOUISNESS of, a tinid worti ocar As not been tinougit about by Ilolerg person. Ho stili thlinksý A-bomins, makýe oar easy, WAK E UP YOUR LIVER BILE - Wîthcutt Caioýmel--And Y4301I Juelp Out o Bed in ffhe Mornitng Rarn' to Go The tvrsol pour mnt ashoot 2 pim.tqc hie nSebyurdigstve ra t verydy 'jif t tisie le tlwindgelfreey, ïor fodm Liver Pille 10 get these 2 pinte cof hile flow- GeL spacagetody ffective jeà,~ n ile flow freely.Actfer Cr~' ,ieTi pille, 3 Let ar.;!', 1 ýo- ,a' e ta Di te Lg. Le ici it it le, L. 1 BABY 62Ill KS îl' woutd Ê you look op (Ge hle os c coure. spulet thaLZ y 0 gsaya Aifs Woth tic a mchas etht a C511 egas, ewhn bytgclcs mk Catalogue., Gucîplio Ontarte WOUrla e 1n',ie 1c e12e ad e3 or fohyaregs rLttaiy heyer rond pien wo u'cota taus im eia tl e- gardtg sppyig s it htcin et for he 152 htehig seron nd ou cen mae hi t ra money. 1 on 'cerne. you. ractieijy he yer ar 1nd, o' deieycontat "os toceas lae ue fI1L, WANr1y SINGLEInan en tpOiiOdeiry anaý- Mixed f*ilrmîng, ia ee F go . t e experience. R.-..WinfctertInSou vt.Ot in meli oeï hm.oochidLiv2 in, ppy5' himoeAvenue, ý)ý, roto orn, phn Rcad7743.- T$JUC HALH NUESE1 C5 vaFPORT ARTIIfi TWo P1UBIIC lHEATHjNURlý,sES ce- rurd let Auguet. 191. Stertiing selry 2 00.0 ih annselInerease of 0130.0 uer!anum )te aximium 0 $2.40. 0. Povioe eporience ,oualifies for ahLebtrln ;alIary. State onatfcaton ,en ,e-irnce. Apply te Arcur . Eene SeretryBoard of 0340.00 for 7 3 ad,$j0,0 fo 2-1,ad 11-7 per month ,,iil fuitmineane Apply Soperintcedent of NureClin- pleau, Ontario. ail- e D. ed, FETHERSTONB,ýFA 10 omay ten t SotMiior. ,, 'he,180 Bf Bey Street. r,,!te, i kete nfra PERSONA regrewtýh. New hometraten. roc informatien. Thalia Podute 32 Wet Ave., Toronto. h I lieu ca' eat chie Price anywheret mpr "90" 2-ptow traCtor with the famousi WtysJeep engine, 40 h.p. at thebot 2~hp tthe drawhar. Complote, wýith 6 sn.eedtranmissonstarter, ltiht, bi s'ut , hdraie fcseat, tua type rce tires. Pîcsare, ising, tractera.wtl h neareeýI-nvrite for a free tolider td FALCON EUIPENTCO.LTD. W53 Leytcn Ave. - oot Black 1ef--Ï ARN,1aw RÏEADER'-S DIG'EST ansti other " eecIve AT at OJEkje icson 0 an .etsafeat for Itu-r Mens andi livestock; You mix only one part,,'itiî 19 parts of corn meai or otiner acceptable 1ait. Teetoiese, odorieso Black Leal WAR4"ARIN nover causes "biat sinyese" -rats and mine continue toc0, st outi tine ntire colony 18 deetroy et. auh directions are on eacin package '-ilw availainle at tirug, hardware " ; .cf boit) $3.00 Ify&ur dealer con't suppiy, send motney order te.- DUNN SALES LTD.' ORONI'o MONTREAL WINNipEe ý4R >iViS ST., TORINTfO ISSUE 21 - 1951 / N CRESS CORN ;SALVE - fer sure retlief. your ri itste(ES FRUIT .jUICES: MIE PRNCIPAL INGEDI- ENTS IN DIXON"S REMEltDY FR"CRHEU;ý- MTCPAINS, NELURMTS. MNOSDRUG STOpRE $25EXFPRESS PREPAIO Twe Frmul,,"fr s'tfaddresced onu- vaoe nnd2.0 atsatinUeriated orheuvn r tenoy refunded. eLyse.'o ham, . N. r oînne. Aia. ,! P. % x 6 3 QUITocigartte t, as ey s Tvaics:lUmiator, a stentitie tet the crethnsifern tebacco.drid e sya rstem e ntchltngc Ring Orn Phrma'eucznaCem- rLndýo,zi aOnt.tesfot w rspuFERER fromib tuattlemo Arbit POST'S ECEMA ISV IIS ost e ,nen , rec e af riee 880d ween St.s onrOte. Pe'n. Tlesem SIFalItl net disappeint yen.dseaee mutcaltnsramnt.burinaecaGseOece, atrepndraefl83 FortestelloaG. Ont.s eboteeîregreeNTSwsubopo ,NIEDICAL 1 N 1 1 T Nice Poýsture-In good standing, With ch-i,;>rractors k ,Joann -Ar- noUd,20, iThey voted henr "Gaod Posture Girl" of 1 951. To prove thse judge3s know their posture, Joonn st'rikjes a preuiy sea sid-e pose. AN -FFE to['A TineNTSý-Js f n AeNtOiiand fu0 evpnftnventur-Lsntcf In- vhentionsayeCo.,fegitfrmen senil %fr TeRe273sank SCe..Fegte t aetAt - 1 ENIfAýT lYS BES For rencr tnn3-~, ettr te ltng qualic ensilge, ou cnt b -t'Pie..ybriLe. PrideA 45A fo Vrly1ilage iiiveredA our statio . P1,D IYRSD OP FCND Chethrn. Otane THEGraamPio eveeth sot,7 OuiQ Ysiubeýo motr, fershhe yed. FoLv omï,n wie o vst Rde Fotteh inAbie Eyoel, Arm, la llad Ctof...etme $95 pp."oi ar, 194'ha. Sr... an.rnc 1 Calif.NTE OPPRTlUNITIES F011 SIN & W1XiMr1, BE A HAiRDRESSER CON(ANADA'S LAIOOH Great OpprtuinityLer Hetrdressing Pleasant digntied profession, good -wsFev Theusands ef sutcestul Idarvelgruse Anertea's tlreatent Syetemr iilustrated Catalogue 1Pros Write or Cati LIARVEL IA IEI)EESSINC, SCHOO'j 38 Bleor St. W., Torcinto Branches: 44 iRing St., Hamîlton 2I Rideau St.. Ottawoý- WEatey hve big n ut hsnee for ie tal]imon. Fcr patlelas, P YOLF ~UNG.RE TR BROR owntîp Pblc 5Sehos Aýrea, uualîfcatios ten ealay oxpc. Ex- isetrtID. Ir. Cite o l uneanOnt. QULFIED Proteatanttece, e J U), nship Sehool Area etChabr~l DI.tocfetTeminkamiýng.ehol1, 1mites frmO.N.R. bus lr, un.-ace ottg 01n the seheol Zgreund, Enre j ient1,£ See.Trea., KugerorfOnt. TEACHE crouta forS. No 0,Wn andsolry xpetedte John, M. Slh 11. 1, Therdale. Ont. lELAE ural, otl-heated,eho.00 mil frm lown On Paved'road rqie teecher fer att grades, sept., La.State' [uaJiflcalilons, saaary te H. lieans, . 1111,2, PaiOnt. 1110H SCHOOLARE DUIIHASS COUNY Haumes for Sp 1,15,Poetn lady teacher ton Hm cooiaGrs PTy. ad eoteC sbees e l a r y e h e d u t n p r a i n . m n i u $250:annueplyinefreet00.0 oxperience' if any, oaiianae nelarY exPecled and phono ubet Henry ThompeOn, Sece-Treas., o 7